2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
NFN Hestiyana

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama dalam wacana humor kisah-kisah Sarawin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan tiga langkah kerja, yaitu tahap penyediaan data; tahap analisis data; dan tahap penyajian hasil analisis data. Dalam penyediaan data dilakukan pemilihan objek penelitian, yaitu Kisah-Kisah Sarawin Cerita-Cerita Humor Tokoh Legendaris Dalam Bahasa Banjar oleh Syamsiar Seman. Dalam penyediaan data juga digunakan teknik catat, yaitu memilih teks dan mencatat data-data yang mengandung unsur pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama. Pada tahap analisis data, tuturan-tuturan yang mengandung unsur pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama diklasifikasikan berdasarkan bentuk-bentuk pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama. Hasil analisis data yang digunakan untuk memaparkan pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama ialah dengan metode informal, dengan penyajian berbentuk uraian kalimat. Dari hasil pembahasan ditemukan pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama, berupa pelanggaran maksim kuantitas, kualitas, relevansi, dan cara. Pelanggaran terhadap maksim kuantitas berupa pemberian kontribusi yang berlebih dari Sarawin serta tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan Kuntulir Belanda dan orang-orang yang menghadiri acara Maulid. Pelanggaran terhadap maksim kualitas berupa tuturan yang tidak sebenarnya diujarkan oleh Sarawin kepada istrinya dan teman-teman Sarawin. Kemudian, pelanggaran terhadap maksim relevansi berupa  tuturan yang diujarkan oleh Sarawin tidak relevan seperti yang diharapkan orang tua Sarawin. Pelanggaran maksim relevansi yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan konteks juga terdapat dalam tuturan Tuganal kepada Sarawin. Selanjutnya, pelanggaran terhadap maksim cara berupa tuturan yang tidak jelas dan mengalami kekaburan makna yang dituturkan oleh istri Sarawin kepada Sarawin serta tuturan Sarawin kepada anak Patuha. Semua bentuk pelanggaran prinsip kerja sama dalam wacana humor tersebut menyebabkan munculnya kelucuan atau kejenakaan.Kata kunci:  Wacana humor, tuturan, pelanggaran, prinsip kerja sama Abstract: This study aimed to describe the form of violation of the principle of cooperation in discourse Sarawin humor stories. This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. In this study three working steps, namely the step of providing data; data analysis stage; and the stage presentation of the results of data analysis. In the provision of election data was the object of study, namely Stories Stories Sarawin Humor Legendary Figures in Banjar language by Syamsiar Seman. In the provision of engineering log data is also used, namely selecting the text and record data that contain elements of violation of the principle of cooperation. At this stage of data analysis, speech-speech that contains elements of violation of the principle of cooperation is classified based on the violation of the principle forms of cooperation. The results of the analysis of the data used to expose violations of the principle of cooperation is the informal method, with the presentation of the form of the sentence description. From the discussion found violations of the principles of cooperation, such as violation of the maxim of quantity, quality, relevance, and how. Violation of the maxim of quantity the form of contributions in excess of Sarawin and not as expected Kuntulir Dutch and the people who attended the event Mawlid. Violation of the maxim of quality in the form of speech that is not actually uttered by Sarawin to his wife and friends Sarawin. Then, a violation of the maxim of relevance in the form of speech uttered by Sarawin irrelevant as expected parents Sarawin. Violations relevance maxim that has nothing to do with the context of the speech is also available in Tuganal to Sarawin. Furthermore, a violation of the maxims of the way in the form of speech that are not clear and experiencing meaning vagueness manifested by Sarawin to Sarawin wife and child utterances Sarawin Patuha. All forms of violation of the principle of cooperation in the discourse of humor that led to the emergence humor or wit.Key words: Discourse humor, speech, violation of the principle of cooperation

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Laras Iin Fitriyani ◽  
Mursini Mursini ◽  
Mabrur Mabrur

Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bagaimana proses pelaksanaan sorong serah aji krame pada perkaw inan adat sasak?, (2) Apa saja nilai- nilai Pancasila  yang  terkandung  dalam  proses pelaksanaan  sorong  serah aji krame pada  perkaw inan adat sasak?.  Penelitian  ini menggunakan  pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Subyek dan Informan ditentukan dengan menggunak an Snowball  Sampling.  Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan melakukan observasi, w aw ancara, dan dokumentasi, sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Beberapa hal yang menjadi temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) proses pelaksanaan sorong serah aji krame pada  perkaw inan adat sasak  yaitu: persiapan gegawan, persiapan penampi, kedatangan pisolo, kedatangan penyorong, proses tembang, penyerahan dan penerimaan aji krame, menggal tali   jinnah,   dan   beselawat  (pembagianuangsaksi).    (2)   Nilai-nilai   Pancasila   yang terkandung dalam sorong serah aji krame yaitu: Nilai Ketuhanan yang terkandung dalam proses pelaksanaan tembang dan berselawat, Nilai Kemanusiaan yang Adil Dan Beradab terkandung dalam proses pelaksanaan penyerahan dan penerimaan aji krame, Nilai Persatuan Indonesia terkandung dalam proses pelaksanaan persiapan gegawan, persiapan penampi,  penyerahan  dan  penerimaan  aji  krame,  Nilai  Kerakyatan  yang dipimpin  Oleh   hikmat   kebijaksanaan   dalam   permusyaw aratan/perw akilan terkandung dalam  proses  pelaksanaan  persiapan  gegawan,  persiapan  penampi,  proses tembang penyerahan dan penerimaan aji krame, Nilai keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia terkandung dalam proses pelaksanaan penyerahan dan penerimaan aji krame. AbstractThe  problems  that  w ere  examined  in  this  research  w ere:  (1)  How  w as  the implementation process of Sorong Serah Aji Krame on the customary marriage of sasak tribe ?, (2) What the values of pancasila contained in the the implementation process of Sorong Serah Aji Krame on the customary marriage of sasak tribe ?. This research   used   qualitative   approach   w ith  descriptive   method.  Subjects  and informants w ere determined  using snowball sampling. Technique of collecting data w ere  done  by  observation,  interview ,  and  documentation,  w hile data  analysis technique used w as data reduction, presenting data and draw ing conclusion. Some of the findings of this research w ere: (1) The implementation process of Sorong Serah Aji Krame on the customary marriage of sasak tribal w ere: preparation of Gegawan, preparation of Penampi, Pisolo arrival, the arrival of Penyorong (pusher), the process of Tembang, handover and acceptance of Aji Krame, Menggal Tali Jinnah and Berselawat  (sharing  of  w itness money).  (2) The values  of pancasila contained  in Sorong Serah Aji Krame : The divine value contained in the implementation process of Tembang and Berselawat, Justice and civilized  humanity values contained  in the implementation process of handover and acceptance of Aji Krame, the value of the unity   of   Indonesia   contained   in  the   implementation   process   of   Gegawan, preparation  of  Penampi,  handover  and  acceptance  of  Aji Krame, The values of democracy led by understanding among honorable representatives from the parliament house contained in the preparation process of Gegawan, preparation of Penampi, process of tembang, handover and acceptance of Aji Krame, the value of Social  justice  for  all  of  the  people  of  Indonesia  contained  in the process  of implementing the submission and acceptance of Aji Krame. Key words: Pancasila values, Sorong Serah Aji Krame

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Mulkan Syah Riza

This study aims to explain how the distribution of productive zakat in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra and how the effectiveness of productive zakat distribution in improving the welfare of mustahik in the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra. This study uses a qualitative approach with a type of descriptive method, which is a problem that guides researchers to explore and photograph situations that will be thoroughly investigated, broadly and deeply. Data collection techniques with field research, while the tools used are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study inform that in distributing productive zakat funds, Rumah Zakat is in accordance with Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat. The distribution of productive zakat carried out by the Rumah Zakat North Sumatra through the Senyum Mandiri Program to mustahik in Medan Helvetia Subdistrict has been effective, because it can improve the welfare of mustahik, this is evidenced by the income of eight of thirteen mustahik people in total, five people whose income is fixed and four out of eight people whose income has increased has reached the level of muzaki.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-81
Gde Agus Mega Saputra

