2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (34) ◽  

Global changes in the world associated with total digitalization and informatization of society have significantly affected modern education and, in particular, the cultural and language education of foreigners. Informatization and digitalization of modern life forced the pedagogical community to pay attention not only to the usage, but also to the d creation of new information and communication learning tools, updated the methodological search for technical solutions for their creation. This article describes the authors' new experience in developing a distance learning course for foreigners who are beginning to learn Russian. The created course has interactive content based on the H5P module, which is a constructor of elements that are embedded in the structure of the distance course. The authors present the course content corresponding to the program of elementary level of General Russian language proficiency (A1); analyze the functionality of the interactive module H5P from the point of view of its linguodidactic expediency; clarify the functions of traditional elements of textbooks (illustrations); the possibilities of this interactive element constructor are correlated with the stages of formation of communicative competence. The authors name the functions of information and communication resources in the educational process according to the RCT, assess their effectiveness and place, noting their pros and cons, as well as the advantages and risks of digitalization of the foreign language educational process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 597-606
L. Ts. Tarchimaeva ◽  

Abstract. Introduction. The formation of socio-cultural competence in a multicultural environment is an urgent topic of modern foreign language education. The purpose of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of teaching Russian to foreign students in a regional Russian University. Materials and Methods. The object of the research is the method of forming socio-cultural competence in the process of teaching Russian with a linguo-regional orientation. The material of the research is local history texts about the traditions, history and culture of the Buryat people, which are adapted for educational purposes and supplemented by the author’s development of lexical and grammatical tasks. The scientific and methodological material is presented on the basis of a descriptive method of research and analysis of their own pedagogical experience. Results. The scientific novelty consists in the consideration of practical forms of work on the formation of socio-cultural competence, taking into account the national and regional component, using the example of teaching Russian to foreigners at the Buryat state University. The research results in a fragment of a lesson on regional studies developed within the framework of the linguistic and regional orientation of Russian language teaching in the regions of Russia. Conclusion. In the future, the systematic use of local history material in the educational process will expand the productive forms of work on the formation of socio-cultural competence for foreigners who have arrived for a language internship at a regional Russian University. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, linguistics, national and regional component, linguistics, socio-cultural competence, language training, Buryatia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 297-309
Marzanna Karolczuk ◽  

The results of research on proverbs and sayings in such areas as linguistics, psychology, didactics and teaching methodology show that paremia has cognitive, educational and pedagogical functions in almost all areas of science and life. Understanding proverbs and sayings contributes to a better understanding of other cultures in the context of their interaction. Introduction proverbs and sayings to educational process develops students’ intercultural skills and a positive attitude to other people, as well as constitutes creative atmosphere in the classroom. The use of paremia in the learning process also enables the development of language knowledge and abilities, as well as speaking skills. The purpose of the article is to discuss the use of paremia in language education and propose kinds and types of exercises that can be used in the process of teaching a foreign language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 174 ◽  
pp. 04042
Roman Islamov ◽  
Oksana Greenwald ◽  
Nina Tunyova

Sustainable development of a coal mining region such as Kuzbass to a large extent depends on the high-level education of specialists provided by higher education establishments of the region. The article focuses on information and communication technologies (ICT) as an integral part of educational process at a tertiary education level that are reforming and advancing it towards the innovative rank satisfying the demands of the mining region industry. The current situation of forced distance learning because of coronavirus epidemics in the world made it necessary to look at ICT not as a supportive tool of an educator but as a meaningful agent of pedagogical interaction. The analysis of ICT function in higher education allows defining ICT as a subject of pedagogical interaction. Some of e-learning resources and applications are analyzed from the point of view of their capability and efficiency to conduct foreign language distance teaching, in particular in multinational student groups of Kemerovo State University.

2021 ◽  
Vol 278 ◽  
pp. 03028
Roman Islamov

The article touches upon a topic of current importance, viz. the influence of the artificial intelligence (AI) found in some educational information and communication technologies (ICT) on the upcoming generations of graduates of higher education institutions. This is an issue of their prospective work in the industry (especially the mining one). This matter is considered for the students of mining fields of specialization in foreign language classes of the Kemerovo Region (a.k.a. Kuzbass) universities. The special group under consideration is the international students from Middle Asia, India, and China. The article aims to define the peculiarities of AI’s influence on an undergraduate via ICT in foreign language classes at the tertiary level. The article explains why some types of ICT may be considered as AI systems; how their inclusion into the educational process influences the cognitive changes of an undergraduate, and what role the level of trust plays in this. The scientific novelty is the consideration of the influence of ICT on the cognitive abilities of a student learning a foreign language through a prism of AI. In conclusion, the closer AI of ICT to the human activity working with a foreign language, the lower activation of the cognitive activity of a student is.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Fernando Pacheco Olea ◽  
Carolina Villacís ◽  
Patricio Álvarez Muñoz

