scholarly journals Pentingnya Disiplin Gereja bagi Seorang Pejabat Gereja dalam Sebuah Pelayanan

2021 ◽  
Putri Doranda

At this time, we often encounter many church officials who do not carry out their duties properly in a church service that the congregation has untrusted to them. In this paper I will present some reflections on the life of a church official who does not discipline himself in a church service. According to some people think that, discipline in the church is a major omission in some churches today where a leader is afraid to discipline the church to members of the congregation either to a church official, because it is considered contrary to the “love of God” which can cause division in a fellowship with in the church discipline in a congregatin & church, can cause the loss of church members who are affected from outside. Mean while, the major misunderstandings that occur in the church occur due to differences of opinion regarding the meaning, purpose, and nature of church discipline. Many see church discipline as a curse and presentation to a church official or to members of the congregation rather than to be seen as healing love. The purpose of writing this paper is to explain the correct understanding of the importance of church discipline for a church official in a church ministry today

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-118
Daud Saleh Luji ◽  
Indriani Lopo ◽  
Ana V. Soinbala

The purpose of writing this article is to determine the involvement and activeness of Christian Religious Education Teachers at Public Middle Schools in Kupang City in the ministry of clerical affairs as presbyters and as categorical servants, especially in the category of children and adolescents or what is often called Sunday school. The method used in this study is a qualitative method by interviewing 41 Christian Religious Education Teachers spread across 12 State Public Middle Schools in the city of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. From the results of the study, it was found that although this Christian Religious Education teacher had a correct understanding of the background of his attendance at school, namely Christian Religious Education teachers were church servants sent to serve congregations in schools, but most Christian Religious Education teachers did not have a relationship with the church. or not yet involved in the church ministry where he is a member, either as a presbyter or as a minister of children and youth (Sunday school). This conclusion was stated based on the informant's admission during the interview that 1) They did not have free time to be involved in church services, 2) Church services had many people taking care of it so they did not need to be involved, 3) Christian religious education teachers were paid by the state, not church so that they focus more on taking care of teaching in schools than in church.Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterlibatan dan keaktifan Guru-guru PAK yang ada di Sekolah Menengah Umum (SMU) Negeri se-Kota Kupang dalam pelayanan bidang kemajelisan gereja sebagai presbiter dan sebagai pelayan kategorial khususnya kategorial anak dan remaja atau yang sering disebut sekolah minggu. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan mewawancarai 41 Guru PAK yang tersebar di 12 SMU Negeri yang ada di wilayah Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa walaupun Guru PAK ini memiliki pemahaman yang benar tentang latarbelakang kehadirannya di sekolah yaitu guru PAK adalah pelayan gereja yang diutus untuk melayani jemaat di sekolah-sekolah, namun sebagian besar guru PAK belum memiliki hubungan dengan gereja atau belum terlibat dalam pelayanan gereja, dimana ia sebagai anggotanya, baik sebagai presbiter maupun sebagai pelayan anak dan remaja (sekolah minggu).  Kesimpulan tersebut dikemukakan berdasarkan pengakuan informan pada saat wawancara bahwa 1) Mereka tidak punya waktu luang untuk terlibat dalam pelayanan di gereja, 2) Pelayanan gereja sudah banyak orang yang mengurusnya karena itu mereka tidak perlu terlibat, 3) Guru PAK digaji oleh negara bukan gereja sehingga mereka lebih fokus mengurus pengajaran di sekolah dari pada di gereja.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-90
John F Stuart

The General Synod met at St Paul's and St George's Church in Edinburgh from 7 to 9 June. It was the first General Synod at which the new Primus, the Most Revd Mark Strange, presided. In his charge to Synod, he preached on the love of God and the meaning of ‘loving your neighbour as yourself’. The mission of the Church was about revealing God's love and making life better for all, not just for church members.

Enny Irawati

The research objective that the author means is to find out how the unity of the body of Christ in the church can be carried out properly according to 1 Corinthians 3: 3-9. moving on from the core written in the text above, the author wants the whole congregation to understand the unity of the body of Christ correctly today, given the importance of the unity of the body of Christ in the church, so that some of the more mature congregations in the faith must support the congregation that is not yet mature faith. This writing is intended so that all God's people understand well that the unity of the body of Christ is not to become divided because of disagreements, divisions and differences of opinion. but the body of Christ is the one that brings God's people better together. Some of the things that concern the author in this study are how the congregation can understand the unity of the body of Christ correctly.

