Children's folklore as a means of formation of communicative competence in young children of school age

2020 ◽  
Vol 1(16) (2020) ◽  
pp. 75-80
Tetiana Potapchuk ◽  

Today, the issues of creativity, the disclosure of the creative beginning of each child as a real subject of life, are gaining a new sound. Society today desperately needs people who think creatively, are able to create culture, live р р, develop р. Therefore, the formation of an educated, creative personality р one of the priority tasks of education reform р Ukraine. Under the conditions of the national revival of the spirituality and culture of the Ukrainian people, oral folk art can р an effective means of forming communicative competence. Therefore, younger students should р offered the best examples of folklore. After all, they are close to the children’s world. The ред of oral folk art during the educational process with children has its own methodology and sequence, which takes into account the specifics and features of the child’s age, compliance with which will contribute to the development of speech р general and the formation of speech and communicative competence. Also, one of the important, effective ways to develop verbal creativity р junior high school has always been a folk tale, as one of the varieties of folklore. After all, р р a fairy tale that best activates children’s imagination and creative thinking, serves as a model of literary language and a means of developing coherent speech, a source of images and plots. Listening to fairy tales allows you to expand, enrich your vocabulary, lay a solid foundation for coherent speech and communicative competence. After all, fairy tales, as a rule, include repetitions, repeated listening to which helps to memorize words and individual expressions and, consequently, replenish the passive vocabulary.The teacher needs to create appropriate conditions for the full speech development of students. After all, by systematically using various genres of oral folk art р the educational process, significant results can р achieved. Oral folk art provides an example of literary correct, pure language, significantly enriches the passive and active vocabulary, forms knowledge about the environment, as a result р the basis for the formation of both language and speech competence of primary school children.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1

 Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana bahan ajar dongeng dalam Buku Pamekar Diajar Basa Sunda (PDBS) yang ada di setiap jenjang pendidikan berdasarkan relevansi dengan KD yang ada dalam Kurikulum 2013. Dan juga untuk mengetahui tingkat keterbacaan bahan ajar dongeng di dalam Buku Pamekar Diajar Basa Sunda (PDBS). Bahan ajar dongeng  ada di setiap jenjang pendidikan, seperti  di SD di kelas 3, 4, 5,  dan 6, di SMP di kelas 7,  dan di SMA di kelas 10. Penelitian ini menggunakan  metode deskripfif kualitatif. Untuk  mengukur relevansi bahan ajarnya,  disesuaikan dengan KD di setiap jenjang yang ada di Kurikulum 2013. Untuk mengukur tingkat keterbacaan bahan ajar dongeng digunakan uji grafik fry dan uji klose tes. Data yang digunakan adalah semua wacana dongeng yang ada dalam Buku PDBS, jumlah wacana diseluruh jenjang ada 15 wacana: PDBS SD kelas 3 (3 wacana), PDBS SD kelas 4 (2 wacana), PDBS SD kelas 5 (3 wacana), PDBS SD kelas 6 (1 wacana), PBDS SMP (3 wacana), dan PDBS SMA (3 wacana). Setelah dianalisis, hasil relevansi bahan ajar dongeng dan KD dalam Kurikulum 2013, dari 6 tingkatan yang dianalisis, 5 tingkat sesuai dengan KD, tetapi ada 1 tingkat yang tidak sesuai yaitu di tingkat SD kelas 6. Hasil analisis grafik fry yang diujikan pada 15 wacana dongéng rata-rata wacananya  sesuai dan bisa diajarkan pada tingkatannya. Sedangkan untuk hasil klose tes, dari 10 wacana yang  dianalisis, 5 wacana hasilnya lebih dari 50% siswa ada pada tataran gagal (>40%). Jadi wacana tersebut dianggap sulit dipahami oleh siswa.AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe fairy-tale learning materials in the book Pamekar Diajar Basa Sunda (PDBS) that exist in every education level based on the Basic Competence in Curriculum 2013. It is also to determine the reading level of the material in the book. Fairy-tales learning material exists in every level of education, covering grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 of primary school; grade 7 of junior high school; and grade 10 of high school. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method. The measurement of the relevance of the material is based on Basic Competence at every level required by the Curriculum 2013. The measurement of the readability level of the material is based on Fry graphic test and Klose test. The data cover all fairytale texts in the book PDBS, amounting to 15 texts: PDBS grade 3 (3 texts), PDBS grade 4 (2 texts), PDBS grade 5 (3 texts), PDBS grade 6 (1 texts), PBDS for junior-high level (3 texts), and PDBS for senior-high level (3 texts). The results of analysis show that of 6 levels, 5 of them are in accordance with the Basic Competence. The only one level that does not fulfill the Basic Competence is the grade 6 of primary level. The results of the Fry graphic analysis on 15 texts show that most of them are appropriate and can be taught at their respective levels. For the results of the Klose test, 5 of 10 texts resulted failure at 50% of students (> 40%). Therefore, the texts are considered difficult to be understood by students. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-29
Miopap Samvel Asatryan

