scholarly journals Giving Creativity Room To Students Through The Friendly School’s Program

2020 ◽  
Bukman Lian

The creativity of children will be able to grow whether the school can provide space for creativity. Child-friendly schools are school concepts that give protect students from violence, discrimination and unnatural treatments. It provides assurance and fulfill the rights of students such giving students space for creativity. This research was conducted at SD Negeri 109 Palembang. This study aimed at determining how the school provides creativity space to students through child friendly school’s program. This research was descriptive qualitative, which investigate how to give creativity room to student in a child friendly school’s program. The instruments of collecting data were interview, documentation, and observation. The results obtained indicate that the school provided space for students’ creativity through learning strategy and school’s environment approach. Based on this program, the students at SD Negeri 109 Palembang have been able to show their creativity attitude through problem solving while in learning activities and outside learning activities. Child-friendly schools should ensure every student's opportunity to enjoy his/her rights in education without discrimination based on disability, gender, ethnicity, religion, type of intelligence, and parental background. Child-friendly schools should also consider safe, clean and healthy school situations, caring and cultured, living environment, respect the rights and protection of students from violence, discrimination and other unfair treatment, and ensure the participation of students in planning, policy, learning, supervision, and complaint mechanism related to the fulfillment of rights and protection of students in education.

Susanti Rahayu

Abstract: The ways students solve problems become one of the main target of physics learning. Investigation about how students solve problems is explored in the context of metacognition skills.  The steps of metacognition skills in physics problem solving include: planning, monitoring, evaluation, and controlling. This is a preliminary exploration study that aims to: 1.) mapping the metacognition skills that are used in physics problem solving of temperature and heat, 2.)  exhibiting students’ self evaluation of his/her metacognition skills in problem solving, and 3.) identifying the relationship between students answer and their self evaluation. This is a descriptive qualitative study. The data were obtained by test and questionnaire. The physics problem solving test was given to 35 students of 11th grader. After doing test, they filled the 22 items of questionnaire adapted from Physics Metacognition Inventory (PMI). The result shows that none of the students solved all the problems optimally. The result of questionnaire showed that the average of metacognitive skills 64%, with the maximum and the minimum scores is 87% and 35% respectively. The correlation between the analyses of students’ answer and their self evaluation shows a negative value that indicates no relationship. Specifically, students pass the planning and controlling phase quite well, even though they tend to be poor in monitoring and evaluation. This findings must become a particular attention for the researchers and teachers in providing the learning strategy to habit the phases of metacognition skills in order to improve students’ metacognitive skills.   Abstrak: Cara siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah menjadi salah satu sasaran utama dalam pembelajaran fisika. Penelusuran mengenai bagaimana cara siswa menyelesaikan masalah dieksplorasi dalam konteks keterampilan metakognisi. Tahapan keterampilan metakognisi dalam menyelesaikan masalah fisika meliputi: planning, monitoring, evaluation, dan controlling. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksplorasi awal bertujuan untuk: 1.) memetakan keterampilan metakognisi yang digunakan siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah fisika pada materi Suhu dan Kalor, 2.) menunjukkan penilaian diri siswa terhadap keterampilan metakognisi yang dimiliki dalam menyelesaikan masalah, dan 3.) mengidentifikasi hubungan antara analisis jawaban siswa dan penilaian diri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui tes dan angket. Tes yang digunakan merupakan soal problem solving, yang diberikan kepada 35 siswa kelas XI. Setelah mengerjakan soal, siswa mengisi angket yang terdiri dari 22 item yang diadaptasi dari Physics Metacognition Inventory (PMI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan belum ada siswa yang optimal menyelesaikan seluruh soal. Angket penilaian diri menunjukkan skor rerata 64%, dengan skor maksimum dan minimum masing-masing 87% dan 35%. Hubungan antara analisis jawaban siswa dan hasil penilaian diri menunjukkan nilai korelasi negatif yang mengindikasikan tidak sinkronnya hasil jawaban dan penilaian diri siswa. Secara spesifik, tahapan planning dan controlling dilakukan siswa dengan cukup baik, akan tetapi siswa cenderung lemah dalam memonitoring dan mengevaluasi ketika menyelesaikan masalah. Temuan ini menjadikan perhatian khusus untuk peneliti dan guru dalam menyajikan strategi belajar untuk membiasakan tahapan dalam keterampilan metakognisi dengan target peningkatan keterampilan metakognisi siswa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Fauziyatun Nurul Uswah ◽  
Hestiana Dewi ◽  
Teti Nurul Fathiyati

