scholarly journals Media Development Learning Ladders Snakes Educative Subthemes Plants For First Grade Elementery School

Winarti Agustina

Fun educational learning media rarely exist in the elementary school environment . So this study aims to develop educational learning media snake ladder with plant theme for firist grade elementery school. This research was conducted in three elementery schools in Bekasi. The method used is a research and development model with Borg & Gall. The results show aspects of media needs only 25% of teachers using games in learning media. While as many as 83% of teachers think the learning material in the book is very supportive theme to use instructional media. Researchers also conduct tests to students about the concept of living things, especially plants with an average value of 43.33 which enter into the category of "less". Based on these findings, the researchers conducted the development of instructional media educational ladder snake plant subthemes. This medium-sized 2x3.5 m where each field contains information about the plant concepts that are tailored to the learning curriculum. Students also are directly involved with being pawns and dice made from flannel made safe with the size 30x30cm.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 254 ◽  
Muhammad Mustofa Yusuf ◽  
Mohamad Amin ◽  
Nugrahaningsih Nugrahaningsih

The research aimed to product a learning material related to animation video on enzyme and metabolism material for high school student which is validated by media and material experts, educational practition and student legibility. Research and development model is ADDIE with quantitative-qualitative data analyzing methode. Data collection was obtained from validation results by media and material experts, educational partition and student legibility. The validation results were scores and suggestion. The percentage of product from expert media validation (100%), expert material validation (89,58%), educational practition (84,61%), and student legibility (81,91%) showed valid of the criteria and feasible to use after revision.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Lia Angela ◽  
Riko Aprianto

<p>Modul adalah salah satu bahan ajar yang dapat digunakan peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran. Untuk meningkatkan hasil belajarnya, peserta didik membutuhkan modul pembelajaran biologi yang berbasis <em>contextual Taeching Learning</em> (CTL). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan modul yang valid dan praktis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian <em>Research and development </em>(R&amp;D) dengan menggunakan model pengembanan 4-D (<em>four D</em>) terdiri dari tahap define, design dan develop, sedangkan tahap dessiminate tidak dilakukan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan modul yang dikembangkan memiliki nilai rata-rata kevalidan yaitu 3,51 dengan kriteria sangat valid. Nilai rata-rata kepraktisan modul oleh peserta didik yaitu 3,49 dengan kategori praktis.</p><p> </p><p>Modules are one of the teaching materials that students can use in the learning process. Students need a biology learning module based on contextual learning (CTL) to increase their learning achievement. The purpose of this study was to produce a valid and practical module. This research was a Research and development (R&amp;D) study using the 4-D (four-D) development model consisting of define, design and development stages, while the disseminate stage was not carried out. The results of this study indicate that the module developed has an average value of validity 3.51 or on very valid criteria. The average value of the practicality of the module was 3.49 or on the practical category</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (9) ◽  
pp. 720-729
Muhammad Rifqi Mafatikhul Huda ◽  
Ari Wibowo Kurniawan

Abstract: Learning media is a means used to improve the learning process, the delivery of material content by educators to students by using assistive devices. The purpose of this research is to develop learning media for variations of badminton games for KKG PJOK elementary school teachers for grade IV which is packaged in an attractive way in the form of an articulate storyline application 3. The method used in this study uses the Lee and Owen research and development model, by following 5 procedures. stages. The results of data analysis showed that 91 percent of media experts, 75 percent of PJOK experts, 75 percent of learning experts, 95 percent of game experts, and 95 percent of badminton experts stated that the product was good. The results of the overall product trial involved 33 KKG teachers with 8 percentages of small group trials (81.3 percent) and 25 percentages of large group trials (82.1 percent). Based on these data, it can be concluded that this product is valid and suitable for use by PJOK teachers at SD Sananwetan District, Blitar City. Abstrak: Media pembelajaran merupakan sarana yang digunakan untuk menyempurnakan proses pembelajaran, penyampaian isi materi oleh pendidik kepada peserta didik dengan menggunakan alat bantu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran variasi permainan bulutangkis untuk guru KKG PJOK SD kelas IV yang dikemas secara menarik dalam bentuk aplikasi articulate storyline 3.  Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan research and development Lee and Owen, dengan mengikuti 5 prosedur tahapan. Diperoleh hasil analisis data yang menunjukkan 91 persen ahli media, 75 persen ahli PJOK, 75 persen ahli pembelajaran, 95 persen ahli permainan, 95 persen ahli bulutangkis menyatakan bahwa produk baik. Hasil uji coba keseluruhan produk melibatkan 33 guru KKG dengan pembagian uji coba kelompok kecil 8 persentase (81,3 persen) dan uji coba kelompok besar 25 persentase (82,1 persen).  Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk ini valid dan layak digunakan oleh guru PJOK SD Kecamatan Sananwetan Kota Blitar.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 99
I G Adi Aryana ◽  
L.J.E. Dewi ◽  
I.N Pasek Nugraha

