scholarly journals The Power of Crowdcourcing and Participatory Culture: Beauty Vlogger Analysis on Wardah Cosmetic Brand

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 308
Atikah Putri Adrilia Gultom

Advances in technology and the internet have fundamentally changed the way we consume media and generate innovation, including in the fields of advertising and marketing. Participatory culture and crowdsourcing by beauty vloggers change the power patterns (top-down, bottom-up or both) that the industry has in implementing advertising strategies. In addition, the strength of individuals in a participatory culture arises because of various media such as video blogs or websites that allow individuals to share comments and reviews. This situation provides an opportunity for beauty vloggers with the power they have to distribute their power, so that strength is not absolutely in the industry. Meanwhile, from the industry side, you can use beauty vlogger services to become a marketing strategy. This conceptual paper uses literature review and meta-synthesis methods to discuss the power possessed by beauty vloggers through participatory culture and crowdsourcing as well as linking it to Wardah cosmetic products as one of the products using the halal concept. The purpose of this research is to see the power possessed by beauty vloggers can influence the public using the local makeup brand Wardah and Wardah power as a local halal makeup brand so that it is attractive to Muslim women. Finally, the analysis of this conceptual paper shows that participatory culture and crowdsourcing have become very important entities in the dynamics of the advertising and marketing industry in the digital era.

Holly Thorpe

This chapter discusses the cultural production of memory in the digital era through Facebook memorial pages and virtual memorial websites dedicated to deceased sporting heroes. Increasingly, fans, family, friends, and journalists are turning to the Internet to express their condolences, communicate with other mourners, and memorialize the deceased in “highly creative, interactive, and dynamic ways.” Constituting a “record of the multiple, contested, and changing emotional responses,” these websites become “valuable archives of the public affective responses to cultural trauma.” The chapter then focuses on surfer Andy Irons and skier Sarah Burke, who died in 2010 and 2012, respectively, and who have been memorialized extensively online.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 227
Abdul Choliq

<p align="center">Abstract</p><p>               Headscarves are something that is familiar to Muslim women who function as someone's Muslim identity. The change in the standard veil mode to the shari'ah that occurs in Madrasah Aliyah students is a new thing out of the ordinary in the Madrasah. The change in the veil style is feared to trigger a negative response from the public who often perceive as a dangerous Islamic group. This study discusses the process of change using the hijab syar'i on students, the motive behind it and the changing attributes after using the hijab syar'i. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection is done through interview and observation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the process of change towards the headscarf is done slowly by learning the source of books and the internet without studying the scholars 'who understand the problem of syara' about hijab. Furthermore, there are two motives behind the student's decision to switch to the hijab syar'I, which is first: the motive for (motive because) in the form of: religious motives, psychological motives and defense motives. Second, the goal motive (in-order-to-motive) is: the motive for receiving charity and the motive for improving worship. While aspects that change after students wear the hijab syar'I, namely: first, changes in physical attributes, changes in aspects of psychology and changes in idealism in worship.</p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 43-51
Ayunita Leliana ◽  
Laily Maulida Septiana Harti ◽  
Fauris Zuhri ◽  
Dwi Cahyani Sri Kusumaningtyas

With the onset of the digital era, the classroom's teaching and learning process has also shifted. The use of technology makes it easy for lecturers and students to access various information and references on the internet. However, not all of the information and concerns come from reliable and credible sources, so it is necessary to select and sort out the references used. This research's background determines students' ability to find and utilize and evaluate the credibility of information to be used in their writing. Although most students can use digital technology in their daily lives, they have difficulty determining whether the articles or texts from the internet come from credible sources or just subjective opinions that are not strong enough to be used as references in the 2018 class. Students' skills have an impact on the search for reference sources when they write scientific papers. The preliminary observations on students of 2018 and 2019 have shown that some students stated that they were very familiar with information technology and accessed the internet skillfully. Some had difficulty finding the required references. The output of this research is a guide for checking the credibility of references and articles published in journals so that the public can refine the findings of this study by providing contributive input. If the results are positive, it means that they can be applied to other courses in other classes as well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Syariful Anam ◽  
Royanullah Royanullah ◽  
Thiyas Tono Taufiq

