The specific features of the narrative structure of the epilogue to F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel "Crime and Punishment" (to the 200th anniversary of the birth)

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (6) ◽  
pp. 66-72
E. Yu. Gejmbukh

The paper examines the narrative structure of the epilogue to the novel "Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky. The aim of the study is to describe the techniques employed by the author of the novel to actualise his final speech. The principal methods the research employs include general scientific methods (observation, comparison, and others), general philological methods (contextological, compositional, structural, and others), proper linguistic methods (semantic-stylistic, comparative stylistic, intertextual, and others). To reveal the specific features of the epilogue, the peculiarities of the author’s narration in the main body of "Crime and Punishment" were taken into consideration. In the first place, they are the "telling", dialogical nature, the presence of the author’s final speech. The comparative-contrastive study of the two parts of the epilogue in contrast to the rest of the novel facilitates the determination of the narration uniqueness in the epilogue. The subjective and chronotopic organisation of the final part of "Crime and Punishment" makes the tale move to a different level: the Christian system of coordinates becomes the world view basis of both the author-narrator and the protagonist (lifetime is measured in terms of church holidays, the "mundane" chronotope is replaced by the "Christian" one). The author’s voice in the epilogue is expressed both indirectly and directly, with the help of ironic and dialogic contexts. The author’s stand is manifested in the choice of words as well as in various symbolic details, and numerous references to the preceding contexts, and in the intertextual links of the novel.

Borkovska I.P. ◽  
Karachun Yu.H.

Purpose. The purpose of this article is to identify the main types of encouraging constructions in English letters of confidentiality.Methods. Both general scientific methods and linguistic methods are used in the work. The research is methodologically based on analysis, descriptive method, continuous selection, definitional, semantic and syntactic analysis.Results. A confidential letter as a text version of the sub-style of commercial correspondence within the official business functional style is interpreted as a regulated type of business letters, which has both specific and general features, due to the affiliation of genre groups to one functional style. It is characterized by certain language features; stability of stylistic devices of the genre, its form provides the communicative properties of the document, which are manifested in the composition and architectonics. The text of the confidential letter provides information about the reason for writing the letter, states the need to ensure the confidentiality of information related to the contract, regulates specific mechanisms of cooperation between partners in the use and disposal of classified information. Since the main purpose of such a letter is to force the recipient to perform certain actions, a confidential letter contains many constructions with a motivating value. Encouraging constructions in the texts of business letters are diverse in their semantics, among which the most frequent constructions express directives.The directive is implemented in the form of three types, which are classified by the degree of categoricalness: the actual directive (with the maximum degree of expression of categoricalness); directive-instruction (the degree of categoricalness decreases); directive-request (categoricalness is minimal, but the directive remains). Typical language formulas are presented, which help to classify these types of speech.Conclusions. Therefore, a confidential letter refers to regulated letters, the purpose of which is to establish the procedure for the use of confidential information. To do this, the addressee uses encouraging constructions, diverse in their semantics, among which constructions that express directives stand out.Key words: business letter, genre, modal verbs, confidentiality, directives. Мета. Мета цієї статті – виявити основні типи cпонукальних конструкцій в англомовних конфіденційних листах.Методи. У роботі використано як загальнонаукові методи, а саме: аналізу, описовий метод, суцільного вибирання, так і лінгвістичні методи: дефініційний, семантичний та синтаксичний аналізи.Результати. У процесі дослідження доведено, що діловий лист виокремлюється як жанр, який має критерії, що характерні будь-якому жанру, а саме: текстовий варіант ділового листа має свою назву завдяки наявності формуляру, який і відповідає назві цього документа; ділові листи оформлюються з урахуванням чітких вимог до композиції, що співвідноситься з жанро-вою формою; сюжет, що представлений у тексті листа, наповнений мовними етикетними формулами; діловий лист має обсяг, який відповідає типу листа; жанрова група ділових листів представлена різними текстами-варіантами.Конфіденційний лист належить до регламентованих листів зі своїм набором реквізитів, архітектонікою і композицією. Текстова частина дає інформацію про привід складання листа, констатує необхідність забезпечення конфіденційності відо-мостей, пов’язаних із договором, регулює конкретні механізми співпраці партнерів під час користування і розпорядження секретною інформацією. Оскільки основна мета такого листа – змусити адресата виконати певні дії, конфіденційний лист міс-тить значну кількість конструкцій зі спонукальним значенням. Спонукальні конструкції в текстах ділових листів різноманітні за своєю семантикою, які можуть виражати розпорядження, прохання, пропозиції. Розпорядження реалізуються у вигляді трьох типів, які прокласифіковано за ступенем категоричності: власне-розпорядження (з максимальним ступенем вираження категоричності); розпорядження-інструкція (ступінь категоричності знижується); розпорядження-прохання (категоричність мінімальна, але директивність зберігається).Представлено типові мовні формули, які допомагають класифікувати зазначені типи мовлення. Типова мовна формула для першого типу мовлення, а саме власне-розпорядження, акцентує увагу на тому, що суб’єкт повинен здійснити певні дії, необхідні для досягнення результату. Ефективність виконання розпорядження визначається правильно поставленою метою адресантом та адекватним вибором мовних засобів, серед яких превалюють модальні дієслова will, must, shall. Розпоряджен-ня-інструкція належить до другого типу розпоряджень, коли ступінь категоричності в повідомленні знижується. Такий тип розпорядження означає висловлювання вимоги щодо правил і необхідних умов типових дій у тій чи іншій ситуації. Розпоря-дження-прохання реалізує комунікативну мету адресанта змусити адресата підписати лист або зробити заключні дії, необхідні для підписання контракту.Висновки. Отже, конфіденційний лист належить до регламентованих листів, текст яких розвивається в певну жанрову форму і реалізує мовний задум адресанта встановити порядок використання конфіденційної інформації. Конфіденційний лист як текстовий варіант жанру ділового листа містить спонукальні конструкції, які характеризуються різноманітністю мовних засобів вираження.Ключові слова: діловий лист, жанр, модальне дієслово, конфіденційність, розпорядження.

