scholarly journals Propulsive Qualities of Catamaran Vessels

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (18) ◽  
pp. 9
José María Riola

During the last decade the civil and military applications of catamaran vessels have developed rapidly. Their particular area of proliferation is the short sea shipping where their power, economy, habitability and behavior have provided them a market niche. The rapid market growth ha caused catamarans to experience design modifications regarding size, speed, cargo diversity (passengers, vehicles, containers). The purpose of this article is to show the work developed by the El Pardo Hydrodynamic Experiences Channel (CEHIPAR) regarding the propulsive qualities of catamaran vessels. This work is the result of the need expressed by the Ministry of Defense for provision of technical assistance and scientific research for an I+D program that established more adequate program parameters for a catamaran-type vessel from the propulsive point of view, in relation to its size and shape, so that it has the adequate information and trustworthiness when suggesting a vessel of this type as an alternative to other platforms, always within the scope of application of patrol-type or quick-attack-type vessels. 

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 397
Qimeng Zhang ◽  
Ji-Su Ban ◽  
Mingyu Kim ◽  
Hae Won Byun ◽  
Chang-Hun Kim

We propose a low-asymmetry interface to improve the presence of non-head-mounted-display (non-HMD) users in shared virtual reality (VR) experiences with HMD users. The low-asymmetry interface ensures that the HMD and non-HMD users’ perception of the VR environment is almost similar. That is, the point-of-view asymmetry and behavior asymmetry between HMD and non-HMD users are reduced. Our system comprises a portable mobile device as a visual display to provide a changing PoV for the non-HMD user and a walking simulator as an in-place walking detection sensor to enable the same level of realistic and unrestricted physical-walking-based locomotion for all users. Because this allows non-HMD users to experience the same level of visualization and free movement as HMD users, both of them can engage as the main actors in movement scenarios. Our user study revealed that the low-asymmetry interface enables non-HMD users to feel a presence similar to that of the HMD users when performing equivalent locomotion tasks in a virtual environment. Furthermore, our system can enable one HMD user and multiple non-HMD users to participate together in a virtual world; moreover, our experiments show that the non-HMD user satisfaction increases with the number of non-HMD participants owing to increased presence and enjoyment.

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-59 ◽  
Shaohua Jiang ◽  
Won-Suk Jang ◽  
Mirosław J. Skibniewski

As the size and scale of construction projects increase, inefficiencies related to the manual operations about field data in current tracking systems are becoming an important issue. While emerging wireless technologies are providing a feasible vision of ubiquitous computing and sensor networks applicable to the large-scale construction industry, it has become even harder to select a suitable technology for tracking construction materials because of the differing functionalities, capabilities, and scope of application of the specific technology. This research proposes a multi-criteria decision-making model that leverages the decision process in choosing various wireless technologies available on the market. To justify the selection of a specific technology, a fuzzy method was adopted to provide an appropriate way to decide among five alternatives (e.g., RFID, GPS, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and UWB). Fuzzy ranking was obtained from the aggregated fuzzy appropriate index (FAI) based on a person's point of view (optimist, pessimist, or neutral). The results showed that Wi-Fi might be a suitable solution for optimists and neutral persons, but UWB might be the better alternative for pessimists. The results of this research may assist construction engineers in applying reasonable decision-making procedures in a fuzzy environment such as construction sites, and rank the relative importance of the various criteria and alternatives specified in this research. Santrauka Augant statybos projektų mastui, rankinis dabartinių stebejimo sistemų duomenų apdorojimo neefektyvumas tampa svarbia problema. Nors naujos belaidžio ryšio technologijos gali sudaryti galimybę įvesti visur prieinamus kompiuterinius ir jutiklių tinklus, naudojamus plataus masto statybos pramonėje, tampa vis sudėtingiau pasirinkti tinkamas technologijas statybinėms medžiagoms stebėti, nes kiekviena technologija atlieka skirtingas funkcijas, skiriasi jų galimybės ir taikymo apimtis. Šiame tyrime siūlomas daugiakriterinis sprendimų priėmimo modelis, kuris, sprendimų priėmimo procesą pasirenkant rinkoje, siūlomas belaidžio ryšio technologijas išskaido į atskirus lygius. Siekiant pagrįsti tam tikros technologijos pasirinkimą, buvo pritaikytas neapibrežtųjų aibių metodas, pasirenkant geriausią technologiją iš penkių alternatyvų (t. y. RFID, GPS, Wi-Fi, Zigbee ir UWB technologijų). Neapibrežtumo rangas buvo gautas taikant agreguotą neapibrežtumo tinkamumo indeksą (FAI), atsižvelgiant į asmens požiūrį (optimistinis, pesimistinis ar neutralus). Gauti rezultatai parodė, kad Wi-Fi technologija yra tinkama optimistams ir neutraliems asmenims, o UWB technologija būtų geresnė alternatyva pesimistams. Šio tyrimo rezultatai gali padėti statybos inžinieriams priimti pagrįstus sprendimus neapibrėžtoje aplinkoje, tokioje kaip statybos aikštelės, ir suranguoti pagal svarbą įvairius kriterijus bei aptartas šiame tyrime alternatyvas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 213
Atin Fitriana

