continuous selection
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2024 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
M. S. H. Bhuiyan ◽  
M. A. Malek ◽  
R. M. Emon ◽  
M. K. Khatun ◽  
Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker ◽  

Abstract In soybean breeding program, continuous selection pressure on traits response to yield created a genetic bottleneck for improvements of soybean through hybridization breeding technique. Therefore an initiative was taken to developed high yielding soybean variety applying mutation breeding techniques at Plant Breeding Division, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (BINA), Bangladesh. Locally available popular cultivar BARI Soybean-5 was used as a parent material and subjected to five different doses of Gamma ray using Co60. In respect to seed yield and yield attributing characters, twelve true breed mutants were selected from M4 generation. High values of heritability and genetic advance with high genotypic coefficient of variance (GCV) for plant height, branch number and pod number were considered as favorable attributes for soybean improvement that ensure expected yield. The mutant SBM-18 obtained from 250Gy provided stable yield performance at diversified environments. It provided maximum seed yield of 3056 kg ha-1 with highest number of pods plant-1 (56). The National Seed Board of Bangladesh (NSB) eventually approved SBM-18 and registered it as a new soybean variety named ‘Binasoybean-5’ for large-scale planting because of its superior stability in various agro-ecological zones and consistent yield performance.

Frederike Zeibig ◽  
Benjamin Kilian ◽  
Michael Frei

Abstract Key message We evaluated the potential of wheat wild relatives for the improvement in grain quality characteristics including micronutrients (Fe, Zn) and gluten and identified diploid wheats and the timopheevii lineage as the most promising resources. Abstract Domestication enabled the advancement of civilization through modification of plants according to human requirements. Continuous selection and cultivation of domesticated plants induced genetic bottlenecks. However, ancient diversity has been conserved in crop wild relatives. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.; Triticum durum Desf.) is one of the most important staple foods and was among the first domesticated crop species. Its evolutionary diversity includes diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid species from the Triticum and Aegilops taxa and different genomes, generating an AA, BBAA/GGAA and BBAADD/GGAAAmAm genepool, respectively. Breeding and improvement in wheat altered its grain quality. In this review, we identified evolutionary patterns and the potential of wheat wild relatives for quality improvement regarding the micronutrients Iron (Fe) and Zinc (Zn), the gluten storage proteins α-gliadins and high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), and the secondary metabolite phenolics. Generally, the timopheevii lineage has been neglected to date regarding grain quality studies. Thus, the timopheevii lineage should be subject to grain quality research to explore the full diversity of the wheat gene pool.

D. O. Poberezhnyi

Research into small stories, which is becoming increasingly popular with digital narratologists, has a significant explanatory potential for sociologists and psychologists. This study belongs to the new paradigm of narratological investigations, which is the evidence of its timeliness, enhanced by the social significance of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. The object matter of the study are small stories of Brexit in the Ukrainian segment of the social network "Facebook", its subject matter being the ways and means of storytelling, indications of the place and time of the story and the participants in the storytelling situation. The aim of the analysis is to examine small stories about Brexit according to these parameters. The analysis proposed in this article is based on the method of A. Georgakopoulou, which consists of three distinguishable and interconnected levels of analysis: 1) ways of telling, 2) sites, 3) tellers. The research methods used here are discursive and contextual analysis. The objectives of the work are: first, to identify verbal and non-verbal means used in small stories about Brexit; second, to determine how the place and time of the story are actualized, and third, to determine what linguistic means are used to actualize tellers. The sample includes 78 small stories of Brexit, which have been obtained by continuous selection from the Ukrainian segment of the social network "Facebook" in 20162021. Small stories of Brexit in the Ukrainian segment of the social network "Facebook" are characterized by a variety of verbal and semiotic means, management of interaction during the story, intertextual links to precedent texts and situations. The most common genre of small stories of Brexit is breaking news, although this subgenre can hybridize by combining breaking news with projections. We see the prospects for further research in the study of the narrator's stance towards Brexit. 

