2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Makhmudjon Ziyadullaev ◽  

This article presents ofthe content of the right to social security, which is considered as one of the constitutional rights of citizens, the role of state pensions in the social protection of pensioners and the world pension systems, including distributive, mandatory and conditional pension funds.As well as the size of pensions and their components, the relevance and importance in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the ratification of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and changes in thepension sector over the past 3-4 years, taking into account the types of pension provision, frombeginningsof independence of our country

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 2115-2118
Stanislava Dimitrova Milachkova

Educational institutions play a key role in shaping a modern civil culture in society around the world, because without adequate civil education it is inconceivable to implement quality civilian control over special services. Civil education is a necessary process of learning practical knowledge and skills and shaping competencies for personal development and improvement, for structuring a democratic society, for laws, rights and responsibilities that provide opportunities for real participation in public life. Training for human rights and civil liability and duty, the position of a pupil-citizen, by adopting the principles and values that serve as the foundation and organization of democracy and the republic, the knowledge of the institutions and the laws by developing the rules in the social and political life, exercise and ability to properly justify. So they would find meaning in the individual and the collective responsibilities in their active citizenship. Civil education contributes to the development of a critical spirit, but through the exercise of arguments for reasoning and more accurate decision-making, reasoning and judgment. Through educational institutions, young citizens are prepared to conduct dialogue, debate, resolve conflicts, and embrace forms of civil communication and interaction with special services. This is a basic approach to the basic concepts - man and citizen. Within even the small city, through the education of democratic citizenship, new moral values are being built and active participation in the civil processes of the small community is taking place. The duty of adolescents to become aware of citizens' rights and obligations, norms of conduct and values in a democratic society, as well as the promotion of the role of special services in the Republic of Bulgaria, will prepare them for training and stability as active citizens of the world. Civil education forms a citizen. Civil society, as a public way of life, can function properly only on the basis of an adequate knowledge of the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria and the moral-legal will applying this knowledge in real life. Civil society is the sphere of social activity that focuses on the degree of socio-economic development of society and directly determines the state. The typing of the state has its objective basis in the typography of civil society. Each civil society is a system of human needs and means to meet them, labor, socio-economic, legal and other subject-practical and conscious-volitional relations, as well as a system of human rights organizations and various social institutions. The duty of the national education system to civil society is to build the citizen - the bearer of national self-awareness, civil culture, moral and moral-legal will. Only such a citizen will, in the course of his life, reproduce civil society in accordance with the national idea.

Politeja ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2(65)) ◽  
pp. 189-204
Katarzyna Marcol

The Role of Language in Releasing from Inherited Traumas. Negotiations of the Social Position of the Silesian Minority in Serbian Banat The aim of the paper is to show the dependence between language, collective memory (also post-memory) and sense of identity. This issue is analysed using the example of an ethnic minority living in the village of Ostojićevo (Banat, Serbia) called ‘Toutowie.’ Their ancestors came in the 19th century from Wisła (Silesian Cieszyn, Poland); they left their homes because of great hunger and were looking for jobs in Banat. Narratives about the past contain traumatic experiences of the past generations transmitted in the Silesian dialect and constituting communicative memory. At the same time, a new Polish national identity is being constructed, supported by institutions and authorities; it carries a new image of the world and creates a new cultural memory. This new identity – shaped on the basis of national categories – leads to changes of its self-identification and gives the opportunity to raise its social position in the multi-ethnic Banat community.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 303-332
Salvatore Fabio Nicolosi

Over the past few years the issue of asylum has progressively become interrelated with human rights. Asylum-related stresses, including refugee flows and mass displacements, have mitigated the traditional idea of asylum as an absolute state right, in so far as international human rights standards of protection require that states may have the responsibility to provide asylum seekers with protection. Following this premise, the article argues that the triggering factor of such overturning is significantly represented by the judicial approach to the institution of asylum by regional human rights courts. After setting the background on the interrelation of asylum with human rights, this article conceptualises the right to asylum as derived from the principle of non-refoulement and to this extent it delves into the role of the two regional human rights courts, notably the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR), in order to explore whether an emerging judicial cross-fertilisation may contribute to re-conceptualisation of the right to asylum from a human rights perspective.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-212
Yayan Sopyan