2010 ◽  
Vol 44 (0) ◽  
P.J. Strauss

The reformer John Calvin, born in 1509, considers discipline and unity as two essential aspects of the Christian church. According to him, the bond of church discipline is a way to unite church members in the truth of the Word and the Christian faith based thereupon. If discipline is exercised with exaggerated strictness and without compassion, tolerance and love, it can break the unity. Because church unity is essentially a unity of faith, or a unity in the truth of the Word, discipline can sever adulterated elements that threaten the unity from the church. Discipline, if correctly ap- plied, builds the unity of the church as a unity in religious truths.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-33
Jonidius Illu

One focus of church service is to prepare Christian families who live righteously through premarital counseling.Marriage is prepared for a lifetime.One of the efforts of the church in realizing church members who live holy lives is by giving teachings about love and choosing a partner according to the Bible so that church members do not commit adultery and sexual intercours outside of marriage which results in pregnancy outside of marriage.  This study aims to understand marriage and build a Christian family that is in accordance with the Bible and provide understanding that having sexual relation not within the container of Christian marriage is adultery so that both men and women need to confess their sins before God.  It was concluded that the Church is responsible for providing pastoral care to couples who become pregnant out of wedlock.The church in carrying out the principle of love still observes the rules so that the maturity of the church members become realized.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-48
Febriaman Lalaziduhu Harefa

Ungkapan ”persekutuan Roh” dalam Filipi 2:1 bisa berarti persekutuan dengan Roh yang dimungkinkan oleh Roh Kudus sendiri. Gagasan Perjanjian Baru tentang persekutuan ini sering kali tidak dipahami secara benar, akibatnya kabur, ada orang yang terlalu menekankan persekutuan vertikal (kepada Allah) saja dan kurang menekankan segi persekutuan horizontalnya (sesama), demikian sebaliknya, sehingga tidak heran kalau sewaktu-waktu timbul kesenjangan. Padahal keduanya tidak dapat dipisahkan satu dengan yang lain. Kuduanya sama-sama penting dalam pengertian koinonia yang benar. Abineno menambahkan bahwa: Persekutuan itu mengandung realitas yaitu partisipasi dalam Roh Kudus dan persekutuan seorang akan yang lain. Oleh sebab itu bila dikatakan bahwa kita mendapat realitas Roh Kudus melalui Firmannya, maka kita juga mendapat bagian dalam persekutuan dengan sesama anggota jemaat lainnya.[1] Dengan demikian tidak ada tempat untuk hidup secara individual. Persekutuan Kristen diciptakan oleh Roh Kudus, itu berarti bahwa seluruh anggota berpusat pada Roh Kudus yang adalah merupakan gambaran gereja yang benar. Anggota persekutuan adalah orang-orang yang telah dipanggil untuk hidup dalam kasih karunia dengan penuh ketaatan. Harus diakui bahwa ada banyak perdebatan yang menyangkut persekutuan Roh ini, namun yang jelas bahwa dimensi vertikal tetap merupakan dasar untuk gagasan koinonia. Koinonia dalam gereja haruslah dimulai dengan persekutuan dengan Roh Kudus. The phrase "fellowship of the Spirit" in Philippians 2: 1 can mean fellowship with the Spirit made possible by the Holy Spirit himself. The New Testament idea about community is often not understood correctly, the consequences are blurred, there are people who overemphasize vertical alliance (to God) and do not emphasize the horizontal community (others), and vice versa, so it is not surprising that at any time the gap arises. Though both can not be separated from one another. The hilt is equally important in the correct understanding of Koinonia. Abineno added that: Fellowship contains reality, namely participation in the Holy Spirit and fellowship of one another. Therefore if we say that we get the reality of the Holy Spirit through his Word, then we also get a part in fellowship with other fellow church members. Thus there is no place to live individually. Christian fellowship is created by the Holy Spirit, it means that all members are centered on the Holy Spirit which is a true picture of the church. Fellowship members are people who have been called to live gracefully in obedience. It must be admitted that there are many debates concerning the fellowship of the Spirit, but it is clear that the vertical dimension remains the basis for the Koinonia idea. The Koinonia in the church must begin with fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-129
Orles Orles

