Elena Viktorovna Sviridova ◽  
Nadezhda Sergeevna Obukhova

The current stage of development of the higher professional education system is characterized by a heightened interest especially from the state, which is concerned about training specialists for a technological breakthrough. To solve the problem of oversaturation of labor market with personnel of humanitarian and economic profile there has been introduced the system of regulatory prices for training in higher educational institutions. In this regard, the price spike led to the outflow of students to private universities with lower prices. As a result of this process, the state imposed loosening measures for the universities to set flexible prices for training. This should force the universities to refuse from participating in competition for state-commissioned study places in such subjects as economics, law and the like and to lead to a reduction of the overall demand for Humanities due to the lack of budget as the main attracting factor. Thus, there takes place adjusting of the state target in relation to the labour market, overall decline in the number of the universities and their branches all over the country due to increased competition for the applicants, and solving the problem of deficiency of engineering professionals.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01061
Oksana V. Golub ◽  
Anna A. Ozerina ◽  
Tatiana S. Timofeeva

One of the topical fields of modern education is implementation of an inclusive approach which makes it possible to get equal rights and access to education for students without regard for their health condition. The purpose of the article is to carry out the analysis of the inclusive components of learning environment in educational institutions and of higher and secondary professional education (using the city of Volgograd and the Volgograd Region as an example). As a part of the study, an integrated model for inclusive educational environment, which contains technology (psycho-didactic), space-object, social and process components, was developed. Relying on this model, analysis and assessment of the state of the learning environment in educational institutions and of higher and secondary professional education of Volgograd and the Volgograd Region were made. The results showed that each educational institution has its own specific way of organizing inclusive environment; there is no common standard for its implementation. The research possesses both theoretical significance and applied functions so far as with the help of this model it is possible to assess the state of learning environment and building a unified educational system on the basis of all its components.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-266 ◽  
Tatyana A. Zamiralova ◽  
Konstantin V. Molchanov ◽  
Anastasia V. Karpunina ◽  
Angelina A. Kvitkovskaya ◽  
Anna G. Akhtyan ◽  

Abstract The paper studies questions dealing with development of inclusive education in Russia at the current stage. The main approaches to the way inclusion is understood in the present-day post-Soviet space and its particularity as for the higher school are described. The essential and content-related characteristic of this term is discussed in detail. Comparative analysis of various approaches to the understanding of multi-dimensionality of inclusion as a pedagogical phenomenon has been performed. The review of scientific and academic literature by the Russian and foreign researchers who have touched on this range of problems is presented. The main focus areas of development in the process of understanding inclusive education are outlined. Key advantages of implementation of inclusion are systemized. An attempt is made to identify mechanisms that are able to ensure the equality of applicants to the higher-level educational institutions in full. The experience of using inclusive education in Russia is analyzed. With regard to this, main obligations and approaches of the state in relation to applicants and students having disabilities are considered, and conditions, principles and mechanisms of implementation of the current state policy as for the higher professional education are detailed. However, there remains a number of problematic points due to which not all advantages of inclusive education can be made use of to the full extent. The prevailing difficulties and possible ways of resolving them are also noted by the authors.

2013 ◽  
Elena N. Belova

The monograph presents the results of a study of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of managerial competence of the head of an educational institution in the sphere of culture, which has important theoretical and practical importance for the successful development of educational institutions in the sphere of culture in the context of the modernization of Russian art education. The essence, components and criterial characteristics of the formation of managerial competence of the head are considered. It is intended for researchers, teachers, students of management specialties, institutions of higher professional education, students of institutions of additional professional education, heads and specialists of educational institutions in the sphere of culture. Published on the recommendation of the State Scientific Institution "Siberian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Education".

2020 ◽  
pp. 91-97
Егор Александрович Колосов

Анализируется современное состояние профессионального образования, которое рассматривается как социальный феномен. Представлены характеристики профессионального образования как составляющей образовательной системы. Отмечается, что современное состояние профессионального образования находится на уровне модернизации в пользу использования инновационных образовательных технологий. Акцентируется внимание на главной тенденции современного профессионального образования – его цифровизации. Ситуация, вызванная COVID-19, привела к тому, что образовательные учреждения были вынуждены перейти на новые форматы обучения (дистанционное и онлайн-обучение). Основными факторами, повлиявшими на данную ситуацию, названы пандемия COVID-19, накопленный международный опыт, современные потребности общества и рыночной экономики. Несмотря на технологические и организационные трудности, выработаны общие подходы к профессиональному обучению дистанционно и онлайн, создана база образовательного контента. The article analyzes the current state of vocational education. Vocational education is considered as a social phenomenon. The characteristics of vocational education as a component of the educational system at the present stage of development are presented. It is noted that the current state of vocational education is at the level of modernization in favor of the use of innovative educational technologies. Attention is focused on the main trend of modern professional education – its digitalization. Integration of the Russian vocational education system into the world educational system is one of the priorities of the state educational policy. It is noted that the basis of modern vocational education is at the level of modernization in favor of the use of innovative educational technologies. The principles underlying modern education are highlighted: continuity, practice-orientedness, integration, continuous professional development, learning “online + offline. The situation caused by the coronavirus COVID-19 led to the fact that educational institutions were forced to switch to new formats of education (distance and online learning). The main factors that influenced this situation are the COVID-19 pandemic, the accumulated international experience, the modern needs of society and the market economy. It is noted that, despite the technological and organizational difficulties, common approaches to professional training remotely and online were developed, a database of educational content was created.

