scholarly journals Pengaruh Hubungan Self Disclosure dan Kepribadian Extraversion terhadap Keterampilan Komunikasi Interpersonal Young Worker di Jakarta

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 353
Michael Roesyanto ◽  
Rezi Erdiansyah

This study was to determine the effect of self-disclosure and extraversion personality on the interpersonal communication skills of young workers in Jakarta. The approach used by researchers in this study is a quantitative approach which is then followed by a correlational method and the researcher also distributes questionnaires to 150 respondents spread across the Jakarta area. Data analysis used SPSS version 24 software. The researcher found that there was a significant influence between self-disclosure and extraversion personality on the interpersonal communication skills of young workers in Jakarta. From the two dependent variables, it turns out that the extraversion personality variable has a greater influence than self-disclosure on the communication skills of young workers. Thus, it can be concluded that interpersonal communication is influenced by self-disclosure and extraversion personality.Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh self-disclosure dan kepribadian extraversion terhadap keterampilan komunikasi interpersonal young worker di Jakarta. Pendekatan yang digunakan oleh peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif yang kemudian diikuti oleh metode korelasional dan peneliti juga melakukan penyebaran kuisioner pada 150 responden yang tersebar di wilayah Jakarta. Analisis data menggunakan software SPSS versi 24. Peneliti menemukan adanya pengaruh antara self-disclosure dan kepribadian extraversion terhadap keterampilan komunikasi interpersonal young worker di Jakarta yang cukup signifikan. Dari kedua variabel dependen ternyata variabel kepribadian extraversion memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar dibandingkan self-disclosure terhadap keterampilan komunikasi young worker. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa komunikasi interpersonal dipengaruhi oleh self-disclosure dan kepribadian extraversion.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Karin Juliana ◽  
Rezi Erdiansyah

This study aims to determine the effect of self concept and self disclosure on students’ interpersonal communication skills. The subjects on this research is 149 students spread across 24 campuses. Data analysis using SEM with the application of LISREL 8.70. Based on the results of the study  found  that there is a significant effect between self concept and self disclosure on students’ interpersonal communication skills. From the two independent variables it turns out that the concept of self concept has more influence than self disclosure on students’ interpersonal communication skills. Thus it can be concluded that interpersonal communication is influenced by self concept and self disclosure. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsep diri dan self disclosure terhadap kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal mahasiswa. Jumlah responden yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 149 responden yang tersebar di 24 kampus. Analisis data menggunakan SEM dengan aplikasi LISREL 8.70. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara konsep diri dan self disclosure terhadap kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal mahasiswa. Dari kedua variabel independen ternyata variabel konsep diri memiliki pengaruh yang lebih dibandingkan self disclosure terhadap komunikasi interpersonal mahasiswa. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa komunikasi interpersonal dipengaruhi oleh konsep diri dan self disclosure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 220-239
Aswar Anas ◽  
Iskandar Iskandar ◽  
Zulfah Zulfah

This study examines the effectiveness of counselor communication on the self-disclosure of students in SMA Negeri 3 Parepare. Counselors in high schools get a clear role and position or place, where counselors as a component of student support services (student support services) to help the development of personal, social, career, and academic aspects of students through guidance and counseling programs to students in plan (individual student planning), responsive service delivery and system development (system support). Therefore, counselors are highly required to have effective communication skills to support counseling, so counseling communication skills can make students open themselves. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using observation, interview, and documentation methods. The subject in this study was the BK teacher of SMA Negeri 3 Parepare as the school counselor using data analysis techniques namely interpretation data analysis techniques and triangulation analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that the stages of counseling can be seen based on the stages of effective communication conducted by counselors, including; 1) Fact finding, 2) Planning, 3) Communicating, 4) Evaluating. The communication skills applied by counselors in the implementation of counseling are (attending), empathy, summarizing, asking, and honesty. By using the communication model, in this study found that the counselor's communication achieved students' self-disclosure as evidenced by giving their trust to the counselor, expressing honest statements in the counseling process, and students feeling relieved after the counseling. Based on some of the results obtained by researchers, the communication skills conducted by counselors to achieve students' self-disclosure are effective.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 50
Zafar Sidik ◽  
A Sobandi