Abstract: Questioning the Religious Freedom and blasphemy in Indonesia. The presence of the Constitutional Court in the reform era is the strengthening of the foundations of constitutionalism in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945. The Court in this case a role to enforce and the protector of the citizen's constitutional rights and the protector of the human rights. Including in this case, the right to religion and religious practices and teachings of their respective religions, in accordance with the constitutional mandate. However, on the other hand there is the discourse of freedom of expression and freedom of speech includes freedom to broadcast religious beliefs and understanding of the "deviant" and against the "mainstream" religious beliefs and understanding in general, as in the case of Ahmadiyah. The Court in this case is required to provide the best attitude when faced judicial review in this case still required in addition to guarding the constitution in order to run properly.   Abstrak: Menyoal Kebebasan Beragama dan Penodaan Agama di Indonesia. Kehadiran lembaga Mahkamah Konstitusi di era reformasi merupakan upaya penguatan terhadap dasar-dasar konstitusionalisme pada Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. MK dalam hal ini berperan menegakkan dan melindungi hak-hak konstitusional warga negara (the protector of the citizen’s constitutional rights) dan pelindung HAM (the protector of the human rights). Termasuk dalam hal ini, hak untuk memeluk agama dan menjalankan ibadah serta ajaran agamanya masing-masing, sesuai dengan amanat konstitusi. Namun, disisi lain ada wacana kebebasan berekspresi dan kebebasan berpendapat termasuk didalamnya kebebasan untuk menyiarkan keyakinan dan pemahaman keagamaan yang “menyimpang” dan bertentangan dengan “mainstream” keyakinan dan pemahaman keagamaan pada umumnya, seperti dalam kasus Ahmadiyah. MK dalam hal ini dituntut untuk mampu memberikan sikap terbaik saat dihadapkan judicial review dalam kasus ini selain tetap dituntut untuk mengawal konstitusi agar dapat berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. DOI: 10.15408/jch.v2i2.2314

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Yusnani Hasyimzum ◽  

Abstract Children, both boys and girls, are considered state assets because they represent the nation's future generation. Children's development and growth require special consideration and protection on the part of parents, family, society, nation, and state. Children's constitutional rights are regulated in the 1945 Constitution, which guarantees the welfare of every citizen, including protection against violations of children's rights, which are considered human rights. Every child has the right to survival, growth, and development, as well as the right to be protected from violence and discrimination, as mandated by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia; additionally, every child has the right to survival, growth, and development, as well as the right to be protected from violence and discrimination; The issue is why the constitutional rights of children who have been neglected as a result of divorce have not been fully complied with and what legal safeguards have the government implemented to reduce the number of child neglect victims.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-21
Natalia Banach ◽  

The issue of exemption from the attorney-client privilege and the nature of this attorney-client privilege is widely discussed both in the literature on the subject and in the doctrine. In order to analyze this subject, it was necessary to interpret the provisions of the Law on the Bar Ac (26 May 1982), the provisions of the Code of Bar Ethics (23 December 2011) the Constitution of the Republic of Poland (2 April 1997), both guarantees enshrined in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights of liberty from 1950. The interpretation was made in conjunction with Polish case law common courts and case law of the European Court of Human Rights. This also presents the view of the polish Ombudsman’s Office. Given that the professional secrecy of lawyers is an inseparable element of justice, it would be wrong to omit the generally accepted moral norms of society in relation to the procedural role of a lawyer. The thesis put forward that the professional secrecy of lawyers is part of the implementation of the right to a fair trial and the right to respect for private life. The purpose of the work was to emphasize the essence of lawyers’ secrecy as an inseparable element of defense of the parties to the proceedings and to indicate interpretation differences between Polish courts and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 261
Nurul Salsabila Abu Bakar ◽  
Mohd Nazri Ahmad

