scholarly journals Pengelolaan Usaha Kerajinan Berbasis Pemberdayaan Sampah di Dusun Sukunan, Desa Banyuraden, Kabupaten Sleman

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Lutfi Tri Atmaji

Sampah merupakan permasalahan yang kerap dijumpai dalam kehidupan masyarakat di perkotaan dan daerah padat penduduk seperti perkampungan dan perumahan. Pengelolaan sampah yang kurang efektif dapat berakibat pada penumpukan sampah dan jika dibiarkan tentu akan mengganggu bagi lingkungan sekitar hingga menimbulkan penyakit. Namun di masyarakat di Dusun Sukunan memiliki sistem pengolahan sampah mandiri. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan karena penumpukan sampah warga Dusun Sukunan memberdayakan limbah sampah rumah tangga diolah menjadi kerajinan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis dan berdaya guna sehingga selain dapat mengatasi permasalahan sampah juga dapat membatu pemasukan ekonomi bagi warga sekitar. Proses memberdayakan pengolahan limbah rumah tangga kepada warga di Dusun Sukunan tidaklah mudah namun pelan tapi pasti banyak warga yang justru tertarik menjadi pengrajin olahan sampah. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji bagaimana cara kelompok usaha kerajinan di dusun Sukunan menjaga keberlangsungan usahanya yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti produk, produksi, harga, SDM, finansial dan edukasi. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor edukasi dan faktor kepercayaan merupakan elemen yang memegang peranan penting dalam keberlangsungan pengelolaan kerajinan berbasis sampah di dusun Sukunan. Waste is a problem that is often encountered in public life in urban and densely populated areas such as settlement and housing. The lack of effectiveness of garbage management may result in the accumulation of garbage and if left unchecked it will damaging the surrounding environment and causing illness. But people in the Sukunan Village have independent waste management system. To overcome the problems due to the accumulation of garbage, people in Sukunan Village recycle their household waste into a handicraft that has economic and useful value so that in addition to addressing the waste problem it can also contribute to economic income for local residents. Recycling process of household waste in the Sukunan Village is not a simple matter however, slowly but sure many people are actually interested in being a recycled garbage craftsman. This study will examine how the handicraft business group in Sukunan Village maintain continuity of their business that are affected by several factors such as product, production, pricing, human resources, financial and education. This research used descriptive qualitative method with interviewing 7 informants as a research instrument. The result in this research are education and trust factor which became the essential element in waste management industry in Dusun Sukunan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Arie Kusuma Paksi ◽  
Nanik Prasetyoningsih

