Reconceptualizing the Public Spaces of New Urban Areas in Hanoi: The End or the New of Public-Making?

Minh-Tung Tran ◽  
Tien-Hau Phan ◽  
Ngoc-Huyen Chu ◽  

Public spaces are designed and managed in many different ways. In Hanoi, after the Doi moi policy in 1986, the transfer of the public spaces creation at the neighborhood-level to the private sector has prospered na-ture of public and added a large amount of public space for the city, directly impacting on citizen's daily life, creating a new trend, new concept of public spaces. This article looks forward to understanding the public spaces-making and operating in KDTMs (Khu Do Thi Moi - new urban areas) in Hanoi to answer the question of whether ‘socialization’/privatization of these public spaces will put an end to the urban public or the new means of public-making trend. Based on the comparison and literature review of studies in the world on public spaces privatization with domestic studies to see the differences in the Vietnamese context leading to differences in definitions and roles and the concept of public spaces in KDTMs of Hanoi. Through adducing and analyzing practical cases, the article also mentions the trends, the issues, the ways and the technologies of public-making and public-spaces-making in KDTMs of Hanoi. Win/loss and the relationship of the three most important influential actors in this process (municipality, KDTM owners, inhabitants/citizens) is also considered to reconceptualize the public spaces of KDTMs in Hanoi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Ully Irma Maulina Hanafiah ◽  
Doddy Friestya Asharsinyo

The public area of the city in general is currently experiencing rapid development due to economic growth and the influence of globalization. The public space is formed based on economic, social, political cultural interests, as well as developments and changes that occur in the current public space, making it limited and cannot be accessed optimally by the wider community. This is caused by the hierarchy of public spaces that are formed based on the functions that surround them. The purpose of this study is to reveal the phenomenon of public hierarchy in urban space in the context of its changes. This research is descriptive-analytical and based on theoretical and empirical elaboration. This approach is used to read public spaces in urban areas to get a reference for the interpretation of theoretical relationships from an empirical condition.

GeoTextos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
António Cláudio do Nascimento Silva ◽  
Daniel Paiva

<p>Este artigo pretende refletir sobre a complexa relação entre os artistas de rua, as suas performances e o espaço urbano. Para esta reflexão, baseamo-nos num estudo desenvolvido na Baixa lisboeta, localizada no centro histórico da cidade de Lisboa, Portugal. Metodologicamente, o estudo implicou observação sombreada com recurso a caminhadas e à videografia entre 2016 e 2021, bem como um conjunto de 15 entrevistas realizadas a artistas de rua em 2018. Conceptualmente, o estudo recorre ao crescente corpo de bibliografia no âmbito da geografia sensorial e da etnomusicologia, nomeadamente em relação aos artistas de rua e às suas performances, e a sua intersecção com questões económicas, os aspetos da urbanidade, a influência do turismo e as experiências sensoriais. Os nossos resultados desvendam o processo de territorialização dos locais de performance na Baixa lisboeta, o impacto das performances artísticas no espaço público, e a relação dos artistas de rua com os agentes formais da economia urbana. Concluímos o artigo com uma breve reflexão sobre a importância do turismo para a expansão do busking.</p><p><span>Abstract</span></p><p>URBAN ECONOMY AND STREET ARTISTS: PERFORMANCE, MOBILITY, AND CONFLICT IN A TOURISTIFIED PUBLIC SPACE</p><p>This article reflects on the complex relationship between street artists, their performances and urban space. For this reflection, we draw upon a study conducted in the Baixa, located in the historic centre of the city of Lisbon, Portugal. Methodologically, the study involved shadowed observation, including walks and videography, which took place between 2016 and 2021, as well as a set of 15 interviews with street artists which were conducted in 2018. Conceptually, the study draws upon the growing body of works within the scope of sensory geography and ethnomusicology, namely regarding street artists and their performances, and their intersection with economic issues, aspects of urbanity, the influence of tourism and sensory experiences. Our results reveal the process of territorialization of performance sites in Lisbon’s Baixa, the impact of artistic performances in the public space, and the relationship of street artists with the formal agents of the urban economy. We conclude the article with a brief reflection on the significance of tourism for the expansion of busking.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 147
Renata Sieiro Fernandes ◽  
Antonio Carlos Miranda ◽  
Irene Quintáns

