2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 220-231
Alma Rizka Siregar ◽  
Susi Ekalestari

This research is conducted to analyze the internal and external factors of the protagonist’s repentance from Second Act movie written by Justin Zackham And Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas. The internal factors of repentance are self evaluation, self-motivation, self-control, knowledge, regret, hatred towards the sin, and returns to god’s power and will. The external factors of repentance are peer support, social support, intense guidance, and stimulus. It is in accordance to the theory proposed by Fachitiandi. This study uses qualitative descriptive method because the process and the result are accomplished descriptively and the focus goes to the analysis of social phenomena conducted and experienced the main character. Repenteance is not only found in a literary text but also in social reality, therefore this research is important enough for the readers to maintain a good life by avoiding things contrary to social norms. After the analyzing, it is found that internal factors of the Protagonist’s repentance in the movie script are self-evaluation, self-motivation, and knowledge, while, the external factors of the protagonist’s repentance are peer of support and social of support.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Hesti Hidayati ◽  
Tri Saptuti Susiani ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi

<p><span class="s14"><span class="s10">The study aimed to describe the difficulties in solving math word problems a</span><a name="_GoBack"></a><span class="s10">bout statistics encountered by fourth grade students of SD Negeri Munggangsari in academic year of 2020/2021. It was qualitative research with descriptive method. The results indicated that most of the students had difficulties in solving statistics word problems. The difficulties were (a) reading errors, (b) comprehension error, (c) transformation errors, (d) process skill errors, and (e) encoding errors. The internal factors were (a) the students could not find the information in word problems, (b) the students could not read long sentences, (c) the students found difficulty how to convert data, (d) the students found difficulty to understand the problems, (f) the students did not apply steps to solve word problems, and (f) the students were inaccurate in doing word problems. The external factors were (a) the teacher had limited word problem practices, (b) the teacher had limited learning strategy, (c) the teacher had limited learning models, and (d) the teacher had limited interaction to the students.</span><span class="s10"> </span><span class="s10">It concludes that most of the students have difficulties in solving statistics word problems, there are internal and external factors affected the students. The next step is performing solutions that steps applied by the teachers and the students to decline the factors causing difficulties in solving story problems about statistics.</span></span></p><p><span class="s14">Penelitian</span><span class="s14"> ini bertujuan untuk mendespkripsikan kesulitan menyelesaikan soal cerita matematika tentang statistika yang dialami oleh siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Munggangsari tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan </span><span class="s14">penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa mengalami kesulitan menyelesaikan soal cerita statistika </span><span class="s14">yakni</span><span class="s14">:</span><span class="s14"> </span><span class="s14">(a) </span><span class="s14">kesalahan membaca soal, </span><span class="s14">(b) </span><span class="s14">kesalahan memahami apa yang ditanyakan dalam soal,</span><span class="s14"> (c) </span><span class="s14">kesalahan transformasi,</span><span class="s14"> (d) </span><span class="s14">kesalahan dalam proses, dan </span><span class="s14">(e) </span><span class="s14">kesalahan dalam menuliskan kesimpulan.</span><span class="s14"> </span><span class="s14">T</span><span class="s14">erdapat faktor </span><span class="s14">internal</span><span class="s14">, yakni: (a) siswa tidak mampu mencari informasi yang ada pada soal, (b) siswa belum mampu membaca kalimat panjang, (c) siswa belum mampu mengubah penyajian data, (d) siswa tidak paham dengan apa yang ditanyakan dalam soal, (e) siswa tidak menerapkan langkah-langkah menyelesaikan soal cerita dengan benar dan (f) siswa kurang teliti saat mengerjakan soal, </span><span class="s14">sedangkan</span><span class="s14"> faktor </span><span class="s14">eksternal</span><span class="s14"> </span><span class="s14">yaitu: (a) guru kurang bervariasi dalam memberikan latihan soal cerita, (b) guru kurang kreatif dalam menggunakan strategi pembelajaran, (c) guru kurang inovatif dalam menggunakan model pembelajaran, dan (d) interaksi yang kurang baik antar siswa</span><span class="s14">.</span><span class="s14"> D</span><span class="s14">ari analisis yang dilakukan peneliti, disimpulkan bahwa</span><span class="s14"> sebagian besar</span><span class="s14"> </span><span class="s14">siswa kelas IV SD Negeri Munggangsari mengalami kesulitan menyelesaikan soal cerita statistika, terdapat faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi siswa. Langkah selanjutnya </span><span class="s14">yakni memberikan alternatif solusi berupa langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan guru maupun siswa untuk mengurangi kesulitan siswa kelas IV SD dalam mengerjakan soal cerita statistika.</span></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Murtia Murtia ◽  
Pendais Hak

