2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 418
Ni Made Ayu Mila Andriani

<p><em>Gending is one form of tembang (poetry) which is one kind of Bali Purwa literature. Gending raré has no definite rules like any other form of gending. The form of gending rarè is very simple because it uses Balinese language everyday. Gending rarè also equips children's games. One of the Balinese gending is the gending rarè Madè Cenik which is sung at the joke.</em><em>.</em><em>This study examines the structure and meaning of gending rarè Madè Cenik. The theory used the theory of structure and the theory of hermeneutics. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. Methods of data collection using observation techniques, unstructured interview libraries, and documentation. The collected data is managed by the technique of reduction, classification, interpretation, display data, before the analysis and concluded.<br />Based on research done gending rarè Madè Cenik built by pentatonic tones and titi tones slendro, wirama used is wirama 4/4, rhythm pattern. This poem poem is poetry poetry poetry (abcb, aaba), the form of poetry of this gending is a free verse, imagery that is expressed in this gending is the life of society, the feeling (feeling) that exist in this gending is a sense of sadness, disappointment . The meaning of gending rarè Madè Cenik is social life, its aesthetic meaning is that this gending is sung with madolanan one of them. This gending also has the meaning of ethical or moral education. People who hear or sing this gending, are expected to laugh at each other.</em><em></em></p>

2019 ◽  

Language is a human interaction tool to facilitate humans to communicate with one another, language also has benefits that are very important for life as an introduction in the world of education. But what happens, the fact is that at the moment in carrying out group guidance conducted by some people, they have not been able to use good and correct grammar, but have already behaved politely when communicating with other interlocutors and some people still assume that when communicating only requires language simple or improvised. This study aims to teach that people need to apply true and wise communication, especially in the use of good and correct language systems when conducting group guidance. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods that refer to data collection, data analysis, interpretation of the data concerned with the situation. The results of this study indicate that in conducting group counseling they have not been able to apply good and correct language but have applied good manners. This research has various benefits, namely making people able to understand and realize that the importance of communication when guidance uses good and correct language so that it is easy to understand and easily accepted.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-90
Khairunnas Khairunnas ◽  
Bawaihi ◽  

This research aims to analyze the strategy of leaders in improving the quality of education in Zulhijjah Muara Bulian boarding school. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions, and verification. The results showed kiai has four roles, in improving the quality of education, namely educators, administrators, managers, and supervisors. Improving the quality of education is done by pursuing the welfare of teachers and contributing thought to the progress of the region and able to become cadres of scholars who will lead the ummah in the future by maintaining educational inputs, processes, and outputs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Putri Wijayanti ◽  
Lina Miftahul Jannah

This writing discusses the implementation of the Old Age Insurance (JHT) benefit policy in Gorontalo Province. JHT membership in Gorontalo Province is still low. JHT is a social security needed by workers and can be enjoyed when entering retirement age. This writing uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques through the study of literature. The result of this paper is that the implementation of JHT benefits policy in Gorontalo is influenced by the content and context of the policy itself. One context is the existence of community needs which are seen as not having placed JHT as an important thing in social security for workers. This emphasizes the need for BPJS Employment to improve socialization, education and expand partnerships for better JHT sustainability. Penulisan ini membahas mengenai implementasi kebijakan manfaat Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) di Provinsi Gorontalo. Kepesertaan JHT di Provinsi Gorontalo masih rendah. JHT merupakan jaminan sosial yang diperlukan oleh tenaga kerja dan dapat dinikmati ketika memasuki usia pensiun. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur. Hasil dari penulisan ini yakni implementasi kebijakan manfaat JHT di Gorontalo dipengaruhi konten dan konteks kebijakan itu sendiri. Salah satu konteksnya ialah adanya kebutuhan masyarakat yang dipandang belum menempatkan JHT sebagai hal penting dalam jaminan sosial bagi pekerja. Hal ini menekankan perlu BPJS Ketenagakerjaan untuk meningkatkan sosiallisasi, edukasi dan memerluas kemitraan untuk keberlangsungan JHT yang lebih baik  

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Luthfi Ans ◽  
Nurdyansyah Nurdyansyah ◽  
Eni Fariyatul Fahyuni