The article provides definitions of aggression, the causes of its occurrence, as well as fairy tale therapy as a means of overcoming aggressive manifestations. A research was conducted to study the psychological characteristics of the aggressive behaviour of younger schoolchildren. The formative linear experiment was used. The method for diagnosing aggression Bass-Darky and Rosenzweig's test of measuring the aggressiveness were carried out. In the aggressive behavior of primary school children is dominated by negative and indirect aggression; verbal and physical aggression are moderately manifested; auto-aggression, insult and suspicion are weakly expressed. More than half of primary schoolchildren have a high level of aggressiveness. In the vast majority of pupils, aggressive reactions are directed to the environment, that is, the orientation of aggression is extrapunitive. In about a quarter of pupils, the orientation of aggression is impunitive, for what happened they attribute the blame to the situation. The weakest expression has the intrapunitive orientation of aggression, when the child considers himself responsible for the event. To overcome the aggressive manifestations of primary schoolchildren, a training program was used, in which therapeutic tales and training exercises were included. If before applying a training program for overcoming agressiveness, aggressive reactions of most younger schoolchildren were directed at others, and they considered others to be responsible for solving the problem, then after implementing the training program the results of the retest show that there has been a sharp increase in the rate of intrapunitive aggression. That is, children began to count, that the solution of the problem depends more on the person, and in case of failure, the person should blame not the other, but own identity. Therapeutic fairy tales are an effective way to overcome the aggressive behaviour of children in educational institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 186-198
Tatiana P. Bashlacheva ◽  
Svetlana V. Savinova ◽  
Lyudmila N. Vakhrusheva ◽  

The development of coherent dialogical speech is most effectively carried out in preschool age, since this period is favorable for the development of the ability to master oral speech. However, this problem is not always given due attention within the framework of the educational process of preschool institutions, the work is carried out mainly in special classes on speech development. Besides, in various types of organized educational activities, there are great opportunities for teaching dialogue to children, one of which may be a workshop. The empirical part of the work was carried out on a sample of 50 children from the pre-primary education group, at the age of 6-7 years attending the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 26" in the city of Kirov (Kirov region, Russian Federation). For diagnosing their level of dialogic speech development, the methodology for identifying the level of development of dialogical communication skills by M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashina; diagnostics of dialogical speech development in preschool children by A.V. Chulkova. The statistical analysis was carried out through mathematical statistics – Pearson’s test. On the basis of the data obtained, it was concluded that productive activity is an effective means of developing the dialogical speech of senior preschool children; speech skills and abilities include the ability to make contact; the ability to make a request for information; replication; possession of speech etiquette; communication emotionality; the ability to compose a dialogue. The effectiveness of workshops as a means of developing the dialogical speech of 6-7-year-old children can be ensured by creating the following conditions: providing children with the opportunity to conduct dialogues at all technological stages of the workshop; implementation of various forms of organizing children’s joint activities; providing children with the opportunity to organize exhibitions, presentations and playing around hand-made crafts. In the process of applying the technology, the possibilities of each stage of developing children’s speech skills should be taken into account. According to the results of the experimental group χ2emp=31.922, which exceeds the critical value, therefore, the discrepancies between the distributions are statistically valid. The prospect of the study is to study the development of children’s communication skills during the workshop.

2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 327-342
Vladimir A. Chernobrovkin ◽  
Diana V. Tupikina ◽  
Yulia V. Karlova ◽  
Ekaterina V. Yakovleva ◽  

