Putri Widya Ningsih And Rita Suswati

This study is aimed to find out whether students pay more attention to picture, get information from picture and understanding the content of the text. It was conducted by using descriptive quantitative research. The source of the data was taken from the textbook entitled English in Focus published by Nur Ilmu, Yudhistira and students’ grade VIII of SMPN 3 Percut Sei Tuan. There are 9 classes of grade VIII which consists of 325 students, and VIII-1 was taken as the sample of this research. The data of this study were obtained from the students’ score of reading test. Based on the result of data analysis, it was found that the competence in predicting information through picture is very good. From 38 sample students, there were 21 students (55,3%) got very good score or can predict more than 5 details of information from the text, 15 students (39.5%) got good score or can predict less than 5 details of information from the text and only 2 students (5.2%) got bad score or predict less than 2 information. As well as their reading comprehension of the text with mean score 82.37 which is higher than the Minimal Completeness Criteria (KKM) of reading applied by SMPN 3 Percut Sei Tuan. It can be concluded that The result of this research is appropriate to the theory which claim that pictures are useful for getting students to predict what is coming next in a lesson and help the students comprehend the text easily.

Putri Widya Ningsih ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan ◽  
Rita Suswati

This study is aimed to find out whether students pay more attention to picture, get information from picture and understanding the content of the text. It was conducted by using descriptive quantitative research. The source of the data was taken from the textbook entitled English in Focus published by Nur Ilmu, Yudhistira and students’ grade VIII of SMPN 3 Percut Sei Tuan. There are 9 classes of grade VIII which consists of 325 students, and VIII-1 was taken as the sample of this research. The data of this study were obtained from the students’ score of reading test. Based on the result of data analysis, it was found that the competence in predicting information through picture is very good. From 38 sample students, there were 21 students (55,3%) got very good score or can predict more than 5 details of information from the text, 15 students (39.5%) got good score or can predict less than 5 details of information from the text and only 2 students (5.2%) got bad score or predict less than 2 information. As well as their reading comprehension of the text with mean score 82.37 which is higher than the Minimal Completeness Criteria (KKM) of reading applied by SMPN 3 Percut Sei Tuan. It can be concluded that The result of this research is appropriate to the theory which claim that pictures are useful for getting students to predict what is coming next in a lesson and help the students comprehend the text easily. Keywords: Predicting Information, Picture, Reading Text

Mediana Manalu And Bachtiar

This study concerned on improving students’ achievement in readaing comprehensionnarrative text through preview, question, read, reflect, recite, and review (PQ4R) technique.This study was limited on the second year junior high school students’ achievement inreading comprehension after teaching by applying preview,question, read, reflect, recite, andreview ( PQ4R).The objective of this study was to find out the improvement of students,achievement on reading comprehension through PQ4R technique.The subject of the studywas VIII-1 students of SMP N 4 Pagaran. The numbers of the students were 35. Thetechniques for data analysis were quantitative dataand qualitative data.In analyzing thequantitative data, the mean of the students’ score for the test I cycle I was 53.62, the meanscore of test II in cycle II was 73.28, the mean of test III in cycle II was 75.65. Theconclusion is that PQ4R can improve the students’ achievement in reading comprehensionnarrative text.

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Anni Holila Pulungan

The study deals with the Contextual Teaching and Learning of the students’ reading comprehension at junior high school. Contextual Teaching and Learning is a new alternative for every teachers to relate the materials to the real world. The aims of the research are to analyze the effect of non and CTL method of the students’ reading comprehension.  The research method is an experimental method. The data analysis is taken from the two classess. Then, they divided into two  groups, the control and experimental group. The major findings of the study shows that the effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning on the students’ reading comprehension is better than the non CTL method-lecture method for the junior high school students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Gusnita Efrina

This articel aims to obtain data on non-cognitive assessment, the ability of teachers to make the rubric of non-cognitive assessment, constraints - any constraints faced by teachers in developing noncognitive instruments as well as any policy that will be done in overcoming the obstacles faced by social studies teacher in junior RSBI Padang Class VII Semester II.This type of research is descriptive research. Data obtained from document analysis, interviews and observation. Techniques of data analysis by using percentages. Data obtained from interviews with informants, the junior high school teachers who teach social studies classes RSBI VII, Chairman of the IPS MGMP Padang, three expert specialist and deputy head of the school curriculum areas.After data analysis performed, the results obtained that the number of teachers who have not done in developing and assessing the activities within the rubric of attitude assessment, student performance and products. Once analyzed by the expert assessment rubric attitude, and product performance in terms of science and the content is quite good and better in terms of the language section. Perceived obstacles to overcome problems that arise in the application of attitude assessment, and performance of the products most social studies teachers have tried various things such as: reading books / other resources relevant to teaching materials, training, seminars and follow MGMP forum, discuss in advance with Head of School before attending the training and talked about making attitude assessment rubrics, and product performance with peers.

