scholarly journals Pengembangan Program Resitasi Berbantuan Komputer pada Materi Fluida Statis

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Askiyah Amalina ◽  
Muhammad Reyza Arief Taqwa ◽  
Agus Suyudi

This research was conducted to develop a computer-assisted recitation program on statics fluid topics The type of research used is R & D (Research and Development) by adapting the Four-D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) developed by Thiagarajan, but the research carried out is limited to the develop stage. The product has been validated by 2 media experts in the field of physics education. The feasibility test was carried out on 97 students who took Basic Physics I courses. Based on the results of validation by experts, the average value was 3.74 for content validation and 3.56 for product validation with valid criteria. The feasibility test obtained a proportion of 92.58% in the eligible criteria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
Ismi Nurul Qomariah ◽  
Mistianah Mistianah

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran Think berbasis media I Spring suite 8 bagi mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development. Pengembangan media pembelajaran menggunakan metode Research and Development (R & D) dengan model 4 D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Dessiminate). Penelitian ini dimulai dari tahap define yaitu mengidentifikasi konsep-konsep material yang harus terkandung dalam media. Mendesain lebih lanjut model pembelajaran Think berbasis media pembelajaran I Spring suite 8. Setelah media dirancang dan dibuat maka dilakukan tahap pengembangan yaitu validasi produk oleh ahli dan uji coba produk pada proses perkuliahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa validitas ahli materi dalam kriteria valid dengan persentase 88 persen, hasil validitas ahli media dalam kriteria valid dengan persentase media pembelajaran sebesar 89 persen. Dari uji kelayakan diperoleh hasil uji kelayakan. Disimpulkan bahwa media termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik.Asbtract. This study aims to develop I Spring suite 8 learning media based Think learning model for Biology Education college students. The type of this research was Research and Development. The development of  learning media uses the Research and Development (R & D) method with the 4 D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Dessiminate). This research starts from the define stage that was identificatethe material concepts that must be contained in media. Furthermoredesign the I Spring suite 8 learning media based Think learning model. After media has been designed and created, the development stage was carried out, namely product validation by experts and product testing in the lecture process. The results showed that the validity of the material experts was in valid criteria with the percentage of 88 percent, the results of validity by media experts were in valid criteria with the percentage of learning media as much as 89percent. From the feasibility test, it was concluded that the media is included in the categoryvery good.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-84
Zainuddin Zainuddin ◽  
Mastuang Mastuang ◽  
Misbah Misbah ◽  
Melisa Melisa ◽  
Fitriana Dewi Ramadhani ◽  

The purpose of this study was to describe the effectiveness of a wetland environment-based practicum module to train students' science process skills. This research was a research and development study with a 4D model (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) with the limitations of this research in the form of product effectiveness only. The product has been validated and the result was 89% categorized as very valid. The subjects of the trial were students of Lambung Mangkurat University Physics Education and the subjects of the distribution stage were Physics Tadris students UIN Antasari. The instrument used in the study was a science process skills assessment sheet, meanwhile the data analysis is done by calculate the n-gain on the value of science process skills and accompanied by the average value of each meeting as supporting data. The results shows that this module was effective in the medium category. It can be conclude that this wetland environment-based practicum module is effective for use in lectures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 186
Imas Ratna Ermawati ◽  
Desti Setianingrum ◽  
Maurina Maurina

