2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1

 Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana bahan ajar dongeng dalam Buku Pamekar Diajar Basa Sunda (PDBS) yang ada di setiap jenjang pendidikan berdasarkan relevansi dengan KD yang ada dalam Kurikulum 2013. Dan juga untuk mengetahui tingkat keterbacaan bahan ajar dongeng di dalam Buku Pamekar Diajar Basa Sunda (PDBS). Bahan ajar dongeng  ada di setiap jenjang pendidikan, seperti  di SD di kelas 3, 4, 5,  dan 6, di SMP di kelas 7,  dan di SMA di kelas 10. Penelitian ini menggunakan  metode deskripfif kualitatif. Untuk  mengukur relevansi bahan ajarnya,  disesuaikan dengan KD di setiap jenjang yang ada di Kurikulum 2013. Untuk mengukur tingkat keterbacaan bahan ajar dongeng digunakan uji grafik fry dan uji klose tes. Data yang digunakan adalah semua wacana dongeng yang ada dalam Buku PDBS, jumlah wacana diseluruh jenjang ada 15 wacana: PDBS SD kelas 3 (3 wacana), PDBS SD kelas 4 (2 wacana), PDBS SD kelas 5 (3 wacana), PDBS SD kelas 6 (1 wacana), PBDS SMP (3 wacana), dan PDBS SMA (3 wacana). Setelah dianalisis, hasil relevansi bahan ajar dongeng dan KD dalam Kurikulum 2013, dari 6 tingkatan yang dianalisis, 5 tingkat sesuai dengan KD, tetapi ada 1 tingkat yang tidak sesuai yaitu di tingkat SD kelas 6. Hasil analisis grafik fry yang diujikan pada 15 wacana dongéng rata-rata wacananya  sesuai dan bisa diajarkan pada tingkatannya. Sedangkan untuk hasil klose tes, dari 10 wacana yang  dianalisis, 5 wacana hasilnya lebih dari 50% siswa ada pada tataran gagal (>40%). Jadi wacana tersebut dianggap sulit dipahami oleh siswa.AbstractThe purpose of this study was to describe fairy-tale learning materials in the book Pamekar Diajar Basa Sunda (PDBS) that exist in every education level based on the Basic Competence in Curriculum 2013. It is also to determine the reading level of the material in the book. Fairy-tales learning material exists in every level of education, covering grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 of primary school; grade 7 of junior high school; and grade 10 of high school. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method. The measurement of the relevance of the material is based on Basic Competence at every level required by the Curriculum 2013. The measurement of the readability level of the material is based on Fry graphic test and Klose test. The data cover all fairytale texts in the book PDBS, amounting to 15 texts: PDBS grade 3 (3 texts), PDBS grade 4 (2 texts), PDBS grade 5 (3 texts), PDBS grade 6 (1 texts), PBDS for junior-high level (3 texts), and PDBS for senior-high level (3 texts). The results of analysis show that of 6 levels, 5 of them are in accordance with the Basic Competence. The only one level that does not fulfill the Basic Competence is the grade 6 of primary level. The results of the Fry graphic analysis on 15 texts show that most of them are appropriate and can be taught at their respective levels. For the results of the Klose test, 5 of 10 texts resulted failure at 50% of students (> 40%). Therefore, the texts are considered difficult to be understood by students. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 949
Karlin Karlin ◽  
Wahono Widodo ◽  
Madlazim Madlazim

