scholarly journals Peran Aparatur Pemerintah Desa dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Politik Penyelenggaraan Pemilu Tahun 2019 Desa Mlagen, Magelang

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Indira Swasti Gama Bhakti ◽  
Tri Agus Gunawan

Election (Election) is one of the means of democracy in the implementation of popular sovereignty within the Unitary Republic of Indonesia which is based on the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. Through elections conducted the people can elect leaders who are expected to be able to bring change towards a better life. Elections are also a means for the people to choose their trusted representatives to carry out various government affairs. Elections must be based on people's awareness to vote, not because of coercion or pressure. The higher the level of people's participation in the election, it means that the higher the level of their political awareness. Villagers who on average are still well educated understand politics only limited to a party of the people which is carried out every five years, and not a few political participation by the community is still influenced by movements from the ruling parties including the village head. The role of the village head is very important to be needed with the situation of rural educated people who are still quite low and most are farmers, this is what was described in Mlagen Village, Bandongan District. The role of the village head is very necessary in order to increase public political participation in the presidential election in 2019. The research method used is a qualitative research method with descriptive analysis techniques. Data collection is done through observation, interviews and documentation. Research data sources are key informants, informants, research sites and documents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Ni Wayan Sutiani

Buleleng Regency is one of eight regencies in Bali that is known by foreign tourists as an attractive tourist destination, where the area has a variety of arts, culture and natural tour- ist attractions. Munduk Village has a variety of tourist attractions consisting of arts or culture and natural scenery, in the form of hills, rice fields, and waterfalls that are characteristic of the village. The concept of Tri Hita Karana is the basis for living the daily lives of local people in Munduk Village. Village tourism is a form of integration between attractions, accommodation and supporting facilities that are presented in a structure of community life that integrates with the prevailing procedures and traditions where tourists can stay in or close to the village to learn and enjoy life in the village.From the description of the background above, the formulation of the problem in this paper is: what is the role of tourism villages in the development of villages in Munduk Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency. The research method is done using interviews.Conclusions from the results of the study indicate that the role of the tourist village munduk in Munduk Village, Banjar Subdistrict, Buleleng Regency is as a source of income for the people in Munduk Village other than as farmers, considering the Munduk village area as a tourist vil- lage that is visited by many tourists which in turn can increase the income of the surrounding community. The suggestions that can be asked are: For the Munduk village government should be able to support tourism villages in Munduk by helping to provide funding facilities for devel- opment in order to develop. In addition, the community is given facilities for capital in order to build a business to support tourist villages in the village of Munduk, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-61
Mariance Pansing ◽  
Hermon Maurits Karwur ◽  
Selvana T. R. Tewal

The research problem is what is the form of the community's role in preserving springs and what factors influence the community's role in preserving springs in Budo Village, Wori District, North Minahasa Regency. The research method used is qualitative research with the informants are the government, community leaders, and residents. The results of this study indicate that: The forms of the role of the people of Budo Village play a role in preserving the springs in the village, including 1) by providing motivation and direction to residents, 2) giving the advice to preserve the springs, 3) maintain cleanliness and sustainable 4) maintain survival and provide assistance funds, 5) Be active in community service activities and provide assistance as needed, 6) Take part in preserving springs and being active in site arrangement activities. Some factors encourage or influence so that the need for efforts to conserve springs in Budo Village, Wori District. The factors meant include 1) springs as village assets, 2) springs as a source of life, 3) water as necessities, 4) water is very important for the population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Rita Safari ◽  
Abdul Manan ◽  
Sanusi Ismail

This study aims to find out the history of visiting Simeulue, the visiting procession the Lambaya Village with Sanggiran Village, the role of the community in preserving visiting traditions and the benefits of visiting the people of Lambaya Village with Sanggiran Village. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that visiting procession is a visit activity carried out by a group of individuals, organizations or communities by way of deliberations with citizens, communicating, and preparing all the necessities and interests of visiting activities. This visit is led by the highest person in the village or someone who is trusted as the leader of the activity group. The role and benefits of the community to preserve the tradition of visiting is that the community continues to maintain, apply, maintain and develop traditions and cultural values so that visiting can strengthen harmony in daily life. In addition, by visiting them they can get new experiences, find out weaknesses, lack of organization, keep them away from enmity, get new families and most importantly get knowledge that they have not yet gotten.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-71
Musliamin Musliamin

This study discusses "The Role of Religion in Improving UnderstandingReligious For Communities in Tanete Riattang Timur District, Bone Regency.The purpose of this study is to perfect the pictureto increase understanding of religion forcommunity. This research uses the field research method vizthe method used by conducting research on the object of studywith interview, observation and documentation methods. Is a source of data inthis research is the religious extension staffs of Tanete Riattang Timur DistrictBone Regency. Data that has been collected from the results of research conducted withusing qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that,1) The role of the KUA religious instructor in Tanete Riattang Timur District, Bone Regencyin increasing religious understanding for the community by means of meanseducate, rectify, elaborate and unite in providing understandingreligious. 2) The method used by KUA religious instructors in Tanete DistrictRiattang Timur Bone Regency in improving religious understanding withdirect communication methods, individuals, groups and communication are notImmediately provide religious understanding for the community. 3) ExtensionKUA religion Tanete Riattang Timur District Bone in improvingReligious understanding for the community is by providing understandingreligion Regarding the Aqeedah, Sharia, and Morals