Este artículo es producto de una investigación que tiene como finalidad establecer la relación que tienen las TIC con el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Colegio Técnico Industrial “La Alborada” de la ciudad de Milagro, provincia del Guayas, Ecuador. Este estudio se enmarca dentro de las investigaciones descriptivas, correlacionales, ya que por medio del análisis, observación, comparación y descripción de las variables, se establece el escaso uso de las herramientas tecnológicas en el proceso educativo. Los datos estadísticos se obtienen de los resultados por la aplicación de instrumentos a los estudiantes y docentes de la institución. Se utilizaron los métodos deductivos, inductivos y teóricos para el desarrollo del proceso. La propuesta requiere un fortalecimiento en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, siendo importante que los docentes conozcan el uso adecuado de las mismas y las integren en sus horas de clases, porque mejorará el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes por su nueva forma de explicar las clases que serán más interactivas y divertidas. Es necesario realizar un Plan de capacitación en el uso de las herramientas e- learning que garantice una educación de calidad.   Palabras claves: TIC, rendimiento académico, proceso educativo.   ABSTRACT   This article is the result of a research that aims to establish the relationship of ICTs to academic performance of students in the Industrial Technical College “La Alborada” in Milagro, Guayas, Ecuador. This study is part of a descriptive, correlational research, since through analysis, observation, comparison and description of the variables, the limited use of technological tool sin the educational process is established. The statistics are obtained from the resultsof the application of tools for students and teachers of the institution. Deductive, inductive and theoretical process development methods were used. The proposal requires as treng then ing in the use of new information and communication technologies and it is important that teachers become aware of their proper use and incorporate them in their classes, because these will improve the academic performance of students in classes that are more interactive and fun. It’s necessary to design a training plan in the use ofe-learning tools to ensure quality education.   Keywords: TIC, academic achievement, educational process.   Recibido: febrero 2015Aprobado: mayo 2015

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-129
Vera B. Tsarcova ◽  

The article is devoted to one of the problems of foreign language education – the definition of the role of interpretation in preparing students of special (language) directions to participate in the dialogue of cultures. Interpretation is considered as a phenomenon and as a way of comprehending reality, which allows the subjects of the dialogue of cultures to reach mutual understanding. The main characteristic of interpretation, which is necessary for the purposes of foreign language education, is its psychological character. It is determined by the psychology of the author, the psychology of the work, as well as the psychology of the reader-interpreter. It is proved that the interpretation of a work of art, which has universal, historical and personal plans, has huge epistemological and axiological possibilities. They activate the entire educational potential of interperetation (educational, developmental, cognitive, and educational). Russian Russian poet A. A. Fet (1820–1892) uses the poem “Wir saßen am Fischerhaus” by the famous German poet and publicist Heinrich Hein (1797–1856) and the translation of this poem into Russian to illustrate the interpretation technology. The poem is considered as a space of personal meanings of the author. They are the ones that are subject to interpretation and bring the reader-interpreter back from the poet's world to the modern real world. And the real world is full of unexpected cultural facts, closely related to the content of the work of G. Heine, with distant Lapland and the life of modern lapps. Thus, interpretation is presented as an educational strategy. Together with the strategies of contextualization, philologization and argumentation, it ensures the achievement of the main goal of foreign language education – the creation of an individual who can act as a genuine subject of the dialogue of cultures. The article also emphasizes the importance of the teacher as the organizer of the educational process and the subject of the dialogue of cultures.

2021 ◽  
Vol X (2) ◽  
pp. 71-83
Nataliia Safonova ◽  
Alla Anisimova

The article deals with the issues where linguistic consciousness as a sociolinguistic phenomenon is successfully revealed in FLT, namely, in problematic questions of language learning. It covers the description of linguistic consciousness and some aspects of its influence on the process of development of students’ communicative competence. It is emphasized that the philosophy of lifelong learning has become a widespread phenomenon in modern society. Learning a foreign language can be considered an important means of forming linguistic consciousness and the ability to conduct intercultural dialogues. The correlation of two languages and cultures (Ukrainian and foreign ones) helps to outline their national specific features, which contribute to a deeper understanding of both the foreign and the native language and culture. Any education system is open and fairly stable. As for the methods and learning tools, they can vary depending on the applicable learning concept. The article gives a detailed description of the development of linguistic consciousness of Ukrainian students from different social groups while learning English. So linguistic consciousness is a reflection of the actual language sphere contributes to the development of both communicative and multilingual competences. The main aim of the use of modern educational technologies is to increase the level of the communicative competence and linguistic consciousness in students, their educational achievements, and to improve the quality of language education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-83
A. Ye. Bizhkenova ◽  
D.M. Kabenova ◽  
Z.S. Takuova ◽  
M. Adilkhanuly ◽  