It is of absolute importance, to maintain the art of Gendang Beleq when it comes to its sustainability among the Sasak culture. Therefore, being the identity of Lombok Island in West Nusa Tenggara, the awareness of the people possessing such art is highly demanded, in order to safeguard its advancement. It means that when people do not realize that Gendang Beleq is an asset or representation of their culture, there are many uncertainties regarding the future of its existence. The most obvious thing is the lack of reference related to the explanation of the names of the instruments contained in this art, as well as the organology of Gendang Beleq that has never been published in the form of research journals and books. This paper is more of an effort to explore and understand the existence of each instrument in the Gendang Beleq ansamble group. To capture the value of knowledge and overall description related to Gendang Beleq's art in order to obtain data as desired, the time of the research is conducted using a qualitative approach. Organological studies are used to understand or explore the essence of the presence of each instrument. The researcher as the main instrument was in direct contact with the object of study. Various efforts such as in-depth interviews, documentation, direct involvement in art activities, and conducting in-depth dialogues with actors in this case are carried out to obtain thorough information related to the object of study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-244
Teuku Mahmud

This study aims to describe the cultural values ​​contained in the Hikayat Banta Amat Volume I and II by T. A. Sakti. Cultural value is very important to be studied in order to preserve the cultural heritage of the people of Aceh so that it can be known by the younger generation and re-cultivated in life in the present. The formulation of the problem raised in this study is how the cultural values ​​contained in the Hikayat Banta Amat Volume I and II by T. A. Sakti. The data source in this research is Hikayat Banta Amat Volume I and II by T. A. Sakti. The selected data is each quotation that has a relation to cultural values ​​in the saga. The approach and method used in this research is a qualitative approach and a descriptive method by describing the facts which are then followed by analysis. The cultural values ​​analyzed in Banta Amat sects are grouped according to five categories, namely (1) cultural values ​​in human relations with God, (2) cultural values ​​in human relations with nature, (3) cultural values ​​in human relations with other humans, (4) cultural values ​​in human relations with society, and (5) cultural values ​​in human relations with oneself. The results showed there were 37 quotations related to cultural values ​​that exist in the Banta Amat saga, namely: (1) Cultural values ​​in the human relationship with God there are 6 values ​​in 24 quotes; a) Give thanks to God 3 quotes, b) Give to Allah the Prophet 1 quote, c) Pray and ask God 9 quotes, d) surrender to God 8 quotes, e) Fear God 1 quote, and f) Obey to worship God 2 quotes, (2) Cultural values ​​in human relations with nature are found in 2 quotations about utilizing the forest, (3) Cultural values ​​in human relations with other humans there are 3 values ​​in 4 quotations; a) respect for others 2 quotes, b) say greetings 1 quote, and c) answer greetings 1 quote, (4) Cultural values ​​in human relations with the community there are 3 quotes namely about mutual care, and (5) Cultural values ​​in relationships humans with themselves there are 3 values ​​in 4 quotes; a) Never give up 2 quotes, b) responsibility 1 quote, and c) hard work 1 quote. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the cultural values ​​in the human relationship with God are more numerous than the other values. This illustrates that the people of Aceh are religious and devout people who worship God. Suggestions from researchers that the people of Aceh continue to preserve cultural values ​​such as the Banta Amat saga in daily life. Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai budaya yang terkandung dalam Hikayat Banta Amat Jilid I dan II Karya T. A. Sakti. Nilai budaya sangat penting untuk dikaji guna melestarikan warisan budaya masyarakat Aceh agar dapat diketahui oleh generasi muda dan kembali dibudidayakan dalam kehidupan pada masa sekarang. Rumusan masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana nilai budaya yang terkandung dalam Hikayat Banta Amat Jilid I dan II Karya T. A. Sakti. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah Hikayat Banta Amat Jilid I dan II karya T. A. Sakti. Data yang dipilih adalah setiap kutipan yang ada kaitannya dengan nilai budaya dalam hikayat. Pendekatan dan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskritif dengan mendeskripsikan fakta-fakta yang kemudian disusul dengan analisis. Nilai budaya yang dianalisis dalam hikayat Banta Amat dikelompokkan berdasarkan lima kategori, yaitu (1) nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, (2) nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan alam, (3) nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain, (4) nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan masyarakat, dan (5) nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan diri sendiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 37 kutipan yang terkait dengan nilai budaya yang ada dalam hikayat Banta Amat, yaitu: (1) Nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan terdapat 6 nilai pada 24 kutipan; a) Bersyukur kepada Allah 3 kutipan, b) Berselawat kepada Nabi Allah 1 kutipan, c) Berdoa dan memohon kepada Allah 9 kutipan, d) menyerahkan diri kepada Allah 8 kutipan, e) Takut kepada Allah 1 kutipan, dan f) Taat beribadah kepada Allah 2 kutipan, (2) Nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan alam terdapat pada 2 kutipan tentang memanfaatkan hutan, (3) Nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan manusia lain terdapat 3 nilai pada 4 kutipan; a) menghormati orang lain 2 kutipan, b) mengucapkan salam 1 kutipan, dan c) menjawab salam 1 kutipan, (4) Nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan masyarakat terdapat 3 kutipan yaitu tentang rasa saling peduli, dan (5) Nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan diri sendiri terdapat 3 nilai pada 4 kutipan; a) Pantang menyerah 2 kutipan, b) tanggung jawab 1 kutipan, dan c) kerja keras 1 kutipan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dilihat bahwa nilai budaya dalam hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan lebih banyak dari nilai yang lainnya. Hal ini menggambarkan bahwa masyarakat Aceh adalah masyarakat yang religius dan taat beribadah kepada Allah. Saran dari peneliti agar masyarakat Aceh terus melestarikan nilai budaya seperti pada hikayat Banta Amat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: Hikayat, Nilai Budaya

