scholarly journals El antagonista imprescindible: la construcción de la identidad nacional en la historiografía gallega

Bruno Padín

Resumen  En la construcción de las identidades nacionales es esencial el papel desempeñado por los enemigos externos y los enemigos internos. En el caso de Galicia, que es el que vamos a analizar, veremos que los traidores poseen una influencia mínima porque los enemigos más importantes se situarán fuera de Galicia. Se trata de Castilla y después España, antagonistas por antonomasia del pueblo gallego. Estudiaremos también la noción de antepasados gloriosos, muy útiles a la hora de proporcionar prestigio a la nación gallega, sobre todo en momentos de opresión o humillación. En este sentido, el mito celta, los suevos o los mártires serán figuras esenciales en el proceso de construcción de la identidad gallega. Analizaremos, por otro lado, la pervivencia de ciertos tópicos que desde el punto de vista histórico son insostenibles en el nacionalismo gallego actual.  Palabras clave  Nacionalismo gallego, BNG, mito celta, suevos, mártires, Castilla y España. Abstract  The role played by external enemies and internal enemies is essential in the construction of national identities. In the case of Galicia, which we are going to analyze, we will see that the traitors have a minimal influence because the most important enemies will be located outside Galicia. It is Castile and then Spain, antagonist par excellence of the Galician people. We will also study the notion of glorious ancestors, very useful in providing prestige to the Galician nation, especially in times of oppression or humiliation. The Celtic myth, the suevos or the martyrs will be essential figures in the construction of Galician identity. On the other hand, we will analyze the survival of certain topics that from the historical point of view are unsustainable in current Galician nationalism. Key Words  Galician Nationalism, BNG, Celtic Myth, Suevos, Martyrs, Castile and Spain.

2015 ◽  
pp. 153
Gordana Matic

<div class="WordSection1"><p><strong>Resumen</strong></p><p>La fábula ha tenido desde siempre una función retórica e ilustrativa que se ha manifestado a lo largo de la historia de modo dual: mostraba para enseñar, lo que muchas veces implicaba el componente moralizador, o para criticar. Mientras se empeñaba en conseguir una de las dos intencionalidades, o las dos simultáneamente, ha podido ser revestida de un tono humorístico, burlón, irónico o sarcástico. Partiendo de las observaciones sobre el género de Fedro, Rodríguez Adrados o Mireya Camurati, en este trabajo nos proponemos analizar una selección de fábulas clásicas, medievales, dieciochescas y decimonónicas, para demostrar que el aspecto crítico e incluso subversivo del género se mantiene abiertamente activo aun en las épocas en las que se potencia su intención didáctico-moralizante.</p><p>Palabras clave: fábula, definiciones del género, estudio diacrónico, aspecto crítico, aspecto didáctico-moralizante</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The fable has always had a rhetoric and illustrative function that manifested itself during its long history in two different ways: on one hand, it represented an example in order to teach, which usually implied the moral component, or on the other hand, to criticize. While it strived to achieve one of these intentions, or sometimes both simultaneously, it could have been written in a humorous, mocking, ironic or sarcastic tone. In this paper, we analyze a selection of classical and medieval, 18th and 19th century fables written in Spanish, with definitions proposed by Phaedrus, Rodríguez Adrados and Mireya Camurati as starting points, in order to show that the critical aspect of this genre was openly maintained and taken benefit of even in the historical periods when its didactic and moralizing intention was preferred and strongly emphasized.</p></div><p>Key words: fable, definition of genre, diachronic approach, critical aspect, didactic and moral aspect</p><p> </p>

Xihmai ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
Manuel Alberto Morales Damián