The problem in this research was students’ learning motivation which is not optimal. It is characterized by a recapitulation of the students’ attendance that is not on maximum category and acquisition of learning outcomes of students which have not reached the Minimum Mastery Criteria in school. This article aims to show the results of research on the effect of interpersonal communication skill of teacher towards students’ learning motivation in grade XI of office administration class in one of the Private Vocational School in Cimahi. The method used in this research was explanatory survey, with respondents as many as 57 students. The results of data analysis showed that the students' learning motivation is in the medium category and teachers' interpersonal communication skills are in fairly effective category. However, teachers' interpersonal communication skills has a positive and significant impact on students’ learning motivation. In order to increase students' learning motivation, it is needed to improve effectiveness of teachers’ interpersonal communication.ABSTRAKPermasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah belum optimalnya motivasi belajar siswa. Hal ini ditandai dengan rekapitulasi kehadiran siswa yang belum maksimal dan perolehan hasil belajar siswa yang belum mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum (KKM) di sekolah. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan hasil penelitian tentang pengaruh kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas XI Administrasi Perkantoran di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) swasta di Cimahi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey eksplanatory, dengan responden sebanyak 57 orang siswa. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar siswa berada pada kategori sedang dan kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal guru berada pada kategori cukup efektif. Namun demikian, komunikasi interpersonal guru memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap motivasi belajar siswa. Untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa, maka perlu ditingkatkan efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal guru.

Septinda Rima Dewanti ◽  
Zeti Novitasari

Interpersonal communication has been widely studied and proven to be an important skill possessed by school counselor. Interpersonal communication skills are activities that transfer certain information appropriately by the context of the communication. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in interpersonal communication skills of students majoring in guidance and counseling. The subjects of this study were students of the guidance and counseling department at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, who enrolled in the year 2017, 2018 and 2019. The research method used was quantitative research methods. Data analysis was performed using One-way Anova.The results of this study show that there is no difference in the interpersonal communication skills based on semester level.

Pedagogika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 130 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-130
Palmira Pečiuliauskienė

The article deals with the interpersonal communication skills of senior school students of the new generation Z. These skills were investigated using a questionnaire for measuring the interpersonal competence. Through application of factor analysis, five groups of interpersonal communication skills of senior students have been identified: initiation of interpersonal relationships, assertion of displeasure with others’ actions, self-disclosure, provision of emotional support, and management of interpersonal conflicts. The interpersonal communication skills of the new generation (Z) senior students were compared to the interpersonal communication skills of the representatives of generation X. Psychologists (Buhrmester et al, 1988) analyzed the skills of interpersonal communication competence in the field of behavior and distinguished five domains of behavioral skills: initiating interpersonal relationships; asserting displeasure with others’ actions, self-disclosure of personal information, providing emotional support, and managing of interpersonal conflicts. These domains of the interpersonal communication competence were identified in the study of the representatives of the generation X in 1988. It is urgent to investigate the interpersonal communication skills of the new generation (Z), whether they are identical to those of the generation X. The research question was formulated as follows: what are the interpersonal skills of the students of the new generation, what is their internal structure? The focus of the research: interpersonal communication skills of school students. The aim of the research was to systematically investigate the interpersonal communication skills of students of the new generation (Z), highlighting the essential groups of skills. Research objectives: 1. To single out the groups of interpersonal communication skills of the new generation of school students. 2. To contrast the groups of interpersonal communication skills of the new generation of senior school students with the ones of generation X. 3. To contrast the interpersonal communication skills of different generations (X and Z) of learners across different groups of interpersonal communication skills. The skills of interpersonal competence of students were measured using the Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire (ICQ) (Buhrmester et al., 1988). The items of this questionnaire were rated on a 4-point scale. The research sample. The research sample is reliable and representative. The representativeness of the sample was ensured by using random cluster sampling. Senior school students (of forms 11-12) participated in the research. The research clusters were the major cities of the country. In the standard random sample, the classes from the clusters were selected and all of the students of the chosen class participated in the research. The study was conducted in 2015. Theoretically there were distinguished five groups of interpersonal communication skills: initiation of interpersonal relationships, assertion of displeasure with others’ actions, selfdisclosure, provision of emotional support, and management of interpersonal conflicts. Based on these five factors, it was revealed that the most strongly expressed skills of the new generation (Z) of senior school students were in the domain of providing emotional support, and the least strongly expressed ones were in the group of self-disclosure. It was determined that the factor loadings for providing emotional support differed in the two groups of different generation (X and Z) participants. For the representatives of X generation the priority in providing emotional support was related to global decisions in their lives and career decisions. In the case of Z generation, the priority in providing emotional support was related to providing emotional support while solving problems in their families and among closest friends. Different generations (X and Z) had different priorities in initiating interpersonal relationships. It was important for the participants of generation X to actively initiate interpersonal relationships; they expressed the desire ‘to do something together’. In the case of Generation Z, the weight of this claim was only in the fourth place – 0.721. It was the most important for the participants of generation Z to initiate and keep up a conversation. In addition, the flexibility was a characteristic feature of the skills of the senior school students of generation Z in initiating interpersonal relationships. Different generations (X and Z) varied in their skills of interpersonal conflict resolution. The new generation (Z) senior school students were reluctant to acknowledge their mistakes during interpersonal conflicts, but they were able to refrain from saying unnecessary things that could further escalate the conflict. The participants of the generation X, on the other hand, tended to acknowledge their mistakes during interpersonal conflicts; they were better at taking a hold of themselves and casting away the feelings of jealousy / outrage while in conflict with the close people. There was a difference between representatives of generations X and Z in their skills of assertion of personal rights and displeasure with others. In this group there emerged the ability of the representatives of generation X to tell their interlocutor about unacceptable ways of communication for them. Meanwhile, for the generation Z, this item was of the lowest factorial weight. In the group of self-disclosure skills there emerged the ability of the generation Z senior school students to fully trust their closest interlocutor and take off their ‘masks’, the ability to tell a close interlocutor things that were deeply worrying for them. The generation X participants also had the ability to reveal certain very personal details and events of their lives to a newly acquainted person.

