scholarly journals Scientific basis for improved forage production on meadows and pastures of Ukraine

V.F. Petrychenko ◽  
A.V. Korniychuk ◽  
Yu. A. Veklenko

Purpose. To highlight the features of transformational change in the use of natural grasslands in agricultural production in recent years in terms of land use specifics, the real economic condition, the available dynamics of hayfields and pastures, their productivity and efficiency in feed production in Ukraine. To justify the scientific and practical approaches to intensification of forage production on natural meadows and pastures in conditions of globalization of the agricultural production and climate change. Methods. Observation, comparison, analysis and synthesis, system analysis and forecast. Results. The analysis of production efficiency in the use of hayfields and pastures in Ukraine was carried out. It was found that as a result of the redistribution of land and the decline of the livestock industry in the agricultural business entities the basic balance between the arable land and natural grassland was violated, what does not allow to effectively combine and use their environmental and fodder value. The results of many years of fundamental and applied scientific research on the influence of agricultural intensification on the biological potential and increasing the productivity of forage agrophytocenoses located on natural forage lands in various agro-climatic zones of our country are analyzed. Conclusions. The efficiency of forage production in meadows and pastures in the context of transformational changes depends on the development of specialized areas of cattle breeding based on the rational use of natural forage resources. In order to eliminate the degradation of meadows and pastures, it is necessary to carry out scientific support of agrotechnical developments, including such regulated elements as plant groups, soil, water, anthropogenic factors, feed quality, and animals.

Н. Зезин ◽  
М. Намятов

Исследования Уральского НИИСХ и опыт передовых хозяйств Свердловской области показывают, что для повышения эффективности и стабильности кормопроизводства необходимо в структуре кормовых культур увеличивать удельный вес высокобелковых, высокоэнергетических и засухоустойчивых культур, производить подсев многолетних трав ежегодно на площади не менее 60 тыс. га, а в перспективе 7080 тыс. га. За последние 7 лет (20112018 годы) площади люцерны в области увеличились в 2 раза (до 23 тыс. га), кукурузы по зерновой технологии в 2,4 раза (до 20,9 тыс. га) и масличных культур в 3,1 раза (до 30,8 тыс. га). Опыт СПК Килачёвский Ирбитского района показывает, что освоение научно обоснованных биологизированных севооборотов, прошедших изучение в стационарных опытах Уральского НИИСХ, позволяет ежегодно получать высокие и стабильные урожаи всех сельскохозяйственных культур. В этом хозяйстве каждая кормовая культура размещается в своём севообороте. В СПК Килачёвский и ряде других хозяйств Свердловской области большое значение придаётся возделыванию люцерны, кукурузы и масличных культур. Площадь этих культур в расчёте на одну корову мы назвали белковоэнергетическим коэффициентом (БЭК). Анализ показал тесную взаимосвязь между белковоэнергетическим коэффициентом и молочной продуктивностью. Так, в СПК Килачёвский в 2016 году при удое 10196кг БЭК был равен 1,25 в 2017 году удой достиг 10798кг, БЭК 1,43 в 2018 году соответственно 11493 кг и 1,47 при количестве коров 29002977 голов. According to the investigations conducted at the Ural Agricultural Research Institute and experience of the leading farms in the Sverdlovsk region high effectiveness and stability of Forage Production requires wide cultivation of droughtresistant crops rich in protein and energy as well as seeding over 60 thousand ha (in the future 7080 thousand ha) by perennial grasses annually. For the last 7 years (20112018) areas of alfalfa increased by 2 times (up to 23 thousand ha), grain maize by 2.4 times (up to 20.9 thousand ha), oil crops by 3.1 times (up to 30.8 thousand ha). SPK Kilachevskiy (agricultural production cooperative) reported that the use of approved crop rotations tested at the Ural Agricultural Research Institute resulted in annual high and stable yields of all the crops. SPK Kilachevskiy and other farms of the region widely grow alfalfa, maize and oil crops. Land area for the cultivation of these crops per one cow is called proteinenergy coefficient (PEC). Proteinenergy coefficient was shown to have a significant correlation with milk productivity. SPK Kilachevskiy reported that in 2016 PEC and milk yield reached 1.25 and 10196 kg in 2017 1.43 and 10798 kg in 2018 1.47 and 11493 kg, respectively under 29002977 cows.