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-95
Abdal Abdal ◽  
Herabudin Herabudin ◽  
Siti Saodah

The problem in this study relates to the level of compatibility of operating expenditures, capital expenditures as well as direct and indirect expenditure in the Budget Realization Report (LRA) Garut district fiscal year 2013-2017. The aim of this study was to determine the level of compatibility of operating expenditures, capital expenditures, as well as direct and indirect expenditure on Budget Realization Report (BRR) Garut regency Fiscal Year 2013-2017. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques in this study is the observation, documentation, interviews and triangulation. Data analysis techniques in this study is an analysis model of Miles and Huberman which consists of three stages: 1) Reduction of data, 2) data, and 3) conclusion / verification. The result is the expenditures to Garut regency 2013-2017 fiscal year quite well.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 333
Yuzar Purnama

Indramayu community still believe with the customs of his ancestors. In some areas, we can found the traditional arts, beliefs, ceremonies, games and story. On this occasion, the writers wanted to examine folklore mythology Saedah Saenih. The existences of Saenih Saedah story is very attached to some people in Indramayu, as if the story is real.  The story is famous, and it appeared in the drama, lyrics, and even once made into a movie. The problems outlined in the form of questions, the myth of what is contained in the story Saedah Saenih? How far the myth Saedah Saenih for the community? what moral values that is contain in the story Saedah Saenih? This study aims are to get a complete and clear picture of the mythology in Saedah Saenih folklore. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive method. The study begins literature, data collection, classification, analysis and reporting. In conclusion, the mythical story Saenih Saedah very attached to the people of Indramayu. The contents are considered real story is characterized by the belief that the existence Saenih still in the river Sewo in white crocodile manifestation. Compliance form of throw money, as it passes through the bridge Sewo to avoid disaster. They also believe Sarkawi transformed into a floating bale, Maemunah be pring ori, and Saedah into a tree on the river bank Sewo.

