2012 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Sudaryanto Djamhari

The rice production in Indonesia is not balance with the population rate. Thiscondition is caiseb by the productive agriculture land is coverted into housing area,industries/factories, roads, etc. The “Rawa Lebak” has a high potential to bedeveloped become productive agricultural land. But, there are severval constrainswhich have to be overcome, that is the source of water, where where in the dryseason there are drought and in the rainy season there are fload, the land is notfertile, and produtivity is low. Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) District have “ Rawa Lebak”land area to a high of 164,034 hectars. In not deep and middle “rawa lebak” typeshave high potensial to be developed irrigation agricultural land trough technologyapplication in water management ang cultivation which can increase theagricultural index to 3 times anually and rice production reach to a high of 7,00tons/ha (dry reap). Therefore, “rawa lebak” can be used as alternative in theagriculture developmen outside Jawa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 227
Anggara Putra Yudha ◽  
Syarifuddin Kadir

This study was purpose to analyze carrying capacity water and agricultural land in Aerocity region of Banjarbaru. The method used refers to the Ministry of Environment No. 17 of 2009 concerning Guidelines for Determination of Environmental Carriying Capacity. The main component in this study determines the supply and demand aspects of water and agricultural land. The results showed that the analyze of water carrying capacity in Aerocity region of Banjarbaru showed that the supply of water in 2017 was 104,453,637.9 m3 / Year while the water demand was 66,747,200 m3 / Year. The refore the water carrying capacity status in the Aerocity of Banjarbaru has a surplus because the supply of water greater than water demand, while the results of the Analyze Agricultural Land Capacity in the Aerocity of Banjarbaru show that based on the planned spatial pattern of agricultural land area of Aerocity region is 8.75 ha, while demand for agricultural land is 17,395,989 ha. Therefore, the carrying capacity of agricultural land in Aerocity of Banjarbaru has deficit (deficiency) because land supply less than demand of land.Keywords: Carrying capacity of water; Carrying capacity of agriculture land; Aerocity

2020 ◽  
Lestari Rahayu Waluyati ◽  
Jamhari ◽  
Abi Pratiwa Siregar

The problem in rice production in Java is the decrease of agricultural land area, and the increase of old farmers, the share cropping system is a system of land tenure distribution that is mostly carried out in Java. The research was conducted in Klaten Regency as the centre for rice production in Central Java. This study aims to determine the management of rice farming using a share cropping system and factors that affect its productivity. The research involved 60 farmers as the research samples who were collected using multiple linear regression methods. The analysis revealed that the number of tenant farmers amounted to 38% with a relatively younger age and a land area of 0.7 ha. Economically, they live a decent life with revenue per cost 1.6 and profit per cost C 0.25, and a productivity level of 6.3 tons/ha, which is higher than the landowners are. The share cropping system in rice farming in Klaten Regency is a system of land use and labor that provides good incentives for the tenant

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15 ◽  
Rika Harini ◽  
Rina Dwi Ariani ◽  
Supriyati Supriyati ◽  
M Chrisna Satriagasa

The increasing population in North Kalimantan will affect the provision of land. Agricultural land conversion cannot be avoided to meet the social and economic needs of the population. To find out land conversion and its impacts in North Kalimantan, a study of a) changes in agricultural land area, b) changes in rice production and c) the effect of changes in agricultural land area on North Kalimantan rice production. Quantitative methods of secondary data analysis were carried out to assess rice production and changes in agricultural land presented in frequency tables, graphs and maps. Analysis of the effect of agricultural land area on rice production in North Kalimantan Province was carried out using linear regression analysis. The results showed that the agricultural land area in North Kalimantan in 2012-2017 had a change of 4,955 ha or around 19.56 percent.. Rice commodities in North Kalimantan in general decreased by 25,468 tons or 0.04 percent. While for agricultural land area significantly (0.029) has an effect on rice production in North Kalimantan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-69
Pradityo Fahril Arrahman ◽  
Idah Zuhroh

The purpose of this study is (1) to find out how the effect of land area and labor of the agricultural sector on rice production in East Java Districts and (2) to find out how the differences between productivity strata are related to the influence of agricultural land area and labor on rice production in Districts in East Java Province. The analytical tool used is panel data regression which is then tested by hypothesis F test, t test and coefficient of determination (R2) at the error rate α = 5%. The results of panel data regression with the selected model are Fixed Effect Model showing that the area of land has a positive and not significant effect on rice production with a value of 0.08 and labor has a significant negative effect on rice production with a value of -0.31. While the coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.94 or 94%. Conclusion for East Java, the highest production strata, medium production strata and low strata production coefficient values of land area and labor variables show less than 1, which means inelastic to rice production.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Cinalberto Bertozzi ◽  
Fabio Paglione

The Burana Land-Reclamation Board is an interregional water board operating in three regions and five provinces. The Burana Land-Reclamation Board operates over a land area of about 250,000 hectares between the Rivers Secchia, Panaro and Samoggia, which forms the drainage basin of the River Panaroand part of the Burana-Po di Volano, from the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines to the River Po. Its main tasks are the conservation and safeguarding of the territory, with particular attention to water resources and how they are used, ensuring rainwater drainage from urban centres, avoiding flooding but ensuringwater supply for crop irrigation in the summer to combat drought. Since the last century the Burana Land-Reclamation Board has been using innovative techniques in the planning of water management schemes designed to achieve the above aims, improving the management of water resources while keeping a constant eye on protection of the environment.

