Syarifa Andari ◽  
Rudy Trisno

Indonesia has many kinds of ethnicities and cultures. Unfortunately, nowadays news about intolerance is often heard in Indonesia. diversity of ethnicities could cause incompatibilities. Each ethnic have their habits and lifestyle.  In consequence, this project is made to provide education to all kinds of communities. The form of education is a cultural park, that adopts themes of the Betawi and the Chinese culture because both cultures have many resemblances. This cultural park at the same time can be used as a third place for the local citizens. The third place serves as an intermediary between first places (such as houses, apartments, hotels, home) and second places (such as offices, stores, working space). The third place is flexible, it could be used as a place to relax or even having work meetings with co-workers. This Cultural Park has a traditional concept, with the form that blends in with its site region.  As for the methods; Site project analysis; Determining building program; Positive energy method application; Symbiosis method application; Form follows function method application; Luo shu method application; Final project result. In conclusion, Mangga Besar Cultural Park has a goal to educate local citizens about the Betawi and Chinese culture. Mangga Besar Cultural park also applies the symbiosis and form follows function concept and luo shu. In conclusion, Mangga Besar Cultural Park has a goal to provide education to citizens about the Betawi and Chinese culture. This project applies some concepts, such as symbiosis in architecture, form follows function, and luo shu. Keywords:  Culture; Ethnicities; Local Citizen; Park; Third PlaceAbstrak Indonesia memiliki berbagai macam suku dan budaya. Namun, belakangan ini sering terdengar masalah mengenai intoleransi di Indonesia. Keberagaman etnis dapat menimbulkan ketidak cocokan dalam bermasyarakat. Masing-masing etnis memiliki kebiasaan dan gaya hidup mereka sendiri. Oleh karena itu, proyek ini dibuat dengan maksud untuk meminimalisir masalah tersebut, dengan memberi edukasi kepada masyarakat dari semua kalangan. Edukasi tersebut berbentuk taman budaya di Jakarta, yang memiliki tema bangunan budaya betawi dan budaya tionghoa yang digabungkan, dikarenakan kedua budaya tersebut saling berselingan. Taman budaya disini juga sekaligus dapat dijadikan sebagai third place bagi masyarakat sekitar. Third Place disini berfungsi sebagai perantara antara first place (rumah, hotel, apartemen, tempat tinggal) dan second place (kantor, pertokoan, tempat kerja). Third place disini memiliki fungsi fleksibel, dapat digunakan untuk bersantai hingga membahas pekerjaan bersama rekan kerja. Taman budaya berkonteks arsitektur tradisional, dengan bentuk yang sesuai dan membaur dengan bangunan sekitarnya. Metode perancangan; Pemahaman Kawasan Jakarta Barat; Pemahaman Mengenai Tapak Perancangan; Penetapan Program Bangunan; Penggunaan Metode Energi Positif; Penggunaan Metode Simbiosis; Penggunaan Metode Form follows function; Penggunaan Metode Luo Shu; Hasil Akhir Perancangan. Kesimpulan dari hasil perancangan adalah Taman Budaya di Mangga Besar memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat mengenai budaya Betawi dan Tionghoa. Proyek ini menerapkan beberapa konsep, seperti simbiosis dalam arsitektur, form follows function dan luo shu. 