School is a place that should allow a child to learn and feel comfortable. But until now the school has not been able to be a friendly place for children. Although referred to as an educational institution, but violence actually often occurs in schools. Child Friendly Schools are educational units that are able to guarantee, fulfill, respect the rights of children, and protect children from violence, discrimination, and other mistreatment and support children's participation, especially in planning, policy, learning, and complaints mechanisms. Child Friendly Schools aim to protect and provide services that guarantee and protect children from physical and non-physical abuse. This study aims to determine whether schools have implemented Child Friendly Schools as a whole or are still not optimal. Know the school culture that is the result of Child Friendly Schools. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative which will describe how the implementation of Child Friendly Schools in SDN 3 Pasirtamiang. Data collection techniques through observation, documentation, interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis method uses descriptive method. The results of research at SDN 3 Pasirtamiang have referred to the classification standards for child-friendly schools that have been declared by the ministry of education and culture based on the facts contained in the field. With the formation of character as a child-friendly school culture equips students to be able to actualize themselves towards Islamic character. To develop and create child-friendly schools, it is better to be able to integrate existing programs & activities and be able to adjust the situation, conditions, and abilities of the school by optimizing all school resources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Peni Nur Hidayati

This research aimed to understand the effectiveness of PAIKEM (Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and Enjoyable Learning) strategy in the KTSP (School Based Curriculum) in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Ma’arif Gedangan and in the Curriculum of 2013 in MI Ma’arif Mangunsari applied in the 4th Grade students in the academic year of 2016/2017.  The curriculum changing gave an impact in education especially on the use of learning strategy for teachers to reach the education goal.  This research was descriptive qualitative research which used observation, interview, and documentation as the method to collect the data. It used field research as the research method which was conducted by researcher collaborated with teachers. The research result showed that the use of PAIKEM strategy is more effective when it was used in the curriculum of 2013 than applied in KTSP curriculum. The implementation of PAIKEM strategy in the KTSP curriculum is less effective applied in the classroom. It was proven with the students’ interaction in the class. Many students were less active during the learning activities. However, teacher and students as the object of the research could follow the activities which applied PAIKEM strategy in the classroom. From the research result, it can be concluded that PAIKEM strategy can be implemented in KTSP and the curriculum of 2013. The implementation of PAIKEM strategy in the curriculum of 2013 is more effective than in the KTSP curriculum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Faizal Rezza Fahlefi ◽  
Atok Miftachul Hudha

Abstract: Basis for the implementation of Child-Friendly Schools regarding Article 4 of Law No.23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. Schools designate as implementing agents in the education process who must have a friendly culture in carrying out their functions to achieve the goals of education. The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of anti-bullying in preparing the SRA, the participation of stakeholders, and the challenges in the process of implementing anti-bullying in the making of Child-Friendly Schools in SD and MI Tanah Bumbu Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative. With data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation of participation, and study documentation. The results of this study indicate that: 1) this child-friendly school model is to create quality education for every child with children's rights and is also free from the conversation, friendly school programs namely anti-bullying is one way to tackle and correct problems or help bullying in school; 2) educators and parents need to be good listeners and ensure they participate in anti-bullying programs. 3) the problem of bullying for this program is not run once but to be maintained forever. It is needed from the two schools to provide training and workshops for teachers, parents, and students. Furthermore, for the relevant agencies to add an anti-bullying curriculum so that all parties know about the apprenticeship, consider, there is also a place for an anti-bullying association.Keywords: Anti-bullying, Child Friendly Schools, BullyingAbstrak: Dasar penerapan Sekolah Ramah Anak yaitu terdapat pada Pasal 4 UU No.23 Tahun 2002 tentang perlindungan anak. Sekolah berperan sebagai agen pelaksana dalam proses pendidikan yang harus memiliki budaya ramah dalam menjalankan fungsinya untuk mencapai tujuan Pendidikan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis implementasi anti bullying dalam membentuk SRA, peran serta stakeholder, dan faktor yang menjadi permasalahan dalam proses implementasi anti bullying dalam membentuk Sekolah Ramah Anak di SD dan MI Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi patisipasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) sekolah ramah anak model tersebut untuk mewujudkan pendidikan yang berkualitas bagi setiap anak dengan mempertimbangkan hak-hak anak serta terbebas dari diskriminasi, program sekolah ramah yaitu anti bullying salah satu cara untuk menanggulangi dan pencegahan perilaku atau dampak bullying di sekolah; 2) Sangat penting bagi pendidik dan orang tua menjadi pendengar yang baik serta meyakinkan dan melibatkan mereka ikut serta dalam program anti bullying. 3) permasalah bullying jarang dapat diketahui apabila kasus bullying terjadi baru ditangani dengan cepat. Untuk program ini tidak sewaktu saja dijalankan tetapi untuk dipetahankan selamanya. Perlu dari pihak kedua sekolah untuk lebih memberikan pelatihan dan workshop baik itu kepada guru, orang tua, maupun siswanya. Selanjutnya untuk pihak dinas terkait agar menambahkan kurikulum anti bullying agar semua halayak tahu tentang penagangan, dampaknya, juga tersedia tempat untuk atau wadah perkumpulan anti bullying.Kata Kunci: Anti bullying, Sekolah Ramah Anak, Bullying