<p>The Javanese culture has a specific perspective on the ideal figure of women. This perspective is generally manifested in the classical texts, for example, in Serat Wulang Putri Adisara. Written by Nyi Adisara. Serat Wulang Putri contains the teachings for royal daughters in living their life as Javanese women based on Javanese teachings. In this manuscript, the readers can see the women figure portrayed from the perspective of a woman writer. This paper discusses the ideal women’s discourse in Serat Wulang Putri using the approach of critical discourse analysis from van Dijk. The analysis is conducted by considering the text’s microstructure, macrostructure, and cultural context. Through the analysis, we can see the ideal discourse of Javanese women based on Serat Wulang Putri. Furthermore, the text discusses women as figures who must pay attention to their attitudes and behavior, and can control their hearts, minds, and feelings. In this case, the author uses the male point of view to describe the characteristics of ideal Javanese women. Javanese women are also described as a weak figure and must obey what men command or expect from them.</p>

the article States that the ethics of a lawyer is an important component of the legal ethics; stated that the legal profession has as its object the person, affects its interests, rights, private life, so the study of moral aspects and problems of advocacy is today of paramount importance; marked by such key concepts as morality, law, ethics, justice, duty, good, evil, conscience, responsibility, honor, dignity, humanity; noted that part of ethics, legal ethics is a scientific discipline whose subject is the manifestation of morality in justice and law enforcement; marked what is the value of legal ethics is that it gives the moral nature of the activities for implementation of justice, the implementation of the prosecutorial, investigative work and other activities carried out by professional lawyers; States that legal ethics contributes to the proper formation of consciousness, attitudes of members of the legal profession, focusing them on rigorous compliance with moral norms; stated that today is the actual context of the conversation separately about the ethics of judges, investigative ethics, ethics counsel; noted that the specifics of advocacy requires a balance in the service of a lawyer; noted, what legal ethics is designed to ensure the performance of lawyer's duties honestly, competently and in good faith, to form proper level of public confidence in the legal profession as a representative of civil society and personally to the lawyers; noted that the basis of the relationship of the lawyer and the client is trust; noted that the attorney has no right to own, not coordinated with the client the position of the defence, counsel should pay special attention to the client, who is in custody, fee practice a lawyer shall take into consideration a number of factors; the caveats regarding the prohibition resumania of participants in the process; indicate their objections against the wrong actions of the investigator or body of inquiry, the lawyer is obliged to clothe in a legal form and contribute to the formation of a respectful attitude to the court as a branch of government; provided that an advocate shall be prohibited to violate professional ethics, and the need to build relationships with colleagues in the profession on standards of decency and respect to help Junior colleagues; to respect the dignity, prestige and business reputation of other lawyers to form a decent line of their own positions and behavior and have compelling personal point of view.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Margarita G. Kozlovskaya