Erdin Yosep ◽  
Timmy Setiawan

Menteng, Central Jakarta as the first Garden City in Indoneisa, served as the most significant green  district in Jakarta. Located at the most green area in Jakarta, Cikini Flower Market (the oldest flower and ornamental plant center around) is less visible as the part of various urban axes. Cikini Flower Market Redevelopment is an uprising and refurbisment of local traditional marketplace against modern wholesale market. The design methods deliver from urban axis mapping, selected program analyze, and forming a building mass from study of market morphology. As a ‘the third place’, the concept is sharing activity with dedicated communal space and activity. All of building program, formed this project as rendezvous space for locals and outsider for shopping, recreation, collaborate, work/study, or just hangout. Through combination of open architecture and sharing economy, this project will redevelop a marketplace to contextual third place. Therefore, Cikini Flower Market will defined as the part of Menteng Green Development, and as well Ciliwung Cultural Line by maintaining it’s essence as the market. Finally, this project is designed to be open, spacious, and communal place for short break or daily needs. AbstrakSalah satu daerah dengan pengembangan ruang terbuka hijau paling signifikan di Jakarta adalah Kecamatan Menteng, Jakarta Pusat yang merupakan kota taman pertama di Indonesia. Identitas Menteng sebagai wilayah paling hijau di Jakarta justru kurang terlihat pada Pasar Kembang Cikini sebagai penyedia tanaman hias bunga tertua di Jakarta yang berada pertemuan berbagai axis perkotaan. Proyek redevelopment Pasar Kembang Cikini menjadi sebuah upaya untuk memperkuat kembali identitas pasar tradisional agar mampu bersaing dengan pasar modern.  Metode perancangan yang digunakan, yaitu berangkat dari memetakan axis kawasan perkotaan tapak terpilih, menganalisa program yang dihasilkan, dan membentuk massa bangunan berdasarkan studi morfologi bangunan pasar. Sebagai sebuah ruang ketiga, konsep pasar baru yang ditawarkan menekankan kegiatan sharing dengan adanya ruang dan aktivitas yang bersifat komunal. Gabungan dari seluruh program tersebut membuat proyek ini menjadi sebuah third place yang mempertemukan masyarkat Cikini, maupun masyarakat luar untuk datang berbelanja, berekreasi, bekolaborasi, bekerja/ belajar, maupun sekedar nongkrong. Melalui perpaduan konsep arsitektur terbuka dan ekonomi kolaboratif, proyek ini bertujuan mengembangkan sebuah pasar menjadi sebuah ruang ketiga yang kontekstual dengan pengembangan hijau Menteng dan jalur budaya Ciliwung dengan mempertahankan esensinya sebagai sebuah pasar. Proyek ini didesain untuk terasa terbuka, lapang dan komunal untuk dikunjungi sebagai tempat istirahat sejenak maupun untuk kegiatan sehari – hari. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-92
김재학 ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 437-452
Talenta Nanda Sireki ◽  
Bambang Hari Wibisono

Technology advancements tend to trigger the transformation of the characteristics of third place, especially in the forms of interactions and activities. This research is aimed to explore the third place characteristics, typology, spatial development, and identify  factors that construct the typology of cafés as third place in Karangwuni sub-district and the area nearby (Karangwuni, Karanggayam, Karangasem Baru, Karangbendo, dan Karangmalang). The research method used in this study was a mix-method, with deductive-explorative approach using field observation and questionnaire to the visitor of café as a third place, which were opened during the period between 2016 to 2018, and located in Karangwuni area and the areas nearby. The results of this study shows that the characteristics of cafés in Karangwuni and the areas nearby as a third place are still in accordance with Oldenburg’s characteristics. However, it is also revealed that  there have been shifts of the form of interactions and activities within the cafés space. Typology analysis showed that there are several types of cafés that match with the form of co-working space, and there are spatial trends in typology based on activity. Meanwhile, some factors constructing the typology have relation with space settings in determining the behaviors of the users.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 106-108
M. N. Ponomareva ◽  
S. V. Sakharova ◽  
E. M. Pochinok ◽  
E. V. Fomina ◽  

Aim. To identify current trends in hospital eye trauma based on the materials of the specialized ophthalmology department of a round-the-clock hospital. Materials and methods. The analysis of medical records of patients treated in the round-the-clock specialized ophthalmology department of the state medical establishment OKB No. 2 in the period since January 2017-2019. Results. During the analyzed period, 4948 patients were treated, of which 218 patients (5.6%) were identified for nosologies belonging to the category of eye trauma. Men are most often exposed to eye injuries (84%), in addition, in 62% of cases, these are young patients (18-44 years). The structure of eye trauma is almost unchanged: the leading position is occupied by penetrating wounds of the eyeball and contusions, the third place is occupied by burns, through wounds of the eyeball are rare. Conclusions. Given the poor prognosis of the outcome of a severe eyeball injury, it requires the introduction of modern types of microsurgical intervention using endovitreal surgery at the present stage.