Sofiya N. Semenova ◽  

The article is devoted to a complex cognitive-pragmatic study of the poem genre based on the material of M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Borodino” in Russian and two translations in English, performed by modern interpreters: Robin Kallsen and D. Ben-Lemeshev. A number of tasks was outlined for achieving the goal of the article. A comparatively-confrontative analysis of M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Borodino” text was carried out simultaneously with two translations by using the similarities and differences of the lexical and semantic components in the poem. The main terminological and semantic contents of the work were determined. The next stage of the research was the identification and classification of nouns and adjectives. Tables were constructed to show the classifications and the numbers of lexical examples found by the help of a continuous selection from the text versions of the poem. Metaphors were highlighted and interpreted in all variants of the studied material. It was revealed that the poet had reported quantitatively more information despite of the lexical and grammatical meaning of the sentence structure. An informative, semantic increment was amounted to the implicit meaning of the embedded author’s statements in the poem. The following methods were used during the research process: comparatively-confrontative, classification, quantitative, calculation and interpretation.

Borkovska I.P. ◽  
Karachun Yu.H.

Purpose. The purpose of this article is to identify the main types of encouraging constructions in English letters of confidentiality.Methods. Both general scientific methods and linguistic methods are used in the work. The research is methodologically based on analysis, descriptive method, continuous selection, definitional, semantic and syntactic analysis.Results. A confidential letter as a text version of the sub-style of commercial correspondence within the official business functional style is interpreted as a regulated type of business letters, which has both specific and general features, due to the affiliation of genre groups to one functional style. It is characterized by certain language features; stability of stylistic devices of the genre, its form provides the communicative properties of the document, which are manifested in the composition and architectonics. The text of the confidential letter provides information about the reason for writing the letter, states the need to ensure the confidentiality of information related to the contract, regulates specific mechanisms of cooperation between partners in the use and disposal of classified information. Since the main purpose of such a letter is to force the recipient to perform certain actions, a confidential letter contains many constructions with a motivating value. Encouraging constructions in the texts of business letters are diverse in their semantics, among which the most frequent constructions express directives.The directive is implemented in the form of three types, which are classified by the degree of categoricalness: the actual directive (with the maximum degree of expression of categoricalness); directive-instruction (the degree of categoricalness decreases); directive-request (categoricalness is minimal, but the directive remains). Typical language formulas are presented, which help to classify these types of speech.Conclusions. Therefore, a confidential letter refers to regulated letters, the purpose of which is to establish the procedure for the use of confidential information. To do this, the addressee uses encouraging constructions, diverse in their semantics, among which constructions that express directives stand out.Key words: business letter, genre, modal verbs, confidentiality, directives. Мета. Мета цієї статті – виявити основні типи cпонукальних конструкцій в англомовних конфіденційних листах.Методи. У роботі використано як загальнонаукові методи, а саме: аналізу, описовий метод, суцільного вибирання, так і лінгвістичні методи: дефініційний, семантичний та синтаксичний аналізи.Результати. У процесі дослідження доведено, що діловий лист виокремлюється як жанр, який має критерії, що характерні будь-якому жанру, а саме: текстовий варіант ділового листа має свою назву завдяки наявності формуляру, який і відповідає назві цього документа; ділові листи оформлюються з урахуванням чітких вимог до композиції, що співвідноситься з жанро-вою формою; сюжет, що представлений у тексті листа, наповнений мовними етикетними формулами; діловий лист має обсяг, який відповідає типу листа; жанрова група ділових листів представлена різними текстами-варіантами.Конфіденційний лист належить до регламентованих листів зі своїм набором реквізитів, архітектонікою і композицією. Текстова частина дає інформацію про привід складання листа, констатує необхідність забезпечення конфіденційності відо-мостей, пов’язаних із договором, регулює конкретні механізми співпраці партнерів під час користування і розпорядження секретною інформацією. Оскільки основна мета такого листа – змусити адресата виконати певні дії, конфіденційний лист міс-тить значну кількість конструкцій зі спонукальним значенням. Спонукальні конструкції в текстах ділових листів різноманітні за своєю семантикою, які можуть виражати розпорядження, прохання, пропозиції. Розпорядження реалізуються у вигляді трьох типів, які прокласифіковано за ступенем категоричності: власне-розпорядження (з максимальним ступенем вираження категоричності); розпорядження-інструкція (ступінь категоричності знижується); розпорядження-прохання (категоричність мінімальна, але директивність зберігається).Представлено типові мовні формули, які допомагають класифікувати зазначені типи мовлення. Типова мовна формула для першого типу мовлення, а саме власне-розпорядження, акцентує увагу на тому, що суб’єкт повинен здійснити певні дії, необхідні для досягнення результату. Ефективність виконання розпорядження визначається правильно поставленою метою адресантом та адекватним вибором мовних засобів, серед яких превалюють модальні дієслова will, must, shall. Розпоряджен-ня-інструкція належить до другого типу розпоряджень, коли ступінь категоричності в повідомленні знижується. Такий тип розпорядження означає висловлювання вимоги щодо правил і необхідних умов типових дій у тій чи іншій ситуації. Розпоря-дження-прохання реалізує комунікативну мету адресанта змусити адресата підписати лист або зробити заключні дії, необхідні для підписання контракту.Висновки. Отже, конфіденційний лист належить до регламентованих листів, текст яких розвивається в певну жанрову форму і реалізує мовний задум адресанта встановити порядок використання конфіденційної інформації. Конфіденційний лист як текстовий варіант жанру ділового листа містить спонукальні конструкції, які характеризуються різноманітністю мовних засобів вираження.Ключові слова: діловий лист, жанр, модальне дієслово, конфіденційність, розпорядження.