Ivan Svynous ◽  
Olesya Havryk ◽  
Valentyna Byba

Introduction. One of the conditions for creating a favourable environment for the development of farms in the future is the substantiation of methodological tools for their typology on the basis of a system of criteria of objective and subjective nature. Criteria for typology should be selected parameters that characterize the essential features of farm development, production potential, features of management and marketing, indicators of production efficiency, as well as other important indicators in developing strategies and tactics. Methods. The general scientific and special methods of economic research were used in the article, in particular: a systematic approach − in the study of the relationships between phenomena and processes in the system of ensuring the effective development of farms; statistical analysis − in determining the dynamics, structure and effectiveness of farm development; comparative − to compare economic processes in the production of agricultural products in different time periods in order to identify the causal link; dialectical, abstract and logical − in carrying out theoretical generalizations, forming conclusions. Results. When assigning a farm to a certain category, only the legal features of its registration are taken into account, but not the size of the farm's resources. Many farms are essentially family-owned and have relatively small incomes, land area and livestock according to the experience of entities operating in the field of agribusiness. Very often, farms classified as small businesses produce many more products than the average enterprises. Discussion. It is proposed to include into the net assets the value of agricultural land as the main means of production of business entities in order to ensure the unity of methodological approaches to the typology of agribusiness entities. The information basis for the calculation is a statistical form of 6-lands, which reflects the area of land use, and the cost component should be determined based on the methodology of normative monetary valuation of agricultural land, which came into force in 2017. In the near future, the use of methodological approaches to the typology of agricultural enterprises will make it possible to introduce effective state and regional support for agricultural production, regardless of the organizational and legal form of management. Keywords: typologization, farming, criteria, agricultural production, agribusiness.

Artur Zhavoronok ◽  
Alina Marych

Introduction. Today, the world economy is gradually globalizing. No country in the world can escape its influence on certain spheres of public life. The process of «globalization» affects the development of innovative entrepreneurship. Today, the driving force of the functioning of innovative entrepreneurship in ensuring economic growth is its development and this is one of the main prerequisites for the successful functioning of entrepreneurship in various sectors of the economy, an incentive to increase production efficiency. Innovative entrepreneurship is a special innovative process of creating a new, a kind of management, aimed at finding new ideas and opportunities for commercial use of innovations. Methods. The study uses the fundamental provisions of economic theory. General scientific principles of conducting complex scientific researches were used to solve the set tasks. In the process of research a number of general scientific methods were used, in particular: analogies, logical generalization and system analysis. Results. Innovative entrepreneurship is considered as a new way of small business development, using the achievements of modern science. The study of innovative entrepreneurship allowed to understand the modern directions of development of the market and enter new paths of economic development, in particular, highlighting the problems and prospects for its development. Discussion. In order to solve the problems of development of innovative entrepreneurship it is necessary to: develop a legal framework that includes the definition of «innovation»; create competition that is possible only with good financial incentives; to train qualified personnel, and for this purpose the opening of innovation and technological centers at the university will be effective; develop new venture financing programs (creation of a large number of innovation and technology centers, technology parks and business incubators); organize exhibitions and product presentations in the regions. Prospects for further research into innovative entrepreneurship may be to strengthen the financial support for the development of innovative entrepreneurship by improving the fiscal policy of support for business entities. Keywords: innovations, innovative development of entrepreneurship, national economy.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1010-1012 ◽  
pp. 1307-1311
Xiao Ting Xu ◽  
Li Chun Sui ◽  
Dan Dan Shan ◽  
Sien Wang

The purpose of this paper is to grasp the distribution characteristics of arable land quality. Methods employed are system analysis method and spatial analysis function of ArcGIS. The results show that the arable land quality is relatively higher compared to the national level. Differences of arable land grade were significant among different agricultural grading zones. The arable land grade of Han River plain area is the highest. The grades of irrigable land and paddy field are higher than dry land, and the irrigable land is the highest. Topography, soil, irrigation conditions, population density, economic development level are the main factors causing the difference of arable land grade spatial distribution. The research can provide a scientific basis for policies and measures making about arable land quality protection and grade improvement.

2021 ◽  
V.V. Alt ◽  
M.S. Chekusov ◽  
E.A. Balushkina ◽  
S.P. Isakova

Digitalization of agricultural production is an existing reality. About 50% of farms to some extent use elements of digitalization in the implementation of technological and managerial tasks. A system analysis to the objects of agricultural production, as to the information environment when describing them in the information space, is applied to the study. The main problems of digitalization of agriculture associated with large amounts of data and the required accuracy of the resulting solutions are shown. The main tasks in the use of digitalization by agricultural producers are identified and justified. The general requirements for the volume of information for solving problems of agriculture, crop production and means of processing this information are revealed. The amount of information when using digital methods of managing technological processes in agriculture is determined from the necessary resolution when managing technological processes and the volume of arable land in the subject of Russia. The analysis of positive trends allowed us to formulate main messages in the application of digital technologies in agricultural production at the present stage of its development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 296 (4) ◽  
pp. 40-50
Mykhailo VEDERNIKOV ◽  
Nataliya BAZALIYSKA ◽  
Maria ZELENA ◽  

