scholarly journals Spontaneous alteration of blood pH by a bicarbonate buffer system during experimental hypercalcaemia in cows

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Younghye Ro ◽  
Woojae Choi ◽  
Leegon Hong ◽  
Eunkyung Kim ◽  
Eunhui Choe ◽  

Abstract Introduction Maintaining mineral homeostasis as well as the secretion and metabolism of mineralotropic hormones is important for healthy of periparturient dairy cows. To increase the activity of mineralotropic hormones, blood pH can be adjusted. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in blood pH and the mechanism of action of this change in induced hypercalcaemic cows. Material and Methods Six non-lactating Holstein cows were used in a 2 × 2 crossover design. To induce hypercalcaemia, calcium borogluconate was administered subcutaneously to experimental cows and normal saline was administered subcutaneously to control cows. Blood and urine samples were collected serially after administration. Whole blood without any anticoagulant was processed with a portable blood gas analyser. Plasma concentration and urinary excretion of calcium were measured. Results In hypercalcaemic cows, both blood and urine calcium levels were significantly increased at 8 h compared to those at 0 h (P < 0.05), and a spontaneous increase in blood pH was also observed. The calcium concentration in plasma was highest at 2 h after administration (3.02 ± 0.27 mmol/L). The change in pH correlated with that in bicarbonate (r = 0.781, P < 0.001) rather than that in partial pressure of CO2 (r = 0.085, P = 0.424). Conclusion Hypercalcaemia induced a spontaneous change in blood pH through the bicarbonate buffer system and this system may be a maintainer of calcium homeostasis.

2008 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 229-232 ◽  
M. Morgante ◽  
M. Gianesella ◽  
S. Casella ◽  
L. Ravarotto ◽  
C. Stelletta ◽  

Gavin M. Joynt ◽  
Gordon Y. S. Choi

Arterial blood gases allow the assessment of patient oxygenation, ventilation, and acid-base status. Blood gas machines directly measure pH, and the partial pressures of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) and oxygen (PaO2) dissolved in arterial blood. Oxygenation is assessed by measuring PaO2 and arterial blood oxygen saturation (SaO2) in the context of the inspired oxygen and haemoglobin concentration, and the oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve. Causes of arterial hypoxaemia may often be elucidated by determining the alveolar–arterial oxygen gradient. Ventilation is assessed by measuring the PaCO2 in the context of systemic acid-base balance. A rise in PaCO2 indicates alveolar hypoventilation, while a decrease indicates alveolar hyperventilation. Given the requirement to maintain a normal pH, functioning homeostatic mechanisms result in metabolic acidosis, triggering a compensatory hyperventilation, while metabolic alkalosis triggers a compensatory reduction in ventilation. Similarly, when primary alveolar hypoventilation generates a respiratory acidosis, it results in a compensatory increase in serum bicarbonate that is achieved in part by kidney bicarbonate retention. In the same way, respiratory alkalosis induces kidney bicarbonate loss. Acid-base assessment requires the integration of clinical findings and a systematic interpretation of arterial blood gas parameters. In clinical use, traditional acid-base interpretation rules based on the bicarbonate buffer system or standard base excess estimations and the interpretation of the anion gap, are substantially equivalent to the physicochemical method of Stewart, and are generally easier to use at the bedside. The Stewart method may have advantages in accurately explaining certain physiological and pathological acid base problems.

2015 ◽  
pp. 4534-4543
Ibrahim Akin ◽  
Deniz Alic Ural ◽  
Mehmet Gultekin ◽  
Kerem Ural