Arabic language is often taught by Arabic educational institutions only as a tool to read religious texts, not as the function of language is to communicate. The purpose of this research is to show a new strategy of mastering comprehensive communicative Arabic language based on 4 language skills (maharat lughawiyyah), namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing integrally and not separately. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, data collection is carried out through observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate weak language skills due to partial mastery strategies in Arabic. The conclusion of this study shows that the ability to communicate Arabic must be built on 4 language skills simultaneously, related, intact, integrated and not fragmented.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Elisten Parulian Sigiro

The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative methods and techniques in this study reflect the reality on the facts (fact findings) that is in the field as it is. This research examines how the shape and characteristics of adjectives in BDNg. Thus, the researchers sought to describe objectively and accurately in accordance with the aspects of adjectives BDNg current conditions. In practice, this is done through two methods of data collection techniques, namely by using interview and documentation techniques. The findings of this research, that adjective BDNg can be marked by characteristic, namely (1) there is a possibility to join the particle beken 'not' and dia 'no' (2) can accompany a noun, or (3) may be accompanied by words labih 'more' , pangka 'most', tutu 'very', and labien 'very'. Meanwhile, based on variations in shape, adjectives can be distinguished BDNg its kind on the basis adjectives and adjectival derivative. Basic adjectives are adjectives that only consist of a single morpheme. Meanwhile, the derivative adjective derivative form BDNghave formed through the process of moving on word class and morphological processes, namely affixation, reduplication and compounding. Based their category, there is only one category of adjectives of adjectives BDNg, the adjectives predicative (adjectives that could occupy the position of the predicate in the clause). Furthermore, in its formation, adjectives BDNg formed through some process of affixation, reduplication and compounding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 399
Nopria Martin ◽  
Sri Wiratma

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan batik kreatif teknik cap dengan media rongsokan, serta mengetahui hasil akhir dari proses pembuatan batik kreatif teknik cap dengan media rongsokan”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Melakukan penelitian didalam kelas yang sudah tersedia sebagaimana adanya tanpa melakukan perubahan situasi kelas dan jadwal pembelajaran. Perlakuan yang dilaksanakan adalah proses pembuatan batik kreatif dengan teknik cap dan melihat hasil dari karya tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui proses pembuatan batik kreatif teknik cap dengan media rongsokan di SMP Swasta Salsa Percut Sei Tuan. Teknik pembuatan batik teknik cap dengan media rongsokan atau barang bekas sangat berbeda dengan batik tulis dan batik teknik colet melainkan mencap langsung pada kain tersebut. Dimana prosenya ialah mencap, mewarna, memblok, melorod, dan (finishing) dan kain batik telah selesai.Kata Kunci: batik cap, rongsokan, proses pembuatan.AbstractThis study aims to knowing the process of making creative batik using stamp techniques with junk media, and knowing the final result of the process of making creative batik using stamp techniques using scrap media". The research method used by researchers in data collection using qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Doing research in the classroom that is already available as is without changing the classroom situation and learning schedule. The treatment carried out is the process of making creative batik using stamp techniques and seeing the results of the work. From the research results, it can be seen that the process of making creative batik with stamp techniques using junk media at Salsa Percut Private Middle School in Sei Tuan. The technique of making stamped batik using junk media or used goods is very different from the hand-written batik and the dabbing technique of batik, but it is directly stamped on the cloth. Where the process is stamping, coloring, blocking, melting, and (finishing) and the batik cloth has been finished.Keywords: batik stamp, wreckage, manufacturing proces. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Nur Syamsiyah ◽  
Farida Yufarlina Rosita

The purpose of this study is to describe the types of use of language style in the collection of poems of “Dear You” by Moammar Emka published in 2011. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. The data source in this study is a collection of poems contained in the poem “Dear You” by Moammar Emka. Data collection techniques in research, using content analysis techniques (text). The results of this study indicate that the use of language style and the value of character education in the collection of poetry “Dear You” by MoammarEmka has a type of language style: (a) parables, (b) metaphors, (c) personification, (d) depersonification, (e) hyperbole, (f) litotes, (g) metonimia, (h) sinekdoke, (i) alliteration, and (j) asonance. Of the ten language styles, the data obtained were 117 data with the smallest data of four data, namely the style of asonance language and the most data of thirty-four data, namely the style of the metaphorical language.

