scholarly journals The Development of Pop Up 3D General Map Using Discovery Learning Models to Improve Creativity and Learning Outcomes of Social Studies Grade V Elementary School

Wahyu Kurnia Ningsih ◽  
Yatim Riyanto ◽  
Totok Suyanto

The researcher was interested in developing learning media "3D Pop Up general map". This study aims to develop a 3D Pop Up general map media and describe the feasibility and effectiveness of improving the creativity and learning outcomes of social studies material in the Indonesian geographical characteristics of grade V elementary school. This research was conducted in Ujung IX/ 34 SDN, Semampir, Surabaya in the second semester of the 2018-2019 academic year. The development of learning media in this study uses a 4-D model. In this study used instruments in the form of validation sheets, student activity observation sheets during learning, teacher and student response questionnaires to the media, student learning creativity observation sheets, and learning outcomes tests, affective and psychomotor observation sheets. The results of the study show: (1) the learning media developed meet the criteria: (a) the validity shown through the validator's assessment of the learning media is very good; (b) feasibility is shown through teacher and student responses to positive media questionnaires; (c) effectiveness, indicated by student activities in learning in the ideal time span, observations of student learning creativity when learning increases, completeness of cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning outcomes also increases. Thus the "3D Pop Up general map" can be used as an alternative to social studies learning in the fifth grade of elementary school.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (7) ◽  
pp. 568-576
Nurlaini Nurlaini

Improving the quality of social studies learning consists of improving teacher skills, student activities, and learning outcomes. Data on student learning outcomes showed as many as 21 students (70%) of the 30 students did not complete the KKM (64). This happens because the teacher has not been optimal in using learning models and media, causing student activity and learning outcomes to be low. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the quality of social studies learning through the application of the Learning Cycle model with video media. The purpose of this study was to improve the quality of social studies learning through the Learning Cycle model with video media for fifth grade students at SDN 32 Sungai Jaring. This study used classroom action research which was carried out in three cycles, each cycle consisting of one meeting with four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The results of the reflection as planning for the next cycle. The subjects of this study were teachers and 30 fifth grade students at SDN 32 Sungai Jaring. Data collection techniques using test and non-test techniques were analyzed with descriptive and qualitative descriptive statistical techniques. The results showed that the teacher's skills in the first cycle obtained good criteria, the second cycle obtained very good requirements, and the third cycle obtained very good requirements. Student activities in cycle I got good criteria, cycle II got good criteria, and cycle III got very good criteria. Student learning outcomes in cycle I obtained sufficient criteria, cycle II obtained good criteria, and cycle III obtained excellent criteria. The conclusion of this research is the Learning Cycle model with video media can improve the quality of social studies learning for class V SDN 32 Sungai Jaring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 218
Nur Jani

The difficulty of students in writing narratives is a problem that has been found in the field. Students lack mastery in giving an idea and developing it into a narrative essay. The purpose of this research is to create a learning tool for writing narratives based on tree chart media that is valid, practical, and effective. The type of research used is development research with the ADDIE model. The teacher and the fifth grade students of SD Islam Al-Azhar Simabur are the subjects of this study. Looking at the research data with the validity test, which was obtained from the validation sheet of the learning device. Then to see the practicality data from the observation sheet on the implementation of the lesson plans, along with the teacher and student response questionnaires. Activities and assessments of student learning outcomes are obtained from the effectiveness of learning tools. The results of the validation of learning tools that have been carried out are stated in the very valid category. The learning tools developed are also stated to be very practical, this is supported by the RPP implementation sheet with an average of 90 and the teacher's response 89 then students 91. After that, it can be seen that the results of student activities and student learning outcomes are very satisfying so that it can be stated very effective when applied in learning. In summary, the learning tools developed using the tree chart media in fifth grade elementary school were declared valid, practical and effective.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 312
Fitri Meiharty

This research is motivated by the problem of low student learning outcomes in social studies learning at elemetary school 21Balai Makam, Mandau District. The purpose of this study was to improve the learning process and improve social studieslearning outcomes of fifth grade students of elementary school 21 Balai Makam in the 2015/2016 academic year through theapplication of Think Pair Share cooperative learning models. This research was carried out in two cycles. The subjects of thestudy were 26 grade V students consisting of 14 male students and 12 female students. This research was carried out in the evensemester of 2015/2016 academic year in April 2016. Social studies learning outcomes in cycle 1 were obtained on average 73.26and cycle II with an average of 88.33. It can be concluded that the Cooperative Type Think Pair Share learning model canimprove the social studies learning outcomes of fifth grade students of elementary school 21 Balai Makam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-23
Ni Made Catri ◽  
Lilies N. Tangge ◽  
Afadil Afadil