1984 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 417-427
Steven Payne

Are mystical states essentially ‘everywhere the same’? Though this question is notoriously obscure and difficult to answer, many contemporary writers on mysticism seem to favour an affirmative response to it, for a variety of reasons. First of all, some are impressed by the undeniable similarity in the testimony of mystics from widely divergent backgrounds and cultures; like most readers of mystical literature, they are deeply struck by the degree of apparent consensus between Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist contemplatives, for example. Secondly, there is a commendable desire in recent times to adopt a more positive and open-minded approach to other religions, and to acknowledge the value of their spiritual traditions; consequently, Christian authors today tend to focus on the common elements in Christian and non-Christian spiritualities, downplaying any differences. In the third place, those who wish to defend the cognitive value of mystical experiences on the basis of the ‘universal agreement’ of mystics will naturally maintain that there is a fundamental unanimity behind their different reports.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 595-610
Indah Harum Rezeki ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal Fasa ◽  
A. Kumedi Ja’far

Zakat is an act of worship contained in the pillars of Islam. In the pillars of Islam, tithing is in the third place after prayer. The management of zakat funds aims to increase the usability and efficiency of zakat which has an impact on the realization of justice, community welfare and poverty alleviation in the vicinity. The Amil Fund Allocation in Bandar Lampung City has increased from 2018-2020. In managing the allocation of amil funds, the greater the zakat collection, the greater the allocation of amil rights funds. The research conducted by the author is (Field Research), direct research is carried out in the field using respondent data. Zakat assets funds that occur in BAZNAS Bandar Lampung city have not been maximized for amil rights, because the collection that occurs at BAZNAS Bandar City funds infaq shodaqah is greater than zakat assets. Therefore, to fulfill amil rights, BAZNAS Bandar Lampung City uses infaq shodaqah funds to fulfill amil rights. Keywords: Amil Fund, Zakat Management, Sharia Economic Law

2004 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Xuemei Li ◽  
Anita Girvan

This study focuses on a multicultural ESL classroom with the purpose of exploring the creation of new individual and cultural identities and the formation of interculture. Through on-site observations and interviews with second-language learners and their teacher, the study presents findings about the dynamics, quandaries, complexity, and diversity of classroom interculture. The metaphor of the 'third place' (Kramsch, 1993) aptly captures the nature of this interculture in its fluidity and ambiguity. Perceiving language-learning in this way allows one to look beyond the traditional dichotomous views and approaches to culture and identity in ESL settings and to describe properly the enriching process of creating new identity and new cultural space that is greater than the sum of individual cultures.

1875 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 320-328 ◽  
A. H. Church

From time to time I have accumulated a large number of results obtained in identifying precious stones by means of their specific gravity. From these results I have selected about 70, which will be found arranged below. The observations have been made with care, and, where no temperature is given, at 15° 5 C.; an asterisk denotes those determinations in which a very accurate assay balance by Oertling was used, and in which the specimens were immersed in alcohol, not in water. In these latter determinations any error would be confined to the third place of decimals.

Muzealnictwo ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 123-131
Katarzyna Jagodzińska

The article focuses on museums’ activity that reaches beyond the walls of their premises in the context of a concept of the so-called third place. The third place – as a gathering place which is neither one’s home, i.e. first place, nor workplace, i.e. second place – was described by an American sociologist Ray Oldenburg in 1999 in his book The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community. Three study cases have been used in the article: Museum Forum (project carried out by the National Museum in Kraków), Bródno Sculpture Park (project co-conducted by the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw), and the method of work implemented by the Ethnographic Museum in Kraków, including in particular the project Dzikie Planty (Wild “Planty” Park). I discuss assumptions the projects have been based on, how they fit in an overall strategy of the museums, and reasons why they have been undertaken. Finally, I wonder whether having been conducted in a fully accessible public space and conducive to users’ interaction make it justified to categorise them as the third places in the meaning given by Oldenburg. Although Oldenburg’s concept has been regarded by museum theorists as not applicable to museums, I have come to the conclusion that projects conducted by museums in a non-committal context of an open space meet the conditions the third places do.

2017 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-165
Munetsi Ruzivo

The article seeks, first and foremost, to investigate the origins, growth and development of the Southern Rhodesia Missionary Conference (SRMC) from 1903 to 1945. In the second place, the article will explore the formative factors that lay behind the rise of the ecumenical movement in the then Southern Rhodesia in 1903. In the third place, the study endeavours to examine the impact of the SRMC on the social, religious and political landscape of the country from 1903 to 1945. The research will make use of minutes of the SRMC, newspapers and books with information that date back to the period under investigation.

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