2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Ida Ayu Putu Utami Dewi ◽  
I Wayan Suyanta

<p>Abstract<br />Have we become inspirational teachers? Why should be an inspirational teacher? Have our students answered “Master is inspiration” when someone asks “children, what do you think about your teacher?” Good teachers who inspire teachers for learners, for example, advice, build learners to learn fun not stress and children are not afraid. Professional teachers should be able to educate children to be brave. Learning resources, all sources either in the form of data, people and certain forms that can be driven learners. Inspiration is interpreted with creative ideas that arise from within the self after an external stimulus. Therefore, teachers should be able to become “stimulants” for their students, inspiring for inspiration so that children can always be encouraged to bring up ideas, ideas, thoughts, actions, values, and positive creativity. Learning is the most priority activity in school activities. In the learning activities, the teacher is like a captain who controls the pace of the learning process in the classroom. In this learning process, teachers are required to be able to plan, design and implement approach / learning model using the method until the proper learnin media. The principles of APE are principles of productivity, creativity, activity, effective and efficient, and interesting and fun. From a material perspective, APE must be able to develop thinking power (cognition), rapid power, language, motor and skill aspects. Through tools used as a means of play, so that the child is expected to develop the function of intelligence, emotion and spiritual so that emerging intelligence that skyrocketed.<br />Keywords: My Teacher Inspiration, My Student Source<br />Abstrak<br />Sudahkah kita menjadi guru inspiratif? Mengapa harus menjadi guru inspiratif? Sudahkah siswa kita akan menjawab “Guru adalah inspirasi” ketika ada orang yang bertanya tentang “Nak, bagaimana pendapatmu tentang gurumu?”Guru yang baik guru yang menginspirasi untuk peserta didik, sebagai teladan, contoh, nasehat membangun peserta didik agar belajar menyenangkan tidak tertekan dan anak tidak takut. Guru profesional harus dapat mendidik anak menjadi berani. Sumber belajar, semua sumber baik berupa data, orang dan wujud tertentu yang dapat digerak peserta didik. Inspirasi dimaknai dengan gagasan-gagasan kreatif yang muncul dari dalam diri setelah ada rangsangan dari luar. Maka dari itu, guru harus bisa menjadi “perangsang” bagi siswanya, memberi inspirasi demi inspirasi agar anak senantiasa dapat terdorong untuk memunculkan ide, gagasan, pemikiran, tindakan, nilai, hingga kretifitas yang positif. Belajar merupakan kegiatan paling prioritas dalam aktifitas di sekolah. Dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, guru bagaikan nahkoda yang mengontrol laju proses pembelajaran di kelas. Dalam proses pembelajaran ini, guru dituntut untuk bisa merencanakan, merancang hingga melaksanakan pendekatan/model pembelajaran menggunakan metode hingga media pembelajaran yang tepat.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-144
Dwi Jatmoko ◽  
Arif Susanto ◽  
Riawan Yudi Purwoko ◽  
Zainal Arifin ◽  
Purnawan Purnawan

Current learning is needed to emphasize student activities to be more constructive. However, learning emphasizes more on the target material and focuses on the final result. This study aims to improve student learning activities and outcomes in Automotive Engineering Basic Work subjects by implementing the ARCS learning model. This type of research is classroom action research, each cycle consisting of stages of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were 40 students of tenth grade State Vocational High School in Purworejo, Indonesia. Data were collected through observation to determine the description of student activities during the learning process. Then the evaluation test was used to determine the final results of student learning after being given the ARCS learning model in the classroom. The study results indicate that the implementation of ARCS learning in the process provides progress on student learning activities and outcomes during the learning process. The results showed that the implementation of the ARCS model increased student learning activities by 74% and increased learning outcomes by 82%. Thus, it can be concluded that the ARCS learning model, in general, can have a potential effect because students are more constructive in learning so that it can be used as a learning reference in vocational high school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Fitria Aini ◽  
Yusrizal Efendi ◽  
Mega Adyna Movitaria

This article to improve PAIdBP learning activities and learning outcomes for Class IV students of UPTD SDN 02 Simpang Kapuak for the 2020/2021 academic year by using the Discovery Learning model. This article is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was carried out in 2 cycles with 2 meetings for each cycle. The subjects in this study were grade IV students of UPTD SDN 02 Simpang Kapuak for the academic year 2020/2021, totaling 20 people. The data in this study were obtained through the use of observation sheets for teacher and student activities during the learning process and student learning outcomes at the end of each cycle. The data generated in this study were processed and analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The conclusion of the study shows that the use of the Discovery Learning model with the correct steps can increase the activity by an average of 78,78 and learning outcomes of Class IV PAIdBP students become 95% UPTD SDN 02 Simpang Kapuak Academic Year 2020/2021. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Rita Rahmaniati ◽  
Bulkani Bulkani ◽  
Fitri Pujianti