The subject of the research is the criminal community, its characteristics, and features within the framework of criminology. The purpose of the research is to confirm or disprove hypothesis that a criminal community as a criminological phenomenon is nor equal to a criminal organization or an organized criminal group Methodology. The author uses general theoretical methods (comparative analysis, generalization, deduction) and specific methods (formal legal interpretation of legal acts, questionnaires). The main results, scope of application. A criminal organization and a criminal community are different criminological phenomena that differ from each other in significant ways. The differences are both in the degree of criminal organization, and the complexity of the structure of internal and external interaction. From the point of view of a systematic approach, a criminal community is not only a more complex system compared to a criminal organization. It is characterized by an improved structure of internal interaction, in which the hierarchical structure is either complicated, or replaced or supplemented by a network structure. The peculiarity is to complement the system approach with a synergistic one: in the criminal community, the pooling of criminal efforts is carried out more effectively, mainly in the sphere of external relations. The criminal community is a more open system compared to the criminal organization. Certain features can be identified in the contacts of criminal community members with the external environment. The most important feature is a symbiosis of criminal and legal practices that affects the life of entire regions or relatively large masses of the population. The criminal community is a purposeful system with its own specifics. And this specificity is seen in the fact that the criminal community pursues (secretly or openly, at the moment or in the foreseeable future) the achievement of political goals, namely: the possession of power, infiltration into power, undermining power, its capture and retention. It is power, not wealth, that is the real goal of the criminal community, and not just because it is easily converted into wealth. Power is valuable in itself, because it also gives a lot of other advantages. Conclusions. A criminal community cannot be reduced to a criminal organization, much less – to an organized criminal group, and this conclusion requires to be included into legislation.

Adam alemi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 90 (4) ◽  
pp. 173-180
D. Kussainov ◽  
M. Nurov ◽  

The purpose of the article is to study the relationship between secularism and religiosity, to reveal the internal structure of their contextual meaning. The first part of the article examines the place of the principle of secularism in the system of spiritual and religious values. Secularization, secular, and references to secularization in most cases may be unclear. Currently, there is no easy way to standardize each term by associating it with only one concept. But the fact that different terms have a single linguistic root should not hide that they work in different conceptual frameworks with different histories. Although they sometimes inform each other, we must distinguish between the scope of application, such as a reference to temporary life or secular life, Constitutions that separate religion from politics, and the possible collapse of religion. The second part reveals the place of the concept of religiosity in the system of philosophical knowledge. The inconsistency and multilevel nature of religious life can be traced from the earliest time, primarily in religious analysis. The problem of determining the qualitative state of a believing person, aspirations, values, optimality of human behavior is reflected in this ideological scientific search for determining her religiosity, classification of types religion, religious behavior. Therefore, to date, the authors have not been able to avoid, firstly, an ethical assessment of the situations under consideration, and secondly, not to link the analysis conducted with the tasks and activities of a religious organization. The problem of religiosity in the consciousness and behavior of people, radical changes took place in society, which led to the emergence of new religious trends and changes in traditional trends. The terms denoting the main phenomena in religious life have undergone changes following religious life.