2021 ◽  
pp. 152483992110459
Sally Campbell Galman

This piece of comics-based research (CBR) details the use of arts-based methods in ongoing research with young transgender or otherwise gender diverse children. Drawing from both the anthropology of childhood and draw–write–tell research in public health, the central innovation of this methodology hinges on gathering children’s narratives in a less coercive manner that holds their stories intact and produces better, more trustworthy research. Discussion includes problematizing and problem-solving contemporary “child friendly” methodology, exploring the role of the child informant in qualitative research, and illustrating how arts methods can inform deeper understanding of participant data when applied in a systematic format.

Mohd Amerul Akmal Mohd Yunos ◽  
Noor Azean Atan ◽  
Mohd Nihra Haruzuan Mohamad Said ◽  
Mahani Mokhtar ◽  
Norazrena Abu Samah

This study was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of mobile learning app based on collaborative learning in authentic environment (known as AKSES) and its impact on the preschool students’ basic scientific process skills competency namely; observation, classification and communication. In addition, the study also investigated competency patterns of the students’ skills. This study was a quantitative study which used two sets of instruments which looked into AKSES application and marking rubrics of the students’ basic scientific process skills. Based on quasi-experimental study, the duration of the study was seven weeks and six learning activities were implemented. Two rural preschools were selected based on quota sample selection and 25 students were in each controlled and treatment groups. Analysis of the survey data was carried out in the form of descriptive and inferential analysis involving Mann-Whitney U test. The Mann-Whitney U test analysis found significant differences in competency patterns of basic scientific process skills in both groups. Meanwhile, the competency patterns of basic scientific process skills indicated positive increase among all preschool students after the utilization of AKSES application in learning activities based on collaborative learning strategy in an authentic environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-72
Santi Eka Ambaryani ◽  
Winarti Winarti ◽  

Self-regulated learning is an effort to manage an individual’s learning. This research aims to 1) determine the strategy of self-regulated learning (SRL) based on problem-solving toward the learners’ learning outcomes and 2) determine the learning outcome improvement of the learners in learning by using the SRL based-problem solving. This research is quantitative research with quasi-experimental type and pretest-posttest control group design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. The research population covered all in Senior High School (SMA 5) Yogyakarta. The samples were from the tenth graders of Mathematics and Science Program 3 as the control group and Mathematics and Science Program 1 as the experimental group. The data collection methods consisted of test and non-test. The analysis result were, the hypothesis test showed that the applied strategy influenced the learners’ learning outcomes and the learners’ learning outcomes had improvements with the N-gain average score of 0.590, categorized moderate. Keywords: Problem-Solving, Self-Regulated Learning Strategy, Simple Harmonic Motion

Aksioma ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-73
Nurdin Nurdin ◽  
Ita Sarmita Samad ◽  
Sardia Sardia

Abstract: The theory distinguishes human based on four different personality types such as: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. Different types of personality caused by differences in the dominant fluid in the body. These differences will result in terms of behavior, ways of thinking and to get along. The type of this research that is descriptive qualitative which it is describing the logical reasoning based on Hippocrates personality types. The logical reasoning is analyzed through the four types of personality in relation to mathematical problem solving. The Analysis is done based on the logical reasoning indicator/ subindicator and the steps of problem solving stated by Polya. The result shows that there is a reasoning difference on each type of personalities. The difference can be terms of the strenght or the weakness. Sanguine is quicker in understanding problems and communicating results, choleric is more accelerated in work, melancholic is more perfect at work, and  phlegmatic is superior in terms of accuracy. Keywords: Logical reasoning, Hippocrates, sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic

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