This study aims to find out: (1) Student learning activities in IPS (Social Sciences) learning on the application of scramble learning model using puppet hero media (Puppet Heroes), and (2) Improvement of IPS learning outcomes after application of learning model of scramble using media of wayang heroes. Data collection using observation and test, while for data analysis technique using the analysis technique of classical and individual completeness. From the research result, it can be concluded that: (1) learners are more active in IPS learning on the application of scramble learning model by using puppet hero media, students play an active role, motivated, cooperate with increasing concentration and speed of thinking during learning process in cycle I. the observation of teacher activity on the learning process conducted by observer I and observer II during social science learning process (IPS) in cycle I average aspects of teacher activity is 3.63 with very good criteria and the average aspects of the activities of learners that is 3.37 with good criteria, and (2) There is an increase in learning outcomes of IPS learners after the application of the model of learning scramble using the media of wayang heroes. This is indicated by the results of learning seen through the average scores of classes in the first cycle is 80.21 with the criteria achieved and meet the KKM 70, reaching the percentage of learning mastery learners classically that is 100%, with 85% classical completeness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-102
Hudaya Indra Bakti ◽  
Handoko Santoso

Abstrak : Keberhasilan suatu proses belajar mengajar dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua faktor yang mendominasi yaitu model pembelajaran dan motivasi yang dimiliki siswa saat belajar. Dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran yang tepat akan membuat kegiatan belajar mengajar lebih menarik sehingga menarik rasa ingin tahu siswa untuk belajar. Rasa ingin tahu merupakan motivasi alami yang dimiliki oleh siswa, sehingga mereka tertarik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini model yang akan digunakan adalah Problem Based Learning atau dikenal dengan Problem Based Learning (PBL). Model pembelajaran ini berorientasi pada siswa, dimana guru akan memberikan objek permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan materi dan siswa akan diminta untuk menganalisis penyelesaian masalah tersebut dengan menggali berbagai informasi baik dari buku, internet ataupun hasil siswa. Sedangkan guru hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator dan mengarahkan siswa. Tujuan dari artikel review ini adalah (1) untuk mengkaji model Problem Based Learning (2) mempelajari hasil belajar (3) untuk mengkaji model Problem Based Learning dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar. Abstract: The success of a teaching and learning process is influenced by various factors. In this study, there are two factors that dominate, namely the learning model and the motivation that students have when learning. By applying the right learning model, it will make teaching and learning activities more interesting so that it attracts students' curiosity to learn. Curiosity is a natural motivation possessed by students, so they are interested in participating in the learning process. In this study, the model to be used is Problem Based Learning or known as Problem Based Learning (PBL). This learning model is oriented towards students, where the teacher will provide an object of problems related to the material and students will be asked to analyze the resolution of the problem by exploring a variety of information both from books, the internet or students' results. Whereas the teacher only acts as a facilitator and directs students. The purpose of this review article is (1) to examine the Problem Based Learning model (2) to study the learning outcomes (3) to examine the Problem Based Learning model in improving learning outcomes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-208
Usman Noer ◽  
Nuryani Nuryani

ABSTRACTClass management is needed by the teacher in utilizing the potential of the class,making learning and learning to remain optimal, enjoyable and to improve optimalconditions in the event of a disruption in the learning process. Motivation to learnis an impulse from inside and outside the self of students who can move it to bemore active in learning activities in order to obtain the desired goals by changingbehavior both from the aspects of thought, affective and psychomotor. This studydiscusses the motivation of the class towards the motivation to learn history andthe Islamic participants of class IX of YMPI Rappang's MTs. This type of researchis field research with associative quantitative design. As a technique of datacollection, namely observation, questionnaire and documentation with descriptiveand infrequent analysis techniques. The results showed that: (1) Management ofclasses in class IX of YMPI Rappang MTs showed a good category with apercentage rate of 77.4%. (2) Learning motivation of students shows a goodcategory with a percentage of 85.4%. (3) There is a significant difference betweenthe learning class towards the learning motivation of YMPI Rappang's IX gradestudents. This can be seen from the results of manual calculations tcount = 9.406>t table = 1998 and the value of R Square or r2 obtained 0.564. The value of XI forstudents 'learning motivation in Islamic culture class (Y) was 56.4%, while 43.6%of students' learning motivation at MTs YMPI Rappang was related to othervariables not expected by researchers.

Tiodora Fermiska Silalahi ◽  
Ahmad Fakhri Hutauruk

In improving the quality of school education and learning in the future, it is necessary to change the mindset that will be used as the basis for implementing a learning program. What's more in the co-19 pandemic period that requires students to be able to study at home without interacting in class for a while. In the past the learning process was conventional, namely face-to-face in class. But even then, most teaching processes are still dominated by teachers. As a result, teaching and learning activities place more emphasis on teaching and not on learning. Learning activities favor the interests of those who teach. Efforts for learning to be focused on students, it is necessary to apply a cooperative learning model which is a form of change in mindset in learning activities at school. However, during this pandemic, the next challenge is how the cooperative process can take place in the online learning process. The absence of a physical meetup becomes an obstacle that can be minimized by the adaptation of the teacher in the distance learning process. In this case the teacher no longer dominates the learning activities, but rather becomes the facilitator and mediator of the process. The cooperative learning model is designed by giving opportunities to students together to build their own knowledge.