Introduction. At the present stage, the expansion of the range of interests of preschool children is a social order of society for the preschool education system. One of the important tasks of modern education is the development of various forms of personal activity of children, including the development of emotional intelligence. Modern pedagogy faces many problems of a psychological nature. One of the most relevant is the low level of emotional intelligence development. In pedagogical practice, certain difficulties of interaction with preschoolers through the emotional-volitional sphere are noted: features of internal experiences and their influence on the behavioral sphere; a vivid expression of the emotional response; emotional disorders in the form of increased anxiety and fatigue; lack of formation of empathy and empathy; unjustified feelings of fear, etc. Materials and methods. To collect the results, we used theoretical and empirical methods: pedagogical diagnostics, observation, questionnaires, and statistical processing of the research results (Pearson's chi-squared test). The study involved teachers, masters, bachelors of the Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Russian Federation), as well as children (N = 139), parents, teachers and heads of educational organizations. The results of the study. The program was created and tested for the development of emotional intelligence using works of art, including game-fairy tales, exercises, sketches on fairy-tale plots, and advisory material; in creating and conducting generalizing diagnostics for the development of emotional intelligence, identifying new forms of educational activities and components of the educational process. The study conducted using the chi-square test showed statistical differences (p < 0,05) in the results of the diagnostic data of the ascertaining and control stages, which confirms the effectiveness of the development of emotional intelligence of preschoolers by means of artistic works and methods of fairy-tale therapy. In conclusion, the ways to optimize and solve the problems are outlined.

Wildan Seni

Every time a disaster occurs, one of the groups that becomes victims is children, both as victims of death and victims of injuries. Children who have survived a disaster are the group that suffers the most, they suffer the trauma of the disaster and a deep sense of loss. Therefore, disaster mitigation for children, especially primary school age children, is very important so that they are prepared to face the threat of disasters. The vast territory of Indonesia with a variety of disaster threats faced demands creative ideas so that disaster mitigation messages reach Indonesian children, one of which is the use of fairy tale videos. This study aims to find out the extent to which fairy tales can be used as a disaster mitigation media in developing the readiness of primary school children to face the threat of disaster. This research applies library research methods or literature review to the results of studies and relevant scientific publications. From this study, it shows that video media can significantly influence children's knowledge and attitudes. Disaster mitigation messages that are packaged in the form of fairy tale videos are able to attract the interest of children who are ultimately expected to build their preparedness in facing the threat of disaster.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-132
Aida R. Gasharova

The article deals with Lezgi folk riddles. They can be a constituent element of many genres of folklore, although they exist in folk art as an independent genre. The analysis is focused on folk riddles in the “fairy tale” speech, as well as the use of various kinds of “mysterious” elements in the creation of folk tales. The riddle participates in the complication of many fairy tales. The role of the riddle in a fairy tale is controversial. Basically, the function of riddles in a folk tale is entertaining, but their role in fairy tales is also very significant for the formation of the plot. Riddles are firmly entrenched in a number of fairy tales to complicate them. Both folk tales and folk riddles are metaphorical. We study the traditional plots of Lezgi folk tales, in which we find riddles. The purpose of our study is to identify the multi-aspect interdependence of the Lezgin folk riddle as a plot-forming element in various types of fairy tales. Creative imagination often introduces a riddle into the plot of social and everyday tales “about wise answers” (“about guessing”), which most often contain the origins of difficult riddle problems. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the lack of study of this issue in the Lezgi oral and poetic creativity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 234-237
Svitlana Tanana

The article deal with the using of parallel frames of translations in the educational process is one of the effective means of increasing the level of foreign language communicative competence of specialists in foreign languages and translation. The particular means l is especially important for independent work and distance learning. The author accents with the help of parallel corpora of translations, the student, finding the appropriate equivalent of the lexical unit, can draw conclusions about the principle of translation of proper and geographical names (transcription, transliteration), idioms, terms, find matches for certain grammatical and stylistic phenomena.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (192) ◽  
pp. 138-143
Svitlana Fedotova ◽  