2021 ◽  
pp. 25-50

Introduction. The article discusses the features of proper names in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. Attention is paid to the description of structural and semantic features of anthroponyms. We investigate proper names as the part of the structure of advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. The purpose of the article is the analysis of anthroponyms in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. The object of the study is proper names in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. The subject of the study is anthroponyms in advertising texts in the beginning of the 20th century. Materials and methods. The purpose determines the choice of methods in our study: general scientific methods of systematization, analysis and synthesis, quantitative analysis were used. The descriptive method of advertising texts is used in the work. Among the special linguistic methods, structural one was used, which helped in determining the features of the structure of anthroponyms. Anthroponyms for our research have been taken from the newspaper “Public Veterinary Bulletin” for the period of 1904-1906 years. Results. As a result of the study, structural and semantic features of anthroponyms were established. Сonclusions. Anthroponyms learned in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals in the beginning of the 20th century had been used almost in all analyzed texts. The practical value of the work lies in the fact that the analysis of anthroponyms in advertising texts opens up prospects for further researches, which may be connected with the identification of the specific characteristics of proper names in the advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals in different languages. Summing up, a thorough analysis of the advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals helped to establish the structure and functioning peculiarities of anthroponyms.

Nadiia Pashkova

The purpose of the article is to analyze the views on the relation between sign and symbol in modern linguistics and cultural studies and to formulate a theoretical conclusion in order to avoid misunderstandings in scientific works. The methodology is based on the application of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the central concepts of semiotics, linguistics, and cultural studies. In addition to general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, a cultural-genetic method was used, as well as such linguistic methods as descriptive, comparative, methods of functional and conceptual-ideographic analysis. The scientific novelty of the study is that it first revealed the cause of differences in the interpretation of the relation between sign and symbol in traditional semiotics, modern linguistic and cultural studies, and formulated recommendations for their definition. Conclusions. It is proved that the opposition of sign and symbol in modern humanities is based on the special symbolism of the symbol, which distinguishes it from the other signs, classified by Ch. Pierce in traditional semiotics. Genetically, a symbol is a sign that has developed particular anthropogenic trait distinctions, contrasting with other signs, which nevertheless does not completely remove its sign properties and functions.

