Rebuilding Land Policy as a Base of Exploitation Right Preventing on the Land for Industrialization: Study on Mapping and Land Using in Social Function

Widhi Handoko ◽  
Purnawan D Negara

Policies in agrarian and natural resources is very close with economic liberalization that is the land exploitation for industrialization. The pressure of economic flows affects the political alignment of the economic power, so the bureaucratic system becomes weak. Das sollen concern with the industry is regulated with UU No. 3 year 2014 about Industrial and with PP No. 142 year 2015 about Industrial Area. The industrial provisions related to land rights are regulated in PP. 13 year 1995. According to Agrarian rules/Kep. BPN RI No. 2 year 1999, to attain the industrial permit, the applicant must obtain the location permit first which published by the Agrarian Office. Location permit is a license granted to a company to acquire the necessary land for investment, and it can be used as a license of replacement rights for using the land investment purposes. The government is very confident with the rules it makes, and does not focus on the economic impacts of liberalization that arise. The neglect on the environmental impacts to land rights exploitation, either directly or indirectly, has formed a "social system" that will interact in society, in the form of "system of expectations", so it becomes a very complex interaction which eventually emerges egocentric of human nature. A mutual relationship exists among the interested parties (it can be either positive or negative excess). Ultimately on behalf of the bureaucracy, the economic liberalization is born that puts the land on the economic function and market mechanisms, and keep away the social function of land rights from the concrete meaning of social justice.

2016 ◽  
Vol 95 ◽  
Triana Rejekiningsih ,

Abstract The objective of this study is to investigate the nature of the social function principles of land rights within the theoretical and juridical perspective and its implementation in Indonesia. This research used the sociological or empirical research method to view the effectiveness of law in society. The result of research shows that the nature of social function principles of land rights theoretically is an acknowledgement of individual, social, and public interests in lands. The juridical basis of the social function principles of land rights refered to Article 6 of Law Number 5 of 1960 regarding Basic Regulations for Agrarian welfare. The social function principles are materialized in various law norms that are land reform, land consolidation, land redistribution, abandoned land controlling, and land provision for public interest. The government through the National Land Agency controls land affairs as to protect its citizens’ land rights. The implementation of the social function principles of land rights is also done through the community empowerment program, namely: Pokmasdartibnah (community groups which are aware of land affairs) established by the National Land Agency and participation through Consortium Agrarian Reform, which establishes Damara (Advanced Land Reform) villages. Keywords: Social function principles, theory, implementation Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakekat asas fungsi sosial atas tanah baik dalam tinjauan teori, yuridis, dan penerapannya di Indonesia. Penelitian hukum ini bersifat sosiologis atau empiris untuk melihat efektivitas hukum di masyarakat. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah secara teori merupakan pengakuan atas kepentingan perorangan, kepentingan sosial dan kepentingan umum atas tanah. Landasan yuridis asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah, didasarkan pada Pasal 6 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Agraria sebagai amanah konstitusi tentang pentingnya perlindungan tanah bagi sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat. Asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah diwujudkan dalam berbagai norma hukum, tentang landreform, konsolidasi tanah, redistribusi tanah, penertiban tanah-tanah terlantar, dan pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum. Pemerintah melalui BPN, melakukan pengendalian pertanahan untuk memberikan perlindungan hak-hak warga negara atas tanah. Penerapan asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah juga dilakukan melalui program pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan membentuk Pokmasdartibnah (Kelompok Masyarakat Sadar Tertib Pertanahan) oleh BPN, dan adanya partisipasi Konsorsium Pembaharuan Agraria (KPA) membentuk Desa Maju Reforma Agraria (Damara). Kata Kunci : asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah, teori, penerapan