Wina Lova Riza

The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence with achievement motivation in packaged home schooling community students. The population in this study were 50 packaged home schooling community students, where the sampling technique was saturated sampling (census), because the population was the same as the sample. Based on the results of data analysis using multivariate correlation with the help of SPSS 15.0, research results obtained with a correlation coefficient of 0.657 with p <0.05, then H0 which states there is no correlation between interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence is rejected, while Ha which states there is a correlation between Interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence are accepted. Based on the description above it can be concluded that there is a significant correlation with the positive direction between interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence with achievement motivation in packaged home schooling community students. So, the better interpersonal communication and the higher the emotional intelligence will be followed by the higher achievement motivation Keywords: Interpersonal Communication, Emotional Inteligence, Achievemnet Motivation.   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi antara komunikasi interpersonal dan kecerdasan emosi dengan motivasi berprestasi pada siswa komunitas home schooling Berkemas. Populasi pada penelitian ini siswa komunitas home schooling berkemas yang berjumlah 50 orang, dimana tehnik pengambilan sampel adalah sampling jenuh (sensus), karena populasi sama dengan sampel. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan multivariate correlation dengan bantuan program SPSS 15.0 diperoleh hasil penelitian dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,657 dengan p<0,05, maka H0 yang menyatakan tidak ada korelasi antara komunikasi interpersonal dan kecerdasan emosi ditolak, sedangkan Ha yang menyatakan ada korelasi antara komunikasi interpersonal dan kecerdasan emosi diterima. Berdasarkan uraian diatas dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa ada korelasi yang signifikan dengan arah positf antara komunikasi interpersonal dan kecerdasan emosi dengan motivasi berprestasi pada siswa komunitas home schooling Berkemas. Jadi, semakin baik komunikasi intepersonal dan semakin tinggi kecerdasan emosi akan diikuti dengan semakin tingginya motivasi berprestasi.   Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Interpersonal, Kecerdasan Emosional, Motivasi Berprestasi.

Curationis ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
S Grobler

Adolescents are admitted to psychiatric wards presenting with psychiatric problems which are essentially secondary to problematic interpersonal relationships. Successful interpersonal relationships however depend on effective interpersonal communication. Therefore the aim of research on adolescent interpersonal communication was to explore and describe the interpersonal communication patterns of adolescents and to develop an interpersonal communication skills approach to facilitate adolescent interpersonal communication skills within a training programme for adolescents. In this article however attention will be given to the description of the interpersonal communication patterns of adolescents. The target population of the research was 17 year old adolescents. The research consisted of a pre-phase where two contextual scenarios were formulated within group discussions with adolescents. During phase one of the research these scenarios were used to obtain video taped role plays from pairs of adolescents of the target population which were transcribed for data gathering purposes. Written dialogues were also obtained from each pair of adolescents on the same scenarios used for triangulation purposes. During phase two of the research the data was analysed according to Tesch’s method and a literature control was done to verify the results. Guba’s model for the trustworthiness of qualitative research was used.

AAOHN Journal ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 50 (11) ◽  
pp. 508-514 ◽  
Doloris N. Higgins ◽  
Jeanette Tierney ◽  
Lawrence Hanrahan

During the period between 1992 through 1998, the Bureau of Labor Statistics identified an average of 67 work related deaths of individuals younger than 18 each year. This article describes the Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) program and summarizes indepth data collected on 59 young worker fatalities in 26 states. These investigations were conducted between May 1986 and February 2002. Young workers ranged in age from 9 to 17 years, with a mean age of 15.3 years: 21 were working in the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industry; 12 in construction; 10 in manufacturing; 8 in services; and 8 in the retail industry. The majority worked as laborers. Ninety-three percent were young men. Each investigation resulted in the formulation and dissemination of strategies to help prevent future similar occurrences. As an example of state FACE activities, the article describes the Wisconsin FACE program's efforts to foster collaboration between regulatory agencies, researchers, educators, and occupational safety and health professionals, and to integrate efforts aimed at improving safety for young workers.

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