scholarly journals Factors that determine the sustainability of the basic sanitation service in Manizales

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Isabel Cristina Castano-Isaza ◽  
María Arango-Ospina ◽  
Diana Cardenas-Villamizar

Sewage treatment is one of the great challenges in water management. In this regard, 80% of wastewater is discharged into water sources without any treatment, thus ignoring the fundamental right of access to water and sanitation and its implications for the well-being and development of populations. Colombia since the 50's began the strategy of improving water and sanitation. Seven decades of design and implementation of policies in favor of the expansion of coverage in aqueduct, sewerage and sanitation services, with significant advances for aqueduct and sewerage services and with great challenges facing the need to focus and optimize efforts to be more efficient and make the sanitation. The study and understanding of sustainable basic sanitation was carried out through the search for secondary information carried out in sectoral reports and research documents, where factors that positively or negatively affected the provision of the sanitation service were identified. On the other hand, the understanding of the social and political dynamics of the territory allows in the context of the city of Manizales to identify and analyze the perceptions from the three pillars of sustainability, natural environment, social environment and economic environment of two interest groups in the company Aguas de Manizales SA ESP, provider of the aqueduct and sewerage service in the city, through the application of a user survey and the carrying out of focus groups with institutions and community leaders. Lastly, solutions and strategies are proposed that eliminate causes or reduce the impacts that make it impossible to consolidate the public sanitation service or to maintain it over time.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 1976
Daniel Narzetti ◽  
Rui Marques

Access to water and sanitation services (WSS) in developing countries is constrained by the conditions of social inequality and the services affordability for the poorest households. Therefore, public policies related to WSS need to broaden in scope given the challenge of reaching all customers, especially the most vulnerable, in order to achieve a balance between the social and financial objectives of WSS. This paper will contribute to the understanding of the main access and subsidy policies in South American countries focusing on the Brazilian case study. The different experiences in this region have provided some interesting lessons about these issues for Brazil; the conclusion is that the current indirect and cross-subsidy policies are important, but the needed practices for expanding pro-poor access require direct demand-side subsidies. A more proactive intervention through public authorities is also needed. A new subsidization model for Brazil is highlighted and discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 816-826
Waldiana Almeida Cantanhede ◽  
Thomas Jefferson Alves Santos

O crescimento das cidades de forma desorganizada tem despertado grandes preocupações acerca do mecanismo de proteção e defesa do bem-estar de seus habitantes, as de ordem social e ambiental são deveras preocupantes pelos impactos que estas trazem. Com a finalidade de conhecer os problemas e as necessidades socioambientais no município de Rosário – MA, através da análise de indicadores sociais e a consulta do Plano Diretor da cidade, buscou-se demonstrar os problemas socioambientais enfrentados no município, e a importância de um bom planejamento urbano aliado à gestão ambiental. A base econômica do município está nas atividades de pesca, agricultura familiar, extrativismo, pecuária, artesanato, frágil indústria e comércio bastante limitado. Observou-se no município uma carência em seu planejamento, principalmente na implantação de projetos ambientais, no qual o problema da negligência de tais questões é acentuado pela omissão da comunidade na gestão. O descaso do poder público é mais evidente pelas pessoas de baixa renda que, além de arcar com o ônus da dificuldade de acesso à habitação, ao saneamento básico, à educação, ao transporte e à saúde, entre outros itens necessários à reprodução social, essa população também é a mais exposta e vulnerável aos riscos ambientais intrínsecos aos contextos urbanos.Palavras-chave: Vulnerabilidade Socioambiental; Planejamento Urbano; Rosário – MA.ABSTRACTThe growth of cities in a disorganized manner has raised great concerns about the mechanism of protection and defense of the welfare of their inhabitants, the social and environmental are very worrying for the impacts they bring. In order to know the social and environmental problems and needs in the city of Rosario – MA, through the analysis of social indicators and needs in the impacts they bring. In order to know the social and environmental problems and needs in the city of Rosario – MA, through the analysis of social indicators and the consultation of the master plan of the city, we sought to demonstrate the social and environmental problems faced in the city and the importance of a good urban planning combined with environmental management. The economic base of the municipality is fishing, family farming, extractives, livestock, crafts, fragile industry and very limited trade. There was a lack of planning in the municipality, especially in the implementation of environmental projects, in which the problem of neglect of such issues is accentuated by the omission of the community in management. The neglect of the public power is more evident by the low-income people who, besides bearing the burden of the difficulty of access to housing, basic sanitation, education, this population is also the most exposed and vulnerable to environmental risks intrinsic to urban contexts.Keywords: Socio Environmental Vulnerability; Urban Planning; Rosario – MA.RESUMENEl crecimiento de las ciudades de manera desorganizada ha suscitado grandes preocupaciones sobre el mecanismo de protección y defensa del bienestar de sus habitantes, los social y lo ambiental son muy preocupantes por los impactos que conllevan. Para conocer los problemas y necesidades sociales y ambientales en la ciudad de Rosario – MA, a través del análisis de indicadores sociales y la consulta del Plan Maestro de la ciudad, y la importancia de un buen planificación urbana combinada con gestión ambiental. La base económica del municipio es la pesca, la agricultura familiar, el extractivismo, la ganadería, la artesanía, la industria frágil y el comercio muy limitado. Hubo una falta de planificación en el municipio, especialmente en la implementación de proyectos ambientales, en los que el problema de la negligencia de tales problemas se acentúa por la omisión de la comunidad en la gestión. El abandono del poder público es más evidente por las personas de bajos ingresos que además de suportar la carga de la dificultad de acceso a la vivienda, saneamiento básico, educación, esto la población también es la más expuesta y vulnerable a los riesgos ambientales intrínsecos a los contextos urbanos.Palabras clave: Vulnerabilidad social y ambiental; Planificación urbana; Rosario – MA.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 735-739
Hlako Choma ◽  
Peter Ramphabana