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Triana Rejekiningsih

<p align="center"><em>A</em><em>b</em><em>s</em><em>tr</em><em>ac</em><em>t</em></p><p><em>T</em><em>h</em><em>e objective of this study is to investigate the nature of the social function principles of land rights within the theoretical and juridical perspective and its implementation in Indonesia. This research used the sociological or empirical research method to view the effectiveness of law in society. The result of research shows that the nature of social function principles of land rights theoretically is an acknowledgement of individual, social, and public interests in lands. The juridical basis of the social function principles of land rights refered to Article 6 of Law Number 5 of 1960 regarding Basic Regulations for Agrarian w</em><em>e</em><em>l</em><em>f</em><em>a</em><em>re. The social function principles are materialized in various law norms that are land reform, land consolidation, land redistribution, abandoned land controlling, and land provision for public interest. The government through the National Land Agency controls land affairs as to protect its citizens’ land rights. The implementation of the social function principles of land rights is also done through the community empowerment program, namely: Pokmasdartibnah (community groups which are aware of land affairs) established by the National Land Agency and participation through Consortium Agrarian Reform, which establishes Damara (Advanced Land Reform) villages.</em></p><p><em>K</em><em>ey</em><em>w</em><em>o</em><em>r</em><em>d</em><em>s</em><em>: </em><em>Social function principles, theory, implementation</em></p><p align="center">Abstrak</p><p>Artikel  ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hakekat asas fungsi sosial atas tanah baik dalam tinjauan teori, yuridis, dan penerapannya di Indonesia. Penelitian hukum ini bersifat sosiologis atau empiris untuk melihat efektivitas hukum di masyarakat. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah secara teori merupakan pengakuan atas kepentingan perorangan, kepentingan sosial dan kepentingan umum atas tanah. Landasan yuridis asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah, didasarkan pada Pasal 6 Undang-Undang Nomor 5 tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-Pokok Agraria sebagai amanah konstitusi tentang pentingnya perlindungan tanah bagi sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat. Asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah diwujudkan dalam berbagai norma hukum, tentang landreform, konsolidasi tanah, redistribusi tanah, penertiban tanah-tanah terlantar, dan pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum. Pemerintah melalui BPN, melakukan pengendalian pertanahan untuk memberikan perlindungan hak-hak warga negara atas tanah. Penerapan asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah juga dilakukan melalui program pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan membentuk Pokmasdartibnah (Kelompok Masyarakat Sadar Tertib Pertanahan) oleh BPN, dan adanya partisipasi Konsorsium Pembaharuan Agraria (KPA) membentuk Desa Maju Reforma Agraria (Damara).</p>Kata Kunci : asas fungsi sosial hak atas tanah, teori, penerapan

Land ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Li ◽  
Tan ◽  

With the aim of improving farmland use efficiency without damaging the social function of farmland, Chinese policymakers have proposed the ‘trifurcation of land rights’ reform. When it comes to realization of the law, however, neither the Ownership Model nor the Bundle of Sticks Model can adequately explain this reform. The tree concept of property, which provides a new perspective in delineating property rights based on the function served by specific properties, is thus adopted. We find that this tree concept of property helps to better understand and realize the trifurcated rights on farmland in China. Also, a balance between the social and economic functions of farmland can be reached through reconstruction of the property rights involved, a process which comprises three steps: identification of the nature of the newly-established rights; configuration of the rights and duties of relevant entities; and state intervention in the enforcement of relevant rights with the aim of realizing certain social values. Finally, this paper argues that success of this trifurcated structure requires a systematic design of the Chinese Civil Code. In particular, it requests further improvements in legal rules on farmland lease.

1997 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 387-419 ◽  

This essay employs a state-structuralist approach to explain the emergence of social concertation as a policy mechanism to facilitate democratization and economic liberalization in post-Franco Spain. Concertation emphasizes the institutionalization of consultation and cooperation on macroeconomic policy involving peak representation from the state, employers' associations, and the organized labor movement. The author demonstrates how state structures and institutional legacies played the critical role in fashioning a favorable strategic environment for the adoption of concertation during the restoration and consolidation of democracy in Spain. In doing so, this research departs from conventional approaches to the study of the making of concertation that emphasize either the strength of the bargaining agents from capital and labor or the social democratic composition of the government. Moreover, it reveals a significant role for state institutions in charting a successful path to democracy and the market economy.