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengetahui pengembangan media pembelajaran berbasis video animasi Software Solidworks 2014 dan Adobe Flash CS3, pada mata pelajaran Teknologi Dasar Otomotif (TDO) materi Motor Bakar. 2) Mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis video animasi Software Solidworks 2014 dan Adobe Flash CS3, pada mata pelajaran Teknologi Dasar Otomotif (TDO) materi Motor Bakar kelas X TBSM di SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian (R&D) Research and Development, dengan model pengembangan 4D (Four D models), yang terdiri dari 4 tahap yaitu tahap pendefinisian (define) tahap perancangan (design) tahap pengembangan (development) dan penyebaran (deseminate). Pada penelitian ini baru dilakukan 3 tahap, Hasil validitas dari 1) Ahli materi yaitu sangat layak dengan persentase 85.33%, 2) Ahli media memberikan hasil dengan persentase sebesar 90% sehingga kriteria dari segi media sangat layak, 3) Uji coba kelompok kecil memperoleh persentase sebesar 86.5%, sehingga dapat dinyatakan dalam kriteria sangat layak, 4) Uji coba kelompok besar mendapatkan kriteria sangat layak dengan persentase sebesar 89.2%. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dari penelitian dan pengembangan ini dapat dinyatakan sangat layak dari segi materi, dan media serta tanggapan dari siswa, sehingga media ini dapat dinyatakan sangat layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Video Animasi, Solidworks 2014, Adobe Flash CS3, Motor Bakar.This study aims to: 1) determine the development of instructional media Based on Animation Video of Software Solidworks 2014 And Adobe Flash CS3 in Eyes of Automotive Basic Technology (ABT) Theory of Combustion Engine. 2) determine the feasibility of learning media based On Animation Video of Software Solidworks 2014 And Adobe Flash CS3 in Eyes of Automotive Basic Technology (ABT) Theory of Combustion Engine for Class X TBSM in SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja. This study uses a type of research (R&D) Research and Development, with a 4-D development model (Four D model), which consists of 4 stages, namely the stage of defining, the design phase of development and the development of deseminate). In this research, only 3 stages have been carried out. The results of the validity of 1) Theory experts are very decent with a percentage of 85.33%, 2) Media experts give results with a percentage of 90% so that the criteria in terms of the media are very feasible, 3) Small group trials get a percentage of 86.5%, so that it can be stated in very feasible criteria, 4) Large group trials get a very feasible criterion with a percentage of 89.2%. Based on the results of the discussion of this research and development can be declared very feasible in terms of material, and the media and responses from students, so that this media can be declared very feasible to use for learning. Keywords: Learning Media, Animation Video, Solidworks 2014, Adobe Flash CS3, Combustion Engine.

M Ikhbal ◽  
Hari Antoni Musril

Abstrak: Media pembelajaran merupakan sarana penyalur pesan atau informasi belajar yang hendak disampaikan oleh sumber pesan kepada sasaran atau penerima pesan tersebut. Penggunaan media pengajaran dapat membantu pencapaian keberhasilan belajar. Penelitian perancangan media pembelajaran fisika berbasis android di jurusan teknik komputer dan jaringan SMK Negeri 1 Tanjung Raya merupakan sebuah program bantu untuk memudahkan guru dalam menjelaskan pelajaran serta memudahkan siswa untuk memahami pelajaran yang di ajarkan. Jenis penelitian yang penulis gunakan adalah penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Menggunakan model pengembangan versi 4-D (four D). 4D terdiri dari define, design, develop, dessiminatte. Model pengembangan sistemnya menggunakan model pengembangan multimedia Luther – Sutopo. Dari uji produk yang penulis lakukan memperoleh uji validitas dengan rata-rata nilai 0,85 yaitu valid, uji praktikalitas penulis mendapatkan rata-rata 0,92 dengan kategori sangat tinggi, dan pada uji efektivitas penulis mendapatkan rata-rata nilai 0,92, berdasarkan hasil uji produk ini, dapat membantu mahasiswa, guru atau dosen yang akan melakukan penelitian dalam bidang pendidikan agar penelitian dapat dilanjutkan untuk melihat keberhasilan penggunaan media ini kepada siswa dan para calon guru maupun guru dapat mengembangkan materi dari desain yang telah di rancang ini.   Kata Kunci : Adobe Flash CS6, Adobe Air, Android, Luther-Sutopo, Media Pembelajaran.   Abstract:  Learning media is a means of channeling messages or learning information to be conveyed by the source of the message to the target or recipient of the message. The use of teaching media can help achieve successful learning The research design of Android-based physics learning media in the department of computer engineering and networking at SMK Negeri 1 Tanjung Raya is an assistive program to facilitate teachers in explaining lessons and make it easier for students to understand the lessons taught. The type of research the author uses is Research and Development (R&D) research. Using the 4-D (four D) version development model. 4D consists of define, design, develop, dessiminatte. The system development model uses the Luther - Sutopo multimedia development model. From the product test that the author did, obtained a validity test with an average value of 0.85 that is valid, the practicality test of the writer got an average of 0.92 with a very high category, and on the effectiveness test the writer got an average value of 0.92, based on the results of this product test, can help students, teachers or lecturers who will conduct research in the field of education so that research can be continued to see the successful use of this media to students and prospective teachers and teachers can develop material from this design that has been designed.   Keywords : Adobe Flash CS6, Adobe Air, Android, Luther-Sutopo, Learning Media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Azizah Thalib ◽  
Puji Winarti ◽  
Nurul Kami Sani