2012:  IDEAS  MAYAS  ACERCA  DE  LA  RENOVACIÓN CíCLICA DEL UNIVERSO. 2012:                MAYA‟S    CIVILIZATION     IDEAS   ABOUT    THE CYCLIC RENEWAL OF THE UNIVERSE.       Resumen El pensamiento maya con respecto a la astronomí­a y el calendario poseen una gran originalidad y corresponden a una forma de entender la realidad completamente  diferente  a  la  del  pensamiento  occidental.  Los  mayas conciben que el tiempo está sujeto a recurrencias cí­clicas (dí­a-noche, año solar, perí­odos de 52 años), cada una de las cuales supone la destrucción y renovación del cosmos. Por otra parte, las supuestas profecí­as mayas acerca de un evento astronómico el próximo 21 de diciembre de 2012, en realidad no son acordes a la cosmovisión maya prehispánica, coinciden sin embargo con temores milenaristas propios del pensamiento occidental que se agudizan en una época de crisis global.   Palabras Clave: Mayas, religión, astronomí­a, profecí­as del 2012.   Abstract Mayan  thought  in  respect  to  astronomy  and  the  calendar  have  a  great originality and correspond to a way of understanding a complete different reality to the one of the western thought. Mayan people conceive that time is subject to cycle recurrences (day-night, solar year, and periods of 52 years), each one supposes destruction and renovation of cosmos. On the other hand, the supposed Mayan prophecies about an astronomical event next December 21st  2012, do not in fact agree with the view of the world of the pre Hispanic Mayans, however they coincide with millennial fear proper of the western thought that worsen in this times of global crisis.   Key words: Mayans, religion, astronomy, 2012 prophecies.      

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2018) (2) ◽  
Aleš Maver ◽  
Darko Friš

Category: 1.01 Original scientific paper Language: Original in Slovenian (Abstract in Slovenian and English, Summary in English) Key words: elections in Central-East Europe, former Socialist countries, coalitions, big tent parties, democratization, fragmentation, party systems Abstract: The paper's main aim is to describe the changes experienced by party landscapes of the selected former Socialist countries in the Central-East Europe from the period 1989/91 until 2013. The authors try to explain the situation more than two decades later from the historical point of view. All the electoral premieres during the "Spring of nations" from 1989 till 1991 featured a showdown between the ruling Communists and their successor parties and the newly formed or emerging opposition. The opposition was victorious in all the discussed countries other than Bulgaria and Romania. On the other hand, none of the coalitions or big tent parties from the early 1990s survived next two decades. Only in few cases, really stable party systems emerged until 2010s.

María Luisa Pfeiffer

ResumenLa ética, como praxis debe crear espacios de convivencia que permitan descubrir cuál es la característica de los espacios de dominación en que habitamos y tratar de construir otros donde los hombres y los pueblos puedan vivir libremente su destino. El planteo de este trabajo es que, en  América Latina, el espacio biotecnológico debido a que es una gran fuente de ambigüedades cuando de valores se trata, termina siendo aliado de los poderes dominantes. Se analiza especialmente esa característica en el uso de la ingeniería genética para la transformación de semillas, mostrando que si bien por un lado se puede considerar a la misma como una resultante valiosa de la ciencia, por el otro resulta dañina no sólo en lo relativo a la conservación de la vida con toda su diversidad, sino en lo económico, social, cultural, antropológico e incluso médico. El propósito final del trabajo es una reflexión sobre el mito del progreso asociado al crecimiento de la biotecnología y la necesidad de establecer límites éticos al mismo.  Palabras clave: Biotecnología, tecnociencia, progreso, transgénicos, América Latina.***************************************************The relationship between biotechnology and progress as “unquestioned values”, its ethical and political implicaturesAbstractEthics, as praxis, must create spaces for coexistence that allow us to discover what is the characteristic of the domination spaces we live in, as well as to create others where individuals and peoples can live their destiny in a free way. This paper states that in Latin America, given that it is a source of  ambivalence when thinking about values, biotechnology ends up being an ally of the dominant powers. This characteristic is specially analyzed in the use of genetic engineering for seed transformation, showing that, even though it can be considered as a valuable result of science, on the other hand it is hazardous not only in regards to conservancy of life in all its diversity, but also in economic, social, cultural, anthropological, and even, medical respects. The final aim of the paper is to stimulate a reflection about the myth of progress associated to the growth of biotechnology, and to state theneed to establish ethical limits to it. Key words: biotechnology, techno-science, progress, transgenic, Lain America***************************************************A relação entre biotecnologia e progresso como “valores indiscutidos”, suas implicações éticas e políticasResumoA ética, como práxis, deve criar espaços de convivência que permitam descobrir qual é a característica dos espaços de dominação em que habitamos e tratar de construir outros onde os homens e os povos possam viver livremente seu destino. O foco deste trabalho é que na América Latina o espaço biotecnológico devido a que é uma grande fonte de ambiguidades quando de valores se trata, acaba sendo aliado dos poderes dominantes. Analisa-se especialmente essa característica no uso da engenharia genética para a transformação de sementes, mostrando que se bem por um lado se pode considerar a mesmo como uma resultante valiosa da ciência, pelo outro resulta danosa nãosó no relativo à conservação da vida com toda sua diversidade, mas no econômico, social, cultural, antropológico e até no médico. O propósito final do trabalho é uma reflexão sobre o mito do progresso associado ao crescimento da biotecnologia e à necessidade de estabelecer limites éticos ao mesmo. Palavras chave: Biotecnologia, tecnociência, progresso, transgênicos, América Latina.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 163
Patrícia Oliveira de Freitas

