scholarly journals Islamic Education Curriculum of Ban Budhee School from The South Thailand Muslim Minority

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-83
Rohmatun Lukluk Isnaini

The Pattani area of Southern Thailand, precisely in the district of Laem Pho, there is a large school called Ban Budhee. It is a royal Islamic-based school that has applied Islamic education curriculum. This study aims to see the components of the curriculum in terms of the limitations of Muslim minority communities in their country in implementing the Islamic education curriculum. This research uses qualitative approach; researcher conducts in-depth interviews, field observation and documentation at the location. This paper focuses on the model of Islamic education curriculum in Muslim minority areas, especially in Ban Budhee School. The Islamic education curriculum is implemented in formal schools and supported by a curriculum held in Tadika (Kindergarten Education Park). Both curriculum are well implemented in meeting the needs of the Muslim community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Lailiyatul Azizah ◽  
Moch. Khafidz Fuad Raya

This study aims to explore the practice of Islamic education leadership in the conflict state, in Pattani Southern Thailand, a region where the conflict is prolonged until the decades are between the Malay Muslim minority with the Thai government that is Buddhist. Using a qualitative approach with the method of case study, this study focused on Madrasah Pattani, with the head of madrasa, one teacher, and three alumni as informants. Interviews were conducted with FGD to find out the extent of leadership in Pattani Madrasas during the conflict. The results were found that in hard conditions, the madrasa could develop a strong madrasa vision by adopting a modern curriculum and integrate it with the Islamic curriculum of Islam. Although this method has been opposed to the entry of Buddhist teachers, the head of madrasah neutralise by making several activities to create social cohesion and build cooperation with universities abroad. Leadership mode is rare and difficult to implement in areas that are being hit by an ethno-political conflict on behalf of religion.     

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Zul Fa

Kurikulum merupakan bagian integral dari pendidikan. Kurikulum juga merupakan media untuk menumbuhkan nilai-nilai agama pada anak-anak, terutama di bidang pendidikan anak usia dini (usia 0-6 tahun). Fokus utama dari penelitian ini adalah beberapa Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) di Kota Salatiga dan Kabupaten Semarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh suatu tujuan, faktual, akurat dan sistematis proses pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan Islam dan strategi yang diterapkan pada objek penelitian. Data dikumpulkan dengan beberapa metode yaitu observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Kemudian data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam di PAUD di Salatiga dan kabupaten Semarang sudah mengacu pada standar di Permendiknas Nomor 58 tahun 2009. Beberapa dari mereka belum mengacu patokan dasar pemerintah. Mereka juga melakukan pengembangan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik masing-masing lembaga. Bahan pendidikan agama Islam yang diberikan cocok dengan tahap perkembangan peserta didik. Materi tersebut disampaikan melalui bercerita, bercakap-cakap, tugas, Iqro ', simulasi dan praktek. Curriculum is an integral part of education. The curriculum is also a medium to cultivate of religious values in children,especially in early childhood education (ages 0-6 years). The main focus of this study is some early childhood education in Salatiga and Semarang district. This study is aimed to gain an objective, factual, accurate and systematic of curriculum implementation process of Islamic education and its strategies that applied in the research object. The data is collected by several methods namely, observation, documentation and interviews. Then the gathered data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative approach. The results indicate the implementation of Islamic religious education curriculum in early childhood education in Salatiga and Semarang districts already refers to the standards in Permendiknas No. 58 of 2009. Some of them have not referring to the government's basic benchmark. They also undertake the development which is appropriate with the characteristics of each institution. The materials of Islamic religious education is given suited with stage of learners’ development. It is delivered by storytelling, chatting, assignments, Iqro ', simulation and practice. Kata kunci: implementasi, kurikulum pendidikan Islam, strategi

