scholarly journals Dilema dalam Kebijakan Negara dan Keamanan Manusia: Kasus Kebijakan India pada Pemerintahan Narendra Modi, Perdana Menteri India

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-24
Alrafsya Mahendra Saputra

India is a country that is known for its attachment to its culture, but on the other hand, what is unknown to the wider community is the existence of human rights violations caused by its own government under the leadership of Narendra Modi. What the author will say in this case is about Narendra Modi's policy in solving social and economic welfare issues. His welfare policy is how he resolves social conflicts, social security, and his economic policies to be examined is how he promoted India as an industrialist state can undermine the protection of his human rights.

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
Zahlul Pasha

ABSTRACTAfter signing the MoU between the Indonesian government and the Free Aceh Movement, a lot of interesting dynamics going on in Aceh, which is the Qanun KKR Aceh. As an independent agency, the Aceh TRC duty to disclose the truth on the alleged past human rights violations in Aceh. This paper examines the nature of the independence of Aceh TRC is based on theoretical characteristics of an independent institution. Based on the results of the study found that the Aceh TRC has a number of independent properties include: an odd number of members, the independent election commission members, the election and dismissal of members of the commission are closely regulated and has the authority to regulate themselves (self-regulated bodies). However, on the other hand also found two other things that escape is set regarding the nature of the independence of Aceh TRC is concerning institutional decision-making procedures and functions of the commission as well as regarding filling positions that are not members of the commission be gradual (staggered terms) but simultaneously. Keywords: Independency, Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi Aceh. INTISARIPasca penandatanganan MoU Helsinki antara Pemerintah Indonesia dengan GerakanAceh Merdeka, banyak dinamika menarik yang terjadi di Aceh, salah satunyaadalah pengesahan Qanun KKR Aceh. Sebagai lembaga independen, KKR Aceh bertugas mengungkap kebenaran atas dugaan pelanggaran HAM berat masa lalu di Aceh. Tulisan ini berusaha mengkaji sifat independensi KKR Aceh berdasarkan ciri teroritik suatu lembaga independen. Berdasarkan hasil kajian ditemukan bahwa KKR Aceh memiliki sejumlah sifat independenmeliputi: jumlah anggota yang ganjil, proses pemilihan anggota komisi yang independen, pemilihan dan pemberhentian anggota komisi diatur jelas serta memiliki kewenangan untuk mengatur dirinya sendiri (self regulated bodies). Namun, di sisi lain juga ditemukan dua hal lain yang luput diatur berkenaan sifat independensi KKR Aceh, yaitu menyangkut prosedur pengambilan keputusan kelembagaan dan fungsi komisi serta perihal pengisian jabatan anggota komisi yang tidak dilakukan secara bertahap(staggered terms) melainkan bersamaan. Kata Kunci: Independensi, Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi Aceh.

Sonia Cardenas

This chapter examines the importance of comparative politics for understanding human rights practices. Comparative politics has advanced our knowledge of why states sometimes violate internationally recognized human rights. Both domestic incentives and exclusionary ideologies increase the likelihood of rights violations. On the other hand, comparative politics has attempted to explain human rights protection, showing how domestic structures (both societal groups and state institutions) can influence reform efforts. This chapter first consider alternative logics of comparison, including the merits of comparing a small versus a large number of cases and human rights within or across regions. It then explores the leading domestic-level explanations for why human rights violations occur. It also describes the use of domestic–international linkages to explain otherwise perplexing human rights outcomes. Finally, it analyses the ways in which, in the context of globalization, comparative politics shapes human rights practices.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-202 ◽  

AbstractThis article outlines the case for a business duty of care to exercise human rights due diligence, judicially enforceable in common law countries by tort suits for negligence brought by persons whose potential injuries were reasonably foreseeable. A parent company’s duty of care would extend to the human rights impacts of all entities in the enterprise, including subsidiaries. A company would not be liable for breach of the duty of care if it proves that it reasonably exercised due diligence as set forth in the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. On the other hand, a company’s failure to exercise due diligence would create a rebuttable presumption of causation and hence liability. A company could then avoid liability only by carrying its burden to prove that the risk of the human rights violations was not reasonably foreseeable, or that the damages would have resulted even if the company had exercised due diligence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Petrus Soerjowinoto