O presente texto apresenta uma reflexão sobre papéis de gênero transmitidos na publicidade direcionada ao público infantil. O material analisado foi o encarte publicitário de uma rede de lojas divulgado por ocasião do dia das crianças, em 2014. O estudo buscou perceber a maneira como são retratadas as imagens das meninas e dos meninos no referido material. A análise do material evidenciou uma forma polarizada ao retratar as crianças. A avaliação do material permitiu perceber uma associação dos meninos ao universo da aventura através de mercadorias com apelo aos super-heróis e as meninas ao universo da beleza materializado a partir de produtos ligados às princesas. Foi possível perceber que o encarte veiculou modelos estereotipados de feminilidade e de masculinidade. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Representações de Gênero; Publicidade; Dia das Crianças. RESUMENEste artículo presenta una reflexión sobre los roles de género transmitidos en la publicidad dirigida a los niños. El material analizado fue el folleto publicitário de una red de tiendas publicado em la época del Día del Niño en 2014. Esta investigación buscó comprender la forma en que se retratan imágenes de niñas y niños en el dicho material. El análisis del material mostró una manera polarizada de retratar los niños. Este material nos permitió percibir una asociación de los niños al mundo de la aventura por médio de artículos vinculados con los superhéroes y de las niñas al mundo de la belleza que se materializó en productos vinculados con las princesas. Se reveló que el folleto publicitário mostró modelos estereotipados de feminidad y masculinidad . KEY-WORDS: Representaciones de género; Publicidad; Dia del Niño.  ABSTRACTThis text presents a reflection on gender roles transmitted by publicity for infants. The material that was analyzed was an ad of a store chain, published in occasion of the kids’ day, in 2014. The study aimed to notice the way in which the images of boys and girls are shown in this material. The analysis of this material showed a polarized way to refer to kids. The evaluation of that ad made it possible to realize that there is a link between the boys and the universe of the adventure, by commodities with an appeal for super heroes, and, on the other hand, a link between the girls and the universe of beauty, materialized by products that had to do with princesses. It was possible to notice that the ad transmitted stereotyped models of femininity and masculinity. PALABRAS CLAVE: Gender representations; Publicity; Kids Day. 

Wenceslao J. González

Resumen: Universalismo metodológico es un planteamiento acerca de la Ciencia que adquiere formas muy diversas. Por un lado, su formulación puede ser explícita o bien puede tratarse de una concepción implícita, que incide en la visión de los procesos científicos. Por otro lado, su alcance varía de manera apreciable, pues puede dar lugar a una propuesta potencialmente irrestricta o bien se puede contentar con una orientación restringida. Estas diversas formas de universalismo metodológico en la Ciencia se enfrentan a la complejidad, que en su doble vertiente —estructural y dinámica— modula de hecho los límites de esta propuesta metodológica. Así, hay ciertamente obstáculos al universalismo metodológico debidos a la complejidad. Esto se aprecia con mayor nitidez en los obstáculos a los predictores, donde la complejidad desempeña un papel decisivo. Palabras clave: Universalismo metodológico, complejidad, Ciencia Abstract: Methodological universalism is an approach to science that takes several forms. On the one hand, it may acquire an explicit formulation or have an implicit conception that influences the vision of scientific processes. On the other hand, its scope varies to appreciate extent since it can set off a potentially unrestrained proposal, or be a view that embraces a restricted orientation. These various forms of methodological universalism in science need to deal with complexity, which its double, structural and dynamic, line modules de facto the limits of this methodological proposal. Hence, there are indeed obstacles to methodological universalism due to complexity. This is appreciated with greater clarity in the obstacles to predictors, where the role of complexity is crucial. Key words: Methodological universalism, complexity, science. Recibido: 30/11/2012 Aprobado: 18/04/2013

