scholarly journals Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dengan Usia Menarche pada Siswi SMP Negeri 1 Padang

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Rahmat Nurul Yuda Putra ◽  
Ermawati Ermawati ◽  
Arni Amir

AbstrakBeberapa dekade terakhir ini, telah terjadi kecenderungan onset menarche dini yang dikaitkan dengan nutrisi yang lebih baik. Penelitian yang telah ada menemukan penurunan usia menarche yang diiringi oleh peningkatan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) yang terjadi dalam 25 tahun terakhir. Onset menarche yang lebih cepat juga ditemukan pada anak yang gemuk dibandingkan yang kurus. IMT rendah menunjukkan tidak terpenuhinya nutrisi yang dapat mempengaruhi kecepatan tumbuh–kembang anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan hubungan  IMT dengan usia menarche. Penelitian cross-sectional study ini dilakukan terhadap 77 siswi yang dipilih melalui teknik proportional random sampling dan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Data yang telah terkumpul lalu dianalisis dengan uji korelasi spearman. Hasil studi ini adalah rata-rata IMT 19,93 (±3,162) kg/m2dan rata-rata usia menarche adalah 11,75 tahun dengan usia termuda 9 tahun dan tertua 14 tahun. Ditemukan adanya hubungan antara IMT dengan usia menarche dengan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05) dan r=-0,429. Kesimpulan studi ini ialah semakin tinggi IMT, maka semakin cepat terjadi menarche.Kata kunci: IMT, usia menarche, menarche AbstractThe last decades, there has been a trend of earlier onset of menarche is associated with better nutrition. Several studies have found a decrease in age of menarche is accompanied by an increase in Basal Metabolism Index (BMI). Rapid onset of menarche also found in obese children than lean. Low BMI show no fulfillment of nutrients that can affect the growth and development speed in children. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between BMI with age at menarche. This cross sectional study was conducted on 77 female students who were selected through proportional random sampling technique. The data was collected by questionnaires and interviews, than was analyzed by Spearman correlation test. The results of this study was the average BMI 19.93 (±3.162) kg / m2, and the average age of menarche was 11.75 years with 9 years old as the youngest and the oldest 14 years. There is a correlation between BMI at the age at menarche, with p value=0.000 (p<0.01) and r=-0.429. The conclusion is a higher BMI could cause  more rapidly menarche.Keywords:  BMI, age at menarche, menarche

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Sunardi .

STATUS NUTRISI BERPENGARUH TERHADAP KUANTITAS TIDUR PADA LANSIA Sunardi Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah 65145e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRAK Umur harapan hidup penduduk Indonesia mencapai 65,1 tahun, dan berakibat peningkatan jumlah penduduk lanjut usia 8,48%. Status nutrisi lanjut usia semakin menurun seiring dengan degenerasi fungsi organ akibat proses menua. Kuantitas tidur lanjut usia mengalami perubahan akibat episode tidur REM  cenderung memendek, terjadi penurunan yang progresif pada tahap tidur NREM 3 dan 4, lebih sering terbangun di malam hari, dan membutuhkan banyak waktu untuk jatuh tertidur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah discriptive correlation dengan pendekatan cross sectional study untuk menganalisis hubungan antara status nutrisi dan kuantitas tidur pada lanjut usia. Pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling terhadap 35 lanjut usia yang tinggal di Panti Werdha “x” sesuai kriteria telah ditentukan oleh peneliti. Status nutrisi lanjut usia diukur dengan observasi MNA dan kuantitas tidur dengan kuisioner dan wawancara, kemudian dianalisis dengan koefisien korelasi Spearman Rho. Hasil penelitian didapatkan tingkat signifikasi hubungan antara variabel status nutrisi dan kuantitas tidur pada lanjut usia adalah 0,01 sehingga p value < 0.05, artinya H 0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Kesimpulan analisis adalah: ada hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara status nutrisi dan kuantitas tidur pada lanjut usia di panti werdha “X”. Saran bagi peneliti selanjutnya adalah menindaklanjuti penelitian dengan metode komparasi, tehnik random sampling. Pada Panti Werdha seyogyanya melakukan skrining terhadap status nutrisi dan kuantitas tidur pada lanjut usia. Kata kunci: Status nutrisi , kuantitas tidur, lanjut usia   ABSTRACT Indonesian’s life expectancy age is 65,1 years old, and this causes on increasing population of elderly approximately 8,48%. However, elderly nutrition status is getting decrease along their organ function degeneration, which is caused by aging process. Sleep quantity on elderly is changing because of short stage REM. There is also progressive decreasing on stage III and IV NREM, easily wake up in the middle of the night and they need more times to go sleep. This research method is descriptive correlation using cross sectional study approach in order to analyze correlation between nutrition statuses and sleep quantity on elderly. Samples are taken by purposive sampling  method is 35 elderly peoples who lives in nursing home “X” according to researcher’s criteria. Nutrition status observed with MNA and sleep quantity is measured by using questioners and interview, then it analyzed with Rho Spearman coefficient correlation. Significance rate that correlate between nutrition status variable and sleep quantity elderly is 0,01, there for p value < 0,05, it means that Ho is refused and H1 is accepted. There is a significance correlation between nutrition status and sleep quantity on elderly in Nursing Home “X”. To make further follow up this research using comparative study and random sampling technique for next researcher. For nursing home, I suggest that they doing screening on nutrition status and sleep quantity on elderly. Keywords: Nutrition status, Sleep quantity, Elderly