This research aims to develop valid, practical, and effective science learning material using project learning model to facilitate creative thinking skills on object motion in junior high school. Design of the development are used follow 4D model desin. The learning kit being validated by experts are syllabus, lesson plan, student work sheet, handout, and creative thinking question. The objective of this research was to trial learning materials in 39 grade VIII students in SMPN 31 Surabaya with One Group Pretest Postes Design. The results were analyzed by descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The result were obtained shows that the developed learning materials are: (1) Validity of learning material valid category (3,58); (2) Practicality based on: a) Feasibility of instruction good category (3,9); b) Readability of worksheets and student’s book students stating that the content and appearance of worksheets and student’s book good category; (3) Effectiveness based on: a) Student’s activities high category (93%); b) Result of creative thinking students increased with medium category (N-Gain: 0,62), result of creative thinking students increased with medium category (N-Gain:0,674) in fluency thinking aspect, result of creative thinking students increased with high category (N-Gain:0,726) in flexible thinking aspect, result of creative thinking students increased with medium category (N-Gain:0,531) in original thinking aspect, and result of creative thinking students increased with medium category (N-Gain:0,530) in elaboration thinking aspect; c)The response of students very positively (92%). The conclusion of this research that science learning material developed base on project learning model valid, practical, and effective to facilitate student’s creative thinking in junior high school. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaranIPA model proyek yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk melatihkan berpikir kreatif siswa SMP materi gerak benda. Rancangan pengembangan yang digunakan mengikuti rancanagn model 4D. Perangkat  pembelajaran yang dikembangkan meliputi Silabus, RPP, Handout siswa, LKP, dan Soal berpikir kreatif. Sasaran penelitian adalah perangkat pembelajaran yang diujicobakan pada 39 siswa kelas VIII SMPN 31 Surabaya dengan rancangan menggunakan One Group Pretest-Postest Design. Hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dinyatakan: (1) Validitas perangkat kategori valid (3,58); (2) Kepraktisan perangkat yang meliputi: a) Keterlaksanaan baik (3,9); b)Keterbacaan Handout dan LKP baik; (3) Keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran yang meliputi: a) Aktivitas siswa dengan kategori tinggi (93%); b) Hasil berpikir kreatif siswa mengalami peningkatan dengan kategori sedang (N-Gain: 0,62), pada aspek berpikir lancar (fluent) mengalami peningkatan berkategori sedang (N-Gain: 0,674), berpikir luwes (flexible) mengalami peningkatan berkategori tinggi (N-Gain: 0.726), berpikir orisinal (original) mengalami peningkatan berkategori sedang (N-Gain: 0,531), dan berpikir terperinci (elaboration) mengalami peningkatan berkategori sedang (N-Gain: 0,530); c) Respon siswa terhadap perangkat dan model pembelajaran sangat positif (92%). Simpulan penelitian ini bahwa perangkat pembelajaran IPA model proyek valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk melatihkan berpikir kreatif siswa SMP.

Maya Khairani

National Final Examination is one of the tests that must be passed by each student in Indonesia who want to continue to pursue higher education. The test could cause anxiety on students due to graduation standards. One of the things that influence anxiety toward this test is individual characteristic especially the ability to regulate emotions which are very closely related to emotional intelligence. The sample of this study was 350 students in grade 3 junior high school that will facing National Final Examination from three schools in Banda Aceh. Data collected by The Emotional Intelligence Scale and The Anxiety Toward National Final Examination Scale. The results showed a correlation coefficient r = – 0.376, p = 0.000 ( P <0.05 ). This result implied that there is a negative correlation between emotional intelligence with anxiety toward National Final Examination in grade 3 junior high school’s students in Banda Aceh.Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Anxiety, National Final Examination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Risma Ayu Tryana ◽  
Sunardi Sunardi ◽  
Abdul Aziz Purnomo Shidiq

<p><em>T</em><em>his study aims to discover the readiness of PJOK or sport teachers in the virtual learning in the era of covid-19 in public junior high schools of Pegandon, Kendal. This study uses qualitative method with descriptive approach. This approach is chosen by the writer because it describes the situation of particular events based on the facts that appear as it should be. The subjects of this study are</em> <em>8 PJOK teachers in the public junior high school of Pegandon. This study uses two types of data, namely primary data and secondary data. The data collecting techniques used in this study are observation, questionnaire, and documentation techniques. The data obtained from the result of questionnaire is analyzed and examined its data validity using SPSS 22 program. The result of this study can be concluded that the level of teachers’ readiness in the virtual learning in covid-19 era in the public junior high school of Pegandon can be considered as ready in delivering the learning material virtually. It has average percentage of 75%. For teachers who are considered as not ready in delivering the learning material virtually have the percentage of</em> <em>25% because there are only 2 teachers who are considered as not ready to deliver the learning material virtually. It is caused by the condition of the schools that are isolated, lack of signal, and other causes It can be concluded that the result of of this study is used as knowledge and application for PJOK teachers in the public junior high school in Pegandon regarding on how to provide the PJOK teaching material or learning material which still run properly and correctly in this era of covid-19 even it cannot be conducted in face-to-face method and must be conducted online. The readiness of PJOK teachers is important for the learning development of students in the application of virtual PJOK learning.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Hidha Fajarwati ◽  
Amirudin Latif

The objective of the study is to develop practical English speaking materials by using Problem Based Learning (PBL). The design of the study is research and development which attempts to develop descriptive and recount text for speaking materials. The steps of the research and development for the materials include self evaluation, expert review, one-to-one try out, small group try out, field test, and final product. The subjects of this research are the eighth grade students of State Junior High School 6 Metro. The result of the study is English learning material for speaking skill based on problem based learning.