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 281
Raodah Raodah

Tata krama dalam adat istiadat orang Katobengke mencerminkan perilaku mereka dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dalam berinteraksi. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk tata krama orang Katobengke dalam lingkup keluarga dan masyarakat, serta tata krama dalam berbagai upacara adat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi dengan penentuan lokasi secara purposive, wawancara mendalam dengan informan yang dipilih secara acak dari tokoh adat, parabela, imam kampung, dan warga Katobengke, serta teknik dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa tata krama orang Katobengke sangat dipengaruhi oleh norma adat yang berlaku, dan sesuai tuntunan parabela selaku ketua adat. Bentuk-bentuk tata krama dalam pergaulan dan kehidupan sehari-hari meliputi tata krama dalam menyapa dan bersikap, tata krama duduk, makan dan minum, berpakaian serta berinteraksi dengan masyarakat. Sedang tata krama dalam upacara adat (haruo) meliputi: Tuturangi Lipu Morikana, Posuo, upacara perkawinan, dan beberapa ritual adat yang masih berpegang teguh sesuai ajaran leluhur orang Katobengke.Manners in the customs of the Katobengke people reflect their behavior in daily life. This paper aims to find out and describe the form of Katobengke manners within family and community, as well as manners in various traditional ceremonies. The method used in this study is descriptive with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through field observation by determining the location in a purposive manner, depth interviews with informans randomly selected from traditional leaders, parabela, village priests, and residents of Katobengke, as well as documentation techniques. The results of the study illustrate that manners of Katobengke people are strongly influenced by the custumory norms that apply and in accordance with parabela guidance as customary leader. The forms of manners in society and daily life include manners in greeting and behaving, manners of sitting, dressing, eating and drinking, as well as interacting with community; while manners in traditional ceremonies include Tuturangi Lipu Morikana, Posuo, marriage ceremonies, and some traditional rituals, which still adhere to the ancestors teaching of Katobengke people.           

Penamas ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Firdaus Wajdi ◽  
Dini Fadhilah ◽  
Mushlihin Mushlihin

This is a study of endeavor in planting of multicultural values carried out by Pesantren Kauman of Lasem in a multi-ethnic community setting. The study of the importance of understanding multiculturalism in a society with religious backgrounds like Indonesia is very crucial. This study contributes to the aspect of teaching multicultural values by one of the representatives of the oldest Islamic education institution, pesantren. It focuses particularly to understand the Pesantren’s motivation and ways of implementation of planting of multicultural values as an effort to maintaining harmony with the surrounding community, which is dominated by ethnic Chinese. This research seeks to answer what are the urgency, the ways of implementation, as well as the responses in terms of educating multicultural values carried out by Pesantren Kauman of Lasem. This pesantren has its own uniqueness because it stands in the midst of a non-Muslim community. This can strengthen the opinion that religion can be social cohesion. This is a qualitative study which employed field observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation study as data collection tools. The main research site is located in Lasem, which is also known as Little China. It found out that the Pesantren grows the motivation to implement multicultural values from theological and sociological perspective. Furthermore, in terms of implementation, the pesantren utilizes the formal-pedagogical as well as nonformal-sociological aspects. This study also concludes that the implementation reaped both pro and contra responses. However, in general the Kauman Pesantren from Lasem succeeded in teaching multicultural values and using them to maintain harmony. This study shows that multicultural values can be taught formally-pedagogically or non-formally-sociologically. The theological aspect can be the point of departure, but the sociological aspects are also essential to consider in planting multicultural values which are then implemented in society. The Pesantren Kauman of Lasem has finally showed successful efforts in teaching multicultural values and using them to maintain harmony in a multicultural society. The results of this study are an evidence that multicultural values are able to be taught formally-pedagogically or non-formally-sociologically. The theological aspect can be the point of departure, but the sociological aspect is also essential to be considered in planting multicultural values which are then implemented in society.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Muhammad Andi Isya'

The conflict between Sunni and Shia has taken place from the very beginning of the two ideologies. The eternal conflict between the Sunni and the Shias enters into the strategic domains of the moral formation of children, namely education. Education is a strategic place in the formation and cadre of a child. Original education is expected to be the formation of a neutral personality, more often ridden with certain ideologies so that the child's personality is formed from Islamic education in accordance with the ideology of an educational institution. The purpose of this research is to know how far conflict sekmetian Sunni and Shia and its impact to education world especially in District of Bangil Pasuruan Regency. This research uses qualitative approach with fenomelogical perspective. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. From the results of this study obtained the conclusion that the conflict that stood for years can stick again when the trigger is punctured. As a result education is a disadvantaged element in this sectarian conflict. Education that should be neutral, polluted and polarized by the divisive elements. In addition, education contributes to polishing and beautifying the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites. Conflicts that occurred have entered the realm of education. A deep understanding of the teachings of affection between fellow Muslims, supported by an unbalanced curriculum of Islamic education and an educator who is not blind fanaticism, will be the solution to the realization of peace for both sects.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Agus Pahrudin ◽  
Syafrimen Syafril ◽  
Heru Juabdin Sada