<p class="06IsiAbstrak">Since the beginning of the industrial 4.0 and digital era, the internet has become one of the tools that cannot be responded to by the community, so that in everyday life all activities on the internet. With the presence of the internet, virtual spaces are able to provide virtual communication spaces, one of which is through social media. The social media most used by Indonesians are Youtube, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Of the three platforms, the most popular among the public is Instagram, especially Instagram, which is an effective means of preaching in the digital era. The reason the researchers chose this research, <em>first,</em> from Islamic content, Sufi content becomes content that attracts attention. <em>Second,</em> Sufi expressions are constructed in people's daily experiences. Observations were made by the author using a hashtag (#sufiindonesia) through Instagram using a qualitative approach with a virtual ethnographic method. The results showed that <em>first,</em> the expressions that appear in Sufi practice cannot be separated from the clarity of the day and inner sincerity; <em>second,</em> Sufi expressions include the values <em>of raghabah, ri'ayah, inbisath, wira’i,</em> and <em>mahabbah</em>; <em>third,</em> the expression of sufism in this era often shifts traditional Sufi behavior that describes urban communities from surfing in cyberspace.</p>

Brendan O'Hallarn

The formative sociological concepts of the public sphere and social capital have traced similar paths through a range of social science scholarship over decades, evolving as new technology, such as connected Internet technologies, have altered the way society interacts. Interestingly, there is very little scholarship linking these two important theories. This conceptual paper examines the modest body of literature that has considered the public sphere and social capital in tandem. It offers a viewpoint that social capital generation could be a possible byproduct of rational-critical discourse in a public sphere-like space. Despite the reservations of Habermas himself about the ability of the Internet and social media to breathe life into his concept of the public sphere, this paper suggests that social media — notably Twitter hashtags — are a plausible place to look for evidence of social capital generation through deliberative democratic discussions.

Aditya Sukma Pawitra

Health protocol is one of the main keys in dealing with the spread of the corona virus. The government and health communicators face serious challenges when educating the public to always use masks, keep their distance and wash their hands with soap. Especially in the digital era of information, all people can access information on the internet without limits. The spread of hoaxes and infodemics has further reduced public compliance in implementing health protocols. The purpose of implementing this community service is to prevent the spread of the infodemics so that the public can play a positive role in preventing the transmission of COVID19 by implementing proper health protocols. The community service method was carried out by implementing online classes using the WhatsApp group platform and zoom meetings. The number of participants involved was 112 people. Small discussion always happened every day both among the participants and with the community service team. Information provided to participants in the form of posters / flyers. The online class was held for 3 months starting in July 2020. Measurement of participants' understanding was carried out at the beginning and at the end of the activity through google form. The analysis showed that online class delivery was effective, as indicated by a positive and significant increase in understanding of the variables of masks, maintaining distance and washing hands with soap. So it might be concluded that by providing information intensively and through small discussion, the public will increasingly understand the conditions of the pandemic and will play a role in breaking the chain of transmission of COVID19abstrak  10.20473/jlm.v5i1.2021.9-18 Open acces under CC BY-SA license Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Protokol kesehatan menjadi salah satu kunci utama dalam menangani meluasnya persebaran virus corona. Pemerintah dan komunikator kesehatan menghadapi tantangan berat saat memberikan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat agar terbiasa selalu menggunakan masker, menjaga jarak dan selalu mencuci tangan dengan sabun. Terlebih di era digital informasi, seluruh masyarakat dapat mengakses informasi di internet tanpa batas. Merebaknya berita hoaks dan infodemi semakin mengurangi kepatuhan masyarakat dalam menjalankan protokol kesehatan. Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mencegah menyebarnya infodemi sehingga masyarakat dapat berperan positif dalam mencegah penularan COVID19 dengan menerapkan protokol kesehatan dengan benar. Metode pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan pelaksanaan kelas online menggunakan platform whatsapp group dan zoom meeting. Jumlah peserta yang terlibat 112 orang. Diskusi ringan selalu terjadi setiap hari baik di kalangan peserta maupun dengan tim pengabdian masyarakat. Informasi yang diberikan kepada peserta berupa poster/flyer. Pelaksaan kelas online ini dilakukan selama 3 bulan dimulai sejak bulan Juli 2020. Pengukuran pemahaman peserta dilakukan diawal dan di akhir kegiatan melalui google form. Analisis menunjukkan penyampaian kelas online berjalan efektif yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan pemahaman yang positif dan signifikan pada variabel masker, jaga jarak dan cuci tangan pakai sabun. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan pemberian informasi secara intensif dan melalui diskusi ringan, masyarakat akan semakin memahami kondisi pandemik dan akan berperan dalam memutus rantai penularan COVID19. 