In the system of foreign language education in Kazakhstan,English is a priority at all levels of education. English is the language which is chosen by parents as a foreign for their children in preschool age. This article is devoted to the study of the status and current issues of teaching English in Kazakhstan. It is based on the results of a practical survey of eighth grade students of some secondary schools, as well as on observation of the educational process. During a visit to English classes and after conversations with school teachers, the problematic aspects of the learning process were identified. The article provides an overview of modern methods and principles of classes’ organization, contains recommendations for solving theidentified problems. The authors of the article also tried to find out the desire of students to learn not only English, but also other foreign languages, because according to the state regulatory documents, students at school have the right to choose a foreign language, which they want tolearn. The desire to communicate in a foreign language, readiness for foreign language communication, the role ofEnglish language in the student’s life, the main activities in foreign language lessons were some of the key issues, that were considered in this scientific work.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01161
Irina N. Raptanova ◽  
Maria .V. Shcherbakova ◽  
Anna S. Fomichenko ◽  
Olga V. Strizhkova ◽  
Elena A. Mokritskaya

The modernization of higher education is mandatory condition for the current stage of Russian society development and the ensuring of the Russian economy competitiveness. One of the priority issues of modernization is the strengthening of the significance of self-students studying. This is due primarily to the considerable reduction in the number of classroom sessions and the increase in hours provided for self-students studying. Self-studying becomes the basis for the professional development of a bachelor, encourage his cognitive interests, promotes the essential objectives of the training, that is, the formation of communicative and professional competences. The nature of the relationship between the teacher and the bachelor alters within the framework of competence-oriented education. The teacher, released from the mere transfer of knowledge, gets freedom in choosing forms of interaction or rather in choosing the methods used in such field of studying as “Foreign Language”. Classical teaching methods are replaced with new ones. The emergence of information and communication technologies led to their rapid introduction into the educational process. The organization of self-students studying through the use of information and communication technologies is of great interest to many educational specialists. The specific nature of information and communication technologies lies in the creation in the educational process of various kinds of relations and conditions of real life, requiring from bachelors not only the knowledge of work-related material, but also their familiarization with a given image, a holistic immersion in the professional environment. The use of simulation technology facilitates the formation of cognitive-search activity of bachelors, causes incentive for learning a foreign language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 18-27
Yulia Udovenko ◽  
Evgeniya Gladyshko ◽  

The article is devoted to the problem of bullying and anti-bullying policy in school institutions. The problem of bullying, from a scientific point of view, began to be studied at the end of the 20th century. Today, this issue is covered in all laws and programs related to ensuring a safe educational environment for participants in the educational process. Bullying, as a social and pedagogical problem, has been actively studied since the beginning of the development of information and communication technologies, which contributed to the rapid dissemination of not only verbal, but also media information: photo and video facts about manifestations of bullying between children. The article presents the results of the research "Unicef", "La Strada-Ukraine", which indicate the prevalence of the phenomenon of bullying among children. The essence of the concept of "bullying" is revealed, as well as categories that are close in meaning: "violence", "aggression", "bullying", "bullying", "conflict". The structural components of the roles of the bullying process are described: initiators or offenders, helpers of offenders, defenders of the victim, victims and observers. The article provides data on anti-bulging programs in foreign countries and focuses on the problem of anti-bulging policy in educational institutions of our country. Three main approaches that make up the anti-bullying policy of schools are analyzed: disciplinary, restorative and an integrated approach, which is implemented using two directions: managerial and educational. The directions of anti-bullying policy at school are presented, namely managerial and educational. The managerial direction is organized and implemented by the head of the educational institution. The constituent components of activities in this area are an analysis of the current situation in an educational institution, the development of an official position of the institution regarding bullying and informing all participants in the educational process about it, the development of rules of conduct for all participants in the educational process and informing about them, defining the responsibilities and responsibilities of participants educational process in relation to the rules of safe behavior in an educational institution, instructing employees, students and parents. Whereas the educational direction is characterized by informing, explaining, developing the skills of tolerance and non-violent communication of all participants in the educational process.

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