scholarly journals Strategi Pengembangan Pariwisata di Wisata BALKONDES Ngadiharjo di Kawasan Borobudur Kabupaten Magelang

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 322
Rian Destiningsih ◽  
Andhatu Achsa ◽  
Dian Marlina Verawati

Magelang has so many tours, nice and very interesting to visit. Balai Ekonomi Desa which is often abbreviated as Balkondes, is a tour that is only found in Magelang. Several tours feature Balkondes, but the destinations carried are different from Balkondes. Balkondes is the embodiment of the village community in developing the economic potential of the village, while the number of Balkondes in Magelang Regency is around 20 Balkondes. One of them, Balkondes Ngadiharjo is one of Balkondes that is unique and still frequently visited by tourists often as tourists. The purpose of this research is provide an overview to identify tourism development strategy in Balkondes Ngadiharjo. The method of the study used descriptive qualitative, Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) and the survey was undertaken on 57 respondents. The results showed that alternative development strategies for Balkondes Ngadiharjo include optimization of promotions, internet access, suitable facilities gave the wide location, environment-based tourism, outdoor events and the tendency to travel in eco-based niche tourism, Borobudur Temple tourists to visit Balkondes Ngadiharjo, increasing creativity Balkondes Ngadiharjo's innovation and uniqueness to maintain competition for the number of visitors between Balkondes and other tours, increase management professionalism, playgrounds, public facilities and innovation and creativity to maintain competition between Balkondes and other tourist objects so that the level of tourist visits is high and can give a positive impression that is memorable for visitors and have an impact on the high profitability of tourist objects.   Keyword: balkondes, tourism, strategy, swot

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Ni Wayan Ari Sudiartini ◽  
Putu Ari Mulyani ◽  
Yenni Rahman

The purpose of this study is to understand the tourism development strategies in the Indigenous Village of Asak Karangasem, which analyzes the impact of tourism development through cultural traditions on the economy of the community and describes the tourism development strategies that will be carried out and can find out aspects that need to be considered in tourism development so that it can affect the economy of the village community. This study uses the SWOT analysis method where by using this analysis we can find out the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that exist around the Asak Karangasem Indigenous Village. From the results of this study it can be proven that the tourism development strategy is able to have an impact on the economy of the surrounding community.

RAtna Diyah Palupi ◽  
Ira ◽  

The consequence of tourist village is the community's psychology and environmental carrying capacity. Good strategy will be able to realize the welfare of the village community. The purpose of this study is to make a tourism development strategy in the Namu Village. Methods of data collection using sampling techniques through interviews and questionnaires with a total samples of 70 respondents. Characteristics of tourism conditions and potential are analyzed by supply-demand. While demand analysis is used to recognize the pattern of visitor demand. Both of these analyzes are used as reference materials for development strategies by strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats SWOT analyzed. Furthermore, based on the Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS), the beauty of Namu and the waterfall become the main attraction for tourist destination. On the other side the disadvantage is the unpreparedness of the Namu village community make them not enough in economically. External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS), partisanship of the government enable for Namu to be developing in marine tourism. However the threats was come from outside investor which can reduce the role of the community to improve their economy. Based on the analysis of IFAS and EFAS, the Namu Village's tourism development strategy is to improve the quality of tourism objects, increasing the role of the government, looking for investors especially in the transportation sector, improve community capacity. For instance manufacture of fishery products, souvenirs, and culinary. Finally safeguard ecosystems through waste management

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-132
Betha Rahmasari

This article aims to find out the developmentidea or paradigm through village financial management based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. In this study, the researcher used a normative research methodby examining the village regulations in depth. Primary legal materials are authoritatuve legal materials in the form of laws and regulations. Village dependence is the most obvious violence against village income or financial sources. Various financial assistance from the government has made the village dependent on financial sources from the government. The use of regional development funds is intended to support activities in the management of Regional Development organizations. Therefore, development funds should be managed properly and smoothly, as well as can be used effectively to increase the people economy in the regions. This research shows that the law was made to regulate and support the development of local economic potential as well as the sustainable use of natural resources and the environment, and that the village community has the right to obtain information and monitor the planning and implementation of village development.

