scholarly journals Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Aktif dengan Metode Practice Rehearsal Pairs pada Materi Suhu dan Kalor Untuk Meningkatkan Penguasaan Konsep Fisika

Zahratur Raodah ◽  
Jannatin ‘Ardhuha ◽  
Muh. Makhrus

Learning is a process of communication between teachers and students. The learning process will be successful if students achieve the expected competencies, because it can describe the ability of students to master a material. A teacher must be able to choose and use appropriate and effective learning methods. This research aims to develop active learning tools with practice rehearsal pairs methods that are suitable for use in learning and can improve students' mastery of physics concepts. This research is a research and development (R&D) with a 4D development model design consisting of 4 stages, namely: define; design; develop; and disseminate. The pandemic condition has made this research only at the develop stage. Based on validation by experts, the development of learning tools in this research is quite valid and reliable. The percentage of validity is 80.83% on the syllabus; 83.33% on the lesson plan implementation; and 79.17% on student worksheets. Meanwhile, the percentage of reliability is 89.40% on the syllabus; 89.70% on the lesson plan implementation; and 91.20% on student worksheets. Based on these results, the development of learning tools in this research is feasible to use with revisions, because it has quite valid criteria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-128
Besse Qur’ani

This study aims to develop learning tools based on Project Based Learning (PPA) in improving the basic skills of catering to students of SMKN 6 in Makassar. This type of research is the development of learning tools in the form of research and development (R/D). The tools developed include the Plan-Implementation-Learning (RPP), jobsheets, and student books. The development model used is a 4-D model with stages of define, design, develope, and dissemination. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, the development of learning tools with the PPA model is declared valid, practical, and effective so that it is feasible to use, so it is necessary to consider criteria that include; (1) the results of the validity of BJBL-based learning tools after being assessed and examined by experts produce valid categories for lesson plans and jobsheets, while for student books in the category are very valid (very good); (2) students' activities get classical completeness in the category of very valid (very good), whereas for cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning outcomes students are in the valid category; and (3) students' responses and management of learning in class categories are very valid. The suggestions put forward in this study are (1) to fellow teachers to use the PPA model as an alternative used in the learning process; (2) PES-based learning tools that have been developed after being made improvements and revisions can be trialled at several other schools based on the problem characteristics of each school

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1A) ◽  
pp. 59-69
Roby Zulkarnain Noer ◽  
Fadhlan Muchlas Abrori

Pemanfaatan media pembelajaran di dalam kelas selama proses pembelajaran pada kebanyakan sekolah di Indonesia umumnya kurang inovatif dan cenderung monoton. Monotonnya pengunaan media dalam proses pembelajaran menyebabkan siswa tidak mampu mengikuti pelajaran dengan maksimal sehingga pembelajaran menjadi tidak efektif dan efisien. Salah satu media pembelajaran yang efektif digunakan dalam kelas untuk membangkitkan motivasi dan minat siswa adalah media grafis terutama media komik pembelajaran. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas komik pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pengembangan (research and development). Model pengambangan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan modifikasi pengembangan perangkat Four-D Model. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan di atas maka dapat disimpulkan: Kualitas komik pembelajaran ditinjau dari penilaian validasi dari ahli materi didapatkan hasil komik pembelajaran memiliki kriteria valid dengan presentase 90,3%. Penilaian validasi dari ahli media didapatkan hasil validasi komik pembelajaran memiliki kriteria valid dengan presentase 87,8%. Penilaian validasi ahli bahasa pada komik pembelajaran memiliki kriteria valid dengan presentase 96 %. Hasil uji coba lapang berdasarkan penilaian guru dan dan siswa didapatkan presentase pada guru sebesar 86% dan pada siswa sebesar 86.5% (valid). Generally, using of instructional media in the classroom during learning process in most schools in Indonesia is less innovative and monotonous. That problems it caused students can not followed the lesson maximally, therefore learning process becomes uneffective and unefficient. One of the effective learning media can be use in the class to increase motivation and interest of students is the graphic/visual media, for example is a comic. The purpose of this research is to find out of comic quality. This research approach is research development (R&D). The developing model in this research and development uses modification of Four-D Model. Based on the above result and discussion it can be concluded: The quality of learning comic review from the validation of the material experts obtained the result of the learning comic having valid criteria with 90.3%. Assessment validation from media expert got result of validation of comic learning have valid criterion with percentage 87,8%. Assessment of validation of linguists on learning comics has valid criteria with 96% percentage. The results of field trials based on the assessment of teachers and students obtained a percentage of teachers at 87.2% and at students of 86.5% (valid).

