scholarly journals ANALISIS KESULITAN BELAJAR SISWA MENTAL RETARDATION DI SDN KEDUNGPUTRI 2 (Studi Kasus di SDN Kedungputri 2, Paron Kabupaten Ngawi)

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Melik Budiarti Dan Candra Dewi

This study entitled Analysis of Reading Difficulties in Mental Retardation Students In Primary School (Case Study In SDN Kedungputri 2). The background of this research is the emergence of learning problems in mentally retarded children attending regular elementary school (not designated as inclusive primary). This study aims to find out the learning process, especially learning to read mental retardation children in SDN Kedungputri 2, Paron, Ngawi and to find out the steps taken in overcoming the difficulties of reading children mental retardation in SDN Kedungputri 2, Paron, Ngawi. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data collected in this research are facts and information on the implementation of character education of discipline in elementary school. In this study the data source is teachers and students. Data collection techniques used in this study consist of (a) observation, (b) interview, and (c) test. In this study the validity of the data using data triangulation. Data analysis technique is done by using interactive data model analysis technique. Based on the data collected can be seen that students who experience mental retardation initials AS and the students have difficulty reading. Teachers continue to pay attention to the difficulties of learning to read the beginning to the AS.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Mustapa Mustapa

This research aimed to know the character education of love of homeland through a green  harmony program at Border State Elementary School Sambas - Malaysia. Which viewed from the aspect of planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning characteristic of green harmony. Place of research conducted at Sajingan Besar 03 State Elementary School and Sasak 07 State Elementary School. This research was qualitative research that produces descriptive data. The subject of this research were headmasters, teachers, and students. Data collected by  interview, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed using data analysis techniques with data collection steps, data reduction, data presentation, and data verification (drawing conclusions). Technique examination of data validity by using technique triangulation and source. The results showed that character education through green schools program implemented in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of  learning was running well. Characteristic learning planning begins with an understanding of school programs and planning of learning scenarios. The implementation of learning was carried out by applying SERU's learning (happy, effective, friendly, unique) and contextual learning approaches. Characteristic learning evaluation was conducted by observation, anacdetal record, and portfolio.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-113
Ainul Huri ◽  
Marwanto Marwanto

The Character-Building Reinforcement (PPK) in Muhammadiyah Plus Elementary School of Salatiga is to strengthen the students being religious and nationalist. The aim of this research is to identify the application and the success of the Character Building Reinforcement; religious and nationalist in Muhammdiyah Plus Elementary School of Salatiga year 2017/2018. This is qualitative descriptive research, the data is taken from the interview, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique is using data collection, data reduction, data display, verification, and conclusion confirmation. The result is the application of the implementation model of Character Building Reinforcement; religious and nationalist in Muhammadiyah Plus Elementary School of Salatiga year 2017/2018 is applied in academic, non academic, and self-development, whereas the success in other program and school wisdom are 1) Character-based program as a prime program to the value of religious and nationalist habituation. 2) The culture of the school to characterize the students through four things, they are routines, spontaneous activities, exemplary, and conditioning. 3) Character learning or Nobel character model of the students is holistic, integrated, and balanced according to graduate competence standard, through simple habituations in the classroom. 4) Active participation of the community to build good communication with public and private institutions and the local community. 5) Parents' involvement as the stakeholder makes the parents be active in the implementation of the Character Building Reinforcement in Muhammadiyah Plus Elementary School of Salatiga, especially in religious and nationalist education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-75
Avi Yanni ◽  
Izzatin Kamala ◽  
Muhammad Shaleh Assingkily ◽  
Rahmawati Rahmawati