Features of labor management in modern conditions are re-searched in the article. Directions of improving management system activities are determined. Methodological approaches to the formation of the system of development of management personnel of the organization in the conditions of knowledge economy are considered. The stages of development of the information society in connection with the innovative phase of development of the knowledge economy are described. Theoretical approaches to the definition of “knowledge economy” are formed. The characteristic features of the “knowledge economy” are highlighted. The stages of implementation of the process of increasing the efficiency of development of the management staff of the organization in the conditions of knowledge economy are offered. An organizational model of the process of increasing the development of management staff of the organization in a knowledge economy. This paper improved theoretical and methodological basis of the system of administrative personnel. In the context of globalization and integration of the domestic labor market, the managerial staff of the organization acts as a valuable socio-economic resource, the cost of professional qualities and competencies of which is steadily growing due to the acquisition of new knowledge by employees. The effectiveness of the managerial work of an organization, in contrast to the labor productivity of direct participants in the creation of material wealth, is not measured directly, but by the performance indicators of the work of business entities over a certain period of time. An important role in increasing the efficiency of the organization’s managerial work belongs to the organization of labor of the employees of the management apparatus on a scientific basis, which means a system of sound technical, organizational and economic measures aimed at directly improving the organization and management methods using scientific and technical achievements, the widespread introduction of mechanization, automation and computerization of all functions of the management process.

Gennadiy A. Polunin ◽  

The article is devoted to substantiating the prospects for increasing the marginal volumes of agricultural production for export in the next four years. Two scenarios of such production are considered: 1) expansion and 2) intensification of the use of land resources. As part of the development of the first scenario, an analysis of the distribution of unused agricultural land, including arable land, by federal districts was carried out. Also, based on the forecast of the introduction of additional annual volumes of acreage in the subjects of the Federation, the calculation of additional volumes of agricultural production, which can be expected in the next four years, was carried out. The analysis of data on the increase in the yield of export-oriented crops over the past five years has been carried out, in the framework of the second scenario, the calculation of the projected additional yield due to the intensification of agriculture is presented. The results of the study indicate that the intensification of agriculture will have the greatest impact on the growth of production and export of agricultural products in the near future.

Water Policy ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-72 ◽  
Jiazhong Zheng ◽  
Weiguang Wang ◽  
Dan Chen ◽  
Xinchun Cao ◽  
Wanqiu Xing ◽  

Abstract A coordinated nexus of agricultural resources is vital to achieve food security and sustainable development in China. Comprehensively considering the water–energy–food nexus as well as the external environment, this study adopts a three-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) modelling evaluation method to assess the agricultural production efficiency (APE) of seven provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (MLYR) during 1996–2015. The results show that the three-stage DEA modelling evaluation method reveals real APE and is considered to be a better quantitative method than conventional approaches. A gradually widening range of APE is an important challenge for this region. Significantly, this region generates huge demands for agricultural resources. Moreover, regional emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) decreased from 34.20 million tons standard coal in 1996 to 32.11 million tons standard coal in 2015, though APE has continued to decrease by 2.56% in the past two decades. In general, the management and technology levels should be improved simultaneously, even though specific opportunities for APE improvement vary across provinces in MLYR. However, understanding the temporal and spatial variation of APE along with the WEF nexus from a production-based insight is a vital step toward appropriately targeted policy making for nationwide resources savings and emissions reduction.

Agriculture ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Binbin Mo ◽  
Mengyang Hou ◽  
Xuexi Huo

Climate change and farmland environmental pollution have put greater pressure on the sustainability of agricultural production. Based on the provincial panel data of mainland China from 1978 to 2018, climate variables such as precipitation, temperature, and sunshine hours are included into the input indicators, and agricultural non-point source pollution and carbon emissions are taken as undesirable outputs, the agricultural production efficiency (APE) under the dual constraints of climate change and the resource environment was estimated by the super slacks-based measure (SBM)-undesirable model. On the basis of the trajectory of the imbalanced spatiotemporal evolution of APE shown by Kernel density estimation and the standard deviational ellipse (SDE)–center of gravity (COG) transfer model, the spatial convergence model was used to test the convergence and differentiation characteristics of APE. Under the dual constraints, APE presents a “bimodal” distribution with a stable increase in fluctuation, but it is still at a generally low level and does not show polarization, among which the APE in the northeast region is the highest. The COG of APE tends to transfer towards the northeast, and the coverage of the SDE is shrinking, so the overall spatial pattern is characterized by a tendency of clustering towards the north in the north-south direction and a tendency of imbalance in the east-west direction. APE has significant spatial convergence, and there is a trend of “latecomer catching-up” in low-efficiency regions. The introduction of spatial correlation accelerates the convergence rate and shortens the convergence period. The convergence rate is the highest in the central and western regions, followed by that in the northeastern region, and the convergence rate is the lowest in the eastern region. In addition, the convergence rate in different time periods has a phase change. The process of improving the quality and efficiency of agricultural production requires enhancing the adaptability of climate change, balancing the carrying capacity of the resource environment, and strengthening inter-regional cooperation and linkage in the field of agriculture.

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