The life of  Prophet Muhammad/ Sirah Rasullullah, SAW, (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is one of the written works of scholars to be featured as having played a major role in developing da'wah and Islamic Shari'ahs around the world from the past. The bond between Moslems and the prophet is strong so the Moslems can use sirah as a reference to strengthen faith, morals, foster the struggle of Islam and encourage the Muslim to hold on to the truth.  This study will highlight the role of the sirah in strengthening the social aspect of society and this will be seen based on the views of Sheikh Ramadan al-Buti. Content analysis is  used to analyze Fiqh as-Sirah an-Nabawiyyah. The data was analysed descriptively and explanatory. The findings show that the need for a sirah approach in the social aspect is high for the good of  social aspect itself. However, Syeikh Ramadan al-Buti has opened the opportunity so that the aspects of the sirah is applied to the social change of the Islamic society from time to time. The implications of the study show that the Prophet's sirah/life has succeeded in forming a good Islamic Government over the history of Western civilization. Sirah Rasulullah SAW merupakan salah satu karya penulisan ulama perlu diketengahkan kerana telah memainkan peranan yang besar dalam mengembangkan dakwah dan syariat Islam diseluruh dunia sejak dahulu lagi. Mempelajari sirah Nabi ini bukanlah semata-mata untuk mengetahui peristiwa menarik dan aneh yang berlaku di zaman Nabi SAW.Pengkajian sirah ini juga bukan sekadar ingin mengetahui peristiwa-peristiwa yang telah melakar sejarah sebagaimana kajian-kajian sejarah yang lain sebagai contoh sejarah hidup seorang khalifah atau sejarah tamadun yang silam. Sirah juga bukanlah sekadar satu kisah yang dibaca pada hari keputeraan baginda SAW sahaja. Apa yang lebih besar sebenarnya adalah ikatan seseorang Muslim dengan Rasulnya sehinggakan pada akhirnya Muslim itu berjaya menjadikan sirah sebagai sesuatu yang dapat menambahkan iman, memperelok akhlak, menyemarakkan perjuangan Islam serta dapat mendorong Muslim itu untuk terus berpegang dengan kebenaran dan seterusnya istiqamah kepadanya. Kajian ini akan mengetengahkan peranan sirah dalam mengukuhkan aspek sosial masyarakat dan perkara ini akan dilihat berdasarkan kepada pandangan Syeikh Ramadan al-Buti. Kaedah analisis kandungan akan digunakan dalam mengkaji kitab Fiqh as-Sirah an-Nabawiyyah bagi mendapatkan data. Data tersebut akan dianalisis secara deskriptif dan eksplanatori. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa keperluan pendekatan sirah dalam aspek sosial adalah tinggi bagi membentuk aspek sosial yang baik itu sendiri. Walau bagaimanapun, Syeikh Ramadan al-Buti telah membuka ruang sepenuhnya supaya aspek sirah diaplikasikan kedalam perubahan sosial masyarakat islam dari masa ke semasa. Implikasi kajian menunjukkan bahawa sirah Rasulullah telah berjaya membentuk satu Kerajaan Islam yang baik berbanding sejarah tamadun Barat yang musnah ekoran tiada sisa-sisa kemanusiaan yang dihidupkan.

Porównania ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-339
Markéta Kittlová