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-86
Merita Merita ◽  
Nurainun Hamzah ◽  
Djayusmantoko Djayusmantoko

Latar belakang: Masalah gizi yang paling sering terjadi pada remaja adalah gizi kurus dan gemuk yang disebabkan oleh persepsi body image dan kecenderungan gangguan makanTujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan persepsi citra tubuh dan kecenderungan gangguan makan dengan status gizi pada remaja putri di SMA Kota Jambi Tahun 2019.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional study yang dilaksanakan di 10 SMA Kota Jambi pada bulan Maret - Mei Tahun 2019. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 384 remaja putri dengan tehnik cluster random sampling. Pengumpulan data mengunakan alat bantu yaitu Kuesioner BSQ-16 untuk persepsi citra tubuh, Eat-26 untuk kecenderungan gangguan makan, timbangan berat badan dan microtoice untuk pengukuran status gizi indikator IMT/U. Analisis dilakukan dengan analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat (spearman correlation test)Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar responden memiliki status gizi normal (83,1%), body image positif (64,6%), dan sebanyak (82,8%) remaja putri tidak memiliki gejala gangguan makan. Analisis korelasi menunjukkan ada hubungan persepsi citra tubuh dengan status gizi indikator IMT/U (p=0,000; r=0,443), namun tidak ada hubungan kecenderungan ganguan makan dengan status gizi indikator IMT/U (p-value 0,657).Simpulan: Dapat disimpulkan sebagian besar remaja putri memiliki body image positif dan tidak memiliki kecenderungan gangguan makan serta status gizi tergolong normal. Oleh karena itu remaja putri harus percaya diri pada kondisi tubuh sekarang agar tidak berujung gangguan makan dan menyebabkan masalah gizi

2021 ◽  

Abstract Background: Undiagnosed depression among university students has an adverse effect on the wellbeing and academic performance of students. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of depression and associated factors among Debre Birhan university students. Methodology: Institutional based cross-sectional study design is conducted in Debre Birhan University from April to June 2013 E.C. Three hundred sixty nine students participated in this study which was selected by simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by using a self-administered PHQ-9 standard depression questionnaire. First the data was entered into in Epidata 3.1 and then was exported to SPSS version 20 for analysis. Associated factors were identified using binary logistic regression and variables with a p-value < 0.05 were declared as statistically significant factors with the outcome variables. Result: All of the study subjects were between ages 18 and 33 with a mean age of 22.65 9 ± 2.78. The overall prevalence of depression is 17.1%. Among this according to PHQ-9 scores cut scores, 161(43.6 %) scored as normal (0–4), 145(39.3%) scored as mild (5–9), 53(14.4%) scored as moderate (10–14), 4(1.1%) scored as moderately severe (15–19) and 6(1.6%) students scored as sever (> 20). In multivariate analysis being female AOR = 9.28[3.47–24.81], academic year AOR = 0.236[0.059–0.936], smoking 26.3[9.33–74.1] and alcohol use AOR of 2.62[0.95–7.21] are significantly associated with depression. Conclusion and recommendation: This study found a considerable proportion of undergraduate students with depression. Higher institutions need to pay special attention to students especially those who are female, junior students, smokers and alcohol users.

Indra Agussamad ◽  
Maya Sari

Perawat merupakan petugas kesehatan dengan presentasi terbesar dan memegang peranan penting dalam pemberian pelayanan kesehatan.WHO (2013) mencatat, dari 39,47 juta petugas kesehatan di seluruh dunia, 66,7%-nya adalah perawat. Di Indonesia, perawat juga merupakan bagian terbesar dari tenaga kesehatan yang bertugas di rumah sakit yaitu sekitar 47,08% dan paling banyak berinteraksi dengan pasien. Penelitian ini bersifat analitik dengan desain cross sectional study dengan jumlah sampel 72 perawat dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling,dan penelitian ini secara univariat dan bivariat dengan Chy-Square yang disajikan dalam bentuk tabel. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan, pengawasan, motivasi, sikap dan ketersediaan alat terhadap kepatuhan perawat rawat inap dalam menggunakan alat pelindung diri dengan(p-value< 0,05).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Kartini Kartini ◽  
Jafriati Jafriati ◽  
Cece Suryani Ismail

