scholarly journals Peran Perfeksionisme Orientasi Diri dalam Memediasi Pengaruh Gaya Pengasuhan Orang Tua terhadap Efikasi Diri Keputusan Karier Siswa

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Annisa Nurul Utami ◽  
Puji Lestari Suharso ◽  
Rose Mini Agoes Salim

This present study aimed to analyze the role of self-oriented perfectionism in mediating the effect of fathers’ and mothers’ parenting styles on Career Decision Self-Efficacy (CDSE) among students in Grade 11 Senior High School. The participants of the study comprised 179 students who were selected through convenience sampling method. This study employed three instruments, namely Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form, Parental Authority Questionnaire, and Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. Data were analyzed by Hayes’s PROCESS Macro. Generally, the results show that fathers’ permissive parenting and mothers’ authoritarian parenting have an influence on the degree of CDSE among students which is mediated by self-oriented perfectionism. Moreover, the effect of fathers’ authoritative parenting predicts CDSE directly without the mediation effect of self-oriented perfectionism, whilst mothers’ authoritative parenting influences CDSE both directly and indirectly. Therefore, considering the actualization of proper parenting styles is necessary in order to build perfectionism personality which supports students’ effectiveness in career decision making.Keywords: Career decision self-efficacy, parenting styles, self-oriented perfectionism, studentsAbstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran perfeksionisme orientasi diri dalam memediasi pengaruh gaya pengasuhan ayah dan ibu terhadap Efikasi Keputusan Diri Keputusan Karir (Career Decision Self-Efficacy/CDSE)  siswa kelas XI SMA. Sebanyak 178 partisipan terkumpul melalui teknik convenience sampling dalam pengisian tiga macam skala, yaitu Career Decision Self-Efficacy Short Form, Parental Authority Questionnaire, dan Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale yang sudah dilakukan adaptasi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan PROCESS Macro dari Hayes. Secara umum, hasil uji menemukan bahwa gaya pengasuhan permisif ayah dan gaya pengasuhan otoriter ibu berpengaruh terhadap tingkat CDSE siswa melalui perfeksionisme orientasi diri. Sementara itu, pengaruh dari gaya pengasuhan otoritatif ayah terhadap tingkat CDSE siswa hanya terjadi secara langsung. Adapun pengaruh dari gaya pengasuhan otoritatif ibu terhadap tingkat CDSE siswa dapat terjadi baik secara langsung atau tidak langsung melalui mediasi perfeksionisme orientasi diri. Untuk itu, dengan penerapan gaya pengasuhan yang tepat, perkembangan pribadi perfeksionisme siswa dapat mendukung kenaikan efektivitas keputusan karier masa depan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-100
Putri Yuni Humaira ◽  
Intan Dewi Kumala

Pengambilan keputusan karier merupakan salah satu tugas perkembangan padamasa remaja, khususnya remaja akhir (18-21 tahun), yaitu penentuan spesifikasikarier yang akan dijalani. Dalam proses tersebut, tingkat keyakinan dalam diriremaja yang terbentuk melalui jenis pengasuhan dari orang tua turut menjadipertimbangan. Pengasuhan orang tua memiliki kontribusi terhadap tingkatkeyakinan remaja tentang dirinya dalam membuat keputusan karier yang dianggapsesuai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara otoritaspengasuhan (yang dilakukan orang tua) dengan efikasi keputusan karier padaremaja di Aceh. Metode yang digunakan yaitu disproportionated stratified randomsampling dan pengumpulan data dilakukan di sembilan wilayah terpilih di provinsiAceh dengan total sampel sebanyak 347 remaja berusia 18-21 tahun. Alat ukuryang digunakan yaitu Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) dan Career DecisionSelf-Efficacy Short Form (CDSE-SF). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapathubungan antara kedua variabel yaitu, adanya hubungan positif pada pengasuhanayah authoritative dan ibu authoritative dengan variabel efikasi keputusan karier.Selanjutnya, terdapat hubungan negatif pada hipotesis pengasuhan ayahpermissive, ibu permissive, ayah authoritarian, dan ibu authoritarian dengan variabelefikasi keputusan karier. Hal tersebut diartikan bahwa semakin baik jenis otoritaspengasuhan (parental authority) menurut penilaian remaja maka semakin tinggi pulakeyakinannya dalam membuat keputusan karier (career decision self-efficacy).

