scholarly journals Usulan Perbaikan Kualitas Produk Pipa Api 5L PSL2 Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Ahmad Nalhadi ◽  
Nur Aida ◽  
Gina Ramayanti

The production process of API 5L PSL2 pipes in Pipe Companies in 2017 happened to defect products at 7%. This defect is still above the standards set by the Company at 4%. The study aims to determine the value of sigma and provide recommendations for improvement with the six sigma method. Based on the results of the DMAI analysis, the amount of the pipe sigma level was 3.65 with the value of DPMO 14448. Types of defects identified in the process such as open welding defects, high lows, contact marking, scarring, and under dimension Proposed improvements were made by designing recommendations for improvements using 5W + 1H by checking the condition of the forming machine and changing bearing components before the bearing lifetime, performing preventive maintenance every week and adding coolant bursts to the cutting tool.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Priskila Christine Rahayu ◽  
Vanesa Darvin

This study focused on quality improvement on ceramic tiles production process at PT Arwana Citramulia. This study used data defects for 12 months (May 2016 – April 2017) and only focus on one type of defect and it is chop corner. Six sigma with DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) approach was used to improve the process. Each step of DMAIC was conducted to carefully analyze and keep the process precisely. The ceramic tiles production process contains a number of 4375 products defects in million opportunities (DPMO), with sigma level of 4.13. In the improve step of DMAIC, FMEA form was used to propose some recommendations in order to improve the process, some of that that are provision of lubricant periodically by the operator, polishing on the surface of the liner to clean and clear, examination and maintenance periodically. Keyword : Quality, Six Sigma, DMAIC, Defects.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Suharto Suharto ◽  

Abstract This study aims to determine and identify the causes of defects in the production process of PT. Triteguh Manunggal Sejati and know the level of sigma level. This research uses the six sigma method with the DMAIC approach as a quality control tool, which includes the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control stages. Based on this study the results obtained are the level of sigma level at PT.Triteguh Manunggal Sejati is 4.96, which means that in the stage of sigma level the company has not reached the level of six sigma levels because in the production process at PT.Triteguh Manunggal Sejati still has product defects in the production process not yet achieved zero defect. The causes of product defects are based on cause and effect diagrams namely lid / seal defects are leaky lid, broken lid, and tilted lid. Kata kunci : Defect, Six Sigma, DMAIC, cause and effect diagram

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Abdul Manan ◽  
Firdanis Setyaning Handika ◽  
Ahmad Nalhadi

A yarn company strives to produce good and quality products, but the production process that is carried out by each person will produce products targeted at a target that has been set at 5%. This study uses the Six Sigma method but only until the improvement stage. The research is to determine the DPMO value and sigma level in the spinning production process, to know what factors cause defects and new parameters to reduce the defect. Based on the results of the study that the DPMO on the type of CD thread in the spinning section is 17,130 and the sigma level is 3,6. The level of sigma that has dominated the Indonesian industry average, but has a defect of 8.7%, the target set at 5%. Damaged and dirty apron, clogged trumpet, and leaky hose are factors that plan defects. Furthermore, with Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA), the highest value of Risk Priority Number (RPN) in tangled defects is that the apron is damaged (140) and clogged trumpet (120), while the highest RPN value is gross dirty, i.e., dirty apron (150) and hose leaking lubricant (120).

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
Muhamad Bob Anthony

This study aims to maximize the decline in the level of product defects to lead to zero defects. Researchers use the six sigma method through 5 stages of completion, namely, define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the sigma level and the value of DPMO (Defect per Million Opportunities) of the company amounted to 3.47 with possible damage of 24,239 sheets for one million productions. After further analysis using the Pareto diagram, it found that the cutting fault transfer defect was the most common with a percentage of damage of 43%. And based on the results of the analysis of fishbone diagrams, it can be seen that the main factors causing contamination in the production process come from the worker factor (human), followed by machine factors, material, and work methods. The proposed improvements that can be made by the company include updating existing methods and SOPs (standard operating procedures) and monitoring the operator's performance and developing knowledge and planning proper maintenance scheduling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Muhamad Erga Elfanda

Introduction: The problem faced by the company is the increase in the number of damaged products during the production process, which affects the quality of the product resulting decreased sales levels. The production process in food, beverage, and other processing industry is the most important activity to produce products that later to be marketed. Methods: The research method used in the study is Six Sigma method. Six Sigma is a system which has purpose to make a business become successful in a comprehensive and flexible manner. The product taken and examined is the sweet fermented Carica fruit. This fruit will be produced by CV. Gemilang Kencana, wheresoever the fruit is ready for the packing process, both cups and bottles.Results: The results of the calculation of Six Sigma value from CV. Gemilang Kencana has a sigma level 3.8 with the possibility of damage/ defects to the product up to 11,760 pcs in a million chance of production (DPMO). To reduce the number of damaged/ defective products that occur in the production process by sorting the highest percentage of causes damage, namely packaging leakage by 37%, untidy products by 50%, and less full products by 13%.Conclusion and suggestion: After knowing the results in this study, if the cause of the damage is not handled properly, more products will fail during the production process, which will cause an increase in production costs and have an impact on company losses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-141
Octa Bimansyah Untoro ◽  
Irwan Iftadi