Kemajuan zaman yakni dari segi teknologi memiliki peranan penting dalam mendukung pembelajaran. Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan efektivitas E-learning Schoology pada materi persamaan Bessel untuk melatih karakter mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan bagian dari Research and Development dengan model Allessi & Trolyb (Planning, Design, Development). Subjek uji coba adalah 25 mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika FKIP UHAMKA semester IV yang dipilih secara purposive samlpling. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah melalui observasi yang digunakan untuk mengetahui hasil kegiatan dengan pembelajaran E-Learning melalui media Schoology. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini menghasilkan Kelayakan penggunaan E-learning Schoology ditinjau dengan menggunakan angket untuk mengukur karakter mahasiswa pada pengumpulan tugas. Kelayakan penggunaan Schoology dengan nilai rata-rata 71% dengan kriteria baik saat menggunakan E-learning Schoology ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata-rata keseluruhan untuk 6 prinsip karakter pengguna tingkat tinggi dengan rata-rata kejujuran 8,58, disiplin rata-rata 9, 08, materi iklan rata-rata 9,33, rata-rata 8,76 dan tanggung jawab rata-rata 7,37. Rata-rata keseluruhan karakter adalah 8,60 (baik).  Simpulannya adalah bahwa E-learning melalui media Schoology layak untuk melatih karakter dalam belajar mahasiswa semester IV pada materi persamaan Bessel.The progress of the times in terms of technology has an important role in supporting learning. The focus of this research is describes the effectiveness of e-learning Schoology on the Bessel equation material to train student character. This research is part of the Research and Development by Alessi & Trolyb (Planning, Design, Development) model. The test subjects were 25 Physics Education FKIP UHAMKA semester IV students selected by purposive sampling. The data collection technique is through observation used to find out the results of activities with E-Learning learning through Schoology media. This research and development resulted in the feasibility of using E-learning Schoology reviewed by using a questionnaire to measure students' character in collecting assignments. The feasibility of using Schoology with an average value of 71% with good criteria when using E-learning Schoology is indicated by the overall average score for six high-level user character principles with an average honesty of 8.58, discipline an average of 9.08, creative average 9.33, average 8.76 and average responsibility 7.37. The overall average of the characters is 8.60, with a good category. This research concludes that E-learning through Schoology is feasible to train character in fourth-semester student learning on the Bessel equation material.

10.32698/0492 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39 ◽  
Desrianti Sahida ◽  
Enny Zarvianti

The current study is research and development study, conducted based on observation results obtained from STKIP Muhammadiyah Sungai Penuh. 4-D model was applied in this study. The 4-D model consists of (1) define. Curriculum analysis was conducted, resulting in 48 credits obtained. Analysis on students was conducted, resulting in data revealing that the students’ creative thinking skills are still categorized as low. Analysis on subject matters was conducted, resulting in decision to implement the study in Basic Physics I subject matter.(2) design, where the preliminary practicum guide was obtained. (3) development, where the PBL-based practicum guide was categorized as 0.84% valid, 92.5% practical, 77% effective for cognitive aspects, competent for CTS improvements, 80% creative, 84% competent for attitudes and 84% competent for skills (4) dissemination, where the PBL-based practicum guide was categorized as 92% practical, 76.9% effective for cognitive aspects, competent for CTS improvements, 70% creative, 84% competent for attitudes and 86% competent for skills.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 113 ◽  
Anzar Anzar ◽  
Anshari Anshari ◽  
Juanda Juanda

This research is a development research which aimed to produce teaching materials of the drama appreciation based on local wisdom on the students of the Indonesia literature and language education Faculty of Teacher and the Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar which is valid, practical and effective. This is a Research and Development (R & D) study by using 4-D model of development Thiagarajan through stages: (1) assessment or initial tracing of topics that will be constructed or reconstructed; (2) development of teaching materials products from the findings that has been achieved; (3) experimental material trial testers that have been developed at the research site and the product will be used (4) improvement of teaching materials in accordance with the findings in the preliminary situation in the field. The results of the research are (1) The teaching materials product of drama appreciation based on Bugis Makassar local wisdom is valid because the average validity of the validation result of the material expert M = 3.54 is in the "Very Valid" class. (2) The product of study material of drama appreciation based on local wisdom of Bugis Makassar is considered practical because the average value obtained is M = 2, it can be concluded that this value belongs to the class " fully implemented” (3) based on effectiveness criteria of teaching materials product based on local wisdom drama appreciation Bugis Makassar declared effective as data showed that the maximum completeness met and that 91.89% of students who received a score of 75 and above.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Mistianah Mistianah ◽  
Ismi Nurul Qomariyah