A fairy tale is the genre which is well represented in preschool education programmes as well as in the curriculum of general primary education. A fairy tale is an important means for developing children's verbal creativity and their logical thinking. A fairy tale stimulates children's imagination, prepares them for the future life in the real world, broadens their horizons, fosters not only moral and ethical values but also the right attitude to the world. Folk tales were not initially created for children. Adults displayed their own mythological ideas about the world, nature and a man by means of these encoded texts. Over time a fairy tale lost its meaning in the life of adults and was transferred to children becoming part of their everyday reading. A child admires a fairy tale, its fantasy, but does not understand everything. «The Cubes of V. Y. Propp» represent the means and the techniques that help the child to understand the structure of a tale, its content, morality and allegory. Y.Propp proved that a fairy tale is illustrative of the fact that there was a system of various taboos in the life of our ancestors. All these prohibitions gradually formed moral and ethical principles, legal rules and laws of human behavior in society. In the structure of a fairy tale, V. Y. Propp names several main elements, the so-called «The Cubes of V. Y. Propp», namely «absentation», «interdiction», «violation of the interdiction», «departure», «first function of the donor», «hero’s reaction», «receipt of a magical agent», «victory», «return», «happy ending». This structure of a fairy tale serves its magical or ritual function, which makes a fairy tale resemble such an archaic genre as an incantation. In a fairy tale like in an incantation, a magical ritual action and a magical verbal formula are intrinsically linked, and therefore in a fairy tale a taboo as well as a potential punishment are often depicted. Y.Propp's schemes clearly show the typical structure, «models of fairy tales», according to which their «building material» can be defined: fairy tales have sets of «cubes», i.e. typical plot elements, situations, taboos and symbolic actions. And this is also the basis for the differentiation of the works of this folklore genre: some fairy texts have the whole set of «cubes», but there is also such a type of fairy tales in which some of the «cubes» are missing with a particular purpose. The article offers an analysis of fairy tales based on the structure of «V. Y. Propp's cubes». Such an analysis of fairy tales will help preschool and primary school students to understand the content of fairy tales, their morality and allegory. Creative tasks with «V. Y. Propp's cubes» will provide children with the clues to independent creativity, which may result in composing their own fairy tales.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 ◽  
pp. 01013
Tamara Egorovna Andreeva ◽  
Antonina Afanasyevna Vinokurova ◽  
Sargylana Danilovna Vinokurova ◽  
Nadezhda Prokopyevna Nikolaeva ◽  
Kirill Namsaraevich Struchkov

The purpose of this article is to show the possibility of in-depth teaching of the native language in an educational institution, the formation of communicative competence in children, the core of which is in communication skills; introducing students to a new social experience by playing various roles in the Evenk language in educational and game situations through didactic materials, including gaming techniques based on the Evenk language materials. Research hypothesis: gaming techniques in the classroom will form ideas about the native language as a means of knowing one’s culture, promote in-depth teaching of the native language, stimulate the development of productive communication skills, gaining experience; motivate to learn the native language; purposefully listen to the teacher (classmates) when solving a cognitive task; help to obtain communicative results (communication skills by types of speech activity, conducting dialogues and monologues, etc.). The material was various scientific research on pedagogy, the experience of teachers of native languages applied in practice. The expected results of mastering the course “Native language (on the materials of the Evenk language”) will form communicative, linguistic, socio-cultural, educational and cognitive competencies. In the learning process, didactic and creative games, visual aids, dramatization of fairy tales, etc. will be used. Didactic games, if used appropriately and included in the educational process competently, can become an effective means of enhancing the activities of students in the lessons of their native language (on the example of the Evenk language); help to create a language environment while working with senior participants, thus contributing to the development of the native speech of students, as they become active participants themselves. Games can be viewed as a means of developmental teaching, as a means of realizing entertaining learning, acquiring specific practical skills in children, as well as instilling in children a love of knowledge in general, as well as the native language and culture of the people.

Maria Ivasyuk

In the article the problem of peculiarities of formation of communicative competence of first grade students with the help of educational games is analyzed. The initial level of formation of communication skills and abilities of schoolchildren is experimentally researched. The difference between the concepts of «communicative competence» and «language competence» is determined. The peculiarities are analyzed and the main ways of using games in the educationalprocess for developing primary school students’ communicative competence are determined.The influence of educational games on the level of formation of communicative competence is characterized. It is noted that communicative competence affects not only mastering the required amount of language and speech knowledge, but also the process of forming primary school students’ skills of practical use of language in speech and reflects their skills of communicating with others and ability to choose communication strategies and apply a set of relevant skills. The process of formation of communicative competence of 1st grade students involves mastering the skills and abilities of using means of verbal and nonverbal speech; development of dialogic and monologue speech; mastering the culture of oral and written speech and development of skills to navigate in a variety of communicative situations.It has been proved that educational games, because of repeated perception and reproduction of the material, provide strong memorization of lexical units and grammatical structures and influence motivated transfer and use in new gamequalities necessary for establishing contacts with peers.The pedagogical requirements for the use of didactic games during morning meetings and lessons in primary school are determined. In particular, it has been researched that games must correspond to age, individual characteristics and special educational and, in particular, language abilities; the form and content of the game must be substantiated pedagogically and didactically; it is obligatory to involve as many children as possible in the game and to use games in order to develop all kinds of speech activities.The article describes the author’s own pedagogical experience and provides guidelines for the use of educational games in the primary school educational process.

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