Aksara ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-282
Hadi Machmud ◽  
Fahmi Gunawan

Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tuturan direktif bahasa pengasuhan anak pra-sekolah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian studi kasus. Data penelitian berupa tuturan direktif guru terhadap siswa dan tuturan siswa terhadap guru yang mengandung kesantunan.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode observasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara tematik dan menggunakan paramater kesantunan linguistik tuturan direktif Kunjana (2005). Hasil penelitian ini melaporkan bahwa penanda kesantunan tuturan direktif bahasa pengasuhan guru terhadap anak-anak pra-sekolah itu berupa penggunaan penanda partikel, seperti ki, ta, ji, iyye, yadalam bahasa Bugis dan penggunaan penanda kesantunan berbentuk kata, seperti kata kekerabatan dan kata julukan. Demikian pula, tuturan direktif guru kepada anak-anak pra-sekolah direalisasikan dalam bentuk kalimat sederhana baik yang berbentuk kalimat pendek maupun panjang. Penelitian ini mengimplikasikan dua hal, yaitu implikasi konseptual dan implikasi  praktis. Secara konseptual, penelitian mengembangkan konsep ‘menjaga muka’ Brown dan Levinson (1987), sementara secara praktis, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh para guru sekolah untuk senantiasa menerapkan bahasa santun kepada anak didiknya. Penggunaan bahasa santun itu tentu dapat memengaruhi kejiwaan anak dan di masa mendatang mereka dapat meniru perkataan santun yang disampaikan ke mereka. Kata kunci:anak-anak prasekolah, bahasa pengasuhan, Indonesia, kesantunan linguistik, tindak tutur direktifAbstractThis researchaims to elucidate directive pre-school parenting language in Indonesia. This research adopted a case study research design. The utterances of teacher to student containing politeness and vise versa used as the main data. To collect data, observational partisipant was utilized.  Data analysis was carried out thematically and using the linguistic politeness parameter of Kunjana's directive speech (2005). This study reported that politeness markers of directive speech acts incorporate the using of politeness markers particle, such as ki, ta, ji, iyye, ya, sini in Buginesse language and politenesswords, like kinships and nicknames. Likewise, the teacher's directive speech to pre-school children is realized in the form of simple sentences, both in the form of short and long sentences. This research implied conceptual and practical implications. Conceptually, this research extends the concept 'face threatening act' of Brown and Levinson (1987), while practically, this evidence is expected to be used by school teachers to always apply polite language to their students. The use of polite language can certainly affect children's psyche and in the future they can imitate polite words conveyed to them.Keywords:directive speech act, linguistics politeness, parenting language, pre-school children, Indonesia 

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Sri Meiweni Basra ◽  
Luthfiyatun Thoyyibah

The inappropriate use of speech act in EFL classroom may lead to misunderstanding due to the distinct cultures between the origin of language and the users. The purposes of the research are to find out speech act classification mostly used by an EFL teacher while teaching, the reason of why certain classification was preferred and the implication of the selected speech act classification toward the teaching and learning process. This research is a case study research involving an English teacher teaching an EFL class. The study uses Searle’s taxonomy of speech act classification as the instrument. The findings of the research show the frequency of each classification found as the following: 70% for directives, 21% for representative, 6% for expressive and 3% for commissive. Directive speech acts are used mostly by the teacher because the teacher adopts the principle of Communicative Language Teaching. The use of directive speech act apparently make implication towards the improvement of the students’ productive skills. The study concludes that the choice of speech acts classification determine the teaching approach and vice versa. It is recommended for English teachers wishing to help students to achieve communicative competence to use more directive speech acts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Evi Jovita Putri

<p>The research entitled Directive Speech Act Seen on Family 2.0 Drama Script Written by Walter Wykes purposes to describe and uncover the types of form and intended meaning of directive speech act on that drama script. This descriptive research uses pragmatic approach and theory. The collecting and analysing data are focused on the using of declarative, imperative, and interrogative sentences in the text of drama. The forms of those sentences will be analysed to find out the types of form of directive speech act, while the context of those sentences will be used to analyze the intended meaning of directive speech act uttered by speakers. The results of the research are found that, first, there are two types of the form of directive speech acts, direct directive speech acts and indirect directive speech acts. Direct directive speech acts are represented by imperative sentence without subject; imperative sentence with let; and negative imperative sentence. Meanwhile the indirect directive speech acts are represented by declarative sentence statement; declarative sentence if clause; negative declarative sentences; and interrogative sentences. Second, the intended meanings seen on drama script of Family 2.0 are command, prohibition, request, treat, and persuasion. It can be concluded that, the most frequent intended meaning appeared in directive speech acts on this script is command by the use of imperative forms. Then, the declarative and interrogative forms are used to request something by adults charaters; in contrast the kids characters use them to command and prohibit the hearer.<strong></strong></p><strong>Keywords: </strong> family 2.0, pragmatic, speech act, directive, form and intended meaning