Terkait dengan tema pengabdian masyarakat, ternyata di masyarakat Desa Trimurti masih sangat perlu sosialisasi mengenai bahaya tumpukan sampah, hasil dari aktivitas rumah tangga, yang akan mengalami dekomposisi dan menghasilkan gas CH4 dan CO2 yang berdampak pada pemanasan global. Pengabdian dilakukan dengan maksud untuk memberikan informasi yang akurat untuk meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat Desa Trimurti mengenai pentingnya mengelola sampah rumah tangga dalam rangka mengurangi resiko pemanasan global. Permasalahan yang ditemukan adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Pemahaman masyarakat mengenai bahaya pemanasan global masih perlu ditingkatkan, (2) Kesadaran masyarakat masih rendah mengenai pentingnya mengelola sampah rumah tangga; dan (3) Belum adanya manajemen pengelolaan sampah yang inovatif. Adapun penyelesaian masalah yang ditawarkan adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat bahwa menjaga lingkungan melalui pengelolaan sampah, akan berdampak pada pengurangan resiko pemanasan global. Ini menjadi tanggungjawab semua warga, dan bukan hanya pemerintah; (2) Motivasi dan sosialisasi mengenai pentingnya menjaga lingkungan sekitar khususnya bagi masing-masing rumah tangga; dan (3) Pendampingan Pemerintah Dukuh untuk melakukan sosialisasi prosedur pengelolaan sampah melalui program shodaqoh sampah. Pelaksanaan kegiatan dilaksanakan di Dukuh Gerso, dan telah dilaksanakan dengan baik bekerjasama dengan Masyarakat Dukuh Gerso dan Pemerintah Desa Trimurti. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan antara lain: pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat Desa Trimurti mengenai pentingnya menjaga lingkungan sekitar meningkat, yakni dengan dibentuknya Gerakan Pengelola Sampah di setiap RT dibawah Koordinasi Kepala Dukuh Gerso dan di ketuai langsung oleh Ketua RT.  Inisiasi program shodaqoh sampah masih berlangsung di Dukuh Gerso, dan oleh pihak Desa akan disebarkan ke padukuhan yang lainnya di Desa Trimurti. Sementara itu, pelaksanakan gerakan shodaqoh sampah di Dukuh Besole baru sebatas inisiasi dikarenakan Kepala Dukuh dan warga masyarakat sedang mempersiapkan langkah-langkah selanjutnya demi memulai gerakan pengelolaan sampah dengan model tersebut.Kata kunci: shodaqoh sampah; kesehatan lingkungan; pemanasan global Abstract Related to the theme of community service, it turns out that in the community of Trimurti Village there is still a great need for socialization regarding the dangers of garbage piles, the result of household activities, which will experience decomposition and produce CH4 and CO2 gas and this will have an impact to global warming. Dedication was carried out with the intention of providing accurate information to improve the understanding of the Trimurti Village community about the importance of managing household waste in order to reduce the risk of global warming. The problems found are as follows: (1) Public understanding of the dangers of global warming still needs to be improved, (2) Public awareness is still low regarding the importance of managing household waste; and (3) The absence of innovative waste management. The solutions to the problems offered are as follows: (1) Increasing public awareness that protecting the environment through waste management will have an impact on reducing the risk of global warming. This is the responsibility of all citizens, and not just the government; (2) Motivation and socialization regarding the importance of protecting the surrounding environment, especially for each household; and (3) Assistance to the hamlet government to disseminate waste management procedures through the waste almsgiving program. The activity was carried out in Gerso Hamlet, and has been well implemented in collaboration with the Dukuh Gerso community and the Trimurti Village Government. The results of the implementation of the activities included: the knowledge and understanding of the Trimurti Village community about the importance of protecting the surrounding environment, namely the establishment of the waste management movement in each neighborhood under the coordination of Gerso Hamlet Heads and chaired directly by the Chairperson of the Neighborhood. The initiation of the waste almsgiving program is still ongoing in Gerso Hamlet, and by the Village will be distributed to other hamlets in Trimurti Village. Meanwhile, carrying out the waste almsgiving movement in Hamlet Besole was only limited to initiation because the Village Head and the community were preparing the next steps to start the waste management movement through almsgiving programme.

Femi O. Omololu ◽  
Akinmayowa S. Lawal

This paper examines the influence of population growth on waste generation in Lagos metropolis, African’s most populous urban conglomeration. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, the study analyses the pattern of household waste disposal, collection and transportation in Lagos State. It also examines the public-private partnership strategy adopted in waste management. The findings show that population growth significantly influences waste generation and management in Lagos metropolis. As the population increased, the volume of waste generated also increased in each LGA of Lagos State. The public-private partnership strategy has been effective in managing waste, but the Lagos State Waste Management Authority oversight was adjudged as less than satisfactory. The paper concludes that intervention is needed in terms of educating the growing population of the Lagos metropolis on the best waste management practices. It highlights the need for a more efficient and effective publicprivate partnership collaboration to solve this perennial social problem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 167 ◽  
pp. 1950-1959 ◽  
Sonali Dubey ◽  
Pushpa Singh ◽  
Piyush Yadav ◽  
Krishna Kant Singh

Daisy Ganados ◽  
Jessebel Gencianos ◽  
Ruth Ann Faith Mata ◽  
Christopher Sam Pates ◽  
Christine Mariesalvatiera ◽  

Solid waste management is the process of collecting and treating solid wastes. It also offers solutions for recycling items that do not belong to garbage or trash. Reducing and eliminating the adverse impact of waste materials on human health and the environment supports economic development. Quality of life is the primary goal of solid waste management. To ensure environmental best practices, content or hazard potential and solid waste must be managed systematically, and it is needed to be incorporated into ecological planning. This study aimed to assess Bonbon, Clarin, Bohol residents towards the proper implementation of solid waste management. The quantitative-descriptive method of research was used with the aid of a modified standardized survey questionnaire. The data showed that mothers or married respondents aged 21-30 got the highest percentage. Therefore, it shows that they are the ones primarily in charge of household waste management. The Assessment of the implementation of Solid Waste Management was conducted per dimension: Planning and Control, Zero Waste Collection Service, and Waste Disposal System. According to the results, the dimension of Planning and Control was labeled as Strongly Implemented, Zero Waste Collection Service was marked as Moderately Implemented, and Waste Disposal System was categorized as Moderately Not Implemented. Therefore, it shows that the Solid Waste Management in Bonbon, Clarin, Bohol was moderately implemented. Thus, the study's outcome served as a guide to enhance their best practices for the full implementation and sustainability of solid waste management in their locality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Astiana Ajeng Rahadini ◽  
Rahmat Rahmat