The recent multicultural education is being discussed from the various problems that hinder it. In addition to social problems, multicultural education is also not free from problems in the process and learning content. This study aims to describe how Multicultural Content-Based Islamic Educational Content ?, The research is run using a descriptive-qualitative approach (multi-case multi-site). The data were collected through in-depth interviews to two experts of Islamic education and focus group interviews to four teachers who have had work experience of seven to twenty years. Furthermore, the data were analyzed qualitatively using NVIVO 10.0 software. The results of the research show that the content of Islamic-Based Multicultural Education Learning is: Explaining the concept of aqidah and muamalah, Designing material by applying multicultural and emphasizing on equality principle, Making culture as Content, and Rahmatalillalamin Islam concept.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-232
Siti Isnaniah ◽  
Fauzan Mustofa

This study aims to compare the management of Islamic education for the BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia Penutur Asing/Indonesian Language Learning for Foreign Speaker) program at PTKI institutions in  Indonesia and Al-Azhar University in Egypt from the aspects of the curriculum, institutions, teachers, students, and evaluation. This research used descriptive analytic method with a qualitative approach. In-depth interviews, content analysis, and observation were applied to collect the data. Data were analysed using the interactive model of Miles & Huberman and comparative analysis. The result of the research showed that BIPA management conducted by PTKI institutions and Al-Azhar university, Egypt in terms of institution, curriculum, language teachers, language learners, evaluation have applied islamic perspective (Aqeeda and Sharia) and Islamic values which are compatible with the regulation set by Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam (Directorate General for Islamic Education) Number 6244 Year 2019. Referring to this regulation, both BIPA program at PTKI institutions and Al-azhar university are considered ready and successful. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-177
Mohd Anuar Mamat

Issues regarding intention in learning are fundamental in Islamic Education tradition of Malay Archipelago, however, remain unsettled among the community. The misconception about intention, selection of teachers and knowledge are exacerbated by the emergence of various thoughts that aiming for material, usefulness and pridefulness in learning. Therefore, this article will discuss the issues regarding intention, selection of teachers and knowledge in learning according to Malay manuscripts, the MSS 2906(B) Tibyān al-Marām Ṭalibah al-Ṭalabah. This manuscript is selected because it was the only manuscript that specifically and comprehensively discussing about Islamic education in Malay Archipelago. This research applied qualitative method and content analysis of Malay manuscript MSS 2906(B). Based on the analysis of this manuscript, it can be concluded that the most important intention in learning is solely to seek the pleasure of Allah on top of other ukhrawi and duniawi related purposes. This book also emphasizes the importance of correct selection of teachers, knowledge and books in learning process. There are several teacher attributes and four categories of knowledge needed in learning process. This study is expected to provide solution to the issues and confusion among the community including students regarding the concept of intention in Islamic education as well as selection of teachers and knowledge in learning. This study also will explore the other research related to Islamic education in the heritage of the Malay-Muslim community.  Keywords: Rules of conduct in learning; Islamic education curriculum, Teacher, Tibyān al-Marām, Manuscript studies Abstrak  Persoalan niat dalam belajar merupakan perkara paling asas dalam tradisi Pendidikan Islam Alam Melayu. Namun begitu, ia masih lagi mengundang kekeliruan dalam kalangan masyarakat tentang tujuan seseorang itu belajar. Kekeliruan ini bertambah serius dengan kemunculan beberapa faham asing yang menyempitkan tujuan belajar dan menjelaskan usaha tersebut adalah untuk tujuan material, gunaan dan kebanggaan. Begitu juga kekeliruan berlaku dalam aspek pemilihan guru dan ilmu. Walhal semua aspek ini amat penting dan ia banyak mempengaruhi kejayaan seseorang pelajar. Justeru, artikel ini akan membincangkan persoalan niat dan ketepatan pemilihan guru dan ilmu dalam belajar menurut salah satu manuskrip Melayu, iaitu MSS 2906(B) Tibyān al-Marām Ṭalibah al-Ṭalabah. Pemilihan manuskrip ini disebabkan ia merupakan satu-satunya manuskrip khusus dan ekstensif yang membicara pendidikan Islam Alam Melayu. Kajian ini mengaplikasi metode kualitatif dengan melakukan analisis mendalam terhadap kandungan teks manuskrip Melayu MSS 2906(B). Berdasarkan analisis kandungan tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahawa niat yang paling utama dalam belajar ialah memperoleh reda Allah SWT di samping tujuan berkaitan ukhrawi dan duniawi yang lain. Begitu juga, kitab Tibyān al-Marām menegaskan bahawa para pelajar perlu memberi perhatian dan membuat pemilihan guru, ilmu dan kitab yang tepat dalam mengikuti proses belajar. Terdapat beberapa atribut guru yang perlu diperhatikan oleh para pelajar dan empat kategori ilmu yang perlu dijadikan asas semasa memilih ilmu yang ingin dipelajari. Dengan adanya kajian ini diharapkan dapat menyumbang kepada penyelesaian masalah dan kekeliruan dalam kalangan masyarakat dan pelajar tentang tujuan sebenar pendidikan Islam serta pemilihan guru dan ilmu semasa pengajian. Artikel ini juga selanjutnya akan meneroka pelbagai kajian lanjutan berkaitan pendidikan Islam dalam khazanah warisan masyarakat Melayu-Islam. Kata kunci: Adab Belajar, Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam, Guru, Tibyān al-Marām, Kajian Manuskrip

