scholarly journals Globalización en Latinoamerica: Continuidad y Discontinuidad del Proceso de Mundialización Capitalista

2017 ◽  
pp. 99
Ivan Pincheira Torres

La globalización está presente a medida que se diseña el nuevo mapa del mundo, en el cual se puede apreciar cómo cambian la relación y el comportamiento que han tenido hasta ahora tanto las sociedades como los individuos. Por esto, cualquier esfuerzo teórico por tratar de entender los distintos procesos que atraviesa Latinoamérica tiene que inscribirse necesariamente en el contexto de la globalización. Nada puede ser discutido prescindiendo de ésta. En este sentido, el presente trabajo tiene la pretensión de describir las diversas dimensiones y manifestaciones que comportan el fenómeno de la globalización.Palabras Clave América Latina / Globalización / sociedad / individuo. Abstract:The globalization is present in the form by means of which the new map of the world is designed, in which it is possible to see the changes on the relations, the behaviors that have had until now societies as well as individuals. Hence, any theoretical effort to try to understand the different processes that Latin America undergoes must be necessarily registered in the context of the globalization. Nothing can be discussed without it. In this sense, the present work aims at describing the diverse dimensions and manifestations that form the phenomenon of the globalization.Key words Latin America / globalization / society /  individual 

2019 ◽  
Vol 67 (266) ◽  
pp. 360
Pedro Assis Ribeiro de Oliveira

A importância sociológica da religião não se mede pelo número de seus adeptos, mas por sua capacidade de formar o “clima moral” da sociedade. A América Latina, constituída para ser economicamente explorada pelas metrópoles e ainda na periferia do sistema econômico mundial, vive hoje uma onda de participação política dos setores populares em busca de democracia e de uma outra AL possível. Esses sinais dos tempos interpelam a Igreja católica, onde a pastoral comprometida com os Direitos Humanos e com as lutas populares tem sido contestada por setores conservadores. O V CELAM reafirmará a participação da Igreja na construção desse novo “clima político”, ou se preocupará apenas em aumentar o número de seus membros?Abstract: The sociological significance of religion is not measured by the number of its followers but by its ability to produce a “moral climate” in society. Latin America, still on the periphery of the world economic system and constituted to be economically exploited by the metropolises is currently experiencing a wave of political participation on the part of the most popular sectors of society in search of real democracy and of other possibilities for Latin America. These signsofthetimes are challenging the Catholic Church where the pastoral committed to the popular struggle and to Human Rights is being contested by the conservative sectors. Will the 5th Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM) reaffirm the Church’s participation in the construction of this new “political climate” or will it only be concerned with expanding its membership?

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-52
L Gironés ◽  
A.H. Arias ◽  
J.E. Marcovecchio

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are compounds that have been forbidden in most of the World countries for been highly toxic and persistent. Due to their intrinsic characteristics, even today, they can be found in almost any environment. In this work it was aimed to analyze their distribution in Latin American coastal sediments, at Atlantic and Pacific oceans, through the analysis of thirty three scientific publications that characterized a total of fifty five sites. It was observed that general concentrations depended of the own characteristics of each site, being larger closer to big cities or intensive agricultural fields, as well as semi-closed environments with larger rates of water permanence and consequently larger influence from the continent. Likewise it was observed that the composed addition of OCPs was similar among sites located in the same country or region. Keywords: Organochlorine pesticides, sediments, coasts, Latin America, composition.

2021 ◽  
pp. 13-49
Daniel Inclán ◽  
Sandy Ramírez ◽  
Cristóbal Reyes ◽  
Josué Veiga

Este trabajo presenta algunos de los temas de un debate abierto sobre la naturaleza del tiempo presente, al que caracterizamos como colapso, para diferenciarlo de las crisis estructurales del sistema capitalista. Nos interesa resaltar que, en tiempos de la COVID-19, la catástrofe tiene largo rato expandiéndose en el mundo, por lo que es necesario hacer interpretaciones genealógicas que salgan de la trampa de lo novedoso. De manera específica, el texto resalta algunas de las trayectorias del colapso en América Latina. Derivamos así un análisis sobre las formas de gubernamentalidad en el contexto de colapso y las maneras en las que se actualiza durante la pandemia en América Latina. Pandemic and Capitalist Collapse. A View from Latin America Abstract: This work presents some of the topics of an open debate about the nature of the present time, which we characterize as collapse, to differentiate it from the structural crises of the capitalist system. We are interested in emphasizing that, in times of COVID-19, the catastrophe has been expanding in the world for a long time, so it is necessary genealogical interpretations that overcome the trap of the novelty. Specifically, the text distinguishes some of the trajectories of the collapse in Latin America. From these, we analyze the forms of governmentality in the context of collapse and the ways in which it is happening during the pandemic in Latin America. Keywords: collapse in Latin America, capitalism, pandemic, collapse governmentality.