ABSTRACT: The fact shows that social conflicts remain frequently happening in Indonesia until today. The social conflicts manifest in various forms and happen in different sites and are caused by various reasons.The motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ikarepresenting Indonesia as a nation having diversity in tribes, religions, races, and groups is indeed to be a significant factor and capital that contributes to the establishment of a unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia. However, the motto, on the other hand, can also be a seed of the emergence of vertical and horizontal conflicts. It could be noted that there were a lot of serious social conflicts that caused casualties in the forms of death, loss of property, social and  environmental damages, human rights violations and so on. As a critical reflection, Indonesian nation is now being faced to challenges that tend to lead to disintegrative and threatening situations that will probably threaten the existence of the nation. Besides, there are a number of sites having potential social conflictsand they spread throughout Indonesia. This needs to be overcome.Keywords: legal protection, victim, social conflict ABSTRAK: Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa: di Indonesia sampai saat ini masih sering terjadi konflik sosial dalam berbagai bentuk di berbagai wilayah dengan berbagai sebab. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika yang merupakan keanekaragaman suku, agama, ras dan golongan merupakan modal dan faktor yang memberikan kontribusi  tegaknya negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia, namun di sisi lain, sekaligus juga bisa menjadi munculnya konflik vertikal maupun horisontal. Telah dicatat banyak sekali konflik  besar yang menimbulkan korban yang berupa:  kematian, kerugian harta benda,  kerusakan sosial, kerusakan lingkungan, pelanggaran HAM berat dan sebagainya. Refleksi kritis bahwa bangsa Indonesia dihadapkan pada tantangan yang cenderung mengantarkan ke situasi yang bersifat disintegratif dan mengancam eksistensi bangsa, serta  terdapat sejumlah  titik rawan konflik sosial di Indonesia yang tersebar  di seluruh Indonesia yang perlu diatasi.Kata Kunci: HAM, Konflik Sosial, Perlindungan Hukum

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Waldelio Pinheiro Do Nascimento Júnior

A mídia hegemônica relega ao segundo plano o diálogo com as ações afirmativas, minorias identitárias e direitos humanos. Por outro lado, a televisão pública desponta como ambiente propício para promover a valorização e o respeito à diversidade. Nos últimos anos, a TV Brasil produziu e veiculou programas voltados à temática, alguns dos quais são objetos de análise deste estudo, cujo intuito é analisar o papel da tevê pública na formação cidadã em direitos humanos.La televisión pública y los derechos humanos: Un anlisis de la programación de TV Brasil y su papel en la difusión y promoción del debate afirmativo en la Declaración Universal de Derechos Hu manosResumen: Los medios de comunicación relegan a un segundo plano el diálogo con la acción afirmativa, las minorías de identidad y los derechos humanos. Por otra parte, la televisión pública se está convirtiendo en el medio propicio para promover la apreciación y el respeto por la diversidad. En los últimos años, la TV Brasil produjo y transmitió programas destinados a tema, algunos de los cuales son objeto de análisis de este estudio, cuyo objetivo es analizar el papel de la televisión pública en la formación de la ciudadanía e los derechos humanos.Palabras clave: Derechos Humanos; Televisión Pública; Ciudadanía; Diversidad; Minorías.Public television and human rights: An analysis of the programming of TV Brazil and its acting in the dissemination and promotion of affirmative discussion on the Universal Declaration of Hu man RightsAbstract: The mainstream media relegates to the background the dialogue with affirmative action, identity minorities and human rights. On the other hand, public television is emerging as environment conducive to promoting the appreciation and respect for diversity. In recent years, the TV Brazil produced and aired programs aimed issue, some of which are objects of analysis of this study, which aims to analyze the acting of public TV in civic education on human rights.Keywords: Human Rights; Public Television; Citizenship; Diversity; Minorities.

Daniel Gracia Pérez

Resumen: El presente trabajo parte de la hipótesis de que no es posible diseñar un régimen de protección internacional para las personas desplazadas por disrupciones medioambientales sin antes aclarar qué se entiende por “desplazado medioambiental” y cómo se ha llegado a tal entendimiento. Así, el artículo se estructura en dos partes. La primera de ellas pretende reconstruir el íter que ha configurado la figura del desplazado medioambiental en el pensamiento académico, tanto desde los estudios medioambientales como desde los migratorios. La segunda, por su parte, analiza la primera definición de desplazado ambiental, con vocación jurídica, que aparece en plano internacional y la influencia que en su redacción han tenido las corrientes anteriores. Abstract:  This paper is based on the hypothesis that it is not possible to design an international protection regime for people displaced by environmental disruptions without first clarifying what is meant by "environmental displaced" and how this understanding has been reached. Thus, the article is structured in two parts. The first of them aims to reconstruct how the concept of environmentally displacement has been shaped in academic thinking, both from environmental and migratory studies. The second one, on the other hand, analyzes the first definition of environmental displaced which appears, with a legal vocation, on the international scene and the influence that those previous streams have had on it.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 234-247
Joyjit Sanyal ◽  
Sujit Sikidar