Parte-se da ideia da cidade como campo da educação não formal. Dentre os usos e ocupações atuais do espaço público por contestação, manifestação, lazer, sob orientações políticas, étnicas, artísticas, ambientais, lúdicas, pelo público adulto, têm surgido experiências que envolvem as crianças, como sujeitos-cidadãos ativos e participativos na cidade, o que vem a constituir a experiência da cidade. O objetivo é apresentar e discutir aspectos educativos no campo da educação não formal que são desenvolvidos por meio de ações sociais e comunitárias, relacionando com o conceito de currículo e de currículo oculto no espaço da cidade. Metodologicamente, é um estudo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa no campo da Educação, do tipo bibliográfico e documental e descritivo e analítico quanto aos seus objetivos. Parte do levantamento de práticas nacionais de educação não formal na cidade envolvendo crianças, tendo sido selecionados 5 projetos dentro de duas categorias denominadas projetos de revitalização do espaço público e projetos de escuta das crianças, para discussão. O referencial teórico baseia-se em Trilla, Sennett, Lefebvre e outros. Os dados mostram que, na ocupação dos espaços públicos, o currículo deixa de ser prescrito para ser construído pelas comunidades, na promoção das oportunidades de acesso aos bens sociais e culturais nas três dimensões em que a cidade educa: aprender da cidade, aprender na cidade, aprender a cidade. As crianças que participam dos projetos são entendidas como sujeitos sociais e públicos e que produzem cultura (não apenas a reiteram), promovendo processos de criação, reinvenção e modificação do entorno, do que é comum, das comunidades e da sociedade. Conclui-se que essa participação e as ações empreendidas dão margem a novas possibilidades de atuação no mundo, tirando os sujeitos das tiranias da intimidade.Palavras-chave: Educação não formal. Cidade educativa. Educação e cultura. Currículo.THE CITY AS A FIELD OF NON-FORMAL EDUCATION AND THE EXPERIENCES OF CHILDREN Abstract This article starts with the idea of the city as a place of non-formal education. Among the current uses and occupations of the public space for contestation, demonstration, leisure, under political, ethnic, artistic, environmental and playful orientations by the adult public, experiences have arisen that involve children as active and participative citizen subjects in the city. This is what constitutes the experience of the city. The objective is to present and discuss educational aspects in the field of non-formal education that are developed through social and community actions, relating to the concept of curriculum and hidden curriculum in the universe of the city. Methodologically, it is an exploratory study, qualitative approach in the field of Education, bibliographic and documentary type and descriptive and analytical about its objectives. Part of the survey of national practices of non-formal education in the city involving children, 5 projects were selected within two categories called projects of revitalization of public space and projects of listening to children, for discussion. The theoretical framework is based on Trilla, Sennett, Lefebvre and others. The data show that, in the occupation of public spaces, the curriculum is no longer prescribed to be built by the communities, in promoting opportunities for access to social and cultural goods in the three dimensions in which the city educates: learning from the city, learning in the city , learn the city. The children who participate in the projects are understood as social and public subjects and that produce culture (not only reiterate it), promoting processes of creation, reinvention and modification of the environment, of what is common, of communities and of society. It is concluded that this participation and the actions undertaken give rise to new possibilities of action in the world, taking the subjects from the tyrannies of intimacy.Keywords: Non-formal education. Educational city. Education and culture. Curriculum.LA CIUDAD COMO CAMPO DE LA EDUCACIÓN NO FORMAL Y LAS EXPERIENCIAS DE LOS NIÑOSResumenSe parte de la idea de la ciudad como lugar de educación no formal. En el caso de los niños, como sujetos ciudadanos activos y participativos en la ciudad, entre los usos y ocupaciones actuales del espacio público por contestación, manifestación, ocio, bajo orientaciones políticas, étnicas, artísticas, ambientales, lúdicas, por el público adulto, han surgido experiencias que involucran a los niños, lo que viene a constituir la experiencia de la ciudad. El objetivo es presentar y discutir aspectos educativos en el campo de la educación no formales que se desarrollan a través de acciones sociales y comunitarias, relacionándose con el concepto de currículo y de currículo oculto en el universo de la ciudad. Metodológicamente, es un estudio exploratorio, de abordaje cualitativo en el campo de la Educación, del tipo bibliográfico y documental y descriptivo y analítico en cuanto a sus objetivos. Parte del levantamiento de prácticas nacionales de educación no formal en la ciudad que involucra a niños, se seleccionaron 5 proyectos dentro de dos categorías denominadas proyectos de revitalización del espacio público y proyectos de escucha de los niños, para discusión. El referencial teórico se basa en Trilla, Sennett, Lefebvre y otros. Los datos muestran que, en la ocupación de los espacios públicos, el currículo deja de ser prescrito para ser construido por las comunidades, en la promoción de las oportunidades de acceso a los bienes sociales y culturales en las tres dimensiones en que la ciudad educa: aprender de la ciudad, aprender en la ciudad , aprender la ciudad. Los niños que participan en los proyectos son entendidos como sujetos sociales y públicos y que producen cultura (no sólo la reiteran), promoviendo procesos de creación, reinvención y modificación del entorno, de lo que es común, de las comunidades y de la sociedad. Se concluye que esa participación y las acciones emprendidas dan lugar a nuevas posibilidades de actuación en el mundo, sacando a los sujetos de las tiranías de la intimidad.Palabras clave: Educación no formal. Ciudad educativa. Educación y cultura. Currículo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 4577
Carmela Cucuzzella ◽  
Morteza Hazbei ◽  
Sherif Goubran