2021 ◽  
pp. 43-52
V. T. Minligareev ◽  
Yu. M. Kachanovskii ◽  
V. L. Kravchenok ◽  
E. A. Pan’shin ◽  

The paper deals with the methods for metrological support of ionospheric, magnetic, and heliogeophysical observations of the state observation network, including ground-based and space segments, and with the directions for improving the accuracy and reliability of measurements. The solutions to the previously identified problems and the implementation of proposals on improving the measurement quality for operational response to heliogeophysical hazards at the current stage of development of the geophysical monitoring system are demonstrated.

Константин Крюков ◽  
Konstantin Kryukov

The training manual discusses the General issues of the device and operation of power plants used on various models of armored vehicles and equipment. The manual is developed in relation to the training programs of contract service officers in military training centers or public educational institutions of higher professional education in military specialties "Operation and repair of basic armored vehicles" and "Operation and repair of electrical and special equipment and automation of basic armored vehicles." Can be used for officers of Panzer troops in the system of commander training, cadets of military educational institutions and specialists on operation, maintenance and repair of armored vehicles.

2018 ◽  
pp. 9-11
Anatoly Evgenievich Arkhipov ◽  
Evgeny Alexeevich Grigoriev ◽  
Vyacheslav Dmitrievich Eskov

Modern society is characterized by dynamism of social and cultural interactions in the context of globalization of social and economic processes. According to the authors’ opinion this increases the importance of improving the quality of training, all education, including higher professional education. Improving the competitiveness of higher educational institution may make on the basis of conformity of quality of the educational product to the requirements of actual and potential consumer demand. Globalization and information factors of the interaction of market actors largely determine the necessity of transformation of approaches to formation and functioning of higher education institutions today

Vardan Mkrttchian

This chapter has presented the idea and use of artificial and natural intelligence technologies. A system of professional education, on the one hand, is one of the main institutions of human socialization, and the formation of a harmoniously developed, active, creative personality, on the other hand, ensures the reproduction and development of the personnel potential of the society. Realization of the goals of education is carried out in interaction with the socioeconomic environment, the dynamic change of which predetermines the conditions for the activity of educational institutions. An acceleration of scientific and technological progress in all areas of knowledge raises the task for ensuring the continuous growth of professional skills throughout the whole life. Structural and institutional replacing in professional education is reflected in various models of higher professional education. These alternative technology-mediated environments reflect the increasing need to serve a generation of learners who prefer to learn through experience or by interacting with learning tools.

I. Marko ◽  
S. Siryi

The article presents and analyses the budget of the Ministry of Defense in the course of the latest years according to datawhich have been approved by the State budget of Ukraine, its state and perspectives of development, as well as the features thatit is influenced by. There’s a presented comparison of the defense budget of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine in absolute andrelative indicators with a consideration for inflation. In every country the sector of defense in a variety of its manifestationshappens to be a powerful community that often plays a dominating and crucial role. The aspiration of the government to assurethe defense capability of the state is reflected in the adequate establishment of the military budget, the appropriate expendituresfor defense purposes, the peculiarities of their implementation under the conditions of a military conflict and its adherence tointernational norms. Due to the increase in short terms of combat capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine it was possible tostop the illegal armed formations. Yet, the issue of supporting the combat capabilities of our Armed Forces due to the resourcesand finances used for its purpose remains part of the current agenda. At the current stage of development of Ukraine there ar ethe challenges to increase the defense capabilities of the state, the conduct of reforms of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as well asother military formations in accordance with the state of the art requirements and including the experience obtained in the courseof the United Forces Operation, yet also the development of the defense-industrial complex, which is necessary to satisfy theneeds of our Armed Forces to the maximum. The successful implementation of the set tasks is in a significant way dependent onthe appropriate financial support the basis of which is formed by the expenditures of the state budget. Thus, the issue ofdynamics and the structure of the expenditures mentioned as well as the identification of systematic obvious tendencies in thesphere of defense financing are a part of the current agenda, especially under the conditions of the Russian armed aggressionagainst Ukraine.

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