2017 ◽  
pp. 99
Ivan Pincheira Torres

La globalización está presente a medida que se diseña el nuevo mapa del mundo, en el cual se puede apreciar cómo cambian la relación y el comportamiento que han tenido hasta ahora tanto las sociedades como los individuos. Por esto, cualquier esfuerzo teórico por tratar de entender los distintos procesos que atraviesa Latinoamérica tiene que inscribirse necesariamente en el contexto de la globalización. Nada puede ser discutido prescindiendo de ésta. En este sentido, el presente trabajo tiene la pretensión de describir las diversas dimensiones y manifestaciones que comportan el fenómeno de la globalización.Palabras Clave América Latina / Globalización / sociedad / individuo. Abstract:The globalization is present in the form by means of which the new map of the world is designed, in which it is possible to see the changes on the relations, the behaviors that have had until now societies as well as individuals. Hence, any theoretical effort to try to understand the different processes that Latin America undergoes must be necessarily registered in the context of the globalization. Nothing can be discussed without it. In this sense, the present work aims at describing the diverse dimensions and manifestations that form the phenomenon of the globalization.Key words Latin America / globalization / society /  individual 

2011 ◽  
pp. 208-229
Sohely Rúa Castañeda

Ante la flexibilización laboral y la desregulación neolibral, la autora analiza uvas formas de trabajo no fabril en América Latina que recrean el mundo laboral y renuevan las identidades. Aunque su reflexión es de carácter teórico, la aplica a la situación actual de los piqueteros y cartoneros argentinos. Estudias también los repertorios de acción, las relaciones con el Estado y la dimensión política de las nuevas ciudadanías laborales que estos actores encarnan. Todo ello arroja nuevos sentidos en el mundo del trabajo que propenden por salidas al capitalismo neoliberal. The Unemployed as Subjects of Collective Action Faced labor flexibility and neoliberal deregulation, the author analyzes new forms of unmanufactured work in Latin America that recreate the world of labor, and renew identities. Although it is a theoretical reflection, the analysis is applied to the current situation of Argentine “piqueteros” in cardboard recycling industry. The article also studies the repertoires of action, the relations with the state, and the political dimension of the new labor citizenships that these actors incarnate. All this brings new meaning in the world of labor that promote alternatives to the neoliberal capitalism. Keywords: Informal Works, New Identities, “Piqueteros, Argentine Cardboard. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (53) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Armando Arredondo López

RESUMEN El presente artículo incluye los principales planteamientos sobre las experiencias y balances de las Comisiones Nacionales en Macroeconomía y Salud (CMES), centrando su análisis en la pertinencia y relevancia para los países de América Latina. A manera de introducción, la primera parte plantea algunas premisas de las relaciones entre reforma en salud, inversión y desarrollo, como parte del eje central que abordan las CMES en los países. Posteriormente, se dan los principales antecedentes, lineamientos, conformación e implementación de tales comisiones en el mundo y en países de América Latina. La segunda parte del documento incluye el análisis de aportes y avances de metas y estrategias como objeto de análisis de tales comisiones: indicadores de mortalidad, indicadores de financiamiento/inversión e indicadores de generación de conocimiento. Finalmente, a manera de conclusión se plantean de manera explícita las principales reflexiones a partir del desarrollo de las CMES y de las tendencias de los indicadores revisados, así como una lista de sugerencias a manera de lecciones aprendidas que podrían ser retomadas para el redimensionamiento de las comisiones ya implementadas; o bien, para la implementación de nuevas comisiones en países donde aún se encuentran de manera incipiente. ABSTRACT This article covers the main approaches based on the experience and reports of the National Commissions on Macroeconomics and Health (CMES), focusing their analysis on the relevance and significance for the Latin American countries. As an introduction, the first part of this paper poses some premises of the relationship between health reform, investment, and development as part of the central axis that the CMES approach in the countries. After that, the main background, guidelines, creation, and implementation of such commissions in the world and in Latin America are given. The second part of this document includes an analysis of contributions and goals and strategies advancement as an object of analysis of such committees: mortality, finance/investment, and knowledge generation indicators. Finally, as a conclusion, there is a detailed explanation of the main reflections from the development of the CMES and trends of the revised indicators, as well as a list of suggestions that can be considered as learned lessons that could be retaken up for the remodeling of the already implemented commissions or to the implementation of new committees in countries that have them still in a fledgling way.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 192
Thales Reis Alecrim