Tatyana Yu. Vlaskina ◽  

The article describes the transformation of the Donbass population identity in the course of the current armed conflict. The subject of the research is the self-positioning of the unrecognized Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republics (LDNR) residents, and its correlation with a number of categories marked with the pronouns we, ours, everyone and you. The structure reflects regional society the division into “friends and foes”, in accordance with the attitude of citizens to the conflict as a whole and its various aspects. The object of study is the Internet communication, dialogues and speech manifestations. Internet-resources affiliated with the LDNR make up the research source base, the main method of collecting information is monitoring and a continuous selection of language material by keywords. The work belongs to the sociolinguistic paradigm and embraces ethnolinguistic theory. In the course of the research the author found out that the leading theme of the self-consciousness transformation taking place in Donbass is the rejection of the Ukrainian national-political identity and the strengthening of the regional Donbass identity with the development of such a variant as Donetsk / Lugansk Russians. On a broad basis of the community of fellow countrymen united by cultural, linguistic and ideological priorities a group of “true” Donetsk residents is being formed. They have jointly experienced all the years of the tragedy of war on their land.

2021 ◽  
Marco Leonesio ◽  
jeremi Wojcicki ◽  
Giacomo Davide Bianchi

Abstract This work presents a method to optimize centerless grinding geometrical configuration. It is based on the regulation of the horizontal axes of operating and rubbing wheels of the machine machine coupled with an opportune blade profile, allowing a continuous selection of workrest angle and workpiece height, without requiring blade substitution and/or manual interventions. The regulation of workrest angle and height cannot be done independently: their relationship is defined during blade profile design. In machines with two independent axes for regulating wheel and blade horizontal displacement, this regulation can be performed in process or in the setup phase and does not require manual blade adjustment/replacement. This results in optimal processing parameter choice leading to improved quality and shorter time of processing as well as reduced setup time.

Zoriana Y. Kunch ◽  

The article emphasizes the problem of observance of the current orthographic norms concerning the positional alternation of vowels and consonants �� and �� in order to achieve euphony in Ukrainian language. The purpose of the article is to analyze the implementation of the norms of the current Ukrainian orthography regarding to the positional alternation of �� and �� in the modern scientific literature of the humanitarian profile. The method of continuous selection is used in the work, as well as comparative, structural (descriptive) methods and prescriptive-descriptive analysis. The material for the study are scientific articles published in the �Humanities bulletin of Zaporizhzhe state engineering academy. 2019. � 77�. By the method of continuous selection from this edition, 509 examples of the use of the prepositionprefix �� and ��(euphonem) have been isolated. Only 328 examples turned out to correspond to the current norms and 181, which are 35.6%, turned out to be erroneous. The presence of such a significant number of errors in the application confirms the need to thoroughly analyze the conditions of noncompliance with the current norms and the grounds that could have contributed to this situation. Based on chosen material it is stated that consistent observance of norm of use �� in a position between two vowels. At the same time, the highest percentage of violations of normativeness was recorded �in the position after the vowel before the consonant� � 109 examples, which is more than 60% of all erroneous examples, and in the models �at the beginning of the phrase (after the punctuation mark) before the consonant� � 47 examples (25.9%) and �in between two consonants� � 20 examples (11%). A detailed analysis of erroneous euphonems in comparison with normative ones has revealed that most cases of noncompliance with the current norm should not be interpreted as gross violations, but can be justified by certain objective circumstances. The main reasons for non-compliance with the formal rules of positional alternation �� and �� are revealed. They are pronunciation in certain positions of the y-infinitive, the presence of intonation pauses, use in uncomplicated combinations with sonorous sound, in particular with middle-language etc. There is a much higher frequency of errors in prepositional constructions compared to prefixal ones, which may be evidence of a certain trend. The predominance of phonetic preconditions for non-compliance with the norms against the background of a large percentage of erroneous models give the reason to doubt the sufficient balance and thoughtfulness of the current spelling regarding the norms of positional alternations of vowels and consonants. Some recommendations are proposed to improve the current spelling in order to further correct this situation. In particular, the peculiarities of articulation �� and �� (positional pronunciation of the y-infinitive), the peculiarities of intonation in specific segments of speech give grounds not to require speakers to use a vowel or consonant: the choice should be influenced not only by formal sound environment but also by melody phrases, intonation, preferences and language habits of the author, etc.