Rika Lusri Virga

Wardah cosmetic products heavily use television advertisements in promoting their products. Wardah’s “In My Life” advertisements show the public a particular representation of the lifestyles of Indonesian Muslim women. In this study, it was seen how the advertisements showedIndonesian Muslim women carrying out their daily activities. Through the semiotic method it was found that Muslim women in Indonesia are shown to have an active and dynamic lifestyle in carrying out various activities. All activities were still carried out using Muslim clothing and veils, but the use of Muslim clothing and headscarves was tailored to the type of activity being carried out. This is indicated by various types of Muslim clothing and models of hijabs that the models used when doing several different activities.[Produk kosmetik Wardah gencar menggunakan iklan televisi dalam mempromosikan produknya. Melalui iklan televisi Wardah versi in my life menampilkan kepada masyarakat tentang representasi gaya hidup wanita muslim Indonesia. Dalam penelitian ini dilihat bagaimana wanita muslim Indonesia dalam akifitas kesehariannya ditampilkan dalam iklan. Melalui metode semiotika ditemukan bahwa wanita muslim di Indonesia ditampilkan memiliki gaya hidup aktif dan dinamis dalam melakukan berbagai aktivitas. Segala aktivitas tetap dilakukan dengan menggunakan pakaian muslim dan berjilbab. Namun penggunaan pakaian muslim dan jilbab tersebut disesuaikan dengan jenis aktivitas yang dilakukan. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan berbagai jenis pakaian muslim dan model jilbab yang digunakan wanita sebagai model iklan tersebut saat melakukan beberapa aktivitas yang berbeda.]

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-119
Ina Maryani ◽  
Fabriyan Fandi Dwi Imaniawan ◽  
Yollandhita Arum Puspa

Abstrak Peran teknologi informasi saat ini sangat dibutuhkan baik oleh instansi, perusahaan maupun organisasi. Sebagai salah satu contohnya dengan penggunaan komputerisasi pada perusahaan sebagai alat bantu untuk menyimpan dan mengolah segala bentuk data secara cepat, tepat, dan akurat. Pada era digital membuat hampir semua industri terdisrupsi tanpa terkecuali industri media massa, baik cetak, radio maupun televisi. Radio menjadi salah satu media yang sangat efektif untuk mempublikasikan barang atau jasanya kepada masyarakat. Pada umumnya cara memesan iklan di radio masih menggunakan sistem manual. Untuk mempermudah dan memperluas jangkauan, maka yang dibutuhkan adalah aplikasi yang dapat memanajemen data melalui komputer dan terhubung ke jaringan internet guna mempermudah proses pemesanan iklan. Pada penelitian ini, dirancang sebuah aplikasi berbasis web dengan menggunakan metode Waterfall dan bahasa pemrograman PHP serta terintegrasi dengan database MySQL pada Radio Yasika Fm Purwokerto. Hasil penelitian berupa aplikasi berbasis web yang diharapkan mampu mengatasi berbagai kebutuhan dari pengiklan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai periklanan.               Kata kunci: Radio, Pengiklan, Metode Waterfall, Manajemen, Website Abstract The role of information technology today is needed by agencies, companies and organizations. As one example with the use of computerization in the company as a tool to store and process all forms of data quickly, precisely, and accurately. In the digital era, almost all industries are disrupted without exception the mass media industry, both print, radio and television. Radio becomes one of the most effective media to publish its goods or services to the public. Generally, the way to order ads on the radio is still using a manual system. To simplify and expand the reach, the application is needed that can manage data through a computer and connect to the internet network to facilitate the process of ordering ads. In this research, a web-based application was designed using Waterfall method and PHP programming language and integrated with MySQL database on Radio Yasika Fm Purwokerto. The results of the research in the form of web-based applications that are expected to overcome various needs of advertisers to obtain information about advertising. Keywords: Radio, Advertisers, Waterfall Methods, Management, Website