This paper explores how design in the public realm can integrate city data to help disseminate the information embedded within it and provide urban opportunities for knowledge exchange. The hypothesis is that such art and design practices in public spaces, as places of knowledge exchange, may enable more sustainable communities and cities through the visualization of data. To achieve this, we developed a methodology to compare various design approaches for integrating three main elements in public-space design projects: city data, specific issues of sustainability, and varying methods for activating the data. To test this methodology, we applied it to a pedogeological project where students were required to render city data visible. We analyze the proposals presented by the young designers to understand their approaches to design, data, and education. We study how they “educate” and “dialogue” with the community about sustainable issues. Specifically, the research attempts to answer the following questions: (1) How can we use data in the design of public spaces as a means for sustainability knowledge exchange in the city? (2) How can community-based design contribute to innovative data collection and dissemination for advancing sustainability in the city? (3) What are the overlaps between the projects’ intended impacts and the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Our findings suggest that there is a need for such creative practices, as they make information available to the community, using unconventional methods. Furthermore, more research is needed to better understand the short- and long-term outcomes of these works in the public realm.

2021 ◽  
pp. 78-107
Lizeth Benavides ◽  
Natasha Cabrera_Jara ◽  
Belén Campoverde_Bermeo

El cambio de modelo urbano asumido durante el siglo XX, trajo un sinnúmero de problemas como la priorización del vehículo, por lo que en la última década han surgido esfuerzos para dotar de importancia al ciudadano de a pie, en el espacio público. Esta investigación estudió las condiciones físico-espaciales de un corredor urbano donde el modelo centrado en el vehículo se acentúa, con la fnalidad de generar posibles estrategias que reviertan esta situación. Se tomó como caso de estudio a la Av. 24 de Mayo, en Azogues, y se lo analizó mediante una metodología mixta, que evaluó, detalladamente, tres zonas de estudio, determinando que la falta de accesibilidad y conectividad y el modelo de movilidad defendido por la ciudadanía, en general, infuyen directamente en las condiciones del espacio público peatonal y por ende en la habitabilidad urbana, perjudicando los desplazamientos a pie. Palabras clave: Espacio público; habitabilidad urbana; conectividad; accesibilidad; percepción. AbstractThe change of urban model assumed during the 20th century, brought countless problems such as the prioritization of vehicles, so in the last decade eforts have emerged to give importance to the citizen on foot in the public space. This original research studied the relationship of urban habitability with the physical-spatial conditions of an urban corridor, where the vehicle-centered model is accentuated, to generate possible strategies to reverse this situation. The Av. 24 de Mayo in Azogues was taken as a case study and analyzed using a mixed methodology that evaluated in detail three study areas, determining that the lack of accessibility and connectivity and the mobility model defended by citizens in general have a direct infuence on the conditions of the pedestrianpublic space and, therefore, on urban habitability, which afects walking Keywords: Public space; urban habitability; connectivity; accessibility; perception.

2013 ◽  
Vol 409-410 ◽  
pp. 883-886
Bo Xuan Zhao ◽  
Cong Ling Meng