This study aims to describe the increase in activities and student learning outcomes in learning Natural Sciences in class V Kabuyu Inpres Elementary School through the application of the science process skills approach. The method used in this research is classroom action research which consists of 4 stages, planning, implementation, observation, and reflection, with data collection techniques using evaluation tests, observation sheets, and field notes. Research subjects were 27 students. The results showed that using existing instructional devices showed an increase in student and teacher activities. Student learning activity shows the percentage score obtained on the first cycle is 70.05% in the category enough, in the second cycle showed an increase in the percentage score of 90.48% category very good, an increase of 20.43%. Teacher observation activities when applying the material in class I showed a percentage score of 78.33% in the good category, in the second cycle, the percentage score was 95.00% in the very good category, an increase of 16.67%. In the results of the analysis of evaluation tests, the first cycle students showed the percentage of classical completeness 53.70% for the percentage of classical absorption 71.06%, the second cycle showed an increase in the results of the evaluation test evaluation on the percentage of climax completeness obtained 90.74%, and the percentage of absorption laxative results showed 84.96%, KBK increased by 37.04% and DSK increased by 13.90%. Based on the acquisition of these results, it was concluded that the approach to science process skills can improve student learning activities and outcomes in the heat transfer material in class V of Kabuyu Inpres Elementary School in 2018-2019.    

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 771
Ully Fauziah ◽  
Taufina Taufina

This research aims to determine the effect of Jigsaw Cooperative learning on student learning outcomes in social studies learning in grade 5 of elementary school. This research was motivated by the fact that teachers tended to apply conventional learning models, learning was often dominated by teachers, so the learning process was less attractive to students, and student learning outcomes in social studies learning still tended to be low. This research was a quantitative research with quasy experimental research design. The sampling was taken by using purposive sample technique. The research sample consisted of 50 people with a population of 50 people. The treatment that researchers gave to the experimental class aimed to determine the effect that occurred on learning outcomes using the Jigsaw Cooperative Learning Method. The instrument used in collecting data in the form of objective tests with multiple choice forms. Based on the research that has been done, the obtained t-count> t-table was 4.5378> 2.011 with α = 0.05 which meant that H0 was rejected. The average student learning outcomes measured by posttest after learning, namely in the 86.88 experimental class and 75.63 control class. So Ha accepted that there was an influence of the use of Jigsaw Cooperative learning model on student learning outcomes in social studies learning in grade 5 of elementary school.

Thessa Herdyana

This research is aimed to describe the development of smart card based media on the beauty of togetherness themes in class IV elementary school of 026609, South Binjai District. This research was carried out in stages from December to March. The subjects of this research were fourth grade students in elementary school of 026609, South Binjai District by taking as many as 28 students as a large group trial and 10 students for a small group trial. The object of the research is the smart card-based media which developed. This research found that the effectiveness of smart card-based media in improving student learning outcomes has been effectively used in learning, this can be seen from the results of the completeness of student learning in a classical manner on trial I or small group that obtained percentage of 90% and 76% of student response questionnaire and in trial II or large groups of learning outcomes is obtained a percentage of 86% and the results of student response questionnaire is obtained to 86.23%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-47
Pi’i Susanto

Abstract This research is aligned with the wishes of researchers to: 1) Develop a Cerber Method (Continuous Story) to increase the activities of students of Social Sciences Subjects in Class IX A Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sekaran 2018/2019 Academic Year. (2) Knowing the Cerber Method (Continuous Story) can improve Student Learning Outcomes Achievement in Social Studies Subjects in Class IX A Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sekaran 2018/2019 Academic Year. The activeness of students in asking from 30.43% in cycle 1 to 91.30% in cycle 2. The activeness of students in answering the original question 26.09% in cycle 1 to 86.96% in cycle 2. The activeness of students in expressing their original opinion was 30.43% in cycle 1 became 78.26% in cycle 2, so did the percentage of mastery learning 78.26% to 95.65% in cycle 2, the average grade of grade IX A was 75.00 in cycle 1 being the average grade of grade IX A was 94, 00 in cycle 2. The activeness of students also seems to be very enthusiastic in completing assignments given to students showing improvement from cycle I to Cycle II. From the results of interviews with students about the learning process that has been going on, the results are the same as in cycle 1, where all students express very happy. Thus, after analyzing the results of the second cycle, it was decided not to proceed to the next cycle because this research was considered complete. From the results of the analysis of the learning process carried out in cycle 1 and cycle 2 it can be concluded that the Cerber Method (Continuous Story) can increase the activity of Social Studies Subjects in Class IX A Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sekaran 2018/2019 Academic Year. The Cerber Method (Continuous Story) can also improve the Achievement of Student Learning Outcomes in Social Studies Subjects in Class IX A Students of SMP Negeri 1 Sekaran 2018/2019 Academic Year.