Dyah Sinto Rini

This article is a best practice implemented by applying the learning model of SPS-Bansho (Structured Problem Solving using Bansho) at SMPN 18 Tangerang. This best practice has succeeded in increasing students’ mathematics learning activities during the learning process. The observation sheet was used to observe the students’ mathematics learning activities. All indicators of students’ mathematics learning activities were observed during the learning process. Students were challenged more to ask questions during a group or class discussions. They were able to respond to their friends' opinions well, participate in groups, and help friends in completing assignments. Students presented their work in front of the class, and they could summarize the material they have learned.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Budi Santoso ◽  
Desy Hanisa Putri ◽  
Rosane Medriati

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan aktivitas belajar, motivasi belajar dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas pada konsep gerak lurus yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X IPA 3 SMAN 3 Kota Bengkulu yang berjumlah 33 siswa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa jumlah skor rata-rata aktivitas belajar siswa siklus I sebesar 43 dalam kategori aktif, siklus II sebesar 48 dalam kategori aktif, dan siklus III sebesar 51 dalam kategori aktif. Motivasi belajar siswa sebelum mengikuti proses pembelajaran berada pada kategori rendah dengan tinggi rata-rata yaitu 71,73 dan pada saat setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaran skor rata-rata motivasi belajar siswa meningkat menjadi 77,32 yang berada pada kategori tinggi. Kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada siklus I yaitu 75,53 dengan kategori KPM sedang, pada siklus II yaitu 85,53 dengan kategori KPM tinggi dan siklus III yaitu 90,68 dengan kategori KPM sangat tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model Problem Based Learning  berbantu alat peraga dapat meningkatkan aktivitasbelajar, motivasi belajar dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa.Kata kunci: Model Probem Based Lerning, Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa, Alat Peraga, Konsep Gerak LurusABSTRACT This research was aimed at knowing the increase in learning activities, learning motivation and students' problem solving abilities. This research was a classroom action research on the concept of straight motion carried out in three cycles. The subjects of this study were all students of class X Science 3 of SMAN 3 Kota Bengkulu, total 33 students. The results of this study indicated that the total score of the average learning activities of students in the first cycle was 43 in the active category, second cycle was 48 in the active category, and the third cycle was 51 in the active category. Student learning motivation before participating in the learning process was in the low category with the average height of 71.73 and after the learning process the average score of students' learning motivation increased to 77.32 which is in the high category. The ability of student problem solving in the first cycle was 75.53 with a moderate KPM category, in the second cycle was 85.53 with a high KPM category and the third cycle was 90.68 with the very high KPM category. Based on the results of this research it can be concluded that the application of the Problem Based Learning model assisted by science model tools can increase learning activities, learning motivation and students' problem solving abilities. Keywords: Problem Based Learning Model, Students' Problem Solving Abilities, Science Model Tools, Straight Motion Concept.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Dwi Wulandari

IPS learning process that occurs at SDN II Kemloko 2nd grade class has not been achieved its satisfactory. This is due to the way the teachers teach which is still in mediocre level, in a way of providing the students with interesting learning method and interesting models that may make students happy to follow the learning activities. By the result, the students’ learning outcomes for the 2nd grade class at SDN II Kemloko still below the pre-determined score, commonly known as KKM. In order to make this condition better, the researchers are triggered to conduct a research by implementing a Class Action Research (PTK), by referring to a research model raised by Thursday and Mc. Taggart. That research model proposes 4 important stages, which are (1) preparation / planning, (2) implementation of the action, (3) observation / observation, (4) reflection. In this classroom action research, the researchers implement a learning model, which is Make a Match. Afterwards, the result shows that the 2nd grade students can experience learning outcome. It turned out that after using this model of Make a Match, there is a significant improvement. The results obtained from cycle 1 portraying a number of 17 students shows that there are 9 students who successfully accomplish the task, which is equivalent with 52.94%, and the rest of the students, which are 8 students, are not able to accomplish the task, equivalent with 47.06%. Further, the second cycle presents that the students who pass the results are 10 students with a percentage of 58.82%, while the unaccomplished ones are 7 students with a percentage of 41.18%. According to the results, the result shows that the accomplished number of students is above the average. It is strongly suggested that others may implement the learning model of Make a Match, particularly teachers.

2020 ◽  
Ratna Juita ◽  

Teaching strategies are related to the methods chosen by educators in determining thescope, sequence of discussion, learning activities, and others in delivering material tostudents in the classroom. In the learning process it is often found that when studentsare given written assignments, students always try to immediately start writing answers,even though it is not something wrong, but will be more meaningful if first doing thinking activities, reflecting and composing ideas and testing those ideas beforestarting to write them. The Think-Talk-Write (TTW) model chosen in this studywas built by giving students time to do the activity (thinking, reflecting and to compileideas, and testing the ideas before writing them). Think-Talk-Write learning strategiesare an effort to improve language skills. Language elements obtained by using theThink-Talk-Write model are stages of thinking that can foster children's ability in thefields of listening, reading and writing. The stages of talk can be to improve the abilityto speak, write, and listen / listen to children. The Write stage can improve listening andwriting skills. Key words: language skills, Think-Talk-Write Model

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