scholarly journals The Review of Act Number 39 year 2004 Concerning The Placement and Protection for Indonesian Workers Abroad

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Lalu Husni ◽  
Idrus Abdullah ◽  
RR Cahyowati

Labor migration in the era of free trade is a necessity, as part of the international community, Indonesia must participate in the globalization era, so it can not withstand nationals to seek a better life abroad. The purpose of this study to know and understand the weaknesses of the Act No. 39 of 2004 on the placement and protection of migrant workers, knowing and understanding the formulation of norms of protection of migrant workers to protect it properly. Research methods, normative law research, with the statute approach, conceptual approach, and conceptual approach. The types and sources of legal materials, using primary legal resourse, legal resourse secondary, and tertiary legal resource. Mechanical collection of legal materials, is done by performing a search, collection and documentation, processing and analysis of legal materials through a process of legal reasoning  logical, systematic and coherent. Conclusion, weakness No..39 Act of 2004 regarding the Placement and Protection of Migrant Workers so it can not protect properly, this is due to provisions that prohibit or liability, but is not followed by the threat of legal sanction. Their norms do not provide clear who is the subject of law. Their formulation of norms "skill" that should be in the form of "necessity", so that the selection of a local recruit migrant workers can actually be done properly, and can prevent ekploitation human / human trafficking. The existence of norms regulating the legal subjects that are outside the boundaries of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Provisions that contradict each other (inconsistency). There are provisions governing unilateral legal subjects. Legal uncertainty because the agreements made on the basis of agreement between the workers / laborers (prospective TKI) with the employer / user services, the formulation of norms of protection of migrant workers to protect properly, namely by stating the principles of humanitarianism  and the principle of national responsibility  as the foundation footing.

Danièle Bélanger

Asia is known as a continent where human trafficking is particularly prevalent. Departing from the bulk of research on trafficking in Asia that focuses on illegal migration and prostitution, this article examines the embeddedness of human trafficking in legal temporary migration flows. This analysis uses survey and interview data to document the experiences of Vietnamese migrants who worked in East Asian countries. It identifies a continuum of trafficking, abuse, exploitation, and forced labor, and examines how exploitation begins at the recruitment stage with the creation of bonded labor. Guest-worker programs in destination countries put migrants in particularly precarious situations, which do, in some cases, qualify as trafficking. I argue that temporary migration programs may create the conditions that lead to extreme forms of exploitation among many legal migrant workers in the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (39) ◽  
pp. 16
Igor Hnes ◽  
Volodymyr Babyak ◽  
Uliana Sokolyk

In the process of state development, migrant has a great influence on public life and socio-economic relations. In the system of migration processes the leading role is played by labor migration, which is realized in the form of labor migration. The object of the study is housing for migrant workers. The subject of the study is the impact of labor migration on the living standards of workers. The main goal is to summarize where and how many Ukrainian migrant go and identify the three most popular countries, to find out where Ukrainian workers live better, and why do they their homeland?Key words: migrant worker, dwelling, housing for migrants, city workers, rental housing.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 82-106
Steve Kwok-Leung Chan

