scholarly journals Strategies of Communicative Arabic Language Mastery Based on Lughawiyyah at Ma’had Umar Bin Al-Khattab Surabaya

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Luthfi Ans ◽  
Nurdyansyah Nurdyansyah ◽  
Eni Fariyatul Fahyuni

Arabic language is often taught by Arabic educational institutions only as a tool to read religious texts, not as the function of language is to communicate. The purpose of this research is to show a new strategy of mastering comprehensive communicative Arabic language based on 4 language skills (maharat lughawiyyah), namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing integrally and not separately. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods, data collection is carried out through observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate weak language skills due to partial mastery strategies in Arabic. The conclusion of this study shows that the ability to communicate Arabic must be built on 4 language skills simultaneously, related, intact, integrated and not fragmented.

Martini Martini

As a part of dissertaion research entitled “Developing A Model Of Business English Teaching Material For Students Of Politeknik Negeri Padang”. This article tells about the needs of Business English in workplaces from the graduate students persperctive. The information gottten can be used as inputs is designing Business English curriculum which in based on Link and Match concept between the needs of workplaces and educational institutions. A survey was done by spreading online questionnaires by using Google drive to the graduates of accounting department, who work for some companies in Indonesia. By using descriptive analysis, finding of the research obtains an overview that four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) are very impportant in business communication. It menas that they must be taught in Business English class. Next, it is also obtained that grammar, vocabulary, pronounciation, and translation are also very important to be taughy. Besides, this study can determine some business topics that are needed for Business English class.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 136-144
Ronny Mahmuddin ◽  
Chamdar Nur

This study aims to describe the implementation of techniques or steps in learning Arabic rules (Nahwu science) based on Integration theory (Unity theory), namely that learning Arabic rules is presented in full by teaching four Arabic language skills and three language elements. The purpose of this study is also to offer solutions in the learning of integral and holistic Nahwu science.The research method is a library method with descriptive qualitative research type. The results of this study indicate that there are six steps (techniques) of teaching Arabic rules (Nahwu science) on Integration theory (Unity theory) that combines learning Arabic rules, Arabic language skills, and elements language elements in one integrated discussion material.

2019 ◽  

Language is a human interaction tool to facilitate humans to communicate with one another, language also has benefits that are very important for life as an introduction in the world of education. But what happens, the fact is that at the moment in carrying out group guidance conducted by some people, they have not been able to use good and correct grammar, but have already behaved politely when communicating with other interlocutors and some people still assume that when communicating only requires language simple or improvised. This study aims to teach that people need to apply true and wise communication, especially in the use of good and correct language systems when conducting group guidance. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods that refer to data collection, data analysis, interpretation of the data concerned with the situation. The results of this study indicate that in conducting group counseling they have not been able to apply good and correct language but have applied good manners. This research has various benefits, namely making people able to understand and realize that the importance of communication when guidance uses good and correct language so that it is easy to understand and easily accepted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Muhamad Agus Mushodiq ◽  
Muhammad Syaifullah ◽  
Dian Risky Amalia ◽  
Nailul Izzah ◽  
Bety Dwi Pratiwi

This paper aims to reveal the mistakes of micro Arabic in the aspects of Ilm Saut (phonology), Sharaf (morphology), Nahw (Syntax), and 'Ilm Dalalah (Semantics) in preaching materials conveyed by ustadz and ustadzah included in the groups of "Ustadz Sunnah" and "Islam itu Indah". Arabic mistakes are often made by ustadz and ustadzah who often appear on social media. In general, an ustadz must have good Arabic language skills. The vast emergence of ustadz and ustadzah on social media is allegedly not accompanied by their qualified mastery of the primary language used in Islamic teaching sources and primary books, namely Arabic. Hence, the researchers used micro linguistic theories comprising the studies of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics therein. This study applied a descriptive-qualitative method. Researchers not only described the Arabic mistakes made by those of "Ustadz Sunnah” and "Islam itu Indah" but also provided corrections to such mistakes. In analyzing the data, the researchers used a separate analysis method. The findings demonstrated that those of "Ustaz Sunnah" and "Islam itu Indah” made mistakes in verbal Arabic at phonemic, morphemic, syntactic, and semantic levels.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-90
Khairunnas Khairunnas ◽  
Bawaihi ◽  

This research aims to analyze the strategy of leaders in improving the quality of education in Zulhijjah Muara Bulian boarding school. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions, and verification. The results showed kiai has four roles, in improving the quality of education, namely educators, administrators, managers, and supervisors. Improving the quality of education is done by pursuing the welfare of teachers and contributing thought to the progress of the region and able to become cadres of scholars who will lead the ummah in the future by maintaining educational inputs, processes, and outputs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Putri Wijayanti ◽  
Lina Miftahul Jannah