Yufiarti ◽  
Thia Rusbita

Moral disengagement is a tendency to justify negative behaviour that is morally acceptable and minimizes the influence of others. It is supported by Bandura et al (2000) and Santrock (2003) who said that the teenagers have a tendency to not show their consistent behaviour in different moral situations. This research aimed to find out the influence of moral disengagement on classroom environment in junior high school. The research instruments used were a modified form of Moral Disengagement Instrument (MDI) and What is Happening in This Class? (WIHIC) Questionnaire. The research subject included 171 students of junior high school. The data analysis method used in testing hypothesis was regression analysis. Analysis of the data showed that there was a significant influence of moral disengagement on classroom environment in junior high school. The classroom environment was found to be influenced by moral disengagement .

2013 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-114
Nur Hidayanto Pancoro

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan rintisan bank soal Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas VIII pada tingkat provinsi dengan memperhatikan (1) karakteristik soal Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas (UKK); (2) karakteristik butir-butir soal; (3) jumlah butir soal yang memenuhi standar. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengembangan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif. Sam-pel sebanyak 6554 respon siswa (lembar jawab). Perangkat tes dianalisis kesesuaian indikatornya dengan Standar Kompetensi (SK) dan Kompetensi Dasar (KD) yang telah ditentukan, serta ditelaah secara kualitatif oleh ahli berdasarkan kriteria kons-truksi, bahasa dan materi. Respons siswa dianalisis secara kuantitatif dengan Iteman 3.00, dan Bilog MG 3.0 3 PL untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang tingkat kesulitan, daya beda, pseudoguessing, serta informasi butir. Bank soal yang dihasilkan masuk kategori baik dilihat dari (1) Hasil analisis kualitatif dari 150 butir soal, sebanyak 105 butir soal (70%) dinyatakan baik. (2) Hasil analisis kuantitatif dengan program Iteman 3.00 diperoleh 115 butir soal tergolong baik. (3) Analisis dengan Bilog MG 3 PL 77 butir soal (66,96%) masuk kategori baik.Kata kunci: bank soal, tingkat kesulitan, daya beda, pseudo guessing, expert judgment, informasi butir dan tes______________________________________________________________ THE ITEM CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FINAL SEMESTER TEST AS A PREPARATION FOR ENGLISH ITEM BANKAbstract This research aims at developing a pilot english test item bank of the 2nd grade junior high school based on: (1) the characterisctics of test items for final semester test; (2) the total number of test items for the 2nd grade junior high school in Yogyakarta Special Province. This descriptive quantitative research used 6554 samples of students’ answer sheets in 2009 and also employs expert judgment to review the construct, language, as well as the materials of the questions. Students’ responses were also analyzed by using Iteman 3.00, Bilog MG 3.0 3 PL. The result of qualitative analysis with expert judgment which shows that 105 out of the 150 test items are categorized as “good”, and the other are “bad”. The quantitative analysis with Iteman 3.00 shows that 115 out of the 150 test items are categorized as “good” and the quantitative analysis with Bilog MG 3.00 3 PL shows that 67% test items are categorized as good. Keywords: item bank, level of difficulty, discrimination index, pseudoguessing, expert judgment, item and test information function

Aisyah Aisyah ◽  
Ani Wahyu Anisa

The aims of this research are to find out whether the implementation of NoteTaking Pairs technique effective in teaching reading comprehension at junior high school. The method used in the research is quantitative method and the design is quasi experimental design. The sampling technique used in this research was random sampling. Two classes were taken as the subject namely experimental and control class. The data of test got from both experimental and control class was analyzed by T test formula. The result of calculation showed that t was 6.58, and t  with df  75 in account table the significant degree of 5% is 1.992. It means that t  is higher than t (6.58 > account table 1.992). The average of post-test in the experimental class was 81, while the KKM of English subject is 75. It can be concluded that Note-Taking Pairs Technique is effective in teaching reading comprehension at junior high school.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Saputri Indah Lestari ◽  
Lies Andriani