ABSTRACTObjective. The aim of this field trial was to investigate the relationships among subclinical laminitis, hematological, ruminal and faecal alterations. Materials and Methods. To this extent dairy cows presenting subclinical laminitis (n=11) and to those of other healthy cows without laminitis (n=10) were enrolled and assigned into two groups. All animals were receiving the same daily ration formulated to contain 47% cornsilage and 18% hay, mainly. Effects of subclinical laminitis challenges on measurements of feces, and blood samples, were investigated to determine which of these measurements may aid in the diagnosis. pH changes in ruminal fluid collected via rumenocentesis were measured. Besides the following parameters were also measured; blood pH, faecal pH and faecal scoring. Blinded investigators performed the sample collection. Results. No statistical differences between the groups were detected for blood gas values studied regarding pCO2, HCO3, BE, indeed mean that pO2 values decreased statistically (p<0.05) and faecal pH was significantly decreased (p<0.05) in cows with subclinical laminitis in contrast to healthy controls. Conclusions. pO2 values and faecal pH may be valuable as indirect indicators of subclinical laminitis in cattle.RESUMENObjetivos. El objetivo de esta prueba de campo fue investigar las relaciones entre la laminitis subclínicay alteraciones hematológicas, ruminales y fecales. Materiales y métodos. Las vacas lecheras que presentaron laminitis subclínica (n=11) y las vacas sanas sin laminitis (n=10) fueron reclutadas y asignadas en dos grupos. Todos los animales recibieron la misma ración diaria que contenía 47% de ensilaje de maíz y 18% de heno, principalmente. Los efectos de la laminitis subclínica sobre las mediciones de las heces y muestras de sangre, fueron investigados para determinar cuál de estas mediciones pueden ayudar en el diagnóstico. Se midieron los cambios de pH en el fluido ruminal recogido a través rumenocentesis. Además, también se midieron los siguientes parámetros; pH de la sangre, el pH fecal y la puntuación fecal. La toma de las muestras se realizó a doble ciego. Resultados. No se detectaron diferencias significativas entre los grupos para los valores de los gases sanguíneos estudiados en relación con la pCO2, HCO3, BE; lo que significa que los valores de pO2 disminuyeron estadísticamente (p<0.05) y que el pH fecal se redujo significativamente (p<0.05) en las vacas con laminitis subclínica; en contraste con los controles sanos. Conclusiones. Los valores de PO2 y pH fecal pueden ser valiosos como indicadores indirectos de la laminitis subclínica en el ganado.

Shevryakov M.V.

This lecture is devoted to theoretical foundations of blood buffer systems functioning. Biochemical aspects and physiological activity of phosphate, hydrogen carbonate buffer and its combined activity with hemoglobin buffer, which ensures stability of blood pH, are presented. Chemical reactions to achieve the required blood pH are investigated. The combination of buffer properties, one of the components of which is CO2gas and autonomous self-regulation by intracellular hemoglobin ensures the blood plasma pH constancy. Stabilizing systems are considered -the respiratory apparatus and kidneys, which create the possibility of maintaining the stability of extracellular fluid pH. Respiratory acidosis, alkalosis, metabolic acidosis are considered on the biochemical level. This article presents information about hemoglobin structure: heme structure and globin subunits in different typesof hemoglobin. The following mechanismswhich provide maximumoxygen saturation of lungs and maximum oxygen emission in the tissues: heme-hemic interaction, Bohr effect and influence of 2,3-diphospho-glycerate connected with haemoglobin, are considered. The proteinbuffer system has been characterized in the in general. The capacity of the phosphate buffer system has been shown to be close to 1-2% of the whole buffer capacity of the blood and up to 50% of the buffer capacity of urine. The organic phosphates also exhibit buffering activity in the cell. Human and animal organisms can have intracellular pH from 4.5 to 8.5 depending on the type of cells, but the blood pH should be 7.4. This parameter is ensured by the hydrogen carbonate buffer system. Moreover,the blood pH depends not on the absolute concentrations of buffer components but on their ratio. The most powerful is hemoglobin buffer system that accounts for 75% of the whole blood buffer system. For stabilization of buffer capacity, the body uses two other stabilizing systems -the respiratory apparatus and kidneys. At the same time, the compensatory role of the respiratory system has shortcomings. Hyperventilation of lungs causes respiratory alkalosis. Hypoventilation has a counteracting effect by lowering the pH of the blood. Thus, the blood buffer system is ensured by a complex system that allows the organisms to adapt to changes in the fluid medium and regulate the pH under pathological conditions.Key words:homeostasis, hemoglobin, blood, acid-liquid equilibrium. У лекції розглядаються теоретичні основи механізмів дії буферних систем крові. Наводяться біохімічні аспекти та фізіологічна дія фосфатного, гідрогенкарбонатного буфера та його спільна дія з гемоглобіновим буфером, що забезпечує стабільність рН крові. Розглядаються хімічні реакції досягнення необхідного рівня рН крові. Поєднання властивостей буфера, одним з компонентів якого є газ СО2, та автономним саморегулюванням за рахунок внутрішньоклітинного гемоглобіну, забезпечує постійність рН плазми крові. Розглядаються стабілізуючі системи –дихальний апарат та нирки, які створюють можливості підтримання постійності рН позаклітинної рідини. На біохімічному рівні розглядаються дихальні ацидоз, алкалоз, метаболічний ацидоз. У статті представлені відомості про будову гемоглобіну: будову гему та субодиниць глобіну у різних видах гемоглобінів. Розглядаються механізми, що забезпечують максимальне насичення киснем легенів та максимальну віддачу кисню в тканинах: гем-гемова взаємодія, ефект Бора та вплив 2,3-дифосфо-гліцерату, зв’язаного з гемоглобіном. В загальних рисах охарактеризована білкова буферна система. Показано, що ємність фосфатної буферної системи становить близько 1-2% від всієї буферної ємності крові та до 50% буферної ємності сечі. При цьому органічні фосфати також виявляють буферну дію в клітині. В організмі людини і тварин значення внутрішньоклітинного рН може бути від 4,5 до 8,5 взалежності від типу клітин, проте рН крові має становити 7,4. Цей показник забезпечується гідрогенкарбонатною буферною системою. Причому, рН крові залежить не від абсолютних концентрацій компонентів буфера, а від їхнього співвідношення. Найбільш потужною є гемоглобінова буферна система, яка становить 75% від всієї буферної системи крові. Для стабілізації буферної ємності організм використовує ще дві стабілізуючі системи –дихальний апарат та нирки. Разом з тим, компенсаторна роль дихальної системи має недоліки. Гіпервентиляція легень спричиняє дихальний алкалоз. Гіповентиляція виявляє протилежну дію, знижуючи рН крові. Таким чином, буферна система крові забезпечується складною системою, що дозволяє організмові адаптуватися до змін оточуючого середовища та регулювати рН за патологічних умов.Ключові слова:гомеостаз, гемоглобін, кров, кислотно-лужна рівновага.