2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Wahyu Sukma Ginanjar ◽  
Setiya Utari ◽  
Dr. Muslim

Scientific argumentation is the ability to express ideas about science phenomena based on data and existing theories. This capability is important for students to explain scientific phenomena based on data and science concepts. Argument-Driven Inquiry model (ADI) consists of tentative argument production and argumentation session as an appropriate step to enhance student’s capability as well as the quality of their scientific argumentation. This exploratory study with time series design and 12 junior high school students as its sample was conducted  in order to find ways to enhance student’s argumentation and obtain student’s argumentation enhancement on the topic of light. Students’ argumentation were measured based on oral argumentation enhacement trend, while written arguments were analyzed based on Walker's ADI Laboratory Report Scoring Rubric. Results showed an increasing trend of argumentation for level 2, 4 and 5, constant for level 1, and decreased for level 3, while the written argument has an increasing trend with the value of +2.17. These suggested that steps developed in the ADI model could enhance junior high school students’s scientific argumentation on the topic of light.Keywords: scientific argumentation, Argument-Driven InquiryABSTRAKArgumentasi ilmiah merupakan kemampuan mengemukakan ide/gagasan mengenai fenomena sains berdasarkan data/bukti dan teori yang ada. Kemampuan ini penting dilatihkan agar siswa dapat menjelaskan fenomena sains berdasarkan bukti dan konsep sains yang relevan. Model Argument-Driven Inquiry (ADI) memiliki tahapan pembuatan argumen tentatif serta sesi argumentasi. Kedua tahapan tersebut dipandang sebagai langkah yang tepat untuk melatihkan kemampuan berargumentasi dan kualitas argumentasi. Penelitian eksploratori dengan desain time series dan melibatkan 12 siswa SMP ini bertujuan untuk menemukan cara melatihkan argumentasi pada siswa dan memperoleh gambaran peningkatan argumentasi siswa pada topik cahaya. Peningkatan argumentasi ilmiah siswa diukur berdasarkan trend peningkatan argumentasi lisan sedangkan peningkatan argumentasi tulisan dianalisis berdasarkan ADI Laboratory Report Scoring Rubric. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat trend peningkatan untuk level argumentasi 2, 4 dan 5,  konstan untuk level 1 dan menurun untuk level 3, sedangkan argumentasi tulisan memiliki trend peningkatan dengan rerata nilai sebesar +2,17. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa cara-cara yang dikembangkan dalam model ADI dapat melatihkan kemampuan argumentasi ilmiah siswa SMP pada topik cahaya.Kata kunci: argumentasi ilmiah, Argument-Driven Inquiry

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-30
Agus Ahmad Durri ◽  
Hendri Raharjo ◽  
Arif Muchyidin

Some factors of low interresting of Mathematic learning material for student on Junior High School grade (SMP/MTs) are design of learning material that is less animation and  the difficuties of use the learning material. Therefore, the use of learning material should be inovated for increasing the learners’ interrest, to make them easy understanding the subject that has been learnt, and still capable to increase reigion value in their ownselves. One form of this effort is to create learning material in the form of flash mathematics with consits Islamic value. Flash application is an application that can be developed in accordance animatif developer creativity. The purpose of the research is the developing of learning material in the electric learning form that consists Islamic value in Transformation subject. The method of research is research and development, and the design of the research is using the steps of ADDIE model, there are analysis, design, development, implemetation, and evaluation. Data collection techniques included interviews and observations with research instruments are questionnaires, observation sheets and tests. Further analysis of the data conducted by researchers consists  of qualitative and quantitative analysis to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the teaching materials developed. The results of the expert evaluation consisting of a material expert and a media expert, shows that the average velue obtained from every aspects: content quality and purpose,instructional quality of learning material, aspects of the charge Islamic value, and the technique quality was 4.37 that very good category. The results of the assessment by the teachers of Junior High School grade (MTs) Nurul Huda Munjul which consist of two Mathematics teacher and a teacher of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), shows that the average velue of each aspect was 4.46 with very good category. Than the student quationnaire responses result data obtained by the average velue of each aspects: the quality of learning and instructional, technical aspects of the display, and payload  integrition aspects of Islamic value in learning material, namely 3.98, with good categories. The data test scores of student learning outcomes gained an average of 82.34  > KKM (75) with the classical completeness of 89.19% > 85%. The conclusion showed that the quality of Mathematic learning materials charged Islamic velues are developed with macromedia flash and catamsia aplications is feasible and effective to be used in the learning process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Muhammad Sofi Rifandi

