Comparative analysis of chemical contamination of baby foods and primary pediatric morbidity

2021 ◽  
YuL Tikhonova

The safety of baby foods is key to a child’s health, which, in turn, is one of the prioritized national goals. As they grow, children get exposed to numerous negative environmental impacts. Chemical contamination of baby foods can increase pediatric morbidity. The aim of this study was to investigate possible correlations between baby food contamination and primary pediatric morbidity using data on 65 Russian regions collected in 2012–2017 by the Russian Federal Information Public Health Surveillance Foundation. The data were processed in Microsoft Word 2010 and Microsoft Excel 2010. Of 67,940 samples of baby foods analyzed for chemical contamination, priority pollutants (toxic element) were detected in 14.1%. The most contaminated were fruit and vegetable purees (47.1%), followed by milk formulas and cultured dairy products (19.9%). We also analyzed 32,914 indicators of pediatric morbidity. The Pearson correlation analysis detected reliable correlations between baby food contamination and the primary incidence of endocrine disorders in infants, as well as the primary incidence of obesity, diabetes mellitus and cancer in children aged 0 to 14 years.

Yu.L. Tikhonova ◽  
O.Yu. Milushkina ◽  
M.V. Kalinovskaya ◽  
L.M. Simkalova

Introduction. Maintaining health of the younger generation is one of the priority activities of Rospotrebnadzor bodies and governmental policy. Environmental factors, including chemical contamination of food, play an important role in health preservation. A constant intake of contaminants, even in small concentrations, causes malfunctioning of body organs and systems. Our objective was a comparative analysis of relationship between baby food contamination and disease incidence in children. Materials and methods. We analyzed data of the Federal information Fund of Social and Hygienic Monitoring of the Russian Federation. Results. The analysis of chemical contamination of baby food established that the main food toxicants included lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury. The contamination data in the areas were compared with disease incidence rates in the child population. We did a comparative analysis of contamination of food products intended for children aged 0 to 14 and changes in disease incidence rates in children of the same age in the Russian Federation in 2012–2017. The highest concentrations of heavy metals were measured in fruit and vegetable products used as first baby food by most mothers. We found a relationship between toxic elements in baby food and cancer incidence rates in children aged 0 to 14 (r = 0.27; p ≤ 0.05). Conclusion. Measures taken to reduce baby food contamination with chemicals will contribute to prevention and a decrease in disease incidence rates in children.

2020 ◽  
Hanny Puput Eliyarista Saragih

Perangkat lunak (software) adalah istilah khusus untuk data yang diformat, dan disimpan secara digital. Perangkat lunak tersusun atas program yang menentukan apa yang harus dilakukan oleh komputer. Komputer harus melaksanakan instruksi yang terdapat dalam program untuk mendapatkan hasil yang berguna. Ada dua macam perangkat lunak yaitu sistem software dan application software. Sistem software berguna untuk mengatur file, me-load dan mengeksekusi program serta menerima perintah dari mouse atau keyboard. Sistem software biasa disebut dengan sistem operasi (operating system). Sedang application software adalah software yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan. Contoh application software adalah Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel.

2020 ◽  
Hanny Puput Eliyarista Saragih

Perangkat lunak (software) adalah istilah khusus untuk data yang diformat, dan disimpan secara digital. Perangkat lunak tersusun atas program yang menentukan apa yang harus dilakukan oleh komputer. Komputer harus melaksanakan instruksi yang terdapat dalam program untuk mendapatkan hasil yang berguna. Ada dua macam perangkat lunak yaitu sistem software dan application software. Sistem software berguna untuk mengatur file, me-load dan mengeksekusi program serta menerima perintah dari mouse atau keyboard. Sistem software biasa disebut dengan sistem operasi (operating system). Sedang application software adalah software yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan. Contoh application software adalah Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-214
Joko Krismanto Harianja