Vyacheslav Kondurov

The subject of the study is the ideas of classical institutionalists (M. Hauriou and S. Romano) on the role of court and the nature of justice. The methodological basis of the work is the method of interpretation, which is the main one for the study of the legal theories history, and also the method of problem-theoretical reconstruction, as well as general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, etc. The relevnce of the conducted research is to identify the key elements of Maurice Hauriou and Santi Romano’s ideas on the role and content of justice and their interpretation, taking into account the achievements of modern legal science regarding the different styles (strategies) of judicial interpretation. Maurice Hauriou believes that the basis of the court powers is not the political power, but the sovereignty of the constitutional statute. This makes it possible for courts to perform the function of deterrence (restriction) of other state bodies, the source of power of which is a political sovereignty. For this reason, the French jurist pushes the boundaries of justice wide enough to allow judicial rule-making, which is competitive with the parliament. To a certain extent, this position of Maurice Hauriou may be at the heart of his world view. For example, he puts an «idea» in the foundation of the institution, which eventually becomes the guardian of justice. Santi Romano, on the other hand, seeks to avoid any idealism by remaining in positions close to sociological positivism. Unlike Maurice Hauriou, he creates not a public law theory, but a general legal theory. For this reason, he focuses much more on the content of interpretation as a specific judicial activity than his French teacher. He considers it as a formal logical and essentially cognitive procedure. However, the general context of the pluralistic teaching of Italian jurisprudence makes it possible to take a broader view of the judiciary than that of Maurice Hauriou. Santi Romano also allows the court to have normative competence, but does not consider it part of justice. Despite the fundamental assumption that it is possible for the courts to create norms, neither Santi Romano nor Maurice Hauriou can be considered forerunners or supporters of radical judicial realism, according to which the judge is the only true creator of law, who makes norms in a sovereign and spontaneous manner without looking back at the existing legal order.

O. I. Morozova ◽  
O. S. Zeniakin

This article proposes a study of degrees of latency of the agent, which is a semantic role performed by a participant of the communicative situation described in a sentence; this role correlates with the instigator of the action. The agent can be expressed explicitly, so that everybody understands who the action is performed by, or in a hidden, latent way. Drawing on Goatly’s (2018) research which demonstrates that degrees of agent’s latency can vary, we modify his scale of latency by taking into consideration non-verbal (visual) means. A great societal concern for environmental issues around the globe nowadays, together with the ecolinguistic vector of this research account for its timeliness. The purpose of this research is to identify the degrees of latency of the agent of environmental discourse. Syntactic constructions, lexical units, and visual images that render the agent were chosen as the object-matter of analysis, while the degrees of latency – as its subject-matter. The methods comprise general scientific methods, such as induction and deduction, synthesis and analysis, observation and contrast, as well as linguistic methods proper: critical discourse analysis, semantic analysis, and multimodal analysis. The sample is selected from online versions of most widely read British newspapers, both broadsheets and tabloids, The Guardian and Metro respectively. A modified scale of degrees of agent’s latency is suggested, where six categories of linguistic means are differentiated according to the degree of their latency. Explicit predication is characterized by a zero degree of latency; its measure increases in grammatical constructions, tropes, nominalizations, ellipsis, and indefinite agent respectively. The prospects of this research lie in comparison and quantitative counts of the agent’s latency in different types of British media.