Vidya Karya ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Johan Arifin

Abstract: This research deals with directive speech in the Mario Teguh Golden Ways. This study uses a qualitative approach. That is, data that has been found later identified, analyzed and classified through a qualitative analysis. In line with the approach, the method used is descriptive method. From the results of the study, it is showed that the speech act in Mario Teguh Golden Ways is a directive speech act, which is seen from the number of words used by Mario in giving advice. This can be seen in terms of understanding that researcher found. Directive speech acts (directives) illocutionary aim to produce an effect of an act committed by the addressees; this illocutionary is for example, ordering, commanding, pleading, demanding, and giving advice. Keywords: Discourse, Directives Speech Acts, Mario Teguh Golden Ways Abstrak: Penelitian ini berkenaan dengan bentuk tidak tutur direktif dalam acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Artinya, data yang telah ditemukan kemudian diidentifikasi, dianalisis dan diklasifikasikan melalui analisis secara kualitatif. Sejalan dengan pendekatannya, metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindak tutur yang banyak terdapat pada acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways adalah tindak tutur direktif yang dapat diamati dari banyaknya kalimat yang digunakan oleh Mario Teguh dalam berbicara memberi saran dan nasihat. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari segi pengertian yang telah peneliti dapatkan. Tindak tutur direktif (directives) ilokusi ini bertujuan menghasilkan suatu efek berupa tindakan yang dilakukan oleh petutur; ilokusi ini misalnya, memesan, memerintah, memohon, menuntut, memberi nasihat.Kata kunci : Wacana, Tindak Tutur Direktif, Acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Rd. Januar Radhiya ◽  
Asteria Permata Martawijaya

This study investigates speech act strategies used in earthquake mitigation handbooks in Japan, and focuses on finding the type of communicative functions of the speech act strategies used. The government of Japan has provided online and printed handbooks for the people, to reduce risks to a minimum level regarding the disaster so people can prepare beforehand. The data in this study were collected from online leaflet and handbook regarding earthquake mitigation provided by 9 government city’s websites, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and by collecting actual handbook and leaflets from Indonesian lives in Japan. The data were analysed using descriptive qualitative method. Collected data then categorized into assertive and directive speech acts, negative and positive politeness based on Brown and Levinson’s politeness theory, and focusing on expression of consideration (hairyo hyougen). This study found that there are 659 statements related to earthquake disaster mitigation collected from the data. Also, the findings showed that there are 179 assertive and 480 directives speech acts, with more of imperative directive speech than prohibition directive speech. Moreover, Japanese government tend to use hairyou hyougen on their leaflet and handbook disaster mitigation to show respect to the reader.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-27
Fara Della ◽  
Barnabas Sembiring

This research aims to find out the types of Directive Speech Acts by the characters in “Sleeping Beauty” movie script based on the theory that proposed by Searle theory and analyze the types of directive speech acts that most frequently used in the movie script and the possible reason for it. The subject of the research was the script of the conversation between the characters. The type of this research is Descriptive Quantitative research. In this research, the researcher used documentation as the instrument. The object of this study is the “Sleeping Beauty” movie script by Casper Van Dien. The results of the research show that, first, the types of directive speech acts were Command, request, permission, prohibition, and question. Second, the types of directive speech act that most frequently used were command type. In terms of types, the command is in the highest rank (51 utterances) and prohibition ( 2 utterances)) is in the lowest rank. In terms of reason, the command types (51 utterances) is the most frequently used, because it usually shows the strength of each character very clearly. And also the movie genre also influences the use of its directive speech acts itself.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Siti Maesaroh