This study aims to develop a Serli Practicum Module (Discovery Learning) for Science learning in Class VI Elementary Schools that has met valid, practical, and effective criteria for use in Science learning in elementary schools. This type of research is research and development that uses the Peffers et al development model. The type of development research includes six phases, namely: (1) identifying problems that motivate research, (2) describing research objectives, (3) designing and developing products, (4) testing products, (5) evaluating trial results, and (6) ) communicating results. The results of the study show that the Serli Practicum Module (Discovery Learning) for Science learning in Class VI Elementary School has been valid, practical and effective. Validity values obtained are 61 with very valid criteria. Practical value of 65.73 or very practical. And the acquisition of effectiveness value is 0.70 with effective criteria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Yusuf Fadhilah ◽  
Mochammad Djaohar ◽  
Aris Sunawar

ABSTRACT This research and development is to determine the feasibility of instructional media and produce electronic learning modules based on e-learning with Edmodo applications in Basic Electric and Electronic subjects as learning support media. This research was held in SMK Negeri 34 Jakarta with a sample of 34 people using the Research and Development (R&D) research method with the ADDIE development model which only reached the Implementation stage. The research instrument used a questionnaire as an assessment sheet given to material experts, instructional media experts, and students. Data obtained through testing in the form of pre-test, post-test, and questionnaires are processed qualitative and quantitative. The results of this study indicate: 1) Analysis, the results of the needs analysis require learning support media for the learning support process, and the results of the competency analysis that the subjects of Basic Electricity and Electronics are suitable for use in research. 2) Design, the results of learning pattern design resulting the conducting research and the result of module making producing 11 different modules in odd semester of Basic Electricity and Electronics subject. 3) Development, produce learning media in the form of e-learning based electronic learning modules with edmodo applications in Basic Electric and Electronics subjects that have met the very feasible criteria with the results obtained: 1. Material expert assessment gets a percentage of 93.75% (Very Feasible); 2. Assessment of instructional media experts get a percentage of 71.25% (Feasible). 4) Implementation, trial use of the product to get a percentage of product eligibility to get a percentage value of 84% (Very Feasible) and produce test scores in the form of pre-test and post-test as follows: The results of the experimental class assessment, obtained the average total value of the electrical materials section in the pre-test 37 and post-test 70, while from the sub-section of the electric current circuit, the average value of the total pre-test is 40 and the post-test is 75. In the control class assessment results, obtained the average total value of the electrical materials section in the pre-test of 45 and post-test of 56, while from the direct current electric section subsection the total average value at the pre-test is 54 and the post-test is 68. Based on these results, the development of this study is very feasible to be used as a learning support media that provides a significant increase in value in the experimental class. ABSTRAK Penelitian dan pengembangan ini untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran dan menghasilkan modul pembelajaran elektronik berbasis e-learning dengan aplikasi edmodo dalam mata Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika sebagai media penunjang pembelajaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 34 Jakarta dengan jumlah sampel 34 orang menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE yang hanya sampai tahap Implementasi. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan angket sebagai lembar penilaian yang diberikan kepada ahli materi, ahli media pembelajaran, dan peserta didik. Data didapat melalui pengujian berupa pre-test dan post-test serta angket yang diolah secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan: 1) Analysis, hasil dari analisis kebutuhan membutuhkan media pendukung pembelajaran untuk proses penunjang pembelajaran, dan hasil dari analisis kompetensi bahwa mata pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika sesuai digunakan dalam penelitian. 2) Design, hasil perancangan pola pembelajaran menghasilkan proses pelaksanaan penelitian dan hasil penyusunan modul menghasilkan 11 modul berbeda dalam semester ganjil mata pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika. 3) Development, menghasilkan media pembelajaran berupa modul pembelajaran elektronik berbasis e-learning dengan aplikasi edmodo dalam mata pelajaran Dasar Listrik dan Elektronika yang telah memenuhi kriteria sangat layak dengan hasil yang didapat: 1. Penilaian ahli materi mendapatkan nilai persentase sebesar 93,75% (Sangat Layak); 2. Penilaian ahli media pembelajaran mendapat nilai persentase sebesar 71,25% (Layak). 4) Implementation, uji coba pemakaian produk untuk mendapatkan hasil persentase kelayakan produk memperoleh nilai persentase sebesar 84% (Sangat Layak) dan menghasilkan nilai dari pengujian berupa pre-test dan post-test sebagai berikut: Hasil penilaian kelas eksperimen, memperoleh nilai rata-rata total dari subbab bahan-bahan listrik pada pre-test sebesar 37 dan post-test sebesar 70. Sedangkan dari subbab rangkaian listrik arus searah memperoleh nilai rata-rata total pada pre-test sebesar 40 dan post-test sebesar 75. Pada hasil penilaian kelas kontrol, memperoleh nilai rata-rata total dari subbab bahan-bahan listrik pada pre-test sebesar 45 dan post-test sebesar 56. Sedangkan dari subbab rangkaian listrik arus searah memperoleh nilai rata-rata total pada pre-test sebesar 54 dan post-test sebesar 68. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, pengembangan pada penelitian ini sangat layak digunakan sebagai media penunjang pembelajaran yang memberikan peningkatan nilai yang signifikan pada kelas eksperimen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-253
Arum Donna Safira ◽  
Iva Sarifah ◽  
Tunjungsari Sekaringtyas