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-195
Zulkipli Lessy ◽  
Supean Chemo

Rigorous research has reported reformist figures from Islamic education in Patani Thailand, such as Tuan Guru Haji (TGH) Abd Rahman al-Fathani. This paper discusses the role of TGH Abd Rahman al-Fathani in the development of Islamic education in Ma'had Tsaqafah Islamiyah Pombing Patani Southern Thailand. This study uses field studies with in-depth interviews, observation, and a literature search. The results showed a critical point that the development of Islamic education in Muassasah Ma'had Tsaqafah al-Islamiyah since its inception until now is inseparable from the work and thought innovations of Muassasah leaders with the help of elements in Muassasah's organizational structure. This illustrates the role of TGH Abd Rahman al-Fathani in the development of Islamic education by modernizing Islamic boarding schools, spreading literacy in Islamic education, conceptualizing institutional curricula, and sparking effective learning methods. Supporting factors include togetherness in managing the curriculum and teaching and learning process, adequate facilities and infrastructure, and experienced teachers. Inhibiting factors include different abilities and psychological abilities of students, low community participation, and poor management of funds.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Arbanur Rasyid

<p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Tulisan ini bertujuan menganalisis dinamika pelaksanaan sertifikasi halal pada produk makanan dan minuman di Kota Medan, Padangsidimpuan dan Sibolga. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh dari observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan teknik reduksi, display dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada setiap elemen terkait kehalalan produk makanan dan minuman ditemukan beragam masalah yang menjadi kendala pelaksanaan sertifikasi halal di tengah masyarakat di ketiga kota yang diteliti. Di antara masalah itu adalah keterbatasan wewenang dan dana pada MUI (LP-POM) untuk melakukan sosialisasi sertifikasi halal, lemahnya kesadaran hukum produsen untuk menyikapi keharusan sertifikasi halal pada produknya serta lemahnya pemahaman masyarakat Muslim tentang perlunya memperhatikan dan mewaspadai kehalalan produk makanan dan minuman yang dikonsumsi.</p><p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The Dynamics of Halal Certification Implementation in Food and Baverage in Medan, Padangsidimpuan and Sibolga. This paper aims to analyze the dynamics of the implementation of halal certification in food and beverage products in the respective cities. This type of research is field research with a qualitative approach. Sources of data was obtained from observation, in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively with reduction, display and verification techniques. The results showed that in each element related to the halal food and beverage products found a variety of problems that constrained the implementation of halal certification in the society in all three cities. Among those problems are the limited authority and funds at the MUI to disseminate halal certification, the lack of legal awareness of producers to address the need for halal certification on their products and the limited understanding of the Muslim community about the halal food and beverage products consumed.</p><p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> MUI, sertifikasi halal, pola konsumsi</p>

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