Traditional culture underlying a wide range of behavior and deeds of a society and gave birth to a variety of oral literature as well as myth. The myth that developed and still surviving in public life of Java among other myths related to pregnant and nursing mothers. This research is under a descriptively qualitative method supported by field research method along with un-depth interviews in Dawuhan village of Banyumas which is the village where the ancestors of Banyumas was buried. Through field observation and research method of interview to the trusted resource in Dawuhan village was obtained by results of research regarding the myth of pregnant and nursing mothers. This research finds some kinds of myths in relation to recommending and prohibition to perform an action that may harm the fetus, while the myth of breastfeeding mothers mostly prohibition and advice about foods that are consumed by the mother breastfeeding can harm the health of the baby.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Irmayanti Irmayanti

Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematika mahasiswa/i melalui pembelajaran metakognitif di Semester IV Jurusan Matematika Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa/i semester IV matematika. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah pembelajaran matematika dalam usaha peningkatan kemampuan koneksi matematika mahasiswa/i melalui pembelajaran metakognitif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara: Observasi, tes, dan dokumen. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan: RPS, LKS, Tes dan Lembar Observasi. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus, yang masing-masing siklus terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk untuk siklus I untuk indikator 1, indikator 2, dan indikator 3 berdasarkan kategori Sangat Kurang (SK), Kurang (K), Cukup (C),  Baik (B) dan Sangat Baik (SB) berturut-turut ada sebesar 63,88%, 77,76%, 80,55%, 63,88%, dan 5,54%. Setelah dilakukan pemberian tindakan dengan model pembelajaran Metakognitif, banyak mahasiswa/i yang berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi matematika pada akhir siklus II, untuk indikator 1, 2 dan 3 kategori Sangat Kurang (SK), Kurang (K), Cukup (C),  Baik (B) dan Sangat Baik (SB) berturut-turut ada sebesar 13,88%, 44.43%, 33,32%, 116,65%, dan 91,65%. Dari penelitian ini dapat diperoleh simpulan bahwa melalui pembelajaran Metakognitif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan koneksi mahasiswa/i semester IV matematika Universitas Labuhanbatu. Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Koneksi Matematika, Pembelajaran Metakognitif. This study was conducted to determine the effect of household waste to the environment in terms of aspects of biology at the housing complex kel housekeeping earth. nevertheless compass excl. southern shoreline. This research is a field (Field Research) is a research .Populasi residents handle garbage Complex Graha Pertiwidalam citizens. Samples were done by using stratified random sampling.Untuk collect the necessary data in this study, the data collection tools used, ie observation, interviews, and Library Research.Teknik data collectors that researchers use is to conduct interviews with entrepreneurs as a developer Complex Graha Pertiwi the data collected from the field study will be presented systematically. The results of the research, that rubbish in Housing Complex Graha Pertiwi derived from household waste from residents who live in the complex. The type of waste that is often seen is composed of organic waste and garbage in the complex non organik.Setiap day Graha Pertiwi inmates on average to dispose of waste ranging from 1 kg / perharinya.Kesadaran high community waste management is big enough where their garbage stacked on the front page house and burned, so that the waste could not accumulate too lama.Kendala faced and penanggulangannyamasih efforts in creating public awareness of cleanliness lingkungan.Hal is seen from a habit of throwing garbage on tempatnya.Persepsi community about waste management is still concentrated in the government, whereas hygiene problem is a shared responsibility between the public and the government, the limited space for the collection and final disposal, as well as limited transportation funds rubbish. While a pile of garbage is increasing day by day. Keywords: Household Waste, Graha Pertiwi

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-146
Muzanny Muzanny ◽  
Nina Siti Salmaniah Siregar ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

The purpose of this research is to analyze the discipline of the State Civil Apparatus at the Human Resources Development and Human Resources Development Agency in East Aceh Regency in terms of time discipline and work discipline and what are the obstacles. While the purpose of this study is to analyze the time discipline and work discipline of the state civil apparatus at the Human Resources and Human Resources Development Agency in East Aceh District and determine what obstacles are faced in improving the time discipline and work discipline of the state civil apparatus. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method, with a focus of research that is time discipline and work discipline. Based on the results of research and discussion the authors conclude that time discipline and work discipline apparatus BKPSDM East Aceh in general is good. Barriers that occur are distant domicile, do not have standard work standards, lack of maximum vigilance, not all understand work ethics. Some things suggested are more cooperative, give penalties for violations, continuous supervision.

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