<p class="Default">The purposes of the research are: (1) To describe the implementation of the utilization of learning media of Integrated Social Studies Subjects of the Students of Class VII at Public Junior High School 1 of Pasuruan. (2) To know the learning result of the utilization of learning media Integrated Social Studies Subjects of the Students of Class VII at Public Junior High School 1 of Pasuruan. (3) To describe and explain the problems of the utilization of Integrated Social Studies Subjects of the Students of Class VII at Public Junior High School 1 of Pasuruan To achieve the objectives above, it had used descriptive qualitative approach for three months. The key instruments are the researcher, and the collection techniques used observation and interviews. Data can be used by reducing relevant data, exposing data and drawing conclusions. The results of the research showed that (1) the implementation of learning media utilization, the teacher uses audiovisual media using LCD at school, the teacher can use the learning media by using the photo or the video about the learning material that has been explained. (2) the student learning outcomes after utilizing the audiovisual media on integrated Social Science subjects are very well. The average student gets a lot of good results with a value of 8.5. (3) the supporting factors are the facilities of adequate infrastructure, motivation and work ethics of educators in using learning media based on audiovisual, the student’s discipline in following the teaching and learning activities in the class. The inhibiting factors are the lack of awareness of educators in the utilization of learning media based on audiovisual at school.</p><p class="Default"><strong><em>Keywords: audiovisual; learning outcomes</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 496
Yendri Surya Nengsi ◽  
Irfani Basri ◽  
Andria Catri Tamsin

ABSTRACT This article has written the contribution of appreciative reading skills in fairy tale texts to the skills of producing short story text in class VII students of SMP 26 Padang. This research is quantitative research using descriptive methods and contribution research designs. The research data is a score of appreciative short story text reading skills and short story text test scores. Data is obtained through two types of tests, namely objective tests that use short story texts that write. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, the researcher concluded the following three things; first, the average score of appreciative reading skills reads short story texts of students in class VII Padang 26 Junior High School in good qualification (82.01). Second, the average score of short story text students who write students in class VII of Padang 26 Junior High School is in good qualification (79.17). Third, there is a significant contribution between the ability to read short story texts that are appreciative of students who write short story text students in class VII of Padang 26 Junior High School as much as 84.82%. Kata Kunci: kontribusi, kemampuan, membaca apresiatif, menulis, teks cerpen

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 227 ◽  
Farida Ariyani ◽  
Taras Nayana ◽  
Antomi Saregar ◽  
Yuberti Yuberti ◽  
Agitha Pricilia

The internalization of character education in science learning through a variety of learning media has been researched recently, one of which is through the photonovela media which is the medium of insertion of character values in learning material. The focus of this research is; 1) developing photonovela learning media with character education on work material and energy, 2) knowing photonovela media feasibility as a supplement to physics learning with character education on work material and energy 3) knowing the response of students to photonovela media with character education in an energy material. This research is a Research and Development study adopted the development of Borg and Gall with the subject of junior high school students. The research instruments used were questionnaires by material experts, media experts, and junior high school physics teachers and questionnaires for students' responses in the three schools. The results of the assessment by material experts obtained a percentage of 85%, the assessment of media experts was 90%, and the assessment of junior high school teachers was 84.16%, while the response of students in three junior high schools was 87.6%, 94%, and 93.6%. In conclusion, this study produced a product in the form of appropriate photonovela media as a supplement to physics learning with character education on business material and energy

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