This study aims to determine (1) intellectual abilities of mentally retarded children in Demakijo State Elementary School (SD) 2 inclusive schools, (2) Obstacles faced by teachers when teaching at Demaijo State Elementary School 2, (3) Teachers' efforts in dealing with intellectual abilities of mentally retarded children in Demakijo State Elementary School 2. The type of approach used in this study is qualitative research with a survey method. Data collection techniques used were through observation and interviews with research subjects one mild retarded grade 1 student at Demakijo State Elementary School 2. The results of the intelligence test with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children (WISC) obtained the results obtained scores of 57 Verbal IQ scores included in the IQ score of 57 Mental Retardation category. IQ Performance Score 55 included in the Mental Retardation category. With the total IQ obtained is 55 included in mental retardation. Based on the analysis results contained in the table in general, mild mental retardation children are difficult to manage and do not do the work. Efforts made by teachers when experiencing difficulties in understanding the lessons conveyed by children with mild mental retardation AD is to provide personal guidance, ask questions and answer, and several times be assertive. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) kemampuan intelektual anak tunagrahita di sekolah inklusi Sekolah Dasar (SD) Negeri Demakijo 2, (2) Hambatan yang dihadapi guru ketika mengajar di SD Negeri Demaijo 2, (3) Upaya guru dalam menangani kemampuan intelektual anak tunagrahita di SD Negeri Demakijo 2. Jenis pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitataif dengan metode penelitian adalah metode survei. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakanya itu melalui observasi dan wawancara dengan subjek penelitian satu anak tunagrahita ringan kelas 1 SD Negeri Demakijo 2. Hasil dari tes intelegensi dengan Wechsler Intelligence Scale For Children (WISC) mendapatkan hasil skor yang didapatkan yaitu skor IQ Verbal 57 yang termasuk dalam kategori Retardasi Mental. Skor IQ Performance 55 yang termasuk dalam kategori Retardasi Mental. Dengan jumlah IQ total yang didapatkanya itu 55 termasuk dalam Retardasi mental.  Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang terdapat pada tabel secara umum anak tunagrahita ringan susah diatur dan tidak mengerjakan tugas. Upaya yang dilakukan guru ketika mengalami kesulitan dalam memahamkan pelajaran yang disampaikan anak tunagrahita ringan AD ialah dengan memberikan bimbingan pribadi, melakukan tanyajawab, serta beberapa kali bersikap tegas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 391-400
Umar M Sadjim ◽  
Ridwan Jusuf

This study aimed to assess local knowledge as one of the character formation values of Islamic elementary school students through Heutagogy and Cybergogy learning approach. The writers employed a qualitative method with a post-positivism interpretive phenomenology approach. The research subjects were the fourth, fifth, and sixth-grade teachers and students of SD (Elementary School) in Ternate. The writers collected the data through interviews, observation, and documentation and then analyzed the data using phenomenological data analysis. The results showed that the school applied Heutagogy and Cybergogy approaches in learning activities through online learning instructions combined with local wisdom. The values of local wisdom that supported the formation of student characters were tabea (respecting teachers and elders), dodara ngofa (a sense of love and affection with others), and fohaka biasa toma dodoto madaha (providing an example of habituation in education). These three dominant values formed the student characters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 98
Arifin Muslim ◽  
Novica Dimar Azizah ◽  
Supriatna Supriatna

This research was conducted based on the indicators of character education on environmental care which aimed to find out and analyze the school curriculum, the applying process of character education during learning in the class, the implementation, supporting factors, and hampering factors in implementing character education on environmental care. This was a descriptive qualitative research which focused on the indicators that must be achieved by the school and students. The main sources of this research were the school principal, the teachers and students of second and fifth grades. The data were collected using observation, interview, and documentation with the researcher himself as the instrument. The data were then analyzed using data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The data validity in this research used triangulation technique which was  source  triangulation.  The  results  showed  that  the  implementation  of character education on environmental care was done based on the school curriculum in regular activities, spontaneous activity, exemplary, and conditioning; the applying process of character education during learning in the class and at school;  the  implementation  of character education  could  be  seen  from  eight indicators which had been achieved by the school, six indicators which had been done by low and high-class students. The supporting factors were also found at school in the form of infrastructure and the role of school environment. However, there were also hampering factors such as time issue which caused less maximal implementation and the lack of giving reward to the students who had cared with environment.

Servasius Bupu ◽  
Rukayah Rukayah ◽  
Slamet Subiyantoro

This study aims to know the effect of poetry writing module using based on character education in contextual learning on learning result to write poetry of elementary school students in Bajawa sub-district. This research type is quantitative research (true experimental design) with the design of posttest only control design. The population taken in this research is the students of grade V elementary school in Bajawa with multistage sampling technique. Data sources are 88 students of class V, data collection techniques with test and questionnaire results of observation. The validity of the data is validity content. Data analysis technique uses independent t test. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence of poetry writing module using based on character education in contextual learning on student learning result in grade V of elementary school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Fyra Aldira Audia ◽  
Linda Zakiah ◽  
Nidya Chandra Muji Utami

In revolution 4.0, technology has an important role in the education sector one of them to making digital media learning there are values on character education by the purpose of learning on the curriculum 2013. This study aims to designed Lectora to inspire learning media-based character education on PPKn for students in class III elementary school and measuring the media. Research methodology uses the research and development model of Hannafin and Peck. To technique data collection to students, teachers, and validation by 3. expert. Analysis technique quantitative data based on the calculation of answers in Likert scale. The result of validation data from material experts with a score of 87.5%, validation result from media experts with a score of 85%, validation result from language experts with a score of 81%, and grade III teachers with a score of 98%. The learning media Lectora inspire based character education who then tried out on 15 students grade III Elementary School with a score of 98%. By looking at the result, it can be said Lectora inspires learning media-based character education on PPKn for students in class III elementary school appropriate to be used as medium learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  