ABSTRAK: Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam Penelitian ini adalah; 1) apakah penyebab anak putus sekolah di Desa Lambelu Kecamatan Pasikolaga Kabupaten? 2) bagaimana upaya mengatasi anak putus sekolah di Desa Lambelu Kecamatan Pasikolaga Kabupaten Muna? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut; 1) Observasi 2) wawancara 3) Dokumentasi. Tinjauan pustaka dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan konsep teori perubahan sosial, konsep pendidikan, konsep pendidikan formal, konsep putus sekolah, dan faktor-faktor penyebab anak putus sekolah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa; 1. penyebab anak putus sekolah yang terjadi di Desa Lambelu yaitu faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. a. Faktor internal yang berasal dari diri anak  yaitu; kurangnya minat anak untuk sekolah dan rendahnya motivasi anak merupakan penyebab anak putus sekolah di Desa Lambelu Kecamatan Pasikolaga Kabupaten Muna. b. Faktor eksternal yang berasal dari luar diri anak yaitu; Kondisi ekonomi orang tua, lingkungan pergaulan yang kurang baik, dan Perkawinan Usia Muda. 2. upaya mengatasi anak putus sekolah di Desa Lambelu Kecamatan Pasikolaga Kabupaten Muna dalam penelitian ini adalah : 1) Adanya upaya orang tua dalam memberikan motivasi bagi anaknya untuk melanjutkan pendidikan, 2) Adanya upaya dari sekolah untuk memperhatikan pendidikan siswa dan bahkan diayomi atau mendekatkan diri dan memberikan arahan serta dukungan akan arti pentingnya pendidikan dan upaya pemerintah yaitu dengan memberikan bantuan PIP dan BOS serta bekerja sama dengan pemerintah desa untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada masyarakat, orang tua siswa tentang pentingnya pendidikan. Kata Kunci : Upaya, Penyebab, Metode, Anak putus sekolah ABSTRACT: The problems examined in this study are; 1) what is the cause of children dropping out of school in Lambelu Village, Pasikolaga District, Regency? 2) how to deal with school dropouts in Lambelu Village, Pasikolaga District, Muna Regency? The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive approach with the following stages; 1) Observation 2) interview 3) Documentation. Literature review in this study is to use the concept of social change theory, the concept of education, the concept of formal education, the concept of dropping out of school, and the factors causing dropouts. The results of this study indicate that; 1. causes of school dropouts that occur in Lambelu Village are internal and external factors. a. Internal factors originating from the child, namely; lack of children's interest in schooling and low motivation of children are the causes of school dropouts in Lambelu Village, Pasikolaga District, Muna Regency. b. External factors originating from outside the child, namely; The economic condition of parents, unfavorable social environment, and Early Marriage. 2. efforts to overcome dropout children in Lambelu Village, Pasikolaga District, Muna Regency in this study are: 1) There is an effort by parents to provide motivation for their children to continue their education, 2) There is an effort from schools to pay attention to the education of students and even protect them or get closer and provide direction and support for the importance of education and government efforts, namely by providing PIP and BOS assistance and working with village governments to provide understanding to the community, students' parents about the importance of education. Keywords: Efforts, Causes, Methods, Children dropping out of school

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (02) ◽  
pp. 239-248
Muhammad Quranul Kariem ◽  
Noor Ishmatuddin

The Surabaya City Government under the leadership of Tri Risma Harini in the 2015-2020 period has shown various successes with indicators from the economic, development, and environmental sectors. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method with a literature review approach. The results showed that several internal and external factors of government greatly influenced the development of good governance, which had an impact on the success of governance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-109
Muhammad Ansharuddin Al Furqani ◽  
Firmansyah Firmansyah

This study aims to see the factors that cause murabahah financing to be non-performing financing. This type of research uses a qualitative descriptive method using literature study data. The results of the study are the factors that cause Non-performing financing murabahah financing in the Risalatuna Jasa Cooperative in Padang City due to the Risalatuna Jasa Cooperative (internal factors) and the customers themselves (external factors). The Islamic law review of the settlement of Non-performing financing murabahah financing at the Risalatuna LKMS Jasa Cooperative is following the principles of Islamic law, because in handling Non-performing financing, the Cooperative Jasa Risalatuna LKMS takes precedence first, providing facilities and debt relief. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Arifuddin Arifuddin

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the ability of teachers of the Islamic Morals in preparing the 2013 Curriculum Lesson Plan (RPP) in MTs Negeri Kota Palopo by using descriptive qualitative research methods. The qualitative descriptive method is a method used in research to analyze a problem that occurs and describe it based on data obtained from the results of research in the form of written or oral words of the problem being studied / traced. The author was conducted the research data collection by using 3 (three) instruments, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the ability of teachers of the Islamic Morals in preparing the 2013 Curriculum Lesson Plan (RPP) in the MTs Negeri Kota Palopo was categorized as "good" with 3 (three) stages of observation by the writer. The results of the first observation score were 86%, the second was 78%, and the third was 86% with an average score of 83.33% achievement ability, this is evident from the completeness of the Lesson Plan (RPP) made by the teacher concerned. However the ability achieved is not necessarily obtained directly without being influenced by several factors. This achievement was based on 2 (two) factors which consist of internal factors and external factors. Internal factors included teacher understanding of the preparation of lesson plans, teachers had not to be innovative yet  in the learning process, and the ability of teachers to manage classrooms. The external factors included limited time, lacked of availability of media in schools, and the conditions and characteristics of students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Zakiyati Salma ◽  
Rahmawati Darusyamsu