City, is consisting of a series continuous or intermittent public space images, and every image for each of our people living in the city is varied: may be as awesome as forbidden city Meridian Gate, like Piazza San Marco as a cordial and pleasant space and might also be like Manhattan district of New York, which makes people excited and enthusiastic. To see why, people have different feelings because the public urban space ultimately belongs to democratic public space, people live and have emotions in it. In such domain, people can not only be liberated, free to enjoy the pleasures of urban public space, but also enjoy urban life which is brought by the city's charm through highlighting the vitality of the city with humanism atmosphere. To a conclusion, no matter how ordinary the city is, a good image of urban space can also bring people pleasure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 159
Shih-Hao Wang ◽  
Chung-Lin Tsai ◽  
Han-Chao Chang

A comfortable experimental environment usually enables stress relief among inventors, allowing them to focus on inventing. However, to facilitate smooth and continuous experimental procedures, the public spaces and computing environments of conventional laboratories are usually replete with heavy instruments and interconnected wires; consequently, inventors have limited space to conduct complex experiments. These public spaces and computing environments negatively affect the creative self-efficacy (CSE) of inventors. Based on CSE theory and modified information layout complexity theory, in this study, 100 inventors who had obtained patents were recruited. The results indicated that a wireless cloud public space and computing environment positively moderated and enhanced the relationship between low layout complexity and inventor CSE; conventional public spaces and computing environments featuring cables negatively moderated and weakened the relationship between high layout complexity and inventor CSE. More than 40% of participants highly supported using one electronic tablet to manipulate multiple instruments. The results also revealed that approximately 64% of participants did not think they were essential in promoting critical mass in the laboratory. This finding was significantly different from the degree centrality of creativity perspective. Critical indicators of inventor CSE were found to be inventors’ decision-making capabilities regarding innovative research directions and their communication skills with supervisors.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 77
Sarah Isabella Chiodi

<p>What do we mean when we talk about public space? We asked this question, among others about the relationship between urban populations and public spaces, to some people in the context of the National Research Program (PRIN 2009) titled ‘Public Spaces, moving populations and urban renewal programs’. This paper reports part of the outcome of the research done within the local unit of Turin (Italy), which has been developed with a set of interviews to local stakeholders and with a field research in the selected areas of the City Centre and the districts of San Salvario and Barriera di Milano.<br />From the answers of the stakeholders emerged some relevant issues that I analysed through a selected literature about the concept of public space. The result is a sort of catalogue of typical public spaces of the city, as acknowledged by the local stakeholders and by the field research, and analysed through the international literature. The typologies identified are: traditional public spaces, ‘cappuccino’ spaces, weak sociality spaces, new virtual public spaces and the ‘District Houses’, a new type of public space emerging in the city. To identify them, some characteristic pictures of public spaces of Turin and interviews’ pieces are also reported.<br />However, facing this scenario built on the empirical research, we should mind that the conflicting views of public space depend also on the professional and cultural background of the interviewees, which is such fickle data that it cannot be catalogued. So, the catalogue proposed is not exhaustive, but only indicative of the trend about new perspectives on the meaning of public space which emerged through research conducted in the city of Turin.</p>