Jurnal BiBieT ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Dewi Rezki

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p>Tingginya laju pertumbuhan penduduk dan alih fungsi lahan pertanian, menyebabkan perlunya dilakukan upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi beras. Sedangkan produksi yang diperoleh dari lahan pertanian yang ada belum mencapai hasil yang optimal.  Upaya yang perlu dilakukan  untuk meningkatkan produksi padi diantaranya adalah memperbaiki tingkat kesuburan tanah dan metode budidaya tanaman padi.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh kombinasi yang paling tepat antara bahan  organik kaya sumber hayati (BOKASHI) dan pupuk NPK terhadap produksi padi yang ditanam secara jajar legowo.  penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Pulau Punjung Kabupaten Dharmasraya Provinsi Sumatera Barat pada bulan Juli-Desember 2015.  Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi bokashi + 75 % pupuk buatan memberikan hasil gabah 6.3 ton/Ha, sementara produksi padi tanpa penambahan bokashi + 100 % pupuk buatan memberikan hasil gabah 3.9 ton/Ha, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan bokashi dapat meningkatkan produksi gabah sebanyak 2.4 ton/Ha.  Penambahan 2 ton/Ha bokashi yang ditanam secara sistem jajar legowo pada tanaman padi berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman padi dan dapat mengurangi penggunaan pupuk buatan sebanyak 25 %.</p><p>Kata Kunci : Bokashi, Produksi Padi, Jajar Legowo, Kombinasi</p><p> </p><p align="center">ABSTRACT</p><p align="center"> </p><p>The high rate of population growth and the conversion of agricultural land, causing the need for efforts to increase rice production. While the production obtained from existing agricultural lands yet to achieve optimal results. Efforts should be made to increase the rice production of which is to improve soil fertility and method of rice cultivation. This study aims to obtain the most appropriate combination of organic material rich in biological resources (Bokashi) and NPK fertilizer on rice production are grown Legowo row. Research conducted in the District Pulau Punjung Dharmasraya West Sumatra province in July to December 2015. The study showed that the combination of Bokashi + 75% of artificial fertilizers provide grain yield of 6.3 tonnes / ha, while rice production without adding Bokashi + 100% synthetic fertilizers provide grain yield 3.9 tonnes / ha, thus it can be concluded that the addition of bokashi can increase grain production as much as 2.4 tons / ha. Addition of 2 tons / ha planted Bokashi system Legowo row in rice plants significantly affect the growth and production of rice plants and can reduce the use of artificial fertilizers as much as 25%.</p><p>Keywords: Bokashi, Rice Production, Jajar Legowo, Combination</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 642

The functioning of Uzbekistan’s economy is closely linked to the water resources of its huge cross-border rivers: the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya, as well as to the groundwater present within their basins. Both natural lakes and artificial reservoirs (e.g. the Aydar-Arnasay system of lakes, the Kayrakkum Reservoir, the Chardarya Reservoir) are present there, which retain significant amounts of water, and large canals with lengths of up to several hundred kilometres which involve complex hydraulic structures are used for irrigation purposes. All these are components of a water management system which needs optimisation; as much as 80% of agricultural land is irrigated, with 70% of the water being lost due to inefficient irrigation systems. The consequence of this allocation of river flows and the overuse of water in irrigation systems has been the disappearance of the Aral Sea (1960 year – 68,900 km2, 2017 year – 8,600 km2) and the inflow of water into the Sarygamysh Lake as well as the reduction of Uzbekistan’s groundwater resources by about 40%. The intensive development of irrigated agriculture is associated with changes in surface and groundwater quality caused, inter alia, by the increased use of chemicals in agriculture and the discharge of collector-drainage waters into river systems as well as their reuse. The extent of environmental degradation in some areas (especially in the Aral Sea region) is unique on a global scale. The origins of Uzbekistan’s other hydrological tourist attractions are related to attempts to ensure the availability of water for both human consumption and industrial use under conditions of water scarcity in the country’s arid and semi-arid climates. Not just the spectacular watercourses and water bodies present there (e.g. rivers, lakes, canals), but also small water retention facilities and minor infrastructure elements (e.g. wells, springs and retention basins, canals, ditches and flow control structures) are of potential tourist importance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 3556 ◽  
Gang Liu ◽  
Lu Shi ◽  
Kevin Li

This paper develops a lexicographic optimization model to allocate agricultural and non-agricultural water footprints by using the land area as the influencing factor. An index known as the water-footprint-land density (WFLD) index is then put forward to assess the impact and equity of the resulting allocation scheme. Subsequently, the proposed model is applied to a case study allocating water resources for the 11 provinces and municipalities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB). The objective is to achieve equitable spatial allocation of water resources from a water footprint perspective. Based on the statistical data in 2013, this approach starts with a proper accounting for water footprints in the 11 YREB provinces. We then determined an optimal allocation of water footprints by using the proposed lexicographic optimization approach from a land area angle. Lastly, we analyzed how different types of land uses contribute to allocation equity and we discuss policy changes to implement the optimal allocation schemes in the YREB. Analytical results show that: (1) the optimized agricultural and non-agricultural water footprints decrease from the current levels for each province across the YREB, but this decrease shows a heterogeneous pattern; (2) the WFLD of 11 YREB provinces all decline after optimization with the largest decline in Shanghai and the smallest decline in Sichuan; and (3) the impact of agricultural land on the allocation of agricultural water footprints is mainly reflected in the land use structure of three land types including arable land, forest land, and grassland. The different land use structures in the upstream, midstream, and downstream regions lead to the spatial heterogeneity of the optimized agricultural water footprints in the three YREB segments; (4) In addition to the non-agricultural land area, different regional industrial structures are the main reason for the spatial heterogeneity of the optimized non-agricultural water footprints. Our water-footprint-based optimal water resources allocation scheme helps alleviate the water resources shortage pressure and achieve coordinated and balanced development in the YREB.

Eos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 101 ◽  
Rachel Fritts

Researchers used remote sensing technologies to map Koh Ker’s buried reservoir and calculate its capacity to hold water during the rainy season.

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