AbstrakKecemasan merupakan kondisi emosional yang ditandai dengan kekhawatiran yang berlebihan terhadap berbagaiperistiwa kehidupan sehari hari. Kecamasan di tengah pandemi Covid-19 yang berpotensi terus meningkat danmenjadi suatu ancaman terhadap kondisi kesehatan mental masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Mahasiswa rentan terhadapkecemasan, keadaan dapat menyebabkan perubahan dalam kehidupan seseorang sehingga orang itu terpaksaberadaptasi atau menanggulangi stressor yang timbul. Tujuan umum pada penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuifaktor yang berhubungan dengan tingkat kecemasan di masa pandemi Covid-19 pada mahasiswa Universitas HaluOleo. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional study dengan menggunakan teknikpengambilan sampel proportional random sampling yang berjumlah 364 orang. Uji statistik menggunakan uji Chi square.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kecemasan di masa pandemi Covid-19 pada mahasiswa Universitas Halu Oleodidapatkan 57 responden (15,7%) mengalami kecemasan ringan, ditemukan bahwa tidak ada hubungan bermaknaantara status tempat tinggal (p value = 0,074 > 0,05) dan sistem interaksi pembelajaran (p value = 0,152 > 0,05),sebaliknya ada hubungan bermakna antara pengetahuan mengenai Covid-19 (p value = 0,014< 0,05), dukungan sosial(p value = 0,000< 0,05), pendapatan orang tua (p value = 0,031< 0,05) dan keberadaan kerabat atau teman terinfeksiCovid-19 (p value = 0,000< 0,05). Keadaan psikologi mahasiswa harus diperhatikan selama masa pandemi Covid-19berlangsung.Kata kunci : Kecemasan, Pengetahuan, Tempat Tinggal, Dukungan Sosal, Pendapatan, Covid-19, Pembelajaran 

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-42
Firdausi Ramadhani ◽  
Yanti Hz. Hano

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian bayi Bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Limboto Kabupaten Gorontalo. Metode yang digunakan adalah  Observasional Analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Populasi adalah seluruh ibu yang melahirkan berjumlah 853 responden, dengan Sampel yaitu sebanyak 202 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan tekhnik Purposive Sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) 34 responden (16,8%) dan bayi Berat Badan Lahir Normal (BBLN) 168 responden (83,2%). Hasil bivariat didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan (p-value 0,044), pendapatan keluarga (p-value 0,029) dengan kejadian bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR). Sedangkan, jumlah paritas (p value 0,523),  jarak kehamilan (p-value 0,659), dan Kekurangan Energi Kronik (KEK) (p-value 0,637) tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna secara statisti dengan kejadian bayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR).    This study aims to determine several factors associated with the incidence of low birth weight babies (LBW) in the Limboto Health Center, Gorontalo District. The method used is analytic observational with a cross sectional study approach. The population was all mothers who gave birth totaling 853 respondents, with a sample of 202 respondents. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the proportion of Low Birth Weight (LBW) babies was 34 respondents (16.8%) and Normal Birth Weight (BBLN) babies were 168 respondents (83.2%). The bivariate results showed that there was a relationship between knowledge (p value 0.044), family income (p value 0.029) with the incidence of low birth weight babies (LBW). Meanwhile, the parity (p value 0.523), pregnancy distance (p-value 0.659), and Chronic Energy Deficiency (P-value 0.637) did not have a statistically significant relationship with the incidence of Low Birth Weight (LBW).

2021 ◽  
Nurul Asikin

The onset of menarche is part of physical and sexual maturity process. Previous studies have shown that the nutritional status of an adolescenst girl have important influence on the menarche age. The study was designed to determine the age of menarche and its relation to nutritional status of adolescent girls in SMP Negeri 10 Bulukumba. This was an analytical survey with a Cross Sectional Study approach. The sample in this study consisted of 74 people (total sampling), namely all students who had experienced menarche. The result of this study indicate that of the 74 respondents studied, there were 48 respondents had a good nutritional status, 43.75% had experienced normal menarche and 56.25% had experienced abnormal menarche. There were 26 respondents had a malnutrition, 15.38% had experienced normal menarche and 84.62% had experienced abnormal menarche. The results of statistical tests showed that there was an association between the nutritional status and the age at menarche of adolescent girls in SMP Negeri 10 Bulukumba (Pv=0,020; OR= 4,28). It is concluded that nutritional status is significantly associated with the age at menarche in adolesence. A good nutritional status in adolescent girls will experience puberty normally, resulting in normal and uninterrupted menstruation.