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan komunikasi matematis siswa SMP kelas VII dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL) serta untuk mengetahui apakah keterampilan berpikir kreatif siswa memiliki hubungan positif terhadap komunikasi matematis siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP XYZ kota Bogor. Adapun kegiatan pada proses pembelajaran ini adalah merancang mathematics board games. Mix method merupakan jenis metode penelitian yang dilakukan dengan teknik pengambilan data dengan wawancara terhadap 5 orang responden, kuesioner dan observasi. Analisa kualitatif dilakukan secara triangulasi. Sedangkan untuk analisa kualitatif dengan menggunakan data yang diperoleh dari instrumen rubrik indikator keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan komunikasi matematis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi PjBL dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan komunikasi matematis siswa. Secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan uji statistik korelasi Pearson, diketahui keterampilan berpikir kreatif memiliki hubungan positif dengan keterampilan berpikir kreatif. Abstract: The purpose of this study is to improve the creative thinking skills and mathematical communication of VII grade junior high school students by applying the Project Based Learning (PjBL) learning model and to find out whether students 'creative thinking skills have a positive correlation with students' mathematical communication skill. This research was conducted at SMP XYZ in Bogor. The activities in this learning process are designing mathematics board games. Mix method as the research methodology that is used with data collection techniques by interviewing 5 respondents, questionnaires and observations. Qualitative analysis is done by triangulation. Whereas for quanitative analysis using data obtained from the rubric instrument of creative thinking skills and mathematical communication indicators. The implementation of PjBL could improve students' creative thinking skills and mathematical communication. Quantitatively using the Pearson correlation statistical test, it is known that creative thinking skills have a positive relationship with creative thinking skills.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.6) ◽  
pp. 50 ◽  
Pamela Chaudhury ◽  
Hrudaya Kumar Tripathy

Smartphone addiction is increasingly affecting the masses and is negatively impacting the younger generation. Several researches have been done to study the impact of internet and smartphone addiction. However no work has been done to predetermine academic performance from smartphone addiction using data mining techniques. A total of 222 University students participated in the questionnaire. The survey questionnaire consisted of demographic information, internet access pattern and smartphone addiction pattern. Data was analysed using machine learning techniques using classification models. The results further encouraged us to find the correlation between smartphone addiction and academic performance. Pearson’ correlation was used to establish that smartphone usage had a negative impact on academic performance. Additionally other attributes like internet connectivity and active involvement in outdoor sports activities were investigated. Experimental results confirmed a negative correlation of these attributes with academic performance. The findings were of immense use and could be used to reduce the internet addiction amongst the student community and also enhance their academic performance

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Martha Adelina Sihombing ◽  
Ade Agung Harnawan ◽  
Tetti Novalina Manik

Solar cell power monitoring software module in measurement of current and voltage has been made using data acquisition system device. This module is programmed by Delphi and designed according to the necessities for solar cell monitoring. Necessities for monitoring include many data that will be monitored, i.e: current, voltage, power, time and chart. This module will be integrated with hardware so that the data measured by the hardware can be acquired and displayed by the software module. All monitored data are also displayed through Microsoft Excel which then can be saved. Data acquired from the test are i.e: 0,05 A for current1, 0,2 A for current2, 0,027 V for voltage1, 0,15 V for voltage2, 0,001 W for power1, and 0,004 for power2.

S A Rahmasari ◽  
A Juliasari ◽  
W K Febryanto

Production planning is very necessary in a business process that aims to minimize the total cost of production. In this research, automation of production planning using data based on the Islamic boarding school business processes. This research uses descriptive research which aims to obtain information in the implementation of the business process planning of Islamic boarding school. The calculation of production costs in this study was carried out in Microsoft Excel by determining the total targets and raw materials of the Islamic boarding school business process, then calculating the production costs of the Islamic boarding school process until finding the optimal production costs for each student for 3 years. - The year of study is Rp. 1,242,542 rupiah / Islamic student for a total of 300 Islamic students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-127
Nuraida Latif ◽  
Muhajirin Muhajirin ◽  
Mashud Mashud ◽  
Ramlah P ◽  
Markani Markani ◽  