This study focuses on Adam Borzič, one of the most distinctive contemporary Czech poets. The study contextualises his work within current Czech poetry but also examines his other work that is not strictly classified as art as though it were cultural work with avant-garde features. It investigates four volumes of Borzič’s work in terms of the changes in the author’s creative gesture, which expands from his conviction that the world is at a turning point and the avant-garde longing to change the world by poetry. In the four volumes of Borzič’s poetry (written so far), this gesture is embodied through delicately intimate, acutely physical, or even gigantically all-embracing positions, where he employs motives of the heart, head, hand and mouth. The study attempts to evaluate the change in Borzič’s work in the lightof T. S. Eliot’s understanding of the social role of poetry and avant-garde longing to change reality through art. The Czech poet, Adam Borzič, is one of the most distinctive figures of the current Czech literary scene. His poetry is distinct because of its unique gesture andalso represents a strong current in the poetry production of the past decade with its emphasis on the social function of poetry7 and the poet’s role as somebody who should nurture the world through his/her work or even change it. This study attempts to portray Borzič’s work as focused on the mentioned topics and related issues of the end of the first decade of the twenty-first century and renew interest in them, contextualise his work within current Czech poetry but also investigate his other work, which is not strictly artistic but which possesses some avant-garde features.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-38
Nurkhayati Nurkhayati

Abstract. Employment development as integral part of national development based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, is held in order development human completely and development the entire Indonesian community for improve dignity, respect and self-esteem of workers and manifest the society whose prosperous, fair, affluent physically and spiritually. Given the importance of the role of laborers in development, especially in the production process, it is naturally that protection, maintenance and development for the welfare of laborers, especially women laborers, should be carried out. Because the laborer position is very weak in compare with the bussinesmen. The position of weak laborer requires the bussiness men to give away social protection guarantee to their laborers. Social guarantee is the right of entire citizen including permanent foreigners. Violations of the implementation of social guarantee means violations of human rights (HAM). This is in line with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution that has been amended namely article 28 letters d (1 and 2),  letter h (3), and article 34 (2); state that the country protects every citizens and entitled on protection from all kinds of danger, intimidation and equal treatment in carrying out their life. In fact, not all companies giving socal guarantee for their laborers, especially women laborers. In which many women laborers are still catagorized as single even though they are the backbone of the family,—because of having unemployed husband or as single parent. Thus, real action in form of advocacy is needed to change the company’s policies. Advocacy is a powerful way to bring positive changes and empower people in their lives.Abstrak. Pembangunan ketenagakerjaan sebagai bagian integral dari pembangunan nasional berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-undang dasar 1945, dilaksanakan dalam rangka pembangunan manusia seutuhnya dan pembangunan masyarakat Indonesia seluruhnya untuk meningkatkan harkat, martabat dan harga diri tenaga kerja serta mewujudkan masyarakat sejahtera, adil, makmur dan materiil maupun spriritual. Mengingat pentingnya peranan buruh dalam pembangunan khususnya dalam proses produksi, sudah sewajarnya dilakukan perlindungan, pemeliharaan dan pengembangan terhadap kesejahteraan buruh khususnya buruh perempuan, karena posisi buruh yang sangat lemah jika dibandingkan dengan posisi pengusaha. Posisi buruh yang lemah mengharuskan pengusaha untuk memberikan perlindungan jaminan sosial terhadap para pekerjanya. Jaminan sosial merupakan hak setiap warga negara bahkan termasuk warga negara asing yang menetap. Pelanggaran terhadap pelaksanaan jaminan sosial berarti pelanggaran terhadap hak asasi manusia (HAM). Hal ini sejalan dengan amanat UUD 45 yang telah diamandemen yaitu pasal 28 huruf d (1 dan 2) dan huruf h (3) juga pasal 34 (2); pasal-pasal tersebut menjelaskan bahwa negara melindungi setiap warganya dan berhak atas perlindungan dari segala macam bahaya, intimidasi dan perlakukan yang sama dalam menjalankan hidupnya. Dalam pelaksanaan dilapangan, tidak semua perusahaan melaksanakan jaminan sosial bagi para buruhnya, terutama buruh perempuan. Dimana banyak buruh perempuan yang masih dikategorikan lajang padahal mereka adalah tulang punggung keluarga, baik karena suami yang tidak bekerja maupun sebagai single parent. Sehingga dibutuhkan tindakan nyata dalam bentuk advokasi untuk merubah kebijakan perusahaan tersebut. Advokasi adalah cara ampuh untuk membawa perubahan positif dan memberdayakan orang dalam kehidupan mereka. 

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