English Abstract: Thailand is a popular destination for irregular labor migration from Myanmar. Among some three million Burmese migrant workers in Thailand, more than half are undocumented. Undocumented migrant workers rely on brokers to smuggle them into Thailand. Some undocumented migrant workers are lured, tricked, and forced to work but they are not rewarded with a reasonable wage. A conceptual framework of the shadow sector of labor migration is formulated in this study, which attempts to explain why ethnic minorities in Myanmar are socially categorized by the level of their deprived citizenship. Those low in the hierarchy of categorization are likely to fall into the shadow sector of the labor migration process. Ethnic minorities from areas of insurgency are exposed to a high risk of human trafficking.Spanish Abstract:Tailandia es un destino popular para la migración laboral irregular de Myanmar. Entre unos tres millones de trabajadores migrantes birmanos en Tailandia, más de la mitad son indocumentados. Los trabajadores migrantes indocumentados confían en intermediarios para pasar de contrabando a través de la frontera a Tailandia. En este estudio se formula un marco conceptual del sector paralelo de la migración laboral que trata de explicar por qué las minorías étnicas en Myanmar se clasifican socialmente por el nivel de su ciudadanía privada. Aquellos que se encuentran en la jerarquía de categorización baja probablemente caigan en el sector oscuro del proceso de migración laboral. Las minorías étnicas de las áreas de la insurgencia están expuestas a un alto riesgo de trata de personas.French Abstract:La migration irrégulière de main-d’oeuvre et la traite d’êtres humains sont des sujets récurrents des études migratoires, mais le sujet le plus traité jusqu’à présent concerne le mouvement Sud Nord. La Thaïlande, en tant qu’économie en développement de l’Asie du Sud-Est, est une destination prisée pour la migration de main-d’oeuvre irrégulière myanmaraise. Parmi les quelques trois millions de travailleurs migrants birmans en Thaïlande, plus de la moitié sont sans papiers. Les travailleurs migrants sans papiers comptent sur les intermédiaires pour passer clandestinement la frontière de la Thaïlande afin d’y rechercher un emploi. Certains travailleurs migrants sans papiers sont attirés, trompés et forcés à travailler sans la récompense d’un salaire raisonnable. Un cadre conceptuel du secteur parallèle de la migration de main-d’oeuvre est formulé dans cette étude qui tente d’expliquer pourquoi les minorités ethniques du Myanmar sont classées socialement par leur niveau de privation de citoyenneté. Ceux qui sont au bas de la hiérarchie de la catégorisation risquent de tomber dans le marché parallèle du processus de migration de main-d’oeuvre. Les minorités ethniques des zones de l’insurrection sont exposées à un risque élevé de traite d’êtres humains.

2016 ◽  
pp. 103-123 ◽  
N. Mkrtchyan ◽  
Y. Florinskaya

The article examines labor migration from small Russian towns: prevalence of the phenomenon, the direction and duration of trips, spheres of employment and earnings of migrants, social and economic benefits of migration for households. The representative surveys of households and migrant-workers by a standardized interview were conducted in four selected towns. Authors draw a conclusion about high labor spatial mobility of the population of small towns and existence of positive effects for migrant’s households and the economy of towns themselves.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-28
Efnan Dervişoğlu

Almanya’ya işçi göçü, neden ve sonuçları, sosyal boyutlarıyla ele alınmış; göç ve devamındaki süreçte yaşanan sorunlar, konunun uzmanlarınca dile getirilmiştir. Fakir Baykurt’un Almanya öyküleri, sunduğu gerçekler açısından, sosyal bilimlerin ortaya koyduğu verilerle bağdaşan edebiyat ürünleri arasındadır. Yirmi yılını geçirdiği Almanya’da, göçmen işçilerle ve aileleriyle birlikte olup işçi çocuklarının eğitimine yönelik çalışmalarda bulunan yazarın gözlem ve deneyimlerinin ürünü olan bu öyküler, kaynağını yaşanmışlıktan alır; çalışmanın ilk kısmında, Fakir Baykurt’un yaşamına ve Almanya yıllarına dair bilgi verilmesi, bununla ilişkilidir. Öykülere yansıyan çocuk yaşamı ise çalışmanın asıl konusunu oluşturmaktadır. “Ev ve aile yaşamı”, “Eğitim yaşamı ve sorunları”, “Sosyal çevre, arkadaşlık ilişkileri ve Türk-Alman ayrılığı” ile “İki kültür arasında” alt başlıklarında, Türkiye’den göç eden işçi ailelerinde yetişen çocukların Almanya’daki yaşamları, karşılaştıkları sorunlar, öykülerin sunduğu veriler ışığında değerlendirilmiş; örneklemeye gidilmiştir. Bu öyküler, edebiyatın toplumsal gerçekleri en iyi yansıtan sanat olduğu görüşünü doğrular niteliktedir ve sosyolojik değerlendirmelere açıktır. ENGLISH ABSTRACTMigration and Children in Fakir Baykurt’s stories from GermanyThe migration of workers to Germany has been taken up with its causes, consequences and social dimensions; the migration and the problems encountered in subsequent phases have been stated by experts in the subject. Fakir Baykurt’s stories from Germany, regarding the reality they represent, are among the literary forms that coincide with the facts supplied by social sciences. These stories take their sources from true life experiences as the products of observations and experiences with migrant workers and their families in Germany where the writer has passed twenty years of his life and worked for the education of the worker’s children; therefore information related to Fakir Baykurt’s life and his years in Germany are provided in the first part of the study.  The life of children reflected in the stories constitutes the main theme of the study.  Under  the subtitles of “Family and Home Life”, “Education Life and related issues”, “Social environment, friendships and Turkish-German disparity” and “Amidst two cultures”, the lives in Germany of children who have been  raised in working class  families and  who have immigrated from Turkey are  evaluated under the light of facts provided by the stories and examples are given. These stories appear to confirm that literature is an art that reflects the social reality and is open to sociological assessments.KEYWORDS: Fakir Baykurt; Germany; labor migration; child; story