Posyandu is the center of community activities in the effort to provide health services and family planning. These trained Posyandu cadres are not only seen from the way they handle maternal and child health but also have to be supported by their ability to use computers in administrative management and data processing. The method used in this community service activity is a combination of tutorials, practice, and discussion or question and answer, as well as evaluation to determine the level of absorption of the training material. The office application materials provided are Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, and Microsoft powerpoint. Office application program training activities for cadres of Posyandu Anyelir 8 Block 8 Perumnas Antang were carried out well and improved the skills of Posyandu Anyelir 8 Block 8 Perumnas cadres in the use of information technology.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Ana Naela Nurhayati ◽  
Ahmat Josi ◽  
Nur Aini Hutagalung

Perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini sudah berkembang dengan cepat dan sudah banyak keuntungan yang dirasakan contohnya dalam bidang bisnis. walaupun perkembangan teknologi sudah berkembang dengan cepat, tapi masih banyaknya perusahaan ataupun badan usaha yang belum bisa memanfaatkannya seperti Koperasi Kartika Samara Grawira adalah salah satu badan koperasi yang bergerak dalam bidang usaha. Dalam transaksi sehari-hari Koperasi Kartika Samara Grawira masih menggunakan pencatatan data dan pembuatan laporan menggunakan Microsoft Excel dan Microsoft Word. Dengan cara pengolahaan data seperti itu masih sering terjadi kekeliruan pada saat melakukan pembukuan dan pembuatan laporan bahkan masih sangat membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui alur sistem transaksi penjualan dan pembelian yang sedang berjalan di Koperasi Kartika Samara Grawira untuk dapat merancang dan membuat sistem transaksi penjualan dan pembelian barang berbasis web, sehingga pengolahan data dapat di lakukan secara terkomputer untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat proses transaksi, memudahkan pencarian data, memudahkan pembuatan laporan dan meminimalisir kesalahan yang akan terjadi. Metodelogi yang digunakan adalah studi kepustakaan, penelitian langsung terhadap objek yang ditelitidan wawancara.Kata Kunci : Koperasi, Penjualan, Pembelian, Barang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (7 Edicion especial diciembre) ◽  
pp. 2-17
Damaris Betancourt-Avila ◽  
Rangel Porro-Cruzate ◽  
Mabel de los Ángeles Fuentes-Lorente ◽  
Darys Morales-Mesa

El destino playa Santa Lucia no ha contado con una oferta de comida sana que los clientes que visitan muchas veces la solicitan y el restaurante buffet Puerto Príncipe del Hotel Club Amigo Caracol no la posee dentro de su oferta alimentaria. El objetivo del trabajo es: Elaborar un procedimiento de oferta de comida sana en el restaurante buffet Puerto Príncipe del Hotel Club Amigo Caracol. La metodología para llevar a cabo la investigación se utilizaron métodos teóricos como análisis-síntesis, inducción- deductivo, y métodos empíricos (observación, análisis documental, encuestas y entrevistas). La población objeto de estudio fue de 385 clientes, una muestra de 146 para un 39%. Los datos se recopilaron mediante el programa Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel 2016 y los resultados obtenidos se procesó generando las figuras y tablas. Se obtuvo como resultados el procedimiento, el que está en correspondencia con las directrices trazadas por la organización en la actualidad. Muestra el proceso de oferta para de un ciclo de menú de comida sana propuesto para una semana. Se concluye que existe una contradicción entre los clientes encuestados respectos a que prefieren comidas vegetarianas, saludables, comer comida con abundante vegetales y frutas, con vinos, con grasas y a su vez no le gusta comer comida nutricionalmente balanceadas. El ciclo de menú confeccionado garantiza la aplicación del procedimiento para la oferta de comida sana y sus fichas técnicas sustentan el menú presentado, la elaboración y presentación de los platos para el servicio. Palabras claves: alimentación sana, alimentación saludable, menú, buffet.

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