t is common course that equitable access to water and sanitation must be accordingly and primarily regarded as criteria for the realization of other several human rights, such as the right to life, dignity, health, food, adequate standard of living and education. Access to safe drinking water and sanitation is essential to the enjoyment of safety and environment that is not hazardous to human health. The lack of water and sanitation does not only hinder access to other available rights, but also magnifies the vulnerability of women, girls and people with disabilities. Water and sanitation services are of outmost important to the health and wellbeing of all people. South Africa is operating under one of the most outstanding legislative and policy frameworks for basic services in the world, including the Constitutional right of access to sufficient water and right to basic sanitation.

Walef Pena Guedes ◽  
Cibele Roberta Sugahara ◽  
Denise Helena Lombardo Ferreira

The lack of urban planning combined with the disorderly occupation of large urban centers results in the lack of sanitation services. This condition generates harmful impacts on social well-being and natural resources. The water crisis in Brazilian regions imposed by the serious pollution of water bodies triggers a series of conflicts related to water scarcity and multiple uses. The present study aims to verify the consequences in the generation of diseases in the face of sanitation conditions in Brazilian regions. The method used in this work is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Indicators related to the share of the population with access to water and sewage collection and hospitalizations due to waterborne diseases in the Brazilian regions were analyzed. The sanitation indicators are intended to measure the impacts generated and provide information that can help in the management and sustainable use of water resources in order to establish priority actions for public policies. As a result, it is observed that the issue of universal sanitation that emerges from this discussion should be of interest to the national policy agenda, considering the negative externalities arising from the lack of this service. This argument is based on promoting the dignity of human life as advocated by the 2030 Agenda. It is important to highlight the implications of the precariousness of access to water and sanitation in the context of productive activities and income generation, since the health of workers in the regions most deprived of these services tends to be precarious.

Water Policy ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 627-642 ◽  
Edina Sinanovic ◽  
Sandi Mbatsha ◽  
Stephen Gundry ◽  
Jim Wright ◽  
Clas Rehnberg

The burden of water-related disease is closely related to both the socio-economic situation and public health issues like access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene services. Poverty eradication, through improved access to water and sanitation, is the South African government's major priority. This is partly achieved through subsidising the cost of water and sanitation provision to the poor in rural areas. Whilst the new policies have made a remarkable impact on improved access to water and sanitation services, a general problem since the new approach in 1994 has been the lack of integration of policies for water and sanitation and health. This paper analyses the policies concerning rural water supply and sanitation in South Africa. It considers the structure of institutions, the division of responsibilities and legislated and financial capacity of the South Africa's water sector. A more integrated approach for the policies aiming at water access, sanitation and health is needed. In addition, as the local government's capacity to implement different programmes is limited, a review of the financing system is necessary.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 4836
Wonder Mafuta ◽  
Jethro Zuwarimwe ◽  
Marizvikuru Mwale