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Siti Arifatun Sholihah ◽  
Haryo Budhiawan ◽  
Sarjita Sarjita

Abstract : The right through the yard of another is a form of social function of land rights that reflected in Article 6 of the UUPA. The social function of land rights itself tends to shift toward individual concepts, leading to the non-fulfillment of the social function of land rights. This can lead to disagreements, such as disputes over road access of yard. This study aims to determine the problems encountered in the settlement of access of yard disputes and the pattern of settlement through Mediation, State Administrative Court and General Courts. The research method used is empirical law research method with case approach done to 3 (three) cases related to access of yard disputes. The results showed that the problems faced in the settlement of access of yard disputes is the lack of detailed regulations on the dedication of the yard, and the unoptimal implementation of the provisions related to the access of yard in the first land registration. In relation to its implementation, dispute settlement through Mediation can be said to solve the problem more thoroughly than the handling of disputes through the judiciary, especially related to the maintenance of land registration data. Keywords : Dispute Resolution, Access of  Yard, Social Function of Land Rights Intisari : Hak melalui pekarangan orang lain merupakan salah satu wujud fungsi sosial hak atas tanah yang jiwanya tercermin dalam Pasal 6 UUPA. Fungsi sosial hak atas tanah sendiri cenderung mengalami pergeseran menuju konsep individual, yang berujung pada tidak terpenuhinya fungsi sosial hak atas tanah. Hal tersebut dapat memicu perselisihan, seperti sengketa mengenai akses jalan bidang tanah pekarangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui problematika yang dihadapi dalam penyelesaian sengketa akses jalan bidang tanah pekarangan serta pola penyelesaiannya melalui Mediasi, Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara dan Peradilan Umum. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum empiris dengan pendekatan kasus yang dilakukan terhadap 3 (tiga) kasus terkait sengketa akses jalan bidang tanah pekarangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa problematika yang dihadapi dalam penyelesaian sengketa akses jalan bidang tanah pekarangan adalah belum tersedianya peraturan detail mengenai pengabdian pekarangan, serta belum optimalnya pelaksanaan ketentuan terkait akses jalan bidang tanah pekarangan pada pendaftaran tanah pertama kali. Terkait pelaksanaannya, penyelesaian sengketa melalui Mediasi dapat dikatakan menyelesaikan masalah secara lebih tuntas dibandingkan dengan penanganan sengketa melalui lembaga peradilan, terutama terkait dengan pemeliharaan data pendaftaran tanahnya. Kata kunci : Penyelesaian Sengketa, Akses Jalan Bidang Tanah Pekarangan, Fungsi Sosial Hak Atas Tanah

Cepalo ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Natasha Marcella Geovanny ◽  
Marchelina Theresia ◽  
Devina Felicia Widjaja