La Palabra ◽  
2014 ◽  
pp. 57
Leonardo Monroy Zuluaga

Este artículo interpreta la novela Basura de Héctor Abad Faciolince, enfocando el análisis en dos grandes personajes tipo: el artista y el crítico. La reflexión sobre el artista está basada especialmente en las tesis de Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot; en este sentido este artículo sugiere un diálogo entre Basura y la denominada "novela de artistas". El proceso de Davanzatti, el escritor dentro de la novela, desde su confianza en el arte a su fracaso en la vida es de esta forma explorado. Por otro lado, el crítico –un periodista que lee constantemente los productos de Davanzatti- es analizado en sus diferentes etapas: desde sus lecturas especializadas hasta el extraño interés por la vida de su vecino. Palabras clave: Basura, artista, crítico, novela colombiana. AbstractThis article interprets Basura, the novel written by Héctor Abad Faciolince, focuses on two main characters: the artist and the critic. The refl ection about the artist is specially based on the thesis of Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot; in that way, this article suggest a dialogue between Basura and the well known “artist novel”. The process of Davanzatti, the writer inside the novel, from confi dence on art to a failure in life is then explored. On the other hand, the critic –a journalist that constantly read the products of Davanzati- is analyzed in his different stages: from his specialized readings to a strange interest for the life of his neighbor. Key words: Basura, artist, critics, Colombian novel.

Gastón Puccetti

Resumen: En el presente trabajo se tematiza el problema de la reificación como consecuencia de la atribución de subjetividades por el orden jurídico. Desde el punto de vista de las «teorías nominalistas», se califica al derecho como un conjunto de dispositivos que tiene la virtualidad de generar formas de subjetividad mediante la atribución de ciertas categorías a las personas. Por otro lado, se identifican las tendencias del proceso de racionalización weberiano y se subraya la manera en que la racionalidad-formal se presenta como la forma jurídica legítima que sustenta una determinada construcción privilegiada de sujetos —el homo economicus—, con apoyo del paradigma de la modernidad en tanto modelo negador de la diversidad. Finalmente, se señala al pluralismo como propuesta orientadora de acciones sociales y de las vías institucionales capaces de gestionar la diversidad radical en sociedad con un sentido desreificador. Palabras clave: Subjetividad, identidad, reificación, desreificación, modernidad, pluralismo, dispositivo, objetivación, sujeto. Abstract: This paper analyses the problem of reification as a consequence of the attribution of subjectivities by legal orders. From the point of view of «nominalist theories», Law is qualified as a set of devices which possesses the ability to generate forms of subjectivity by means of the attribution of certain categories to people. On the other hand, the tendencies of the Weberian process of rationalisation are identified in order to underline the way in which formal rationality allows Law to construct a specific subject —homo economicus— under the paradigm of Modernity as a model which denies diversity. Finally, pluralism is indicated as a proposal which can orientate social actions and the institutional channels capable of managing radical diversity in society towards de-reification. Keywords: Subjectivity, identity, reification, dereification, modernity, pluralism, apparatus, objectivation, subject.

2005 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-132 ◽  
Reimer Kornmann

Summary: My comment is basically restricted to the situation in which less-able students find themselves and refers only to literature in German. From this point of view I am basically able to confirm Marsh's results. It must, however, be said that with less-able pupils the opposite effect can be found: Levels of self-esteem in these pupils are raised, at least temporarily, by separate instruction, academic performance however drops; combined instruction, on the other hand, leads to improved academic performance, while levels of self-esteem drop. Apparently, the positive self-image of less-able pupils who receive separate instruction does not bring about the potential enhancement of academic performance one might expect from high-ability pupils receiving separate instruction. To resolve the dilemma, it is proposed that individual progress in learning be accentuated, and that comparisons with others be dispensed with. This fosters a self-image that can in equal measure be realistic and optimistic.

Caroline Durand

Al-Qusayr is located 40 km south of modern al-Wajh, roughly 7 km from the eastern Red Sea shore. This site is known since the mid-19th century, when the explorer R. Burton described it for the first time, in particular the remains of a monumental building so-called al-Qasr. In March 2016, a new survey of the site was undertaken by the al-‘Ula–al-Wajh Survey Project. This survey focused not only on al-Qasr but also on the surrounding site corresponding to the ancient settlement. A surface collection of pottery sherds revealed a striking combination of Mediterranean and Egyptian imports on one hand, and of Nabataean productions on the other hand. This material is particularly homogeneous on the chronological point of view, suggesting a rather limited occupation period for the site. Attesting contacts between Mediterranean merchants, Roman Egypt and the Nabataean kingdom, these new data allow a complete reassessment of the importance of this locality in the Red Sea trade routes during antiquity.

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