2018 ◽  
Dahniar Harahap

Rekognisi: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kependidikan Volume 1, No.1, Tahun 2016 PGSD Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara The purpose of this study are: (a) to know how to use the media image in improving student learning outcomes in social studies learning the material diversity of tribes and cultures in Indonesia (b) to determine student learning outcomes in social studies material diversity of tribes and cultures Indonesia using media images. Media used in this study is the media image, ie an image of the diversity of tribes and cultures in Indonesia, such as image custom homes, traditional clothing, traditional weapons and traditional dances from all regions in Indonesia. The test is performed three times the initial test (pretest), test results of studying the first cycle and the second cycle. Based on data analysis, which showed that: (1) difficulties faced by students in social studies learning are: students who have not been able to explain the contents of the image due to lack of confidence developed in the classroom and explain the contents of the image to a friend, (2) how to use media images in learning social studies in the first cycle that, the teacher explains the material diversity of tribes and cultures in Indonesia by using an image, then the teacher asked students to comment on the pictures, and the second cycle the teacher asks the students to form groups and work the assignment of teachers in groups and provide individual training. (3) At the beginning of the test (pre-test) the ability of the student in completing the material diversity of tribes and cultures in Indonesia is low. I learned on the test results of 37 students who take the test, there are 18 students or 48.64% were thoroughly studied and are not thoroughly studied as many as 19 students or 51.36%. In the second cycle of learning outcomes, from 37 students who take the test are 35 students or 94.60% were thoroughly studied, and there are 2 students or 5.40% were not thoroughly studied. It can be concluded that the use of media images can improve student learning outcomes.

Hasti Wulandari

ABSTRACTThis research was an action research that aims to insrease the activities and student learning result with the implementation model of cooperative learning type teams games tournament with photo story media to increase the activities and learning result of social science in the fifth grade of Glagahombo 2 Elementary School.. The increase of student activities could be seen from the percentage increase of student activities from the first cycle, that was 65,48% became 77,54% in the second cycle and in the third cycle achieved 86,58%. The percentage of student learning result also increased from the first cycle 57,89% became 68,42% in the second cycle and in the third cycle achieved 89,47%. Based on the research result could be concluded that the implementation model of cooperative learning type teams games tournament with photo story media, could increase the activities and the students learning result of Social Science with the material learning of the struggle againsted colonizer in the fifth grade students of Glagahombo 2 Elementary School Keywords: Student Activities, Learning Result, Photo Story Media. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament dengan media Photo Story pada siswa kelas V SDN Glagahombo 2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran IPS dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament dengan media Photo Story, dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa. Peningkatan aktivitas siswa dapat dilihat dari peningkatan persentase aktivitas siswa dari siklus I sebesar 65,48% menjadi 77,54% pada siklus II dan pada siklus III mencapai 86,58%. Persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa juga meningkat dari siklus I sebesar 57,89% menjadi 68,42% pada siklus II dan pada siklus III mencapai 89,47%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Games Tournament dengan media Photo Story dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar IPS dengan materi Perjuangan Melawan Penjajah pada siswa kelas V SDN Glagahombo 2. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas, Hasil belajar, Media Photo Story.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-30
Admin JPTM

This study aims to determine; (1) teacher activities after applying the open ended problems learning model in class XI TBSM SMKN 1 Kurun, (2) student activities after applying the open ended problems learning model in class XI TBSM SMKN 1 Kurun, (3) student responses after applying the open ended problems learning model on the double clutch system lesson, and (4) learning outcomes of class XI TBSM SMKN 1 Kurun, after following the open ended problems learning model on the double clutch system lesson. This research is descriptive quantitative, this research took the subject of class students XI TBSM SMKN 1 Kurun chosen as the subject of research. The instrument used is a test of cognitive learning outcomes, student activity sheet, teacher activity sheet, and student response questionnaires. As well as student learning outcomes related to cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. The results of data analysis showed that overall student activity was carried out well. The completeness of the classically tested cognitive learning outcomes of students in 13 people (92,85%) and 1 student has not yet finished (2,94%), so classically the results of student learning using open ended problems models are said to be successful

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