Based on the needs analysis, it is necessary to develop interactive learning media. This research and development aims to produce products in the form of articulate storyline web-based interactive learning media for natural science learning and to find out the validation of web articulated storyline-based interactive learning media for science learning in grade V Elementary School. The samples in this study were 9 grade 5 elementary school students in the neighborhood around the researcher's house. The development model used in this study is the ADDIE development model (analyze, design, development, implementation and evaluation). Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis using Miles and Huberman model analysis. The trial results of developing interactive learning media based on web articulate storylines with media experts, materials experts, and learning design experts obtained an average value of 95% with the criteria "very feasible". The results of the one to one trial get an average score of 98.8% and the results of the small group trial get an average value of 99.4%. Referring to the results of data analysis of the Miles and Huberman’s model, the articulate storyline web-based interactive learning media is very suitable for use by fifth grade students in science learning in elementary schools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Azizah Thalib ◽  
Puji Winarti ◽  
Nurul Kami Sani

This study aims to develop a Serli Practicum Module (Discovery Learning) for Science learning in Class VI Elementary Schools that has met valid, practical, and effective criteria for use in Science learning in elementary schools. This type of research is research and development that uses the Peffers et al development model. The type of development research includes six phases, namely: (1) identifying problems that motivate research, (2) describing research objectives, (3) designing and developing products, (4) testing products, (5) evaluating trial results, and (6) ) communicating results. The results of the study show that the Serli Practicum Module (Discovery Learning) for Science learning in Class VI Elementary School has been valid, practical and effective. Validity values obtained are 61 with very valid criteria. Practical value of 65.73 or very practical. And the acquisition of effectiveness value is 0.70 with effective criteria.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Suratmi Suratmi

Learning science in elementary school are learning that should be understood students tounderstand the various problems that occurred in the neighborhood. The subjects were fourthgrade students of Karangtowo elementary school Karangtengah District of Demak district by thenumber of students 27 students. Issues to be discussed include how to improve learningachievement and behavioral changes after making science learning material structure andfunction of plant parts in the fourth grade students of Karangtowo elementary schoolKarangtengah District of Demak district after learning method STAD with the applicationlearning CD. This study uses classroom action research design with two cycles. Each cycleconsists of action planning, action, observation, and reflection. Before taking action done priorlearning pre-cycle ago, which is used as the basis for corrective actions implemented.Results of preliminary tests prior to the act of research, namely in pre-cycle average valueobtained at 66.30. Because the value obtained student in materials science learning structure andfunction of plant parts are still considered very poor, so it needs to be implemented correctiveaction learning cycle I. In the first cycle the average value obtained for class 78.89. Values areachieved by students in the first cycle have been increased quite dramatically, but the valueachieved is still quite a lot that has not reached the minimum standards in the standar value is73.00. In addition, the participation of students is not yet active. There are still a lot of quite a lotof students are shy in presenting their opinions and ask questions. However, participation ofstudents in the first cycle is much better than before the implementation of the action. Based on theresults achieved, it is necessary to repair the holding of the second cycle. In the second cycle ofthe value achieved by students has increased very significantly by an increase of 86.30.Participant enthusiasm of the students and of students in the second cycle is much better. Therehave been many students who dared to ask and answer various matters relating to the learningscience material structure and function of the plant.

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