2008 ◽  
Vol 13 (Special Edition) ◽  
pp. 47-62
Naved Hamid

The objective of this paper is to set out the key components of a development strategy for Pakistan. A fundamental premise of our analysis is that the world economic environment is changing dramatically and a development strategy today must position itself to take advantage of the changes taking place. The paper is divided into five sections: First, we provide a brief review of Pakistan’s experience with development strategies so far. Next, we discuss the changes that have occurred, or are taking place in the global economy, which have strategic relevance for Pakistan. In the third section we look at the current situation in Pakistan with regard to the potential drivers of growth, based on the earlier discussion of the global developments. In the final section key elements of an alternative development strategy for Pakistan are outlined.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-56
Erni Julianti

The basic concept of tourism development strategy mangrove forest is reviewing the state of observation in the area of mangrove forests, perceptions and preferences of society and local government, and the use of SWOT analysis. This study aims to determine the development strategy of mangrove forest tour in the village Langadai Kelumpang Hilir Subdistrict, so mangrove well then expected to implement development programs and the development of an integrated strategy between the conservation of natural resouces with economic development in a sustainable society. The application of the concept of travel in the area of mangrove forest ecosystems in general is expected to reduce the rate of destruction of these areas by the public.  Processing method used is the analysis of the potensial landscape and strategy development SWOT analysis. Analysis of the data elements of the landscape each focal point of the model pengharkatan done that is by scoring according to the criteria assessment landscape elements that have been modified. While the SWOT analysis is a technique for identifying problems based on potential or strengths and weaknesses to address and respond to the opportunities and threats. So that the analysis results can be used as a basis for the development of mangrove forest tour in the village Langadai Kelumpang Hilir subdistrict in the future.  Based on the results of the assessment landscape mangrove forest tour in the village Langadai Kelumpang Hilir Subdistrict is in the range of 19-33 which means to have a high quality, so it has the potential to be developed as the natural attractions. Based on the results of this study resulted in several recommendations that include: Completing the supporting infrastructure of natural traveled activities such as: roads, bridges, gazebo, fishing, sanitary facilities, public toilets and others. Promotion to the public both in the region and outside the region. The government should  make the rules tight areas in the preservation of nature and fully supported by the community. Improving the quality of management of natural attractions integrated manner.

Angga Ali Putra ◽  
Fermanto Lianto

The problem of population density has become a fairly common problem in big cities. The effects that can arise from population problems include the appearance of slums, the decline in environmental quality, and the impact on psychological conditions in the form of stress. One method that can solve the problem due to population density is the construction of supporting facilities. Housing can be adequate and improve its quality because of the availability of supporting facilities in a residential group. This is because supporting facilities can facilitate direct contact between individuals, where several individuals can communicate. The existence of public facilities can also facilitate recreational activities such as sports that can reduce the impact of stress. So it takes place for people who want to gather, treats stress, loneliness, and alienation, not only as a place to escape but also to relax, be entertained, and also get peace in it. The Sports and Recreation Facility at Duri Kepa is a project created so that the community, especially the Duri Kepa residents, have a place to relax, unwind, and be free to express themselves as manifested in sports and recreation activities. The design methodology used is canonical design, a design approach based on various aspects such as the geometrical aspects of objects, proportional systems, modules, and mass order, all of which lead to rule as the basis of design. This project seeks to meet the physical and social needs of the village community easily reached from the first place and second place. This project will be a place for community social interaction. Keywords: Canonic Design; Recreation; Sport; Stress; Supporting Facilities  AbstrakMasalah kepadatan penduduk sudah menjadi masalah yang cukup lazim di kota besar. Efek yang dapat ditimbulkan dari masalah kependudukan, antara lain munculnya kawasan kumuh, turunya kualitas lingkungan dan dampak terhadap kondisi psikologis berupa stress. Salah satu metode yang dapat memecahkan masalah akibat padatnya penduduk yaitu pembangunan fasilitas pendukung. Suatu perumahan dapat menjadi efektif dan meningkat kualitasnya karena ketersediaan fasilitas pendukung di suatu kelompok hunian. Hal ini dikarenakan fasilitas pendukung dapat memfasilitasi kontak langsung antar individual, dimana beberapa individual dapat melakukan komunikasi. Kemudian adanya fasilitas umum juga dapat memfasilitasi kegiatan rekreasional seperti olahraga yang dapat mengurangi dampak stress. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu tempat bagi orang yang ingin berkumpul, mengobati stress,kesepian dan keterasingan, tidak hanya dijadikan tempat untuk melarikan diri, tetapi dimana orang akan bersantai, terhibur dan juga mendapatkan ketenangan didalamnya. Fasilitas Olahraga dan Rekreasi di Duri Kepa adalah sebuah proyek yang dibuat  agar  masyarakat  khususnya  warga  Duri Kepa memiliki tempat untuk bersantai, melepas bosan, dan bebas untuk berekspresi di dalamnya yang diwujudkan dalam aktivitas berolahraga dan berekreasi. Metode desain yang digunakan adalah desain kanonis yaitu perancangan berdasarkan berbagai aspek tertentu seperti sistem proporsi, aspek geometrika objek, tatanan massa, modul yang mengarah kepada keteraturan. Proyek ini  berusaha  untuk  memenuhi kebutuhan fisik maupun sosial masyarakat kelurahannya dengan mudah di  jangkau dari  first place maupun second  place. Project  ini  akan  menjadi  tempat  yang  mewadahi  interaksi sosial masyarakat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-77
Choirul Mahfud ◽  
Zainul Muhibbin ◽  
Niken Prasetyawati ◽  
Arman Hakim Nasution ◽  
Gogor Arif Handiwibowo ◽  