The church is a collection of believers sanctified by God and allied in the name of Jesus. The church was founded by the Lord Jesus. Therefore, service to the church must not be ignored. Congregational growth to spiritual maturity must be the focus of church service. Discipleship of Small Bible Groups (KEKAL) is one of the strategies of the Pontianak Anugerah Baptist Church to guide the congregation towards spiritual maturity. The problem is that there has been no attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of ministry through KEKAL discipleship in guiding congregations to grow spiritually mature. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to see the effectiveness of KEKAL discipleship in guiding the church to grow. The research method used in this research is descriptive-quantitative. The data collection is done by using a closed questionnaire. Through this research, it was found that the KEKAL discipleship program had an effective role in guiding the church to spiritual maturity. This small group discipleship strategy can be one of the strategies for the church to guide church members to mature in Christ.Gereja adalah persekutuan orang-orang percaya yang dikuduskan oleh Allah dan bersekutu di dalam nama Yesus. Gereja didirikan oleh Tuhan Yesus. Oleh karena itu, pelayanan terhadap gereja tidak boleh diabaikan. Pertumbuhan jemaat kepada kedewasaan rohani harus menjadi fokus pelayanan gereja. Pemuridan Kelompok Kecil Alkitab (KEKAL) adalah salah satu strategi Gereja Baptis Anugerah Pontianak untuk membimbing jemaat menuju kedewasaan rohani. Permasalahannya adalah belum ada usaha untuk mengevaluasi keefektifan pelayanan melalui pemuridan KEKAL dalam membimbing jemaat bertumbuh dewasa secara rohani. Oleh sebab itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat efektifitas pemuridan KEKAL dalam membimbing jemaat bertumbuh. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-kuantitatif. Pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket tertutup. Melalui penelitian ini ditemukan hasil bahwa program pemuridan KEKAL berperan secara efektif dalam membimbing jemaat menuju kedewasaan rohani. Strategi pemuridan kelompok kecil ini dapat menjadi salah satu strategi bagi gereja untuk membimbing anggota jemaat agar dewasa di dalam Kristus.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-67
Elizabeth Ritchie

In 1814 in a small Highland township an unmarried girl, ostracised by her neighbours, gave birth. The baby died. The legal precognition permits a forensic, gendered examination of the internal dynamics of rural communities and how they responded to threats to social cohesion. In the Scottish ‘parish state’ disciplining sexual offences was a matter for church discipline. This case is situated in the early nineteenth-century Gàidhealtachd where and when church institutions were less powerful than in the post-Reformation Lowlands, the focus of most previous research. The article shows that the formal social control of kirk discipline was only part of a complex of behavioural controls, most of which were deployed within and by communities. Indeed, Scottish communities and churches were deeply entwined in terms of personnel; shared sexual prohibitions; and in the use of shaming as a primary method of social control. While there was something of a ‘female community’, this was not unconditionally supportive of all women nor was it ranged against men or patriarchal structures.

1994 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-191 ◽  
Roger Robins

In 1822, from his Conway home in the shadow of New Hampshire's White Mountains, one Dr. Porter surveyed the nation's religious landscape and prophesied, “in half a century there will be no Pagans, Jews, Mohammedans, Unitarians or Methodists.” The prophecy proved false on all counts, but it was most glaringly false in the case of the Methodists. In less than a decade, Porter's home state became the eighth to elect a Methodist governor. Should Porter have fled south into Massachusetts to escape the rising Methodist tide, he would only have been buying time. True, the citizens of Provincetown, Massachusetts, had, in 1795, razed a Methodist meetinghouse and tarred and feathered a Methodist in effigy. By 1851, however, the Methodists boasted a swelling Cape Cod membership, a majority of the church members on Martha's Vineyard, and a governor in the Massachusetts statehouse.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-212
Avelinus Moat Simon

In the age of Industrial Revolution 4.0, human life is influenced by various of sophisticated technologies. One of them is social media that increasingly develop, and take some impacts in human life. The fact is there are some priests ignore their pastoral duty and this takes the result that the church is separated. Many of priests don’t live up to their calling as good shepherds. They cannot recognize the church members who entrusted to them by a bishop. This study focus on the influence of social media for a priest’s duty. The research method used in the issue is a qualitative method by using literature approach. I found out that a priest is a shepherd for members of catholic community. A priest ordained by a bishop to continue Christ duty. Social media can become a tool and an equipment for a priest to develop the spiritual life and ministry. The attendance of a priest is the presence Christ as a good shepherd for His sheeps.

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