The paper investigated the social and financial resources’ interface in WASH programmes for vulnerable communities. Nineteen villages were randomly selected from the Jariban district in Somalia using the random number generator based on the village list. Data was collected in a sequential methodology that started with transect walks to observe and record the WASH infrastructure. Thirty-eight focus group discussions and desktop reviews triangulated transact walk recordings. The findings indicate minimum to zero investments towards WASH infrastructure in Jariban from the state government, with more dependency on the donor community. The study revealed that resources for the construction of latrines and water sources come from the following sources, NGOs (54.3%), diaspora community (34.5%) and community contributions (11.2%). The findings revealed a backlog in the WASH infrastructure, resulting in low access to water supply and sanitation services. The results demonstrate limited resource allocation by both the government and community, affecting the WASH infrastructure’s sustainability and further development. Due to the backlog in investments, particularly on improved latrines, it is concluded that their usage is low and a hindrance to having access to sanitation, hygiene and water as per the SDG goals, of leaving no one behind. While investment towards WASH in Jariban demonstrates multiple potential sources, there is a need to strengthen domestic resource mobilisation and explore governments’ role and capacity to secure WASH infrastructure investments. It is also recommended to explore how to tax the remittances to fund WASH infrastructure development and the private sector’s role in WASH infrastructure investment.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-20
Hanna Rinne ◽  
Jenni Blomgren

Tieto kuntoutuksen kentän kokonaisuudesta ja erilaisten kuntoutuspalveluiden käytöstä samoilla ihmisillä on varsin hajanaista ja puutteellista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää kuntoutukseen osallistumisen yleisyyttä ja päällekkäisyyttä eri osajärjestelmissä Oulun asukkailla vuonna 2018 laajalla rekisteriaineistolla (N = 192 844). Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan julkisen sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujärjestelmän kuntoutusta, Kelan kuntoutusta, työeläkekuntoutusta, työterveyshuollon fysioterapiaa ja Kelan korvaamaa yksityistä fysioterapiaa. Vuonna 2018 oululaisista 18 prosenttia sai vähintään yhden tutkitun osajärjestelmän kuntoutusta (N = 34 061). Yleisintä oli julkisen sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujärjestelmän kuntoutus, harvinaisinta työeläkekuntoutus. Naiset osallistuivat kuntoutukseen miehiä yleisemmin. Kuntoutukseen osallistuminen oli miehillä yleisintä 65 vuotta täyttäneillä, naisilla 45–64-vuotiailla. Harvinaisinta se oli 16–24-vuotiailla miehillä ja alle 16-vuotiailla naisilla. Suurin osa (90 %) kuntoutukseen osallistuneista oli osallistunut vain yhden osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen. Useamman osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen osallistuminen oli naisilla miehiä yleisempää. Ikäryhmistä se oli yleisintä 45–64-vuotiailla ja harvinaisinta alle 16-vuotiailla. Vähintään kahden osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen osallistuneet olivat keskimäärin vanhempia kuin vain yhden osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen osallistuneet ja myös naisten osuus oli heillä suurempi. Rekisteritietoja kuntoutuksesta on hankala koota kattavasti, sillä järjestelmä on hyvin hajanainen ja toimijoita ja rekisterinpitäjiä on lukuisia. Myös kuntoutuksen määrittely aineistoista osoittautui vaikeaksi. Yhtenäiset tietojärjestelmät kuntoutuksesta palvelisivat paitsi tutkijoita, myös kuntoutujia. Abstract Prevalence and overlap of participation in rehabilitation in different subsystems – a register-based study among residents of the city of Oulu, Finland, in 2018 Knowledge of the whole spectrum of rehabilitation and of the use of different rehabilitation services by the same individuals is quite fragmented and incomplete. The aim of this study is to examine the prevalence and overlap of participation in rehabilitation in different subsystems among residents of the city of Oulu, Finland, in 2018 using extensive register-based data (N=192,844). The study examines rehabilitation organized by the public social and health care system, by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, by the earnings-related pension system, as well as physiotherapy in occupational health care and private physiotherapy reimbursed by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. In 2018, 18 per cent of the residents of Oulu received rehabilitation of at least one of the examined subsystems (N=34,061). Receiving rehabilitation of public social and health care was the most common; the rarest was rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system. Women participated in rehabilitation more often than men. Using rehabilitation services was most common in men aged 65 and over, and in women aged 45–64. It was least common in men aged 16–24 years and in women under 16 years of age. The majority (90%) of those who participated in rehabilitation had participated in rehabilitation of only one subsystem. Participation in rehabilitation of several subsystems was more common in women than in men. It was most common in those aged 45–64 years and least common in those under 16 years of age. Those who received rehabilitation of at least two subsystems were, on average, older than those who received rehabilitation of only one subsystem, and more often women. It is difficult to compile comprehensive register data on rehabilitation, as the system is very fragmented and there are many organizers and registrars. Defining rehabilitation from the data also proved difficult. Unified information systems on rehabilitation would serve not only researchers but also rehabilitees. Keywords: rehabilitation, register-based research, Finland