Religious character education embedded in elementary school children in Kragan Village is still low. The purpuse of this study is to describe the ciltivation of religious characters and to describe the inhibiting and supporting factors in the cultivation of religious character education in elementary school children through religious activities in the Bajigur House, Kragan Village, Rembang Regency. The research was conducted in Kragan Village, Kragan District, Rembang Regency. The research method uses descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were elementary school children aged seven to eleven years. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, documentation, field notes. This data analysis technique uses data reduction, data display, and coclusions. To test the validity of the data using triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the inculcation of religious character in elementary school childern through religious activities in the Bajigur House can be well embedded, including through the fardhu prayer in congregation, reading and writing al-qur’an activities, reading sholawat performed before prayer and Friday, reading letters yasin together on Friday night. As for the supporting factors in shaping the religious character of students, including getting more support from parents and the surrounding community as well as adequate facilities. While the inhibiting factors in the ciltivation of character education include students who really need guidance from teachers and parents, this is due to the different backgroundsof students, lack of supervision from teacher and parents, this is due to the lack of awareness of students and parents regarding the value of religious character, and tha lack of enthusiasm for childern to participate in these activities, this is due to environmental factors or the association of students both at school and at home and lack of support from parents. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Vera Yuli Erviana

Rusaknya moral bangsa dapat diamati dari memudarnya perilaku peserta didik yang dicermati dari cara berperilaku, bertutur kata yang kurang sopan dan tidak beretika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penanganan dekadensi moral melalui penerapan pendidikan karakter cinta damai dan nasionalisme di SD Muhammadiyah Karangtengah. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, guru kelas, guru PJOK, guru PAI, serta peserta didik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik pengamatan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil analisis mengindikasikan bahwa dalam mengurangi kemrosotan moral peserta didik di usia sekolah dasar, pihak sekolah menanamkan pendidikan karakter cinta damai dan nasionalisme melalui pembiasaan, integrasi dalam pembelajaran, serta melalui budaya sekolah. Dalam penerapan pendidikan karakter tidak hanya usaha dari pihak sekolah saja, namun juga diperlukan adanya kerjasama antar semua elemen, mulai dari elemen pendidikan, keluarga, maupun lingkungan masyarakat. Hal itu merupakan langkah-langkah dalam mengurangi bahkan mencegah perilaku-perilaku kemrosotan moral yang terjadi di usia sekolah dasar. Handling Moral Decadence Through the Application of Peace Love Characters and NationalismThe damage to the nation's morals can be observed from the waning behavior of students who are observed from how to behave, speak impolite and unethical words. This study aims to describe the handling of moral decadence through the application of peace-loving character education and nationalism in Muhammadiyah Elementary School, Karangtengah. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects in this study were school principals, classroom teachers, PJOK teachers, Islamic education teachers, and students. The data was collected by means of observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The results of the analysis indicate that in reducing the moral decline in elementary school age, schools instill peace-loving character education and nationalism through habituation, integration in learning, and through school culture. In implementing character education, it is not only an effort from the school, but also requires cooperation between all elements, starting from the elements of education, family, and the community. This is a step in reducing and even preventing moral degeneration behavior that occurs at elementary school age.

2019 ◽  
Wuri Wuryandani ◽  
Fathurrohman Fathurrohman ◽  
Suparlan Suparlan

This study aimed to explore the character education through the school literacy program in Elementary School. This research is motivated by the importance of character education, one of them was school literacy program in elementary school. This research was a descriptive research with qualitative approach. Research subjects were principals, teachers, school literacy teams, and students at Muhammadiyah Sapen Elementary School in Yogyakarta. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interview, and documentation. Technique of examination of data validity used triangulation. The analysis technique used inductive analysis technique, that is analysis which depart from data and boils down to general conclusions. The steps of data analysis include: data reduction, unitization and categorization, display data,andconclusions.TheresultsshowedthatliteracyactivitiesatSDMuhammadiyah Sapen Yogyakarta had been implemented long before the government launched the school literacy program. Literacy activities at the school are implemented by maximizing collaboration between teachers and school librarians. Along with the school literacy movement program from the government, the school fix the literacy activities undertaken. School literacy movement activities conducted in 3 stages of habituation, development, and learning. In school literacy movement there are values of character that are grown the responsibility, discipline, appreciate achievement, confidence, creative, reading, and communicative.

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