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 195

Gula merupakan salah satu komoditas perdagangan penting pada masa kolonial Belanda. Hasil yang berlimpah tidak diimbangi dengan ketersediaan angkutan barang. Minimnya volume angkut dan lamanya waktu tempuh merupakan permasalahan yang dihadapi pengusaha gula. Pengembangan moda transportasi kereta api menjadi jawaban atas permasalahan tersebut. Daya angkut besar dengan waktu tempuh yang lebih cepat menjadi kelebihannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguraikan peranan kereta api dalam pengangkutan gula ke pelabuhan di Karesidenan Cirebon. Metode yang dipergunakan, deskriptif analisis. Data dikumpulkan melalui kegiatan studi pustaka dan pengamatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, jalur kereta api di Karesidenan Cirebon  merupakan bagian dari jalur Semarang – Cirebon yang dibangun oleh NV. SCS. Tinggalan perkeretaapian di jalur tersebut menunjukkan terdapat persimpangan ke pabrik gula dari stasiun terdekat. Kesimpulan, pembangunan perkeretaapian di Cirebon pada awalnya ditujukan sebagai angkutan komoditas gula.    Sugar was one of the important trade commodities during the Dutch occupation. The abundant production of sugar disproportionated to the availability of freight transportation. Its consequences, the sugar company was hampered by both the low volumes and and the slow journey time of transported goods. As a result, the development of modes of transport was the solution needed. It would provide the solution based on the maximum payload and highest average speeds. The purpose of this study is to describe the role of railways in transporting sugar industry to the port in the Cirebon Residency. The research method used in the study is descriptive analysis. Research data were derived from library study, and field observations. The results of the study have shown that the railway line in Cirebon Residency was actually a part of the Semarang - Cirebon railway line built by NV. SCS. The disused railroad indicate clearly that there was an intersection to the sugar company from the nearest train station. It concluded that the railway construction in Cirebon was initially intended as the sugar transportation.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 30
Lestari Rahayu ◽  
Retno Wulandari ◽  
Retno Fajar Setyorini

<p>This study aims to determine, the role of barn food in sustainability food security and the benefits obtained by the food barn. Descriptive analysis techniques used to know   management of the food barn, while to know the role and benefits data analyzed using the analysis score. Results showed that the food barn role in sustainability of food security included in the high role category in the funds social grant, providing food and as economic institutions. Benefits obtained member in the presence of the food barn included in the high category, seen from the social benefits and economic benefits.</p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Food barn, food security, economic benefit, social benefit<p>  </p>

Sakdiah ◽  
Zulfadli ◽  

The Role of Agusen Tourism Objects in Increasing Community Income (Study in Agusen Village, Blangkejeren District, Gayo Lues Regency). Tourism is an activity that directly touches and engages the community, thus bringing various impacts on the local community. As for the problems in this paper are (1) How the role of the agusen tourist attraction in increasing the income of the people who are in the Agusen Village, Blangkejeren District, Gayo Lues Regency. (2) What factors support and hinder Agusen tourism objects in increasing the people's income in Agusen Village, Blangkejeren District, Gayo Lues Regency. This study aims to determine the role of Agusen attractions in increasing community income in the Agusen Village, Blangkejeren Subdistrict, Gayo lues Regency, and also to find out the supporting factors and inhibiting the role of attractions in increasing the income of Agusen Gampong Subdistricts, Blangkejeren District, Gayo Lues Regency. To obtain the data the author uses a qualitative method, with a descriptive analysis approach, while the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. From the results of the study it can be that: the existence of attractions in increasing community income is a shared responsibility. The existence of attractions can be said to be quite successful in increasing the income of the community in the Agusen Village, Blangkejeren District, Gayo Lues Regency. The supporting factors for Agusen attractions are the good cooperation between the community, the government and the village apparatus. As for the inhibiting factor is due to the absence of specific regulations either from the village or the government so that there are still irregularities in carrying out the task of adding to the community's income in the Agusen Village, Blangkejeren District, Gayo Lues Regency.Keywords: Role, Tourism Objects, Community Income.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-118
Suroso ◽  
Delia Shukmalla