Moreana ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 39 (Number 149) (1) ◽  
pp. 41-60 ◽  
Eugenio M. Olivares Merino

The recent reprinting of Álvaro de Silva’s 1998 edition of a selection of More’s letters prompts the author to examine the subject of Spanish translations of More, and of de Silva’s general commentary on More’s correspondence and on his relationship to other humanists. The author reflects on aspects of More’s personality as exposed in his letters and uses what he finds as a corrective to several biographical misconceptions. He points out the strengths and weaknesses of de Silva’s work and compares it with that of other translators, particularly Elizabeth Rogers, and notes the particularly Spanish quality of de Silva’s edition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 278-282
Kirill A. Popov

This review is devoted to the monograph by Jan Nedvěd “We do not decline our heads. The events of the year 1968 in Karlovy Vary”. The Karlovy Vary municipal museum coincided its publishing with the fiftieth anniversary of the Prague spring which, considering the way of the presentation, turned the book not only to scientific event but also to the social one. The book describes sociopolitical trends in the region before the year 1968, the development of the reformist movement, the invasion and advance of the armies of the Warsaw Pact countries, and finally the decline of the reformist mood and the beginning of the normalization. Working on his writing, the author deeply studied the materials of the local archive and gathered the unique selection of the photographs depicting the passage of the soviet army through the spa town and the protest actions of its inhabitants. In the meantime, Nedvěd takes undue freedom with scientific terms, and his selection of historiography raises questions. The author bases his research on the Czech papers and scarcely uses the books of Russian origin. He also did not study the subject of the participating of the GDR’s army in the operation Danube, although these troops were concentrated on the borders of Karlovy Vary region as well. Because of this decision, there are no materials from German archives or historiography in the monograph. In general, the work lacks the width of studying its subject, but it definitively accomplishes the task of depicting the Prague spring from the regional perspective.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 110-121
María Shcherbakova