The research was conducted at PT. XYZ where there were defect problems in bed series products so that additional time is needed to repair a product. One way to make improvements and improve quality in a production process is the Six Sigma method with the stages of DMAIC. The results of the calculated average of DPMO values and Sigma Level have the result 58558.56 and 3.07 which are still not good because still far from 6 sigma. After that analyzing the root causes of defect product problems, then the priority problem is carried out using (RPN) where the highest value is at the assembly work station because the material that has been used up in the warehouse has an RPN of 405 so that it becomes a top priority for repairs. With the standardization and documentation, proposed improvements that have been given then the possible defects of Electric Lovina Bed 3 Motor will be reduced.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 52
Qoyinul Amin ◽  
Dedi Dwilaksana ◽  
Nasrul Ilminnafik

Pengendalian kualitas merupakan sebuah teknik yang dapat dilakukan mulai dari tahap sebelum proses produksi hingga proses produksi berakhir. Six sigma merupakan sebuah metodologi terstruktur untuk memperbaiki proses dengan menggunakan statistik dan problem solving tools secara intensif menuju target 3,4 kegagalan per satu juta kesempatan. PT. X bergerak di bidang industri pembuatan kaleng makanan dengan salah satu produknya adalah kaleng tipe two piece cans 307. Berdasarkan informasi perusahaan, pada proses produksi kaleng tipe tersebut seringkali ditemukan produk mengalami cacat yang merugikan perusahaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara yang tepat untuk meminimalkan cacat kaleng tipe tersebut dengan menggunakan metode six sigma. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa penyebab utama cacat adalah pekerja kurang teliti, setting clearence dies yang terlalu rapat, dies kemasukan afval, pisau press tumpul, bahan kotor dan rusak, perawatan mesin yang tidak dilakukan secara berkala, area produksi tidak rapi dan bising. Nilai DPMO sebesar 2844 yang dikonversikan kedalam sigma level yakni 4.27. Usulan perbaikan dengan Five-M Checklist meliputi memberikan pelatihan dan memperketat pengawasan kepada pekerja, melakukan setting mesin sesuai prosedur serta ubah clearence dies menjadi 0,24 mm, memperketat pemeriksaan bahan baku kaleng, melaksanakan perawatan mesin sesuai dengan jadwal yang telah ditentukan, menjaga kebersihan dan kerapian area produksi. Quality control is a technique that can be carried out from before the production process until the production process ends. Six sigma is a structured solution to process improvement using statistics and problem solving tools that intensively reach the target of 3.4 recovery per one million opportunities. PT. X is engaged in the industry of making cans with one of its products is a 307 two-piece can. Based on company information, in the production process, cans are found to find products that can save the company. This research was conducted to find out the right way to overcome this type of defect by using the six sigma method. The results of the study are known to be related to the fact that workers do not have meticulous, clear dead settings that are too tight, afval conceded dies, blunt press blades, dirty and damaged materials, machine maintenance that is not officially done, production area is not neat and noisy. The DPMO value is 2844 which is converted into sigma level which is 4.27. Proposed improvements with the Five-M Checklist provide training and tighten supervision to workers, make machine arrangements according to procedures and change clearly to 0.24 mm, tighten inspection of tin raw materials, manage engine maintenance according to agreed schedules, care about cleanliness and neatness production area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Putu Ayu Aripradnyani ◽  
I Wayan Widia ◽  
I Gusti Ketut Arya Arthawan