ABSTRAK Koordinasi diperlukan untuk mengkomunikasikan kebijakan-kebijakan atau program- program untuk pembangunan desa yang sudah ditentukan dalam RKPdes. Pembangunan merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat yang berkualitas dan bermartabat. Pembangunan diperluka untuk mengisi kekosongan pasca kemerdekaan. Ketercapaian pembangunan tidak lepas dari peran pemerintah desa sebagai penggerak pembangunan tersebut. Penggunaan sumber daya yang efektif dan efesien merupakan kunci utama kesuksesan pembangunan. Dalam mewujudkan hal tersebut diperlukan suatu koordinasi antar anggota masyarakat dengan pemerintah desa dalam wadah rapat mingguan (minggon). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan memberikan penjelasan atas suatu fenomena atau mendeskripsikan karakteristik suatu objek. Sedangkan analisis yang dipergunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan langkah-langkah yaitu; (1) mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang dibutuhkan tentang objek; (2) mengidentifikasi masalah serta menganalisis secara mendalam; (3) membuat rancangan bangun sistem sesuai kebutuha kondisi lapangan; (d) memberikan rekomendasi dan implementasi perancangan yang cocok. Minggon merupakan instrumen penting bagi Desa, tujuan diadakannya rapat setiap minggu untuk memfollow up program kerja yang telah dicanankan dalam RPJMDes, selain itu Minggon membantu menyelesaikan masalah dengan cara musyawarah antara perangkat Desa dengan masyarakat langsung untuk mencapai mufakat. Hasil Minggon setiap mingguan di tulis dalam Notulen sebagai dokumen Desa, selain itu sebagai acuan untuk menyelesaikan program yang sedang berjalan.   Key: Koordinasi, Pembangunan.   ABSTRACT Coordination is needed to communicate policies or programs for village development that have been determined in the RKPdes. Development is an effort to improve the quality of life of the people with quality and dignity. Development is needed to fill the post-independence void. The achievement of development cannot be separated from the role of the village government as the driving force for this development. Effective and efficient use of resources is the main key to successful development. In realizing this, a coordination between community members and the village government is needed in a weekly meeting forum (weekday). This research method uses descriptive methods by providing an explanation of a phenomenon or describing the characteristics of an object. While the analysis used qualitative descriptive analysis with the steps, namely; (1) collect required data and information about objects; (2) identify problems and analyze in depth; (3) designing system build according to kebutuha field conditions; (d) provide recommendations and implement suitable designs. Minggon is an important instrument for the village, the aim of which is to hold meetings every week to follow up on the work programs that have been announced in the RPJMDes, besides that Minggon helps solve problems by means of deliberation between village officials and the community directly to reach consensus. The results of the weekly week Minggon are written in the Minutes as Village documents, in addition to that as a reference for completing the ongoing program.   Key: Coordination, Development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-84
Saeful Lukman ◽  
Yusuf Zainal Abidin ◽  
Asep Shodiqin

ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pemahaman tentang keagamaan masyarakat di lingkungan rw 03 desa Kebonjati. Secara lebih terperinci penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui materi yang disampaikan oleh da’i, metode yang menjadi pijakan dalam pelaksanaannya, dan untuk mengetahui hasil yang diperoleh mad’u dalam mengikuti kegiatan majelis taklim tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hal ini untuk mengetahui secara jelas mengenai gambaran tentang pemahaman pemikiran yang akan terjadi di masa yang akan datang yaitu mengenai peranan Majelis Taklim At-Taubah dalam meningkatkan pemahaman keagamaan dan pola perilaku masyarakat yang berada di lingkungan desa Kebonjati Sumedang. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap majelis taklim At-Taubah dapat diketahui bahwa majelis taklim berperan sebagai lembaga non formal yang berada ditengah-tengah masyarakat memberikan kontribusi yang cukup besar bagi perkembangan pemahaman keagamaan pada masyarakat desa Kebonjati. Hal tersebut terlihat dari adanya perubahan baik dari sikap maupun perilaku masyarakatnya yang semakin agamis. Kata Kunci : Peranan; Majelis Taklim; Pemahaman Keagamaan ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the understanding of the religious community in RW 03 Kebonjati village. In more detail this research aims to find out the material presented by the da'i, the method that becomes the basis for its implementation, and to find out the results obtained by mad'u in participating in the taklim assembly activities. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. This is to find out clearly about the description of the understanding of thoughts that will occur in the future, namely the role of the Majelis Taklim At-Taubah in improving religious understanding and patterns of behavior of the people in the village of Kebonjati, Sumedang. The results of the research carried out on the At-Taubah taklim assembly can be seen that the taklim assembly acting as a non-formal institution in the midst of the community contributed significantly to the development of religious understanding in the Kebonjati village community. This can be seen from the changes in both the attitude and behavior of the people who are increasingly religious. Keywords : Role; Majelis Taklim; Religious Understanding

Tamrin Muchsin ◽  
Sri Sudono Saliro

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the Sepuk Tanjung Village Government in waste management, and to determine the inhibiting factors for implementing the government's role. When the amount of waste increases, it will cause problems that can endanger humans, both health and the environment. Therefore, it is important to involve the village government as the government that is closest to the people. This research method uses empirical research methods with a statutory approach, to obtain data, researchers conducted observations and interviews with the village government and the community using purposive sampling. The results of the study reveal that the role of the village government is in accordance with Article 11 of Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2015 concerning Waste Management. As for the inhibiting factors, namely, the community factor, the infrastructure factor and the village government factor.

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