Animals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 917 ◽  
Matteo Mezzetti ◽  
Andrea Minuti ◽  
Massimo Bionaz ◽  
Fiorenzo Piccioli-Cappelli ◽  
Erminio Trevisi

The anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-inflammatory effects exerted by Aloe on monogastric mammals suggest it as a potential strategy to address the tremendous metabolic alterations that affect dairy cows during their transition to calving. A group of 20 multiparous Italian Holstein dairy cows were housed in freestalls and allocated into two homogeneous groups to receive either 200 g/d of water (CTR) or 200 g/day of Aloe arborescens Mill. whole plant homogenate through a rumen tube (AAM) between −14 and 14 days from calving (DFC). From −14 to 35 DFC, the BCS, and milk yield were measured, and blood samples were collected to assess the hematochemical profile. Data underwent ANOVA testing using a mixed model for repeated measurements, including the treatment and time and their interactions as fixed effects. Compared to CTR cows, AAM cows had a less pronounced BCS loss in early lactation (p < 0.01), indicating less mobilization of body reserves. Compared to CTR cows, AAM cows had a lower plasma concentration of nonesterified fatty acids and beta hydroxybutyrate (p < 0.01 and = 0.01 respectively) that, paired with the lower butterfat content and fat/protein ratio in their milk (p = 0.03 and < 0.01 respectively), indicates that Aloe reduced the mobilization of body fats. AAM cows had a reduced concentration of myeloperoxidase in plasma and a lower SCC in milk compared to CTR cows (p = 0.02 for both), indicating an anti-inflammatory effect of Aloe. Furthermore, AAM cows had a lower plasma concentration of ceruloplasmin (p < 0.05) and higher plasma concentration of cholesterol, retinol, and paraoxonase compared to CTR cows (p < 0.01, < 0.01 and < 0.05 respectively), indicating Aloe was effective in mitigating the acute phase response in early lactation. Finally, AAM cows had lower plasma creatinine concentrations around calving (p < 0.05), a lower concentration of plasma bilirubin, and a higher concentration of plasma tocopherol compared to CTR cows (p = 0.01 for both). These data suggest Aloe has anti-hyperlipidemic and anti-inflammatory effects on transition dairy cows that could have ameliorated liver and kidney function disruption and increased the availability of body antioxidants in early lactation.

2002 ◽  
Vol 55 (4) ◽  
pp. 219-222 ◽  
Naoto SUZUKI ◽  
Akihiro DAIRAKU ◽  
Tomio KATAGAI ◽  
Gensei TSUNODA ◽  
Kazuyuki SUZUKI ◽  