This study aims to develop a focusky-based module on Paracytology course for Biology Education college students. The type of this research is Research Development (Research and Development). The development of focusky-based module uses the Research and Development (R & D) method with the 4 D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Dessiminate). This research starts from the define stage where at this stage identification of material concepts that must be contained in focusky-based module. Furthermore  design the focusky-based module. After focusky-based module has been designed and created, the development stage is carried out, namely product validation by experts and product testing in the lecture process. The results showed that the validity of the material experts was in valid criteria with the percentage of paracytology modules of 89%, the results of validity by media experts were in valid criteria with the percentage of learning media as much as 88,25%. From the feasibility test, it was concluded that the module is included in the category very good.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79 ◽  
Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Djukri Djukri

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) kelayakan media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer pada materi Bryophythe untuk peserta didik kelas X, (2) keefektifan media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer terhadap kemandirian belajar peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri I Girimulyo, dan 3) keefektifan media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer terhadap penguasaan konsep peserta didik kelas X SMA Negeri I Girimulyo. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D). Pengembangan dilakukan dengan mengacu pada model 4-D yang meliputi define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan) and disseminate (penyebaran). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer yang dikembangkan menurut ahli materi, ahli media, pendidik biologi, teman sejawat, peserta didik uji coba terbatas maupun peserta didik uji coba lapangan secara umum berkategori baik. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa produk pengembangan media pembelajaran biologi berbantuan komputer yang telah dikembangkan layak digunakan, (2) media pembelajaran komputer ini efektif untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar peserta didik, dan (3) media pembelajaran komputer ini efektif untuk meningkatkan penguasaan konsep peserta didik. Kata kunci: media pembelajaran berbantuan komputer, kemandirian belajar, penguasaan konsepDEVELOPING COMPUTER-ASSISTED LEARNING MEDIA AND EFFECTIVENESS AUTONOMY LEARNING AND CONCEPT MASTERY BRYOPHYTE Abstract This study aims to find out: (1) the feasibility of the computer-assisted learning media for grade X students of senior high school, (2) the effectiveness of the computer-assisted learning media to autonomy learning of grade X students of SMA Negeri I Girimulyo, and 3) the effectiveness of the computer-assisted learning media to concept mastery of grade X students of SMA Negeri I Girimulyo. The type of this study was Research and Development (R &D). The development was done by referring to 4-D model including define, design, develop and disseminate. The result of the study showed that: 1) the computer-based learning media was developed according to the material expert, media expert, biology teachers, colleagues, definite testing students and field testing students which generally in good category; it showed that the computer-based learning media product that had been developed is ready to use, (2) this computer-assisted learning media effective to improve autonomy learning of learners, and (3) this computer-assisted learning media effective to improve concept mastery of learners. Keywords: computer-assisted learning media, autonomy learning, concept mastery

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 99 ◽  
Matsun Matsun ◽  
Dochi Ramadhani ◽  
Isnania Lestari

This study aims to: (1) develop android based  magnet learning media in Physics Education Study Program; (2) to know the feasibility of learning media of Magnet Power based on androiddi of Physics Education Program. This research is a research and development (R & D) which refers to the model proposed by Thiagarajan by using 4-D model (Four-D Models) which consists of four stages, namely: define, design stage, development (develop), and dissemination stage (disseminate). The feasibility of android-based learning media is validated by material experts and media experts. Based on the result of data analysis, it is concluded that (1) the learning media of Android-based Magnet Electricity in Physics Education Study Program successfully developed with 4-D (Four-D Models) model that is define, design, develop, and disseminate. (2) learning media of Magnet Power based on android in Physics Education Study Program developed feasible to use with very good  category.Keywords: Learning Media, Magnet Electricity, Android.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Lalu A. Didik ◽  
Muh. Wahyudi ◽  
Muhammad Kafrawi