В течение последних нескольких десятилетий проблемы терминологии привлекли внимание многих исследователей и ученых, что может объясняться растущей важностью науки в жизни людей. Развитие медицинской терминологии началось много веков назад и продолжается по сей день. Основная цель этой работы заключается в рассмотрении терминологического глоссария сердечно-сосудистой системы, созданного на основе  Nomina Anatomical 2001 года, а также в комплексном анализе перевода специализированной терминологии. Наряду с разработкой испано-русского двуязычного глоссария, мы также обратили внимание на анализ собранных данных и комментарии, которые могут предотвратить ошибки и путаницу среди переводчиков и получателей переведенной информации. Для достижения целей мы прибегли к методу анализа параллельных текстов на выбранную тему в испанском и русском языках, а также к методу визуализации, что позволило нам перевести термины из списка и гарантировать высокий уровень точности, объективности, корректности, эквивалентности и адекватности. Основной гипотезой данной статьи является то, что, несмотря на греческое и латинское происхождение большинства выбранных терминов на испанском и значительной их части в русском языке, дословный перевод представляет собой наиболее серьезную и наиболее распространенную ошибку, которую совершают переводчики медицинских текстов, что объясняется особенностями развития медицинских систем в русском и испанском языках, где каждая отрасль терминологии сосредоточилась на своих собственных эволюционных принципах.Resumen: En las últimas décadas, los problemas de la terminología han llamado la atención de muchos investigadores y científicos, lo cual se explica por la creciente importancia que adquiere la ciencia en la vida de las personas. La terminología médica empezó su formación hace siglos y sigue desarrollándose hasta el momento. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es dar cuenta de la creación de un glosario de la terminología del sistema cardiovascular basada en la Nómina Anatómica del año 2001 y un análisis exhaustivo de la traducción de términos realizada. Además de la elaboración de un glosario bilingüe español-ruso también nos hemos centrado en el análisis de datos recogidos y comentarios que pueden prevenir errores y confusiones para los traductores y otros destinatarios. Para conseguir los objetivos propuestos hemos optado principalmente por el método de análisis de textos paralelos acerca del tema elegido en español y en ruso, así como el de la metodología de visualización, lo que nos ha permitido traducir los términos de la lista representada garantizando el máximo nivel de fidelidad, objetividad, precisión, equivalencia y adecuación. La hipótesis principal del presente artículo consiste en que, a pesar del origen griego y latín de la mayoría de los términos seleccionados en castellano y una gran parte de los términos en ruso, la traducción literal de éstos representa el error más grave y más frecuente de los traductores de los textos médicos ya que debido a las peculiaridades del desarrollo de los sistemas de lenguajes médicos en español y en ruso, la terminología de cada idioma ha seguido sus propias pautas de evolución.Abstract: During the last few decades the problems of terminology have caught the attention of many researchers and scientists which can be explained by the growing importance of science in the lives of people. Medical terminology formation began centuries ago and keeps developing nowadays. The main objective of this paper is to discuss the terminological glossary of the cardiovascular system created based on the Nomina Anatomical 2001 as well as the comprehensive analysis of specialized terminology translation. Apart from the development of the Spanish-Russian bilingual glossary, I have also focused on the analysis of data collected and comments that can prevent errors and confusion among translators and recipients of the translated information. To achieve the objectives the method of analysis of parallel texts on the subject chosen has been used in Spanish and in Russian, as well as that of visualization, which allowed us to translate the terms from the list and guarantee the highest level of fidelity, objectivity, accuracy, equivalence and adequacy. The main hypothesis of this article is that, despite the Greek and Latin origin of most of the terms selected in Spanish and a large part of the terms in Russian, their literal translation represents the most serious and most common mistake that translators in healthcare setting make due to the peculiarities of the development of medical systems in Spanish and Russian languages, where each language terminology has followed its own guidelines of evolution.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 001112872098719
Davina Durgana ◽  
Jan van Dijk

This article takes stock of studies conducted in eight countries to estimate the prevalence of human trafficking by employing the technique of Multiple Systems Estimation on data on victims of human trafficking recorded by state and non-state institutions. It presents an overview of MSE-based prevalence estimates of human trafficking victims per 100,000 inhabitants of these countries, disaggregated by type of exploitation, gender, and age. For some countries it also presents the different likelihoods of various sub-categories of trafficking victims, such as minors and migrant workers, to be detected by authorities and/or NGOs. Next, the article recounts what these studies have taught us about the suitability of applying MSE on existing multi-source databases to estimate the prevalence of trafficking victimization. The article concludes with a discussion on the promises and limitations of MSE and its prospects for further development, especially among developed nations.

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