ABSTRACT The village community needs the development of alternative designs that are suitable for the Herbal Education area in Batu City for the progress of Indonesia. The activities' strategy is planning an alternative design concept for the Batu City Herbal Education Area. This community service has theoretical benefits that add insight and knowledge about determining educational tours' location with various approaches. In practical terms, several added values are useful for providing input to officials and policymakers for Batu City tourism development, specifically in developing tourism with the concept of education through city image theory. This activity's impact is a good effect of these activities, especially landmarks that function optimally in building the area's image for visitors/observers in the development of the herbal education area of Batu City. More than that, it can also provide an impression/experience to visitors/observers regarding the state of the Batu City herbal education area. Also, to support in comparing the herbal education area of Batu city.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-206
Faiz Aminuddin ◽  
Abdul Mutholib

PERAN DAN STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN WISATA AIR TERJUN KEBO AMUK (TEDUNAN) DALAM MENINGKATKAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DESA SITILUHUR KECAMATAN GEMBONG KABUPATEN PATI   Faiz Aminuddin Dosen Institut Pesantren Mathali’ul Falah Pati Email: [email protected]   Abdul Mutholib Peneliti Wisata Air Terjun Kebo Amuk Sitiluhur Email: [email protected]   Abstract The role and tourism development strategy waterfall Kebo Amuk (Tedunan) in improving the economy villagers Sitiluhur in Gembong Pati. Skripsi. Pati: the faculty dakwah and community development institute Mathali’ul Falah 2017. Indonesia country is a that has the potential resources abounding, biodiversity and that which remained history and culture natural resources will be economic growth when recources it can be in governance well consistent with what most attractive to the community so the utilization of natural resources it will not spend time or matter due to the failure to shift in managing a resources. As is the case in a waterfall Kebo Amuk in the villagers Sitiluhur in Gembong Pati. Research aims to understand the role in the development of a waterfall kebo amuk in the development of economic the village community sitiluhur, conducted by looking at, how the role and strategy in development tourist destinations a waterfall kebo amuk (Tedunan of community economy improvement, whatever the factors that appear in the development of tourism a waterfall kebo amuk (Tedunan), how impacts viewed from development tourist destinations a waterfall kebo amuk (Tedunan). The research is a fieldwork adopting descriptive .A method of data collection was carried out by interviews, observation, and documentation .Analysis done with analysis qualitative milles and huberman through a process data collection, data reduction, data display, verification data. In which the validity of the data using a technique trianggulasi good interview, observation, and documentation .As for the findings in thesis this is a village that has the potential natural have not yet been widely exumated and development as in waterfall Kebo Amuk (Tedunan). The process of development a waterfall Kebo Amuk be conducted by way of planning, the implementation, of the evaluation. As for the goal is to improve on the community economy. A method which is executed is to optimize the use of these roles with from stakeholders. The evaluation is done as a whole ranging from cognitive aspect of, effective, psychomotor. Stage of the proceeding the development of a waterfall Kebo Amuk done with planning, the implementation of the, evaluation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Miftachul Chusnah ◽  
Sumardji Sumardji ◽  
Ahsin Daroini

The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence and the right strategy in developing the Wonosalam durian agro-tourism area. The location of the study was carried out in the village of Wonosalam, Wonosalam District, Jombang City.   This research was conducted for   (two) months, namely between February - March 2019.   The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data taken directly from the research location of the Durian Wonosalam agrotourism area through direct observation at the site, interviews with the government, community shops, and filling out questionnaires.    Respondents were selected by 20 people to fill out the research questionnaire as follows: Government (3 people), namely the Head of the device and the Office of Tourism Staff of Jombang (2 people) Community Stores (2 people), Tourist managers (3 people). And Visitors (10 people).  Secondary data is data obtained through agencies related to this research, both tabulation and descriptive.   The analytical methods used are SWOT and QSPM analysis.   Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the alternative strategy for developing the right durian Wonosalam agro-tourism area is the   SO Strategy, namely the strategy of agro-tourism development by maintaining the existing tourism power and development strategy by increasing  promotion to related parties and outside regions through   seminar seminars or utilizing technological developments the highest value of attraction is found in strategy 1 (SO) with total attractiveness (TAS) of 6.164. by exploring the potential and actions of tourism preservation that exist as a characteristic possessed by the Wonosalam region with a variety of attractions that are owned, Optimizing the superiority of tourism remains quality so as to attract tourists.

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