This study aims to determine the misconceptions and level of understanding of physics education students on dynamic electricity. The method used is descriptive quantitative research methods. The research sample was 33 students of the tadris physics study program who are currently taking basic physics courses 2 even semester 2019/2020. Data collection used a 3-tier diagnostic test. In the concept of current and electric voltage, students who are included in the full understanding category are 26% and 29% understand partially with the low category and the level of misconception reaches 45%. In the concept of ohm law and electrical resistance, it was found that students with a full understanding level of 23% and partially understanding 14% were in the low category and the level of student misconception showed the largest percentage, namely 63% with the high category. In the concept of electrical circuits, students with a full understanding level of 29% and partially understanding 50% and included in the medium category with student misconceptions showed the smallest percentage was 21% with the low category. As a whole, it shows that the average level of students' understanding and misconceptions on dynamic electricity material is still low with a percentage of 26% and partial understanding is moderate with a percentage of 31% and a misconception of 43% with a moderate category. Keywords: Misconception, level of undertanding, 3-tier diagnostic, electricicity.ABSTRAK.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui miskonsepsi dan tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa tadris fisika pada materi listrik dinamis. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian adalah 33 orang mahasiswa program studi tadris fisika yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah fisika dasar 2 semester genap 2019/2020. Pengumpulan data menggunakan 3-tier diagnostic test. Pada konsep arus dan tegangan listrik, mahasiswa yang termasuk dalam kategori pemahaman penuh sebesar 26% dan paham sebagian sebesar 29% dengan kategori rendah dan tingkat miskonsepsi mencapai 45%. Pada konsep hukum ohm dan hambatan listrik didapatkan bahwa mahasiswa dengan tingkat pemahaman penuh sebesar 23% dan paham sebagian 14% dengan kategori rendah dan tingkat miskonsepsi mahasiswa menunjukkan persentase paling besar yaitu sebesar 63% dengan kategori tinggi. Pada konsep rangkaian listrik, mahasiswa dengan tingkat pemahaman penuh 29%, paham sebagian 50% dengan kategori sedang serta miskonsepsi mahasiswa menunjukkan persentase paling kecil yaitu 21% dengan kategori rendah. Secara kesuluruhan rata-rata tingkat pemahaman dan miskonsepsi mahasiswa pada materi listrik dinamis masih tergolong rendah dengan persentase sebesar 26% dan paham sebagian tergolong sedang dengan persentase 31% dan miskonsepsi sebesar 43% dengan kategori sedang.Kata kunci: miskonsepsi, tingkat pemahaman, 3-tier diagnostic, listrik dinamis

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Hariawan Hariawan ◽  
Muslimin Muslimin ◽  
I Komang Werdhiana

The skills to construct and interpret graphs are a form of science skills and are an important component in learning physics. The purpose of this study was to describe the ability of undergraduate physics education students to construct graphs based on practicum data and interpret them. Data obtained through respondent answer sheets, thinking-aloud recordings, and interviews. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Untad and the research subjects of the Physics Education Study Program students were 6 people obtained based on the values of Basic Physics I and Basic Physics practicum II then divided into three groups of levels (high, medium, and low) with each category as many as 2 people. The results of this study indicate: 1) in general, respondents in the high, medium, and low categories can construct graphs but are not based on the prerequisite ability to construct graphs, especially in determining the x-axis and y-axis variables, 2) on the ability to interpret graphs, respondents can interpret graphs the relationship between variables on the graph but not supported by an explanation or evaluation based on proper physics concepts, 3) The strategy used by respondents in constructing graphs, in general, is to convert data in decimal form or scientific notation and 4) The difficulties experienced by respondents when constructing graphs are converting data, determining the scale and how to determine the variables on each graph axis.    

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