O presente artigo objetiva compreender as várias identidades sobrepostas, por vezes contraditórias ou confluentes, na canção Tercer Mundo do conjunto Secos & Molhados. A canção é a primeira faixa do lado A do disco Secos & Molhados II (1974). A letra é um fragmento da Prosa del Observatório (1972) do escritor Julio Cortázar. A prosa trata, no plano metafórico, da insuficiência da razão para compreendermos o mundo. A canção, no rastro das ideias da prosa, mobilizou referências que se alinhavam a essa perspectiva, mesclando elementos estético-ideológicos de ideias que previam uma união latino-americana, ibérica, terceiro mundista e ligada à contracultura. Dessa forma, diante desse quadro complexo, seguimos um caminho de análise que visa identificar o público consumidor e como essas identidades se configuravam e, dependendo do caso, se uniam ou excluíam.Palavras-chave: América latina. Terceiro mundo. Canção. Contracultura. Identidade.AbstractThe present article aims to understand the various identities, sometimes contradictory or confluent, in the song Tercer Mundo by the group Secos & Molhados. The song is the first track on side A of the album Secos & Molhados II (1974). The lyrics are a fragment of the Prosa del Observatorio (1972) by the writer Julio Cortázar. At the metaphorical level, the prose deals with the insufficiency of the rationalist paradigm to understand the world. The song, in the vein of prose ideas, mobilized references that aligned with this perspective, mixing aesthetic-ideological elements of ideas that foresaw a Latin American, Iberian, third wordlist, and linked to the counterculture union. Thus, in the face of this complex picture, we follow a path of analysis that aims to identify the consumer public and how these identities were configured and, depending on the case, were united or excluded.Keywords: Latin America. Third World. Song. Counterculture. Identity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (4) ◽  
pp. 114-138 ◽  
Diana Guillén

In Latin America and other parts of the world, the social volatility of the past two decades has focused attention on the traditional concepts of what political structures and practices should be, highlighting what might be characterized as an empirical bursting at the seams of the classic normative frameworks. In this context it is of interest to analyze the proposal of the Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (Zapatista Army of National Liberation—EZLN) to establish a political-social organization parallel to the institutional framework recognized by Mexican law and contribute to the debate that has arisen about this kind of experiment and its transformational potential. En América Latina y en otras partes del mundo la efervescencia social de las últimas dos décadas ha interpelado las concepciones tradicionales sobre el deber ser de las estructuras y practices políticias, escenificando lo que podría caracterizarse como un desbordamiento empírico de los encuadres normativos clásicos. Frente a tal scenario interesa analizar la propuesta del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) para esta-blecer una organización politico-social paralela al andamiaje institucional reconocido por la legislación y abonar al debate que desde el pensamiento crítico se está promoviendo sobre este tipo de experiencia y su potencial transformador.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0094582X2110048
María Valeria Berros

The recognition of the rights of nature is currently being debated in the juridical, sociological, and ethical fields. In Ecuador and Bolivia the recognition of the rights of Pachamama (Mother Earth) began in the context of constitutional and legal amendments more than a decade ago. This process was articulated with proposals presented as alternatives to global capitalism related to the indigenous worldviews known as buen vivir or vivir bien. An exploration of these processes identifies a number of challenges to socio-legal research and points to the increasing acknowledgment of the rights of nature in various countries in Latin America and other parts of the world. Actualmente se debate el reconocimiento de los derechos de la naturaleza en los ámbitos jurídico, sociológico y ético. En Ecuador y Bolivia el reconocimiento de los derechos de la Pachamama (Madre Tierra) comenzó en el contexto de las enmiendas constitucionales y legales hace más de una década. Este proceso se articuló con propuestas presentadas como alternativas al capitalismo global y relacionadas con las cosmovisiones indígenas conocidas como buen vivir o vivir bien. Una exploración de estos procesos identifica una serie de desafíos a la investigación socio-legal y apunta al creciente reconocimiento de los derechos de la naturaleza en varios países de América Latina, así como otras partes del mundo.

2014 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 115
Suranjit Kumar Saha

This text deals with the search of fundamentals to the south-south research about the key-problems of the emerging configurations of a new and multipolar world order. Highlights two main questions: if the neoliberal orthodox in its various forms is to be effectively challenged and if the predatory policies resulting from it should be reverted. It starts ofthe perspective that is necessary an alternative paradigm of development, clearly enounced, which reinforces the national identity in Latin America, India and the rest of the world in development. Such paradigm should favour the construction of mix and inclusives cultures able to create the sense of solidarity among great masses located in extensive areas with the objective to unblock, free and mobilize resistance against the predatory neoliberalism in the 21st centuryKeywords: Neoliberalismo, resistance, national identityEM BUSCA DE UMA TEORIA PARA AJUDAR A RESISTÊNCIA AO NEOLIBERALISMO PREDATÓRIO NO SÉCULO XXIResumo: O texto trata da busca de fundamentos para a pesquisa sul-sul sobre os problemas- chave das configurações emergentes de uma nova e multipolar ordem mundial. Destaca duas questões centrais : se o neoliberal ortodoxo em suas formas variadas é para ser efetivamente desafiado e se as políticas predatórias daí resultantes devem ser revertidas. Parte da perspectiva de que é necessário um paradigma alternativo de desenvolvimento, claramente enunciado, que reforce aidentidade nacional na América Latina, Índia e o resto do mundo em desenvolvimento. Tal paradigma deve favorecer a construção de culturas mistas e inclusivas capazes de criar senso de solidariedade entre grandes massas situadas em extensas áreas com vista a desbloquear, libertar e mobilizar resistência contra o neoliberalismo predatório no século XXIPalavras-chave: Neoliberalismo, resistência, identidade nacional

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