A. L. Semenov ◽  
V. I. Ershov ◽  
D. A. Gusarov

This paper deals with the concept of the translation approach to the problem of interaction of language and culture in terms of determination of the translation solutions by linguoethnic factors. The authors pay main attention to the analysis of the notion of culture. The concept proceeds from the views and opinions regarding the culture and its role in shaping the identity of the person introduced by the honorary doctor (doctor honoris cause) of the MGIMO-University Federico Major in his book «New page». Sharing the point of view of F. Major , the authors come to the conclusion that culture is a knowledge, based on which an individual perceives and evaluates his performance and behavior. Projecting such a position on the verbal behavior, the authors highlight the leading role of culture in the process of producing a speech act played when choosing the individual models of behavior on the basis of the knowledge of the communicative situation. Based on F. Mayor`s opinion that culture unites rather than divides people, the authors note the presence of universal and unique linguoethnic elements in the cultural knowledge of the representatives of various ethnic groups which determine the degree of similarities and differences in the ways of expressing knowledge in different languages. In this paper the authors reasonably use the term «linguoethnic» to describe the cultural-cognitive peculiarities inherent to individuals as representatives of different ethnic groups, as well as give comparison of the terms «linguoethnic» and «linguocultural».

Олег Лемешев

Целью данной статьи является анализ изучения понятия «совесть» в оккультной концепции «Четвёртого пути». В качестве исследовательской задачи автор совершил попытку оценить ложные взгляды данной доктрины, а также охарактеризовать их с нейтральной стороны и дать им критическую оценку с точки зрения православного богословия. Кроме того, выделяются и описываются особенности оккультного учения, в которых лжеучителя пытаются перекинуть личную ответственность за свои грехи на абсолютно внешние факторы, не имеющие никакого отношения к жизни и поведению человека. Разоблачены действия оккультистов, которые благодаря подменам понятий пытаются абстрагировать христианскую мысль и, оперируя своим ложным учением, пытаются внести в православную терминологию ложные понятия. В работе наглядно показано, что учение данной доктрины приводит не к совести, а к экстазу. Автор приходит к выводу, что учение «Четвёртого пути» о «совести» не имеет никакого отношения к христианской совести, и вместо того, чтобы созидать личность, наоборот, личность у них разрушается и полностью пропадает. Данная проблема мало изучена и требует дальнейших исследований. The goal of this article is to explore into the idea of “conscience” in the occult concept of the Fourth Way movement. As a research task, the author attempted to check the misleading creed of movement as well as to characterize them from the neutral side and give them a critical assessment from the point of view of the Orthodox theology. In addition, the author are highlights the means, by which the movement leaders seek to transfer personal responsibility for one’s sins to external factors that are not related to human life and behavior. The author explains the movement’s activities, which involve substitution of concepts as they seek to abstract Christian thought and to introduce false ideas into the Orthodox Christian terminology. The author argues that teaching of this doctrine leads not to conscience but to an ecstasy. The author concludes that the teachings of the Fourth Way on “conscience” have nothing to do with the Christian conscience as it they harm and deconstruct personhood instead of affirming it. According to the author, the issue has not been studied enough so far and requires further research.

1986 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Frederick Stoutland

AbstractThe reasons-causes debate concerns whether explanations of human behavior in terms of an agent's reasons presuppose causal laws. This paper considers three approaches to this debate: the covering law model which holds that there are causal laws covering both reasons and behavior, the intentionalist approach which denies any role to causal laws, and Donald Davidson’s point of view which denies that causal laws connect reasons and behavior, but holds that reasons and behavior must be covered by physical laws if reasons explanations are to be valid. I defend the intentionalist approach against the two causalist approaches and conclude with reflections on the significance of the debate for the social sciences.

Hartmut Remmers ◽  
Manfred Hülsken-Giesler

The innovative impact of advancing e-Health technologies is more frequently being discussed in nursing science. Nurses play an important role in collecting data and giving support to other users, especially in home care. Since issues of acceptance play a major role, the following article, which presents findings based on a focus group consisting of the elderly, caretaking relatives and professional nurses, is discussed from an ethical point of view in the context of international debate. It is interesting to note, that to some extent there is substantial ambivalence in the willingness to integrate such technologies into daily care. A need for technical assistance is clearly recognizable, however, limits as well. The authors’ findings indicate that a fundamental discussion on the relevance of e-Health methods in professional nursing needs to be held. It should address the ethical questions of often conflicting interests and rights (protection of identity, privacy and safety) in situations of high vulnerability.

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