2002 ◽  
Vol 2 (2/3) ◽  
Heidi Mork Lomell

The rise of video surveillance in the United Kingdom, in the form of the public installation of closed circuit television (CCTV), has been seen by several scholars as a contributing factor to the increasing exclusion of unwanted categories of people from city centers, a development often referred to as the 'commercialization' or 'purification' of the city. Drawing from field observations over three years in control rooms in Oslo, Norway, this article discusses whether CCTV systems in Oslo contribute to a similar process of exclusion. To do so, I compare the open street video surveillance system with two other CCTV systems - a shopping mall and a major transport center. The introduction of open street CCTV in Oslo in 1999 did not create social exclusion, but recent developments show the possibility remains. Although drug addicts and young people were the primary targets of surveillance in all three sites studied, ejections varied considerably from site to site. The shopping mall system had a higher ejection rate than the open street system, and was therefore the system with the clearest exclusionary effects. Reasons for the different ejection rates are discussed, in particular the social structure of the site under surveillance and the organizational relationships of CCTV operators to the policing agents connected to the surveillance system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-176
Katarina Rukavina

The paper analyses the concept of space in contemporary art on the example of Suprematist Composition No. 1, Black on Grey by Kristina Leko from 2008. Referring to Malevich’s suprematism, in December 2008 Leko initiated a project of art intervention in Ban Jelačić Square in Zagreb, where she intended to cover in black all commercials, advertisements, signs and names of various companies. This poetic intervention, as the artist calls it, was intended to prompt people to relativise material goods in the pre-Christmas period. However, despite the authorisation obtained from the city authorities, the companies concerned refused to remove their respective advertisements, be it for only for 24 hours, so this project has never been realised. The project, however, does exist in the virtual space, which is also public, and continues to act in the form of documentation. The non-feasibility of the intervention, or rather its invisibility on Jelačić Square, makes visible or directly indicates the ordering of the powers and the constellation of values in the social sphere, thus raising new questions. Indeed, in this way it actually enters the public space, sensitising and expanding it at the same time.

Astohar Astohar ◽  
Dhian Andanarini Minar Savitri ◽  
Yuyun Ristianawati ◽  
Prihansantyo Siswo Nugroho

BPSPAMS Tirto Sumber Mulyo Mijen Village is one of the BPSPAMS in the District Kebonagung which has the task of managing water and sanitation at the village level. In the management of water and sanitation facilities at the village level it is necessary to assess the performance so that it can be evaluated for future follow-ups for the strategy or position of the management group that has been included in the BUMDes  Maju Lancar unit. This performance appraisal standard uses the performance appraisal standard from the 2020 Technical Guidelines for SPAMS Management. The results of the performance appraisal show that in general the performance of BPSPAMS Tirto Sumber Mulyo is in the medium category. Partially, it shows the performance of planning in the low category, in the high-performance administration and finance, on the performance of drinking water and sanitation services in the medium category and for the performance of the partnership in the low category. The hope in the future for improving the performance of BPSPAMS together with BUMDes Maju Lancar needs to collaborate or increase cooperation with external parties such as academics, practitioners and government institutions that can increase benefits and benefits for the public

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