Rahmat Pulungan

<em>Kafaah aims to create harmony and balance in marriage. Criteria of kafaah in jurisprudence according to scholarly is nasab, wealth, beauty, diyanah, hirfah and self independence. The problem that occurs is when determining kafaah in Bagan Batu, the Malay community has its own way in the process or determine kafaah, they carry the tradition called merasi to ensure compatibility between their children who will carry out the marriage. The main problem to be answered through this research is to determine how the process of merasi in determinig kafaah conducted by Malay community in Bagan Batu, what is the purpose of this tradition and how the views of Islamic law against the tradition. The purpose of this study: 1). To know the procedures of merasi tradition 2). To find out the purpose of merasi in determining kafaah 3). To find out the views of the Islamic law in the determination of kafaah through merasi process undertaken by the community of Bagan Batu , Bagan Sinembah ,Riau Province. The research is a field research that is descriptive qualitative. In the collection of necessary data, the author uses interview and observation techniques. While in the data analysis techniques, used qualitative method that describe the situation on the ground systematically. The results of this research is merasi tradition that conducted by people in Bagan Batu by combining both the name of the bride, and the progenitor will predict the state of their household after marriage. The way of this merasi may vary according to the progenitor who will perform it. Whereas the purpose of this merasi to reduce the disadvantages and for the achievement of the benefit in marriage. Merasi tradition in determining kafaah that happened inBagan Batu may be accepted and enforced. Because, during the process nothing contrary to Islamic law, also aimed to benefit of the people. In fact, before merasi the progenitor will ask the religious understanding of the bride, and it is also used as a basic foundation for determining the kafaah between the couple.</em> Kafaah bertujuan untuk menciptakan keserasian dan keseimbangan dalam perkawinan. Kriteria kafaah dalam fiqih menurut jumhur ulama ialah nasab, kekayaan, kecantikan, diyanah, hirfah, dan kemerdekaan diri. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah saat menentukan kafaah, di Kel. Bagan Batu, para masyarakat Melayu mempunyai proses atau cara tersendiri dalam menentukan kafaah, mereka melaksanakan tradisimerasi untuk memastikan keserasian antara anak mereka yang akan melaksanakan perkawinan. Masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana proses merasi dalam menentukan kafaah yang dilakukan masyarakat Melayu di Kel. Bagan Batu, apa tujuan dari tradisimerasi dan bagaimana pandangan hukum Islam terhadap tradisimerasi tersebut. Riau. proses merasi yang dilakukan masyarakat Bagan Batu yaitu dengan cara menggabungkan kedua nama calon mempelai, dan datuk yang bersangkutan akan meramal keadaan rumah tangga mereka setelah menikah. Cara merasi ini beragam metodenya sesuai dengan datuk yang akan mem-faal. Sedangkantujuan dari merasi ini untuk mengurangi kemudharatan dan demi tercapainya kemaslahatan dalam pernikahan. Tradisimerasi dalam penentuan kafaah yang terjadi di Kel. Bagan Batu ini boleh diterima dan diberlakukan. Karena, selama proses merasi tidak ada hal yang bertentangan dengan hukum Islam yang juga menginginkan kemaslahatan umat. Bahkan, sebelum merasi para datuk akan menanyakan pemahaman agama para calon pengantin, dan hal ini juga dijadikan sebai landasan dasar dalam menentukan kafaah antara pasangan tersebut.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  