This research was instigated by the problem in the field showing that their mathematic concept understanding ability was low at Islamic Junior High School of Al Hidayah Singingi Hilir. One of learning anternative strategy could direct to the students in increasing mathematic concept understanding ability was scoffolding learning straytegy. the research aimed at investigating whether there was or not difference mathematic concept understanding ability between students joining Scaffolding learning strategy and student joining teacher implementing based on their learning motivation at Islamic JuniorHigh School of Al Hidayah Singingi Hilir.  It was quasi experimental research with nonequivalent posttest-only control group design. Population of this research were the students at the eight grade of Islamic Junior High School of Al Hidayah Singingi Hilir. Sample of this research was used sampling purposive technique. VIII of B as experimental group was given Scaffolding learning strategy and VIII of A as the control group given teacher learning implementing.Instrument of collecting data was used decription test to measure their mathematic concept understanding and questionnaire to measure their learning motivation. Two way ANOVA was the technique of data analysis.  Based the data analysis could be concluded that         1) there was a difference student mathematic concept understanding ability joining Scaffolding learning strategy and did not joining Scaffolding learning Strategy. 2) There was no an interaction between Scaffolding learning strategy and their learning motivation toward their mathematic concept understanding abilityKeywords:  Scaffolding, Mathematic Concept Understanding Ability Student Learning, Motivation

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-69
Ahmad Nurdin Kholili ◽  
Syarief Fajaruddin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1.) Mengkaji implementasi manajemen strategik peningkatan mutu lembaga pendidikan Muhammadiyah di SMP Al-Mujahidin dan SMP Muhammadiyah Semin Kabupaten Gunungkidul; dan 2.) Menemukan formulasi alternatif manajemen strategik lembaga pendidikan Muhammadiyah dalam meningkatkan mutu sekolah di Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi kasus yang bersifat kualitatif, dengan mengunakan metode observasi, interview dan dokumentasi terhadap dua lembaga pendidikan Muhammadiyah. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teori Miles dan Huberman dengan tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi manajemen strategik yang dilakukan oleh SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Mujahidin dan SMP Muhammadiyah Semin melibatkan semua stakeholder. Sekolah terlebih dahulu merumuskan visi misi sekolah dengan mempertimbangkan faktor internal dan eksternal lingkungan sekolah, dilanjutkan merumuskan tujuan dan target mutu sekolah diikuti dengan penentuan strategi yang akan digunakan oleh sekolah demi terealisasinya semua target mutu yang disepakati. Implementasi strategi yang dilakukan SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Mujahidin dan SMP Muhammadiyah Semin dalam meningkatkan mutu sekolah adalah dengan menjabarkan dan melaksanakan semua strategi yang telah dirumuskan dalam bentuk kegiatan-kegiatan terprogram dan terukur. Evaluasi strategi yang digunakan SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Mujahidin dan SMP Muhammadiyah Semin adalah melalui rapat formal maupun informal. AbstractThe objective of the present study is to: 1.) Review the implementation of strategic management for the improvement of the Muhammadiyah educational institution quality in the context of Al-Mujahidin Junior High School and Muhammadiyah Junior High School Semin, the Regency of Gunungkidul; and 2.) Identify the alternative formula for the implementation of the strategic management within the Muhammadiyah educational institution quality toward the improvement of the school quality in the Regency of Gunungkidul. The nature of the study is qualitative research using observation, interview, and documentation with two Muhammadiyah educational institutions as the objects of the study. Throughout the data analysis, the technique that has been implemented is the data analysis technique proposed by Miles & Huberman under the following sequence: (1) data reduction; (2) data presentation; and (3) conclusions. The results of the study show that the implementation of strategic management by the Al-Mujahidin Junior High School and the Muhammadiyah Junior High School Semin has involved all stakeholders. The two Muhammadiyah educational institutions formulate the school vision and the school mission in the very first place with considerations toward the internal factors and the external factors of the school environment. Then, the two Muhammadiyah educational institutions proceed to the formulation of the objectives and the targets for the school quality followed by the definition of the school strategy in achieving all of the quality targets that have been formulated. Furthermore, the strategic management by the Al-Mujahidin Junior High School and the Muhammadiyah Junior High School Semin in improving the school quality is elaborating and implementing all strategies that have been formulated in the form of programmed and measured activities. The strategies will be evaluated by the Al-Mujahidin Junior High School and the Muhammadiyah Junior High School Semin through the mechanism of both formal and informal meetings.

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