M.M. Zhovnir ◽  
N.V. Bondar

There are different types of discourses and each of them possesses its own particular tools and wars of their linguistic implementation. These phenomena are in the focus of close attention of linguists. The relevance of the chosen study is determined by the importance of high-rate spreading scientific dental knowledge. The effect of such exchange and the quality of the scientific text depends on language skills, basic grammatical norms and communicative qualities of scientific speech. Scientists, who deliberately and consciously have mastered the normative basis of the Ukrainian language, are able to formulate his opinion correctly. It is necessary to know and to use the basic grammatical norms for the correct presentation of scientific thoughts. The purpose of this article is to search for and analyze the frequency of grammatical mistakes recorded in fragments of different genres of scientific dentistry texts: original articles, abstracts, manuals, textbooks, monographs. General scientific methods (observation, comparison, generalization, synthesis, description) and linguistic methods (functional-stylistic, semantic-stylistic, discourse analysis, etc.) were used. In this work the emphasis is placed on the importance of common rules of effective using dictionaries, and the need for an analysis of scientific dental discourse in the normative aspect has been determined. We have pointed out that  the grammatical skills of doctors, their linguistic senses and skills to produce high-quality scientific texts are essential components of professional communicative competence. The article provides the details for correct use of verbal nouns and forms of active adjectives as based on our study these are the weak grammar point for young dental academic writers. The frequency of their representation in the analyzed analytical sources has been analyzed. In addition, we offer practical language recommendations that can be helpful for medical and dental professionals.

2020 ◽  
pp. 391-405
E.E. Bylina

The article aims to define a speech act (SA), for the explication of which the performative statement of “I recommend” in the Internet review is used. The following tasks are set: to carry out a semantic analysis of the dictionary definitions of the verb to recommend; to analyze the implementation of the values of the verb in the performative statement “I recommend” in the Internet review; to identify the means at different levels of the linguistic system (lexical, grammatical, phonetic) that affect the intensity of the illocutive force of the given expression in the Internet review. The research was based on about 150 English-language online reviews of Beauty and personal care products from In the course of work on the article the following general scientific methods were used: generalization, systematization, classification, analysis and synthesis of material; linguistic methods: continuous sampling of fragments of discourse, vocabulary definition analysis, transformation analysis, contextual analysis, linguistic-statistical method. As a result of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion about the hybrid nature of SA, for the explication of which the performative statement of “I recommend” in the Internet review is used and consists of advice and positive evaluation (approval). A number of means at different language levels are used for the effectiveness of these SAs.

T. Sashchuk

<div><em>The article presents the results of the study of the communicative competence of the politicians on the basis of the analysis of their messages on their official pages of the Facebook social network. The research used the following general scientific methods: descriptive and comparative, as well as analysis, synthesis and generalization. The quantitative content analysis method with qualitative elements was used to distinguish the peculiarities of information messages that provide communication of the deputies of Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) on their official Facebook pages. Information messages have been analyzed by the following three criteria: subject matter, structure and language.</em></div><p> </p><p><em>For the first time the article draws a parallel between communicative competence and the ability to communicate with voters on the official pages of Facebook which is the most popular social network in Ukraine. As it is established, communicative competence in the analyzed cases is caused not by education, but by previous professional activity of a politician. The most successful and high-quality communication was from the current parliamentarian who worked as a journalist in the past. More than half of the messages that provided successful communication consisted of sufficiently structured short text and a video. The topic covers the activity of the parliamentarian in the Verkhovna Rada and in his district. More than half of the messages are spoken in the first person.</em></p><p><em>The findings of the study can be used in teaching such subjects as Political PR and Electronic PR, and may be of interest to politicians and their assistants.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em>Key words:</em></strong><em> competence and competency, communicative competence, political discourse, official page of the deputy of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Facebook social network, subject matter and structure of the information message, first-person narrative, correspondence of communication to the level of communicative competence.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-180

The article is devoted to the research of the youth criminal subculture and its impact on the personality of under-aged. In the course of analysis of this negative impact, a definition of the criminal subculture of under-aged was proposed. The main principles of such a criminal subculture as AUE (the acronym, transcribed from Russian: АУЕ or А.У.Е., comes from «Арестантский уклад един» / “Prisoners Unity (Solidarity)” are defined. The reasons contributing to the development of this negative phenomenon and the typical fea- tures of a minor sharing the ideology of the AUE were identified. The methods for counteracting the AUE were proposed. The method- ological basis of the research is formed by general scientific methods: dialectical, system research method, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, etc., as well as such private scientific methods as comparative legal, formal legal, structural and functional, statistical ones. The authors relied on the results of research by Russian and foreign legal scholars, sociologists, psychologists.

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