Noor Dharmarha ◽  
Anuradha Konda

Background: Present study highlights that the worldwide trend of declining age at menarche is also seen in urban Indian girls. The aim of the study was to evaluate the age of menarche and to find out the factors associated with the timing of menarche.Methods: The study was an observational cross sectional study. 258 healthy, menstruating, adolescent girls aged 10-16 years, were selected by simple random sampling. Pre-designed structured questionnaires were distributed after taking informed consent. Anthropometric measurements were taken using standard techniques. The average age of menarche was calculated. The association of the age at menarche with the proposed factors was analyzed using chi square test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. “P value” less than 0.05 was considered as significant.Results: The mean age at menarche was found to be 12.23±1.09 years. The study found a strong association between the respondent’s age at menarche and her sister’s age at menarche (p=0.002). The study also found a strong association between age at menarche and the socioeconomic status (p=0.021). This study however found no association of menarcheal age with factors like birth weight, type of diet, frequency of milk intake, body mass index, waist hip ratio, amount of exercise, unstable environment at home and psychosocial stress.Conclusions: The worldwide trend of declining age at menarche is also seen in urban Indian girls. This trend underlines the importance of investigating the factors associated with it and studying the future implications of a lower age at menarche.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 327
Ikit Netra Wirakhmi ◽  
Iwan Purnawan

AbstrakLatar belakang: Sampai saat ini, hipertensi masih merupakan tantangan besar di Indonesia. Kepatuhan pasien dalam menggunakan obat berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan terapi pengobatan. Adanya ketidakpatuhan pasien hipertensi dalam minum obat dapat memberikan efek negative yang sangat besar, seperti munculnya komplikasi. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kepatuhan minum obat dengan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi di Puskesmas Karangjambu Kabupaten Purbalingga. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional study. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien hipertensi di Puskesmas Karangjambu Kbupaten Purbalingga. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik accidental sampling dengan jumlah 86 responden. Data dikumpulkan pada bulan Mei 2021 menggunakan kuesioner 8 – Item Morisky Medication Aderence Scale (MMAS – 8) dan pengukuran tekanan darah secara langsung. Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Sebagian besar responden adlaah perempuan (86%), sebgain besar berada pada kategori tingkat kepatuhan sedang (47%) dan pada kategori hipertensi tahap 2 (63%). Uji stastistik didapatkan nilai p value 0.901 menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan kepatuhan minum obat dengan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi. Kesimpulan: Tidak ada hubungan kepatuhan minum obat dengan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi AbstractBackground: In Indonesia, hypertension is still a major problem. Adherence to treatment is critical for hypertension patients' long-term health and well-being. Adherence are required for hypertension therapy to be effective, and altering these patients' behavior has the greatest potential for improving hypertensive control. Objectives: To explore the relationship between medication adherence and blood pressure in hypertension patients. Methods: We used the cross-sectional study. This research sample was hypertension patients at Karangjambu Health Centre Purbalingga Regency. We included 89 respondents by accidental sampling technique. We collected the data by questionnaire. The Gamma & Sommers’d test was performed to analyze the data. Results: This research showed that that the majority of respondents were women (86%), the moderate category had the highest level of adherence (47%) and the most respondents suffer from hypertension stage 2 (63%). The statistical test result of 0.910 suggested that there was no relationship between medication adherence and blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Conclusions: There was also no significant between medication adherence and blood pressure. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-41
Divya Rayamajhi ◽  
Shreejana Wagle ◽  
Arun Karki

Introduction: Mental health and physical health are association with each other’s: poor mental health is a risk factor for chronic physical condition and it significantly impact on people’s quality of life. The social determinants of health impact on both chronic physical condition and mental health. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence sub-clinical depression and factors associated with depression among the hypertensive out patients’ department ofhospitals in Pokhara.  Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional study design was conducted among 215 hypertensive patient visiting OPD ward of selected hospitals of Pokhara Metropolitan City. Depression levels were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory-Ia (BDI) scale. Demographics and risk factors were assessed. Systematic random sampling was conducted for selecting hospitals and proportionate random sampling technique was used to make the sample representative of hospitals. Results: Out of the total 215 hypertensive patients and around fifty-nine percentage were males and the mean age of respondents is 52 +12.04 years. Around one-third of the hypertensive patients had depression. The mean BDI-Ia score for depression status having respondent was 16.88±16.45. Conclusions: This study provides the evidence of depression is associate with hypertensive patient’s socio-demographic factors such as sex, age, marital status, employment and income and behavioral factors. Hypertensive patients should be encouraged to increase their physical activities and family support.

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