Maria Anton-Barco ◽  

Public space in the city is being continuously contested. The most compelling of these challenges comes from the recent terrorist attacks on cities across the world. While the awareness of the need to ‘design against terrorism’ and a demand for greater safety in public spaces has entered into citizen’s consciousness -given the perception of fear due to recent attacks- drastic security and surveillance measures usually go against a more open and inclusive public realm.

2012 ◽  
pp. 128-155
Tiago Estevam Gonçalves ◽  
Tatiane Rodrigues Carneiro

Iniciar uma reflexão acerca da cidade atual nos remete à necessidade de construirmos uma análise sobre os shopping centers como espaços que tem atraído um fluxo considerável da população, ocasionando mudanças na relação dos citadinos com os espaços públicos.  Nesta perspectiva, temos como objetivo analisar o  North Shopping, localizado na cidade de Fortaleza, como um espaço de uso popular onde as camadas de menor poder aquisitivo podem adentrar e usufruir de seus atributos. Imbuídos de tal finalidade nosso aporte teórico fundamentou-se em Pintaudi (1992), Dantas (1995), Silva (1996) Lefebvre (1999), Carlos (2001), Gomes (2002) e Serpa (2007). Conclui-se que na cidade de Fortaleza, o North Shopping é um verdadeiro simulacro da realidade, substituindo as experiências cotidianas dos espaços públicos, configurando-se, assim, a supervalorização do espaço privado que se traveste de público tendo repercussões na nova urbanidade fortalezense.  Public Space and Shopping Mall in the Contemporary City: New Meanings of North Shopping in Fortaleza/CE  Abstract Start a discussion about the current city us the need to build an analysis on malls as spaces that have attracted a considerable  flow of people, causing changes in the relationships of the townspeople with the public spaces. In this perpective, we have to anlyze the North Shopping, located in Fortaleza, as a space where the popular use of lower purchasing power can enter and enjoy its atributes. Imbued with this purpose our theoretival approach was bases on Pintaudi (1992), Dantas (1995), Silva (1996) Lefebvre (1999), Carlos (2001), Gomes (2002) e Serpa (2007).  It’s concluded that in the city of Fortaleza, the North Shopping is a true simulation of reality, replacing the daily experiences of public spaces, becoming  thusovervaluation of private space of public who dresss as having impact on new fortaleza’s urbanity. Espacio Público y Centro Comercial en Ciudad Contemporánea: Nuevos Sentidos del North Shopoing en la Fortaleza/CE ResumenIniciar uma reflexión acerca de la actual ciudad nos recuerda la necesidad de construir um análisis acerca de los centros comerciales como espacios que han atraído um flujo considerable de personas, provocando câmbios en la relación de los habitantes de la ciudad com los espacios públicos. Em esta perspectiva, tenemos que analisar el North Shopping, que se encuentra en Fortaleza, como um espacio de uso popular donde lãs camadas de menor poder adquisitivo pueden entrar y disfrutar de sus atributos. Imbuido de esa finalidad nuestro aporte teórico se fundamento em: Pintaudi (1992), Dantas (1995), Silva (1996) Lefebvre (1999), Carlos (2001), Gomes (2002) y Serpa (2004). Se puede concluir que en la ciudad de Fortaleza el North Shopping es uma  verdadera simulación de la realidad, sustituición de las experiencias diárias de los espacios públicos, convertiéndose, asó, la sobrevaluación del espacio privado que se passa por el público tenendo impactos en la nueva urbanidad de Fortaleza.10.7147/GEO10.1573

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