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Arya Setya Nugroho ◽  
Wahyuni Wahyuni

Abstrak: Pengembangan wayang ini dimaksudkan untuk pemenuhan ketersidaan media yang memberikan kemudahan dalam pengelolaan proses belajar mengajar. Model metode penelitian ini merupakan model R&D (Research and Development), namun hanya menggunakan lima tahapan ialah potensi dan masalah, pengumpulan data, desain produk, validasi desain serta revisi desain. Hal tersebut disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penelitian dan kondisi pandemi saat ini. Hasil valid serta layak diperoleh dari validasi media serta materi dari pakar validator kemudian dapat diaplikasikan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Hasil validitas atas pakar materi 1 diperoleh nilai 20 atau 80% dan ahli materi 2 memperoleh skor 22 atau 88%, sedangkan hasil validitas dari pakar media 1 mendapatkan nilai 43 atau 91% dan validasi pakar media 2 memperoleh 41 atau 95,5%. Pengembangan wayang tersebut diharapkan mampu memenuhi perangkat pembelajaran salah satu nya media sebagai penunjang keterlaksanaan proses belajar mengajar.DEVELOPING WAYANG BASED NATIONAL HEROES FOR THE 4th GRADE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL’S TEACHING MEDIAAbstract: The development of puppets is intended to fulfill the availability of media which provides convenience in managing the teaching and learning process. The research method model used is the R&D (Research and Development) model, but it only uses five stages, namely potential and problems, data collection, product design, design validation and design revision. This is adjusted to the needs of research and the current pandemic conditions. The results of media validation by media and material expert validators obtained valid results and were feasible to be applied in the teaching and learning process. The results of the validity of the material expert 1 obtained a score of 20 or 80% and the material expert 2 obtained a score of 22 or 88%, while the results of the validity of the media expert 1 got a value of 43 or 91% and the validation of the media expert 2 got 41 or 95.5%. The development of puppets is expected to be able to fulfill learning tools, one of which is the media to support the implementation of the teaching and learning process.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 223
Andy Azhari ◽  
Mastuang Mastuang ◽  
Abdul Salam M.

This study is base on the low of media’s aplicability. But actually in the case is medias’ aplicability can help teacher to drill the students’ aplication concept. The purpose of this study is to produce physich learning’s media that suitable to use in drilling students’ aplication concept. The specific purfose of this study are (1) to describe the validity of physich learning’s media, (2) to discribe the practically of physich learning’s media based on lesson plan implementation during physics learning process, (3) to describe effectiveness of physich learning’s media based on students’ result test. This research and development used ASSURE (Analyze learner, state objectives, slect modify or design materials, utilize materials,require learner response and evaluate) design. The product result from this study is physich learning’s media with macromedia flash about optics. The study shows that: (1) The validity of learning media is categorized as good validity with a little correction, (2) the practically of learning media based on lesson plan implementation during physics learning process is categorized as practical, and (3) efectiveness of learning media based on students’ result test is categorized as effective. The conclusion of this research and development is physich learning’s media with macromedia flash is suitable to use in drilling the students’ aplication concept.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 158-175
Endah Riski Kartini

This research aims to develop, design, and create innovations in education that can be used in learning, namely Android-based BTS-BI applications that can be used to facilitate teachers and students in implementing the learning process. If teachers and students cannot attend class learning, this application can be utilized. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive approach that was developed using a research and development model. The results of this study are Android-based "BTS-BI" (Indonesian-Student Textbook) application designs. This application contains Indonesian material that has been adapted to the applicable curriculum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Farida Rahmi ◽  
Noorhidayati Noorhidayati ◽  
Maulana Khalid Riefani

The use of good and appropriate teaching materials during the teaching and learning process can make learning more meaningful, namely creating an atmosphere of active learning for students, so that students can achieve the competencies expected by understanding the concepts of learning. The concept of the human circulatory system is a Biological concept that is relatively difficult to understand, so research and development of teaching materials are carried out in the form of handouts. This research and development aim to describe the validity of the concept handout of the human circulatory system of class XI IPA SMAN 6 Banjarmasin. This research is a type of research and development with a 4D development model. This research is limited only to the Develop stage. The results of the research and development of the concept handout of the human circulatory system of class XI IPA SMAN 6 Banjarmasin are classified as very valid with a validity value of 90%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-24
Mispandi Mispandi ◽  
Endang Mulyani

This study aims to determine, the process of development, eligibility and student responses to student worksheets based on simulation methods. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D), using the Borg & Gall development model. The subjects of the study were students of class XI of SMA Negeri 1 Sambelia. The results showed that the results obtained were validated material, language, and design 3.44 with the appropriate category, and the students' response was 4.16 with the appropriate category. The results showed that the development of student worksheets based on simulation methods was feasible to use and influenced student learning outcomes in economic subjects. The contribution of research as a tool in the learning process for teachers and students in schools.