This study aims to examine Sadd Adz-Dzariah's review of the sale and purchase of tofu dregs for pig feed. This research is a field research that uses a normative-qualitative approach. This research was conducted in Telaga Meuku Dua Village, Banda Mulia District, Aceh Tamiang Regency, In this study, data analysis began by collecting all data obtained from the observation and interview process. other sources. Then the data collected is studied and understood whether it is as expected. After the data is studied, make a brief description and relate it using the theories that will be presented in the next chapter. What has been compiled is compared with one another, then a conclusion is made which is the final stage in data analysis regarding the sale and purchase of tofu dregs for pig feed at the Meuku Lake tofu factory. The results showed that the sale and purchase of tofu dregs for pig feed at the tofu factory in Telaga Meuku Dua village was included in the category of prohibited trading. Due to the utilization of the tofu dregs it is used as pig feed. Islam has strictly prohibited the use of pork. Thus, in Islamic law the act of buying and selling tofu dregs for pig animal feed is also prohibited because it includes Sadd adz-Dzari'ah which blocks the way of wrongdoing in the sale and purchase of tofu dregs for pig animal feed. and prohibited. Buying and selling tofu dregs for pig feed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Dian Eka Mayasari Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Wahab Wahab

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor sebab dan akibat perkawinan poligami di Desa Serenang Kecamatan Pujut Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian yaitu penyebab terjadinya perkawinan poligami oleh para suami di Desa Serenang Kecamatan Pujut yaitu antara lain : a) kebutuhan seksual, b) ingin mendapatkan keturunan (istri mandul), c) adanya suatu kebanggaan, d) faktor pendidikan, e) istri kurang merawat diri, dan akibat perkawinan poligami oleh para suami di Desa Serenang Kecamatan Pujut yaitu antara lain : a) psikologis, b) pendidikan anak, c) moral, d) hak-hak suami istri, dan e) akibat filsafat Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the factors of cause and effect of polygamy marriage in Serenang Village, Pujut Sub-district, Central Lombok Regency. The approach used is qualitative approach. Methods of data collection include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis method used is qualitative descriptive method. The result of the research is the cause of polygamy marriage by husbands in Serenang Village Pujut Sub-district, among others: a) sexual needs, b) want to get offspring (barren wife), c) existence of pride, d) education factor, e) wife less caring self, and the consequences of polygamy marriage by husbands in Serenang Village Pujut Sub-district, among others: a) psychological, b) children's education, c) moral, d) marital rights, and e) due to philosophy

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 258-274
Pusti Lestari ◽  
Dadang Kuswana ◽  
Yuliani Yuliani

Tujuan penelitian mengungkapkan konsep pelayanan prima, rancangan pemberian pelayanan, dan bentuk pelayanan KBIH Maqdis terhadap jamaah dalam meningkatkan kualitas bimbingan ibadah haji. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun langkah-langkah penelitian yang ditempuh; penentuan lokasi penelitian, pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara, studi kepustakaan,  dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa konsep pelayanan prima KBIH Maqdis dalam meningkatkan kualitas bimbingan ibadah haji dilihat dari konsep pelayanan prima yang diterapkan KBIH Maqdis meliputi: kemampuan, sikap, penampilan, perhatian, tindakan dan tanggungjawab. Kemudian rancangan pemberian pelayanan prima KBIH Maqdis diantaranya: regulasi layanan, fasilitas layanan, peranan tim pengarah dan budaya pemberian pelayanan. Selain itu bentuk layanan KBIH Maqdis terhadap jamaah dalam meningkatkan kualitas bimbingan ibadah haji diantaranya KBIH Maqdis menyediakan pembimbing haji yang profesional dan materi bimbingan ibadah haji. The purpose of this study is to determine the concept of excellent service, the design of service delivery, and the form of KBIH Maqdis service to the congregation in improving the quality of pilgrimage guidance. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. The research steps taken; determination of research location, data collection by using observation technique, interview, literature study, further documentation of data analysis by means of data reduction, data classification and drawing conclusion. From the result of the research, it is concluded that the concept of excellent service of KBIH Maqdis in improving the quality of Hajj guidance from the concept of excellent service applied by KBIH Maqdis include: ability, attitude, appearance, attention, action and responsibility. Then the design of service delivery prime KBIH Maqdis include: service regulation, service facility, role of steering team and culture of service delivery. In addition, the form of KBIH Maqdis service to pilgrims in improving the quality of haj pilgrimage services such as KBIH Maqdis provides professional hajj guide and pilgrimage guidance material.

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