2019 ◽  
Diah Fitria Widhiningsih ◽  
Sunarru Samsi Hariadi

In conducting agribusiness, young farmers are connected with each other in a farmer group. Cooperation becomes the major requirement for maintaining their existence. Furthermore, in the digital era, many people use the internet to help their work and present it to the public through social media. Additionally, to develop their agribusiness, young farmers develop good relationships with extension workers who assist them and connect them to the government. Meanwhile, the government develops policies and supporting materials for young farmers such as fertilizer. Therefore, based on this phenomenon, this quantitative research is aimed at understanding young farmers’ cooperation behavior, especially in using social media in supporting their agribusiness and whether there is difference in cooperation between those utilizing social media and those who do not. It employed 39 young farmers in Kalasan and Prambanan Subdistrict who plant chili as horticulture commodities. It showed that young farmers’ cooperation was described in their activities on seedling, irrigation, crops maintaining, and marketing, but their cooperation practice was not high. On the other hand, they did not always use social media and Kolmogorov Smirnov’s analysis resulted that there was not any difference in cooperation practice due to the social media application. Moreover, not all of them were familiar with social media in the implementation of agribusiness. In this case, they need more assistance from extension workers so they should introduce social media as part of agribusiness to all of young farmers through agricultural extensions to connect young farme the worldwide.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-58
Fitri Murfianti

ABSTRACT In the past two decades, art and technology have increasingly become inseparable. Technology, in this case the internet, has produced a new era known as the digital era followed by the emergence of many problems, one of which is in the field of copyright. There are many cases of copyright infringement committed by art creators and the public both consciously and unconsciously due to lack of knowledge about copyright. Moreover, all the required information, now, is available on the Internet. This condition gives a big opportunity to plagiarize an art work. Through literature studies, this study focuses on the perspective of the limitations and exceptions of arts work copyright in the digital age and explains the concepts of regulation and protection. The results of this study will be very useful in developing the course content of Etika Profesi (Professional Ethics) and HAKI (IPR) in Visual Communication Design Study Program, the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design. Keywords: Copyright, Artworks, Digital Era  ABSTRAK Dalam dua dekade terakhir, seni dan teknologi semakin tidak bisa dipisahkan. Teknologi dalam hal ini internet telah melahirkan suatu era baru yang dikenal dengan era digital yang diikuti oleh munculnya banyak permasalahan, salah satunya di bidang hak cipta. Banyak kasus-kasus pelanggaran hak cipta yang dilakukan oleh kreator seni maupun masyarakat pada umumnya baik disadari maupun tidak disadari karena minimnya pengetahuan tentang hak cipta, terlebih saat ini semua informasi yang dibutuhkan sudah tersedia di Internet. Kondisi ini memberi peluang yang sangat besar untuk melakukan penjiplakan terhadap sebuah karya seni. Melalui studi pustaka, kajian ini fokus pada perspektif pembatasan dan pengecualian hak cipta karya seni di era digital serta memaparkan konsep pengaturan serta perlindungannya. Hasil penelitian ini akan sangat bermanfaat dalam mengembangkan konten mata kuliah Etika Profesi dan HAKI di Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain. Kata Kunci : Hak Cipta, Karya Seni, Era Digital 

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