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
Melly Preston ◽  
Rose Mini Agoes Salim

As an adaptive behavior, career exploration needs to be developed in vocational students who have difficulty in getting a job. The more career-related information obtained, the more likely it is for them to find the right job or the one that has the desired impact. To develop career exploration behavior in vocational students, it is necessary to know the factors that play a role in improving career exploration behavior. This study examined the mediating role of career decision self-efficacy in the relationship between parenting styles and career exploration behavior. Participants in this study were 824 senior vocational high school students from nine schools in Jakarta and Depok. The Parental Authority Questionnaire, Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form, and Career Exploration Survey were used to measure parenting styles, career decision self-efficacy and career exploration behavior. The results showed that career decision self-efficacy fully mediated the influenced of authoritative parenting styles in mothers and fathers on career exploration behavior in vocational students. Interestingly, the authoritarian parenting style was also found to have a positive and significant influence on career exploration behavior in vocational students. The implication and limitation are discussed.   Sebagai perilaku adaptif, eksplorasi karier perlu dikembangkan pada siswa kejuruan yang mengalami kesulitan dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan. Semakin banyak informasi tentang karier yang diperoleh, semakin mungkin bagi mereka untuk menemukan pekerjaan yang tepat atau pekerjaan yang membawa dampak yang diinginkan. Untuk mengembangkan perilaku eksplorasi karier pada siswa kejuruan, maka perlu diketahui faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam mengembangkan perilaku eksplorasi karier. Studi ini menguji peran efikasi-diri keputusan karier dalam memediasi hubungan antara pola asuh orangtua dan eksplorasi karier. Partisipan dalam studi ini merupakan 824 siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan dari sembilan sekolah di Jakarta dan Depok. Untuk mengukur pola asuh orangtua, efikasi-diri keputusan karier, dan eksplorasi karier, penelitian ini menggunakan Parental Authority Questionnaire, Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale Short-Form, dan Career Exploration Survey. Hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa efikasi-diri keputusan karier memediasi secara penuh pengaruh pola asuh otoritatif dari ayah dan ibu terhadap eksplorasi karier siswa kejuruan. Menariknya, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa pola asuh otoritarian berpengaruh positif terhadap eksplorasi karier siswa kejuruan. Implikasi dan limitasi penelitian didiskusikan.   Received 4 March 2019; Accepted 21 July 2019; Published 25 October 2019.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Rosliyanti Sofyan ◽  
Wahyu Indianti

The aim of this study is to examine the impact of type II thinking style on career decision self-efficacy through planned happenstance skills through mediation of planned happenstance skills in adolescence. There was 720 students from three excellence schools who were participated in this quantitative study. The data were collected by using three scales: Career Decision Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form, Thinking Style Inventory – Revised II, and Planned Happenstance Career Inventory, that have been adapted to Indonesian version by the researcher and previous researchers. The researchers were used macro PROCESS to analyzed the data. The result showed type II thinking style can affect career decision self-efficacy partially ( c = .3280, p = .0000; c’ = .1917, p = .0000). Based on the result of this study, we concluded when adolescents have good quality of planned happenstance skills, it can help adolescence who have type II thinking style have a good career decision self-efficacy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-122
Fianirazha Primesa Caesarani ◽  
Febby Astria ◽  
Rizma Adlia Syakurah ◽  
Bertha Aulia ◽  
Reynold Siburian