In the implementation of learning online is encountered the problem that students are experiencing learning difficulties, one of them on the subjects of Biology. Learning difficulties of students are seen from the results of learning online tend to be lower than face-to-face. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that cause the difficulty of students to learn Biology online in grade XI MIPA SMAN 1 Kecamatan Payakumbuh. The Population and sample in this research are all students of grade XI MIPA SMAN 1 Kecamatan Payakumbuh. The research method used is the descriptive method with the instrument data collection in the form of a questionnaire. The results showed that the factor of difficulty to learn Biology online in SMAN 1 Kecamatan Payakumbuh consists of internal and external factors. Internal factors affect the 61,18% dominate by psychological (62,17%). While external factors that 65,43%, dominate by infrastructure learning online (70,79%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-131
Olandari Mulyadi ◽  
Fitri Yeni ◽  
Erananda Oktavia ◽  
M. Afuan

This study aims to optimize the sales target of Kebab Fetih Turki Rimbo Bujang Branch with the SWOT Analysis method. Inoptimizing sales targets, it is necessary to know internal factors of strengths and weaknesses, external factors of opportunities and threats. In this study, researchers used the SWOT Analysis method to analyze internal and external factors. This researchis a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this research are branch owners, employees, and consumers. The sample in this study were branch owners, employees and consumers at Kebab Fetih Turki, Rimbo Bujang branch with a total of 15 people. Based on the results of the SWOT Analysis of internal factors and external factors, it can be seen that the Turkish Kebab Fetih UKM of the Rimbo Bujang branch is in the Quadrant I position (0.09: 0.12), which means that the Turkish Kebab Fetih UKM of the Rimbo Bujang branch can take advantage of the opportunities and strengths that exist to optimize future sales. The strategy that can be applied is an aggressive strategy or growth oriented strategy by taking advantage of the opportunities and strengths of the Turkish Kebab Fetih UKM of the Rimbo Bujang branch. Finally, the authors suggest to UKM Kebab Fetih Turki Branch of Rimbo Bujang to be able to develop the factors that become the company's strengths and evaluate the opportunities and threats that may occur, besides increasing their marketing so that sales targets can continue to be achieved optimally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-207
Nanda Herliana ◽  
Andang Suhendi

This study is conducted to analyze the factors of personal motivation in Midnight Sun movie written by Eric Kirsten. This study applies qualitative descriptive method since the process and the result of the research are accomplished descriptively. Then, the theory proposed by McClelland is used in this study. He mentions two types of factors of personal motivation. The factors include internal and external. This study is focused only on internal factors. It is stated that five factors belong to internal factors of motivation. After having analyzed those factors in the movie, only four factors are found in the analysis. They are need, hope, responsibility, self-esteem and achievement, while, job satisfaction is not found in the movie. The four internal factors happen within the protagonist himself. These factors emerge from the characters’ personal motivation. By the internal factors, the protagonist can make his dream come true. In conclusion, the result of this study shows that to realize dream and to avoid adversity, we must have a motivation to make it happen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-84
Laelatul Azkiyah ◽  
Dedi Junaedi

The purpose of this service is to observe and identify the strengths/weaknesses of internal and external factors of Abon Cabe Evia's business in Parung Panjang, Bogor. The method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The results are: Internal factors that become the main strength of Abon Cabe Evia is that the production does not use flavoring ingredients or monosodium glutamate so that the product has natural ingredients, while the weakness is that marketing through online and offline media is not optimal. External factors that become opportunities are market trends and consumption that continues to increase so that the potential to get more customers is potential, while the threat is the emergence of competitors which causes intense business competition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Harjianto Harjianto ◽  
Roudhotul Jannah

Divorcement rate in Banyuwangi district is the second rank in East Java province below Surabaya and third rank in national scale below Indramayu and Surabaya. In 2014, there are 7.106 cases that involve 6.798 couples. This research is aimed to identify the factors that cause divorce high rate in Banyuwangi district. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study design that using a phenomenological perspective. Purposive sampling method was used and the samples in this research were 40 widows and widowers from 4 sub-districts in Banyuwangi with the highest divorce cases. Data was analyzed with qualitative descriptive analysis.The results shows that divorce was be caused by internal and external factors.  Internal factors, namely economy (37,5 percent), responsibility (15 percent), and harmony (17,5 percent). Whereas external factors are infidelity (30 percent). The result of this study will be a recommendation in formulating a prenuptial education learning model based on family and school approaches in Banyuwangi district.

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