Yunara Nurmaya ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Muhammad Zuhdi ◽  
Hikmawati Hikmawati

 ABSTRAKPerangkat pembelajaran merupakan bagian terpenting dalam proses pembelajaran, dimana proses pembelajaran berjalan efisien, efektif dan juga terstruktur karena adanya perangkat pembelajaran. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan berupa perangkat pembelajaran model inkuiri terbimbing yang terdiri dari silabus, RPP, LKPD, instrument tes penguasaan konsep. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran fisika yang valid, efektif, dan efisien dengan menggunakan model inkuiri terbimbing pada materi alat-alat optik untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Research and Development (R&D) dengan model 4D yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate. Perangkat yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini adalah silabus, RPP, LKPD, dan instrumen tes penguasaan konsep. Kevalidan perangkat yang dikembangkan diperoleh berdasarkan penilaian angket dari enam validator yaitu tiga validator ahli dan tiga validator praktisi, kemudian kevalidan perangkat dianalisis dengan menggunakan skala Likert. Keefektifan perangkat diperoleh berdasarkan analisis lembar observasi keterlaksanaan RPP dari tiga orang observer yang kemudian ditentukan dengan menggunakan perhitungan Interjudge Agreement (IJA) dan perolehan nilai N-Gain. Selanjutnya, keefisienan perangkat didapatkan dari hasil uji coba terbatas pada peserta didik kelas XI yang kemudian ditentukan dari respon guru dan peserta didik. Maka dapat disimpulkan perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan efektif. Terakhir, dari respon guru dan peserta didik didapatkan beberapa kendala dari pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan sehingga perangkat pembelajaran model inkuiri terbimbing kurang efisien untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : perangkat pembelajaran; inkuiri terimbing; penguasaan konsep ABSTRACTLearning tools are the most important part of the learning process, where the learning process runs efficiently, effectively and is structured because of the learning tools. The learning tools developed are in the form of guided inquiry learning models which are based on the syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheet, and concept mastery test instruments. The purpose of this research is to develop valid, effective, and efficient physics learning tools by using guided inquiry models on the material of optical tools to improve concept mastery. This study uses a Research and Development (R&D) type of research with a 4D model consisting of four stages, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The tools developed in this study were the syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheet, and concept mastery test instruments. The validity of the developed device was obtained based on a questionnaire assessment of six validators, namely three expert validators and three practitioner validators, then the validity of the devices was analyzed using a Likert scale. The effectiveness of the device was obtained based on the analysis of the RPP implementation observation sheet from three observers which was then determined using the calculation of the Interjudge Agreement (IJA) and the acquisition of the N-Gain value. Furthermore, the efficiency of the device was obtained from the limited trial results for class XI students which was then determined from the responses of the teacher and students. So it can be concluded that the learning tools developed are effective. Finally, from the responses of teachers and students, there are several obstacles from the learning that has been done so that the guided inquiry learning model is less efficient for use in learning. Key Word : Learning tools; guided inquiry learning; mastery of concepts

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 80
Mia Riani Rahman ◽  
Atma Murni ◽  
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain

This research was underlined by the few availability of Mathematics learning tools as the teacher’s guidance in implementing the learning and the low Mathematics achievement of the students. This research aims to produce valid,  practical, and effective learning tools by using cooperative learning models of Numbered Head Together (NHT) structural approach on sequence and series material. This research and development was conducted by adapting a 4-D development model by Thiagarajan. The stages of this research consisted of Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination. The validation results of the learning tools consisting of syllabus, Lesson Plan, and LKPD that are 92%, 92,07%, and 94,33% with extremely valid criteria. The practicality result on small group trial is 93,99%, big group trial is 93,42% and teacher’s response 93,88% with extremely practical criteria. The effectiveness result shows that the students’ learning achievement increases by using the developed learning tools.

Rahasti Isnaini ◽  
Gunawan Gunawan ◽  
Muhammad Taufik

  This study aimed to develop learning tools on business and energy materials based on project based learning models that are suitable for use in learning. This research was a development research by 4Ddevelopment model design consisting of 4 stages, namely: define; design, develop, and disseminate. This research was only up to the stage of development. Based on the results of validation by experts, the development of learning tools in this study was valid. The percentage of validity was 87.5% on the syllabus; 87.5% on the lesson plan implementation; and 82.5% on student worksheets. Based on the results, the development of learning tools in this study is feasible to use with revisions to the student worksheet because it has quite valid criteria.

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