 The increasing number of dentists shows that this profession is one of the most popular career choices in Indonesia. The type of dentist professional development varies so that career planning is an important thing that has a big influence on one's future. The social-cognitive career theory (SCCT) perspective explains that there is a relationship between career self-efficacy, career outcome expectation, career intention and career exploration in the career selection process. By using SCCT, this study aimed to determine the career exploration-related behavior relationship, which consists of career self-efficacy, career outcome expectations, career intention and career exploration, in the career determination for dentistry students in Indonesia. This research is an observational analytic study of 505 samples of undergraduate and profession students of dentistry who have filled out an online questionnaire from March to June 2019. An online questionnaire consisting of a Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy-Short Form (CDMSE-SF), Career Decision Outcome Expectation (CDMOE), Career Exploration Planning or Intention Questionnaire (CEPI), Career Exploration Survey-Revised (CES-R), which has translated and validated. All models are analyzed using the maximum possible estimation of the AMOS application. This research showed that there was a significant relationship between having a career plan and father's job. This study concluded that self efficacy, outcome expectation, and career intention influence the career exploration of dentistry students significantly both directly and indirectly.

Mohammad Sheikh Hammoud ◽  
Bakkar S. Bakkar ◽  
Yousef Abdulqader Abu Shendi ◽  
Yousuf Saif Al Rujaibi

 The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between alexithymia and career decision -making self-efficacy among Tenth and Eleventh grade students in Muscat governorate. To achieve this purpose,  Alexithymia Scale (AS),and CDMSE Short Form were administered to a total sample of 556 students of Tenth and Eleventh grades ( (n = 278) males and (n = 278) females . Findings revealed that the level of alexithymia was less than the mean of items, while the level of CDMSE was more than the mean of items, as well as there was no significant correlational relationship between alexithymia and CDMSE. The findings also indicated that there were significant gender differences in alexithymia, while there were no significant gender differences in CDMSE. With regard to GPA, the findings revealed that there were no significant differences in alexithymia, while there were significant differences in CDMSE. Conclusion: It concludes that although there was no significant correlational relationship between alexithymia and career decision-making self-efficacy, alexithymia negatively affects individual’s decisions in life.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Joaquín Ibáñez-Alfonso ◽  
Rong Wei Sun ◽  
Gertina J. van Schalkwyk

The purpose of this project was to investigate the role of perceived parenting styles in the choice of identity processing and commitment among a group of Chinese youth. Examining the identity processing styles of 209 young people using the ISI-4 (Smits et al., 2008) and Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ; Buri, 1991), we hypothesised that parental styles and family socio-economic status would differentially impact the identity commitment of youth in Macao. The findings corroborated Berzonsky's (2004) model, with minor differences, showing a positive relation between authoritative parenting and informational processing and identity commitment. However, a negative relation between a normative processing style and identity commitment was found in the Chinese sample. Testing for the moderating effect of socioeconomic status showed that authoritative parenting combined with high SES levels lead to the informational processing style.

2008 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-75 ◽  
Ruth Sharabany ◽  
Yohanan Eshel ◽  
Caesar Hakim

The development of intimate same- and other-sex friendships in Arab children and adolescents in Israel was investigated in relation to their perceived parenting styles. It was hypothesized that girls would show higher levels of intimacy than boys, and that cross-sex intimacy in both groups would increase with age, whereas same-sex intimate friendship maintains rather stable over the school years. We hypothesized further that intimate friendship would be contingent more readily on perceived parental authoritative style rather than on either permissive or authoritarian styles. Participants were 723 Arab students drawn from four schools, and from the 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th grades. The Parental Authority Questionnaire and Intimate Friendship Scale were employed as measures. Findings indicated that girls were more intimate with their female friends than boys were with their male friends, especially in the higher grades, replicating previous studies. However, boys tended to score higher than girls on intimacy with the other gender. Girls equaled their level of intimacy only at the 11th grade. These findings suggest that traditional societies may foster specific characteristics of intimate friendship. A novel finding is the central role of the authoritative parenting style in determining intimate friendships. Results are discussed in terms of universal aspects of friendship and of their expression in the investigated cultural setting.

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