Labour plays a very important role in the industrial production of the country. The human resource managers are concerned with the management of people at work. It is necessary to secure the co-operation of labour force in order to increase the production and earn higher profits. The co-operation of labour force is possible only when they are fully satisfied with their employer and the working conditions on the job. In the past, industrialists and the employers believed that their only duty towards their employees was to pay them satisfactory wages and salaries. But in due course of time, in addition to providing monetary benefits, human treatment given to employees started to play a very important role in seeking their co-operation. Labour or employee welfare activities benefit not only the workers but also the management in the form of greater industrial efficiency. The welfare activities pay a good dividend in the long run, because they contribute a lot towards the health and efficiency of the workers and towards a high morale. On the other hand, social security has come up as a dynamic concept which is considered in all advanced countries of the world as an indispensable chapter of the national programme. Social security is that security which the society furnishes through appropriate organisation against certain risks or certain contingencies to which its members are exposed. These risks are essentially contingencies against which the individual cannot afford by his small means and by his ability or foresight alone. As the name stands for general well- being of the people it is the duty of the state to promote social security which may provide the citizens with benefits designed to prevent or cure disease, to support him when he is not able to earn and to restore him to gainful activity. The state as an employer has provided for certain measures for the welfare and social security of the labourers, who contribute towards the economic development of a country and in this regard, the government has to see towards the proper implementation of such measures to maintain a harmonious industrial relation on the one side and on the other hand towards the upliftment of the members of the society. Thus, there arise the vital needs for the detailed assessments of the measures so provided, its quality of implementation so far and the level of satisfaction of the same among the different class of employees. The present study acts as a working paper with an objective to gather the opinion of the organized workforce in the Central Public Sector Enterprises with regards to their acceptance and satisfaction level of the various ‘Employees welfare and Social Security’ measures by the employers. However, the present study is restricted to two enterprises only and is undertaken with the following objectives: To analyze the opinions of the employees in respect of the labour welfare measures & social security benefits. To analyze the level of satisfaction or otherwise of the workers in respect of social security measures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (4/2019) ◽  
pp. 193-206
Darko Simović

The adoption of the Act on Prevention of Domestic Violence was driven by the creation of a more effective legal framework for the protection of victims of domestic violence, and, therefore, also by the alignment of the legal system of the Republic of Serbia with international obligations. The main novelties include multi-sectoral cooperation and primarily preventive nature of the law. However, from its very adoption, it has been pointed to its noticeably repressive character, as well as to provisions with potentially harmful impacts. Hence, this paper represents a contribution to the discussion on the importance and scope of the solutions provided for in the Act on Prevention of Domestic Violence. On the one hand, it points to major novelties intended to contribute to a more effective prevention of domestic violence. On the other hand, it questions the constitutionality and appropriateness of some of the legal solutions, arguing that, in particular respects, the lawmaker had to use a wiser and more subtle approach to conceptualising the provisions of this law.

Konstantinos Margaritis

Freedom of religion has been constantly characterized as one of the foundations of a democratic society. On the other hand, the significance of physical education in the development of children's overall personality is beyond dispute. Thus, the question that arises is, What happens in a case of a conflict involving the above? The aim of this chapter is to provide an answer on the basis of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. In particular, the fundamental cases of Dogru vs. France and Kervanci vs. France will be examined, as well as the recent case of Osmanoglu and Kocabas vs. Switzerland. Through the analysis of the cases, useful conclusions will be drawn on the possible impact of religious freedom on physical education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-24 ◽  
Silvio Ferrari

The conflicts between rights of God and human rights are on the rise. On the one hand, there are some rights that are qualified as human rights in the most important international conventions and in many national constitutions. As such, they are to be respected always and everywhere. On the other hand, there are rights that are directly or indirectly attributed to the will of God. Their respect is regarded as a religious obligation to be upheld even when it implies the violation of human rights. These are the terms of the conflict and the fact that they sink their roots in non-negotiable beliefs – rights related to the very nature of man vs. rights dependent on the will of God–makes this conflict particularly serious and complex. This article discusses the structural and historical causes of this conflict and proposes a few strategies to reduce the tensions between these two sets of rights.

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