ABSTRAK Setiap perusahaan seyogyanya berupaya memperkecil resiko kegagalan dalam berproduksi. Tingginya persentase produk defect dalam setiap siklus produksi selain berimplikasi terhadap menurunkan kepercayaan konsumen juga menaikkan biaya produksi sehingga berakibat menurunkan daya saing produk di pasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi faktor kritis penyebab defect pada produk dan menemukan bentuk perbaikan kinerja dalam proses manajemen yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi jumlah produk defect pada proses produksi fillet ikan kakap putih kualitas ekspor pada salah satu perusahaan pengolahan ikan di Bali menggunakan metode six sigma. Penelitian ini mencakup lima tahapan implementasi six sigma yaitu DMAI (Define, Measure, Analyze, dan Improve) yang melibatkan pihak manajemen dan karyawan perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terindentifikasi dua faktor kritis penyebab tertinggi dari enam kategori defect fillet ikan kakap putih. Karakteristik kinerja yang dicapai oleh perusahaan saat ini dicirikan oleh angka DPU (Defect per Unit) sebesar 0,09, DPO (Defect per Opportunities) sebesar 0.045, DPMO (Defect per Million Opportunities) sebesar 45,463 yang setara dengan kinerja pada level 3,125-Sigma sehinga tergolong dalam kategori tingkat kinerja rata-rata industri. Perusahaan berpotensi meraih peningkatan kinerja hinga pada level 4,000-Sigma sepanjang bersedia melakukan sejumlah perbaikan secara berkesinambungan dalam manangani baik terhadap pengawasan mutu bahan baku ikan maupun ketidaksempurnaan pemberiaan gas CO pada produk. Dengan penerapan metode six-sigma, maka faktor kritis penyebab defect tertinggi yang ditemukan yakni daging pecah/lembek dan berbau serta pemberian gas CO yang kurang merata sehingga bentuk perbaikan kinerja dalam proses manajemen yang direkomendasikan adalah menjalankan formulir checklist pada setiap proses produksi, memberikan pelatihan-pelatihan bagi karyawan dan melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap kemasan. ABSTRACT Every company should try to minimize the risk of failure in production. The high percentage of defective products in each production cycle has implications not only reducing consumer confidence but also increasing production costs, which results in lower product competitiveness in the market. The objective of this study was to identify the critical factors that cause defects in the product and find a form of performance improvement in the management process that can be done to reduce the number of defect products in the export quality white snapper fillet production process at a fish processing company in Bali using the six-sigma method. This research consisted of Six-Sigma implementation stages, namely DMAI (Define, Measure, Analyze, and Improve) which involved management and company employees. The results showed that two critical factors were identified as the highest cause of the six categories of white snapper fillet defects. The performance characteristics achieved by the company are currently characterized by a DPU (Defect per Unit) number of 0.09, DPO (Defect per Opportunities) of 0.045, DPMO (Defect per Million Opportunities) of 45.463 which is equivalent to performance at the 3,125-Sigma level so that belongs to the category of industry average performance level. The company has the potential to achieve an increase in performance up to the 4,000-Sigma level as long as it is willing to make a number of continuous improvements in handling both the quality control of fish raw materials and imperfections in the supply of CO gas in the product. With the application of the six-sigma method, the critical factors causing the highest defects were broken / mushy and smelly meat and uneven distribution of CO gas so that the recommended form of performance improvement in the management process was running a checklist form at each production process, providing training for employees and conducting an inspection of packaging.

2010 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Dwi Iryaning Handayani

UD. BJ Mendit on Mendit Barat, Kec. Pakis is one of centrale of home industry in Malang with it's roof production process. From the observation that the researcher do into UD. BJ Mendit, finded that the production process had been doing often with technical and non technical problems that make some failed roof product with the criterion are keropos, break, barst, gopel, sandbank. Way of this roof production planning repair is important to do so that can make this production unit produce an unfailed product and reduce loss. Purposes of this research are identifying types of roof failed product, analysing main cause of roof failed product with FMEA, and giving recommended action for Mendit's roof production process repair. This research doing the same steps as same as Six Sigma cycle: DMAIC, but not doing the last step, Control. On Define step, are doing product identifying and make the Six Sigma team. On Measure step, are determining priority failed product identifying into CTQ (Critical To Quality) and measurement of present performance with counting the DPMO (Defect Per Million Opportunities) dan Sigma level. On Analyze step, is detecting main atributs that influencing the failed product on CTQ. On Improve step, is doing process improvement with developing alternative to reduce failed product atributs. From the steps had done, finded that the biggest failed criterion is keropos. Keropos is caused by lack of skill and correctness of worker on processing the raw material, can also caused by process execution which not fully corret so that produce critical process to be repaired first to increase the quality of Mendit's roof.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-78
Adi Nugroho ◽  
Lien Herliani Kusumah

Abstract. The industrial competition requires companies to produce high-quality products, but the phenomenon is that companies still produce products that do not meet specifications and are returned by customers. This is the basis for conducting research aimed at analyzing the implementation of quality control, knowing the main defects of the product, and making improvements to reduce or eliminate problems during the production process using the Six Sigma approach with steps: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. The research sample is the result of the final product inspection in April - September 2019. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of Quality control has been carried out but not maximally, with the root causes of the main defects being method, material, and machine. CTO in this research are: foreign body contamination, leak packaging, product temperature exceeds the standard, over drip, and thick fat. After improving, there was an increase in sigma level from 3.48 (performance baseline) to 3.83. Control is carried out to maintain consistency of corrective actions by regular briefings to operators, increasing GMP training, 5S, and product knowledge, standardizing SOP changes, adding necessary tools, and controlling preventive maintenance implementation. Keywords: Quality control, six sigma, wagyu, defect product, DMAIC

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