The control of land by the state is stated in Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD 1945). Based on this article, it means that the State has authority over land tenure, this encourages the writing of a journal on the application of social functions and the determination of compensation that occurs in the land sector. This research was conducted because the authors see that there are still many disputes related to the implementation of the social function itself and the application of the determination of compensation as stipulated in the provisions relating to this matter it is caused because the application in real life has not been running optimally. This study aims to find out how the government’s authority should be for land tenure and its relation to social functions and the determination of compensation. The location used as a case study is located in Batu Jaya Village, Tangerang City. Data collection is done by interviewing several related parties and also conducting a literature study by finding sources related to government authority over land tenure, the concept of social functions, and the determination of compensation. The results of this study indicate that the government has the power to grant land rights and revoke land rights in the public interest.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Seftia Azrianti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis peran badan pertanahan dalam pelaksanaan pendaftaran tanah menurut Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah. Metode pada penelitian ini adalah metode pendekatan yuridis empiris. Pendektan yuridis, digunakan untuk menganalisis berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan terkait dengan peranan Kantor Pertanahan Kota Tebing Tinggi dalam upaya meningkatkan pendaftaran hak atas tanah. Sedangkan pendekatan empiris, digunakan untuk menganalisa hukum yang dilihat sebagai prilaku masyarakat yang berpola dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang selalu berinteraksi dan berhubungan dalam aspek kemasyarakatan. Berdasarkan Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan Peran Badan Pertanahan Nasional dalam mengoptimalisasikan pendaftaran tanah di Indonesia dilakukan sesuai dengan tugas dan wewenang Peraturan Perundang undangan yang berlaku khususnya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah,  dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan pendaftaran hak atas tanah,  Badan Pertanahan nasional adalah sebagai garda depan dalam melayani masyarakat dalam melakukan pendaftaran tanah pertama kali maupun dalam rangka pemeliharaan daftar umum pendaftaran tanah. Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Pertanahan di Kota Tebing Tinggi untuk mengoptimalkan pendaftaran tanah di Tebing Tinggi adalah menggunakan Program Larasita dan Prona Sebagai cara ampuh mempercepat program pendaftaran tanah di Kota Tebing Tinggi.  Kata Kunci:  Badan Pertanahan Nasional. Optimalisasi, Pendaftaran TanahThe aim of this study was to identify and analyze the role of land agency in the implementation of land registration in accordance with Government Regulation (PP) No. 24 of 1997 about Land Registration. The method in this study was empirical juridical approach. Juridical approach used to analyze the various laws and regulations relating to the role of Tebing Tinggi land agency in an effort to improve the registration of land rights. While the empirical approach, used to analyze the law based on society attitudes in daily interaction and relating in the social aspects. Based on The results of this study, it can be concluded that the role of the National Land Agency in optimizing land registration in Indonesia carried out in accordance with the duties and authority of Laws and regulations, particularly the Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration, in effort to improve the registration of land, national rights Land Agency was as main officerin serving the community in conducting the first land registration and maintenance . The efforts undertaken by the Land Office at Tebing Tinggi to optimize land registration in Tebing Tinggi was using Larasita and Prona Program as a useful effort to accelerate land registration program in Tebing Tinggi. Key words:  National Land Agency, Optimalization, Land Registration

Michael Levien

This chapter explains why the shift from state developmentalism to neoliberalism in India transformed the Rajasthan state government into a land broker state. During the developmentalist period, the state had largely dispossessed land for public-sector industrial and infrastructural projects that reflected the social commitments of Nehruvian planning. But as economic liberalization created new private demand for rural land from the 1990s onward, the pressure of inter-state competition and the lure of licit and illicit rents incentivized the government to begin dispossessing land for any private purpose representing “growth,” including real estate development, regardless of its broader developmental consequences. This neoliberal regime of dispossession culminated in the mid-2000s with Special Economic Zones (SEZs). While SEZs were facing “land wars” across India, the Rajasthan government sought to avoid opposition by giving farmers a stake in the resulting real estate speculation: a shift in mechanisms of compliance that would be highly consequential.

I. Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani

The purpose of this research was to confirm the doctrine of the social function of property as an instrument for realising humans flourishing in the case of Surakarta City Government policy to relocate squatters in the catchment area of the Bengawan Solo River. This normative legal research used a conceptual approach. To obtain answers to the problems, the research used deductive syllogism. The major premise is used as the doctrine of the social function of property, the theory of justice and the principle of trust and a reasonable expectation, while the minor premise is the policy of the Government of Surakarta relocating squatters in the catchment area of the Solo River. Using the resulting conclusions, confirmation of doctrinal interpretation of the social function of property as an instrument for realising human flourishing is done. The conclusions of this study is the social function of property requires the Authority of Central Region Bengawan Solo River to manage riparian appropriate allocation function as flood control. Implementation of this obligation is to realise the basic right on healthy living environment. Based on the doctrine of the social function of property, then the omission and legalisation of illegal occupancy in the Bengawan Solo River catchment area create liability for the Government of Surakarta, the Authority of Central River Region Solo, and Land National Agency, to finance the relocation of squatters in the catchment area of the Solo River. Squatters relocation is intended for human fulfillment flourishing. Keywords: Social function of property, human flourishing, relocation of squatters.

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