Sujadmi ◽  
Luna Febriani

Abstract This paper discusses on social networks in overcoming disasters that occurred in Pangkalpinang in 2016. This is the second largest flood after thirty years ago, 1986. Flood disasters bring many impacts to community, both psychologically, economically and sociologically. There are many efforts made by the parties concerned to overcome this flood. This condition arises with the existence of social networking systems that exist in the community.This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, and data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation studies.The results of the study showed that social networks that emerged in the community were able to help the recovery process of the community after the flood, both economically, psychologically and sociologically. The network model developed is quite diverse which is supported by social capital in the community. Tulisan ini membahas tentangjaringan sosial dalam menyikapi musibah bencana banjir bandang yang terjadi di Kota Pangkalpinang pada awal tahun 2016 lalu. Banjir besar yang terjadi kedua kalinya setelah kurun waktu tiga puluh tahun yakni tahun 1986 lalu. Bencana banjir di Kota Pangkalpinang ini tentu membawa dan memberikan dampak dalam berbagai lini kehidupan baik secra psikologis, ekonomi, maupun sosiologis. Beragam upaya dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak dan kalangan untuk menyelesaikan persoalan ini baik pada saat bencana maupun pasca bencana banjir. Tindak tanggap darurat pun muncul dari berbagai sisi dan pihak. Kondisi ini muncul dengan adanya sistem jejaring sosial yang tumbuh subur di kalangan masyarakat. Metode kualitatif deskriptif digunakan untuk melakukan kajian ini dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwasannya jejaring sosial yang muncul dalam masyarakat mampu membantu proses pemulihan masyarakat pasca banjir baik secara ekonomi, psikologis, maupun sosiologis.model jejraing yang dikembangkan pun cukup beragam yang kesemuanya tidaklah luput dari kuatnya modal sosial yang tumbuh subur dalam masyarakat

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-38
Adpriyadi Adpriyadi ◽  
Sudarto Sudarto

ABSTRAKPendidikan yang utama dan pertama didapat anak dari orang tua. Orang tua memiliki peran penting dalam hal ini sebab orang tua adalah teladan pertama yang dikenal oleh anak. Peran orangtua yang demokratis menerapkan orang tua yang menjadikan anak-anak menjadi orang yang mau menerima kritik dan menghargai orang lain, memiliki kepercayaan diri yang tinggi dan mampu bertanggung jawab atas kehidupan sosial mereka. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pola asuh orang tua dalam pengembangan diri dan karakter anak usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran orang  tua dalam penggembangan potensi dan karakter anak usia dini dengan pola asuh demokratis. Penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan metode yang diterapkan orang tua  dalam penggembangan potensi diri dan karakter anak antara lain: a) memberikan pujian dan penghargaan kepada anak, b) menyediakan waktu bermain bersama anak, c) memberikan kasih sayang dan perhatian, d) memberikan keteladanan yang baik.Kata kunci: Pola Asuh, Potensi Diri, Karakter ABSTRACTFirst and foremost education is obtained by children from parents. Parents have an important role in this case because parents are the first examples known by children. The role of democratic parents applies parents who make their children willing to accept criticism and respect others, have high self-confidence and are able to take responsibility for their social lives. The problem raised in this study is how parenting parents in self-development and character of early childhood. This study aims to determine the role of parents in developing the potential and character of early childhood with democratic parenting. This research was analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the methods applied by parents in developing children's potential and character include: a) giving praise and appreciation to children, b) providing time to play with children, c) giving love and attention, d) giving good role models.Keywords : Parenting, Self Potential, Character 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-101
Dewi Anggraini ◽  
Vina Kumala

The city of Bukittinggi as one of the largest tourist cities in West Sumatra has a leading tourist attraction which is one of the oldest zoos in Indonesia. This zoo also displays various Minangkabau cultural attractions, therefore the government named this zoo Kinantan Wildlife and Culture Park (Taman Margasatwa dan Budaya Kinantan). Based on preliminary observations, data shows that the number of tourist visits to Kinantan is not proportional to the level of tourist visits to the City of Bukittinggi. Therefore, an in-depth research is carried out on the development of facilities and the role of the government in that development. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the analysis showed that the role of government in developing Kinantan, namely as a motivator, facilitator, and dynamist has been running well and can increase the number of tourist visits.

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