1984 ◽  
Vol 247 (3) ◽  
pp. F440-F446 ◽  
D. P. Simpson ◽  
S. R. Hager

The influence of the bicarbonate-carbon dioxide buffer system on the pH gradient (delta pH) across the inner membrane of mitochondria from rabbit renal cortex was studied with and without phosphate in the medium. delta pH with bicarbonate buffer or phosphate in the medium was greater at low than at high medium pH so that the difference (delta delta pH) between delta pH at pH 7.1 and at 7.6 was positive. Varying the concentration of phosphate from 0 to 10 mM had little effect on delta delta pH produced by bicarbonate buffer. Inhibition of the phosphate-hydroxyl carrier with N-ethylmaleimide abolished delta delta pH when phosphate was present in non-bicarbonate-containing media. With bicarbonate buffer present, N-ethylmaleimide increased delta delta pH. Similar effects were observed in mitochondria from liver and heart as well as from kidney. The effects of the bicarbonate buffer system on delta pH may result either from an inner membrane permeable to carbon dioxide but not to bicarbonate ion or from an active carrier for bicarbonate ion in the inner membrane. In intact kidney cells, the influence of the bicarbonate buffer system on delta pH may provide a mechanism for regulating substrate metabolism in response to acid-base changes. It may also serve in many organs to reduce fluctuations in matrix pH when alterations in cytoplasmic pH occur.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (s1) ◽  
pp. 15-15
A. Colleen Crouch ◽  
Emily A. Thompson ◽  
Mark D. Pagel ◽  
Erik N.K. Cressman

OBJECTIVES/GOALS: The purpose of this work is to investigate natural buffering capacity of liver tissue and tumors, to understand and exploit differences for therapy. Using this work, we will determine the concentrations of reagents (acids or bases) used in ablation treatment to optimize treatment by increasing tumor toxicity and minimizing healthy tissue toxicity. METHODS/STUDY POPULATION: For this preliminary study, two methods will be used: benchtop pH experiments ex vivo and non-invasive imaging using acidoCEST MRI in vivo. For ex vivo, two types of tissues will be tested: non-cancerous liver and tumor tissue from HepG2 inoculated mice (n = 10). After mice are euthanized, pH will be measured in tissue homogenates at baseline and then the homogenates will be placed in either acidic (acetic acid) or basic (sodium hydroxide) solutions with varied concentrations (0.5–10M) and time recorded until pH returns to baseline. For in vivo imaging, Mia PaCA-2 flank model mice (n = 10) will be imaged with acidoCEST MRI to quantify pH at baseline. Mice will then be injected intratumorally with (up to 100 μL of) acid or base at increasing concentrations and imaged to quantify pH changes in the tumor. RESULTS/ANTICIPATED RESULTS: For this study, buffering capacity is defined as the concentration threshold for which tissue can buffer pH back to within normal range. Non-cancerous tissue is likely to buffer a wider range of concentrations compared to tumor tissue. From the benchtop experiment, comparison of time-to-buffer will be made for each concentration of acid/base for the two tissue types. AcidoCEST MRI will provide in vivo buffering capacity and potentially demonstrate tumor heterogeneity of buffering capacity. For both experiments, a pH vs. concentration curve for the two tissue types will allow for comparison of ex vivo to in vivo experiments, which will differentiate contributions of local tissue buffering capacity from the full body’s natural bicarbonate buffer system that depends on respiration and blood flow. DISCUSSION/SIGNIFICANCE OF IMPACT: The pH of the body must be maintained within a narrow range. With cancer, impairment in regulation of tumor metabolism causes acidosis, lowering extracellular pH in tumors. It remains unclear if pH plays a role in local recurrence or tumor toxicity. This work will determine if acidoCEST MRI can measure deliberate alteration of pH and how this change affects biology.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-8
Amrit Ghimire ◽  
Laxman Shrestha ◽  
Merina Shrestha

Introductions: Birth asphyxia is failure breathing causing severe consequences or death. This study aims to determine the incidence of perinatal asphyxia in neonates with low Apgar and Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) in asphyxiated babies. Methods: This was a cross sectional study from November 1, 2010 to July 30, 2011. Babies with Apgar score of less than seven at five minute were enrolled in the study. Blood was drawn from umbilical cord artery for blood gas analysis. Neonates were followed up in every six hours for at least 48 hours. Staging of HIE according to Sarnat staging was done in babies with Apgar score of <7 at five minutes within 24 hours of birth. Data was analysed using SPSS version 16.0. Results: Total of 2,425 live births, 56 (2.30%) were born with an Apgar of < 7 at five minute, six were excluded (due to set exclusion criteria) and remaining 50 were analysed. Thirty-four (68% of 50) of babies with low Apgar score had maternal risk factors – meconium stained liquor being the commonest risk factor. Majority (46%) had cord blood pH of >7.2, 40% had between 7.1 to 7.2, 12% between 7 to 7.1 and remaining 2% had pH < 7. HIE developed in 22% (11/50) of the asphyxiated babies. Conclusions: More than 1/3rd (46%) of babies with low Apgar had low cord blood pH, 1/4th (26%) had base excess, and 22% developed features of HIE. Cord blood pH were better predictors than Apgar in asphyxiated babies.  

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