Aleksey V. Razduev ◽  
Eugenia G. Sharanova

The analysis of the semantics and semantic oppositions of terminological units is one of the most productive ways to understand the systemic nature of terminological phenomena. The article is devoted to the study of semantic features of English- and Russian-language musical terminological units, namely, to the identification of the semantic structure of terms and semantic oppositions that arise between them. Within the semantic structure of musical terms, in the aggregate of their connections and relationships that form the musical terminological system, the core, semantic periphery and additional semantic area are distinguished and classified according to the presence of these components into uninuclear proper, uninuclear with the periphery and uninuclear with the periphery and additional semantic area. At the first stage, a selection of musical terms in modern English and Russian has been compiled, at the second stage, the semantic structure of terminological units has been analyzed, and at the third stage, the key aspects of nomination have been identified, according to which explicit and implicit oppositions are being formed. The material for the study comprises a selection of the English- and Russian-language musical terminological units with the total volume of 1000 units (500 units of each language), selected by the method of continuous selection from electronic and printed sources, including dictionaries and glossaries, musical notations, monographs, textbooks and manuals, web portals on music topics. The research methods of the English- and Russian-language musical terminological units include the method of continuous selection, methods of component and definition analysis, the method of linguacognitive modelling, as well as techniques of quantitative analysis. Within the framework of the study, three groups of musical terms have been identified depending on their semantic structure: the first group includes uninuclear terminological units with the semantic periphery, the second group includes uninuclear terms proper, and the third group is formed by uninuclear terms with the periphery and additional area of semantics. The first group is predominant in terms of quantity, the number of terms in which is almost 2.5 times more than in the second one, and the third group is represented by a small number of terminological units. There are at least 6 frequent and 12 less frequent key aspects of nomination within the musical terminology. The frequent key aspects of nomination with the help of which explicit oppositions are formed are: «Minor / major», «Volume / pitch», «Direction», «Location (locus)», «Singularity / Multiplicity», «Quantity». Less frequent aspects of nomination are: «Weakness / strength», «Perfection / imperfection», «Colour», «Presence / absence of sound», «Structure», «Quantity / Completeness / Size», «Genre of music», «Material», «Recommendations for performing a piece of music», «Role», «Style of playing an instrument», «Type of musical instrument».

Complexity ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Mohamed Elhia ◽  
Lahoucine Boujallal ◽  
Meryem Alkama ◽  
Omar Balatif ◽  
Mostafa Rachik

The purpose of this paper is modelling and controlling the spread of COVID-19 disease in Morocco. A nonlinear mathematical model with two subclasses of infectious individuals is proposed. The population is divided into five classes, namely, susceptible (S), exposed (E), undiagnosed infectious ( I n c ), diagnosed patients ( I c ), and removed individuals. To reflect the real dynamic of the COVID-19 transmission in Morocco, the real reported data are used for estimating model parameters. Two controls representing screening effort and limited treatment are considered. Based on viability theory and set-valued analysis, a Lyapunov function is constructed such that both exposed and infected populations are decreased to zero asymptotically. The corresponding controls are derived via a continuous selection of adequately designed feedback map. Numerical simulations are presented with three scenarios (cases when each control is used alone and the case when two controls are combined). Our results show that when only one control is to be applied, screening is the most effective in decreasing the number of people in the three infected compartments, whereas combining both controls is found to be highly effective and leads to a significant improvement in the epidemiological situation of Morocco. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first one that applies the set-valued approach to a controlled COVID-19 model which agrees with the observed cases in Morocco.

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