This writing discusses the implementation of the Old Age Insurance (JHT) benefit policy in Gorontalo Province. JHT membership in Gorontalo Province is still low. JHT is a social security needed by workers and can be enjoyed when entering retirement age. This writing uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques through the study of literature. The result of this paper is that the implementation of JHT benefits policy in Gorontalo is influenced by the content and context of the policy itself. One context is the existence of community needs which are seen as not having placed JHT as an important thing in social security for workers. This emphasizes the need for BPJS Employment to improve socialization, education and expand partnerships for better JHT sustainability. Penulisan ini membahas mengenai implementasi kebijakan manfaat Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) di Provinsi Gorontalo. Kepesertaan JHT di Provinsi Gorontalo masih rendah. JHT merupakan jaminan sosial yang diperlukan oleh tenaga kerja dan dapat dinikmati ketika memasuki usia pensiun. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur. Hasil dari penulisan ini yakni implementasi kebijakan manfaat JHT di Gorontalo dipengaruhi konten dan konteks kebijakan itu sendiri. Salah satu konteksnya ialah adanya kebutuhan masyarakat yang dipandang belum menempatkan JHT sebagai hal penting dalam jaminan sosial bagi pekerja. Hal ini menekankan perlu BPJS Ketenagakerjaan untuk meningkatkan sosiallisasi, edukasi dan memerluas kemitraan untuk keberlangsungan JHT yang lebih baik  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-179
Ahmad Saefudin ◽  
Al Fatihah Al Fatihah

This study aims to elaborate the strengthening of Islamic moderateism through Aswaja An-Nahdliyyah character education. The researcher describes the behavior of Aswaja An-Nahdliyyah character education practiced by Islamic educational institutions as a basis for strengthening religious moderatism. The role of Islamic education institutions in applying moderate Islamic understanding in this disruption era is necessary. Because, students are faced with conditions of changing the order of values ​​and traditions that are very fast and unexpected. Through a descriptive-qualitative approach, data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. Through the frame of character education theory, the data analyzed using the stages of reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. Apparently, Aswaja An-Nahdliyyah's character education at MTs. Miftahul Huda Bulungan Pakis Aji Jepara was developed through teaching the value of tawassuth, tawazun, tasamuh and i'tidal. The implementation as culture of madrasa, such as the obligation to pray before starting the lesson, orderly running pickets, praying dzuhur in congregation, wearing school uniforms, preserving ancestral culture, familiarizing greetings, sympathetic care routinely for yatama and dhuafa, maintaining the cleanliness of the madrasa environment, and a ban on littering the classroom walls. The limitation of this study has specific scope. That is the focus on strengthening religious moderateism in Islamic educational institutions which are under the shelter of the LP. Maarif NU Jepara Regency. There are still gaps for other researchers to conduct development research outside of that scope.

Studi Arab ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-100
Nisa Fahmi Huda

It feels familiar to us with one of the Arabic subjects. Moreover, Arabic learning has existed at the school level from elementary to tertiary education. Arabic learning must stand and cannot be separated from several kinds of language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. However, apart from the four language skills, we must pay attention to one of the important aspects of language and this is also not separated because without this aspect, language will not be organized. These important aspects are the nahwu rules that we must learn and cannot be separated from the four skills of Arabic. The purpose of this study was to determine how effective the use of the spinning wheel media was in learning Arabic, especially in the subject of qawaid nahwu. Data collection methods used observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. The approach used is quantitative with the type of research Quasi Experimental One Group Pretest Posttest. The result of this research is that the use of the spnning wheel media can improve the qawaid nahwu learning process in the seventh grade training of the students of the Darul Qur'an Wal Islamic Boarding School, Wonosari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Hasyim Asy’ari ◽  
Ammar Zainuddin

Islamic boarding schools are Islamic educational institutions that focus on moral education. Islamic boarding schools at this time were divided into ancestor and modern boarding schools. There are differences in the curriculum and learning models of Arabic in the two pesantren. Salaf Islamic boarding schools have a special curriculum in understanding the understanding of Islam. Learning Arabic in the Salaf Islamic boarding school is oriented towards grammatical learning by memorizing the terms nahwu and shorof and memorizing nadhom. While the Arabic language learning curriculum in modern pesantren aims not only for religious scholarship, but aims to use all language skills in communication. This Islamic boarding schools believes that language learning activities must provide students the ability to communicate correctly, both in oral and written form.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Elisten Parulian Sigiro

The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative methods and techniques in this study reflect the reality on the facts (fact findings) that is in the field as it is. This research examines how the shape and characteristics of adjectives in BDNg. Thus, the researchers sought to describe objectively and accurately in accordance with the aspects of adjectives BDNg current conditions. In practice, this is done through two methods of data collection techniques, namely by using interview and documentation techniques. The findings of this research, that adjective BDNg can be marked by characteristic, namely (1) there is a possibility to join the particle beken 'not' and dia 'no' (2) can accompany a noun, or (3) may be accompanied by words labih 'more' , pangka 'most', tutu 'very', and labien 'very'. Meanwhile, based on variations in shape, adjectives can be distinguished BDNg its kind on the basis adjectives and adjectival derivative. Basic adjectives are adjectives that only consist of a single morpheme. Meanwhile, the derivative adjective derivative form BDNghave formed through the process of moving on word class and morphological processes, namely affixation, reduplication and compounding. Based their category, there is only one category of adjectives of adjectives BDNg, the adjectives predicative (adjectives that could occupy the position of the predicate in the clause). Furthermore, in its formation, adjectives BDNg formed through some process of affixation, reduplication and compounding.

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