Bahasa merupakan alat interaksi sosial atau alat komunikasi antarmanusia, termasuk di dalamnya komunikasi antara guru dengan siswa dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar di kelas. Dalam setiap komunikasi di kelas, guru dan siswa saling menyampaikan informasi yang dapat berupa pikiran, gagasan, maksud, perasaan, maupun emosi secara langsung. Setiap proses komunikasi memunculkan tindak tutur dalam satu situasi tutur. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi penulis untuk melakukan penelitian. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk tindak tutur direktif guru dalam pembelajaran teks eksposisi di Kelas X IPS-3 SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali. Strategi yang penulis pilih adalah langsung literal agar mempermudah pemahaman terhadap mitra tutur. Objek penelitian ini adalah tindak tutur guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seorang guru yang mengajar bahasa Indonesia di Kelas X IPS-3 SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode pengamatan, perekaman, dan pencatatan. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa bentuk tindak tutur direktif langsung literal yang dilakukan guru dalam pembelajaran teks eksposisi di Kelas X IPS-3 SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali berfungsi untuk menyuruh, memohon, menuntut, menyarankan, dan menantang. Tindak tutur direktif langsung literal yang dominan dilakukan guru dalam pembelajaran adalah menyuruh. Language is a means of social interaction or communication among people, including the communication among teachers and students in the teaching and learning activities in the classroom. In every classroom communication, the teacher and student convey information to each other that can be thoughts, ideas, intentions, feelings, or emotions directly. Every communication process brings up acts of speech in a speech situation. This is what lies behind the author to do this study. The purpose of this study is to describe the forms of directive speech acts of the teacher in learning text exposition in Class X IPS-3 SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali. The strategy choosen by the author is literal direct to facilitate understanding towards the interlocutor. The object of this study is the speech acts of teachers and students in the learning process. The subject of this study is a teacher who teaches Indonesian in Class X IPS-3 SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali. The data are collected using observation, recording and noting methods. The result of the research proves that the form of literal direct directive speech act done by teacher in exposition text lesson in Class X IPS-3 SMA Negeri 3 Boyolali serves to ask, to beg, to demand, to advise, and to challenge. The literal direct directive speech act that is dominant done by the teacher in learning is to order.

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-87
Hendri Hendri

From the analysis, I found that the kinds of speech acts in dialogues of the film was dominated by directive speech acts, 340 times or 68%. The second speech act performed was commisive, 64 times or 13%. The third type of speech acts was expressive, 53 times or 11%. The last type of speech acts was representative, 42 times or 8%.. There was no declaration found in the dialogues of the film. Directive is attempt by the speaker to get the addresse to do something, it influnced by the status between the speaker and the hearer. Commisive commits the speaker to some future course of act. Representative commits the speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition, it also deals with the use of language to tell people how things are. Expressive is used to express our feeling and attitudes. In declarative, the person performing the act must have authority to do it, and must do it in appropriate circumstance and with appropriate actions. Students can learn from the film how people speak and how they perform an act by saying something and learn by using role-play. For learners, it is also an interesting thing watching film by observing the way people speak. At least it will give them inputs in terms of custom, behavior and also values hidden in the film.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 94
Nur Aini Syah

The aim of this research are to explain the politeness of directive speech acts and politeness strategy, which supports the effectiveness of the talk show. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data resources are spoken data from three episodes of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat Talk Show on TV One. The technique of data sampling is determined by purposive sampling. The data validation technic in this research is triangulation technic. The result of the research shows that the types of directive speech acts in Satu Jam Lebih Dekat are to please, to request, to ask, to order, to invite, and to forbid. The politeness strategies of Satu Jam Lebih Dekat are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. The politeness of directive speech acts supports the effectiveness of the talk show because of some factors, such as types of directive speech act and politeness strategy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 317 ◽  
pp. 02004
Amarylis Duta Pertiwi ◽  
Mytha Candria ◽  
Dwi Wulandari

Communication within society comprises diverse linguistic choices influenced by social interaction. This study discusses how structures of utterances and types of directive illocutionary acts pertain to the characters’ qualities and non-linguistic factors in Amal Unbound (2018) by Aisha Saeed. This analysis aims to find out the connection between utterances the characters’ qualities such as age, occupation, education, relationship, social status, and non-linguistic factor like the topic or purpose. The underlying theory used in this study is Bach and Harnish’s directive speech act categorization. This study was conducted using qualitative method since it involves discussion on linguistic data (words, phrases, sentences, and utterances). The result of the analysis shows that the utterances of the novel’s characters are affected by the quality they possess and surrounding non-linguistic factors. In conclusion, understanding illocutionary acts open our eyes of the significance of appropriate uses of language in social practice.

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