scholarly journals Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus : a female preachers for our time

2020 ◽  
Adib Rifqi Setiawan

Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus was born in Indramayu, West Java on 2 April 1979 as 5th of 6 children of Usman Alaydrus and Nur Assegaf. She acquired her religious knowledge from some well-known NU (Nahdlatul ‘Ulama) pondok pesantren (Islamic boarding schools or Islamic seminary): Darullughagh Wadda’wah in Bangil-Pasuruan, East Java; Pondok Pesantren at-Tauhidiyah in Tegal, Central Java; and Pondok Pesantren al-Anwar in Rembang, Central Java; then continued her study in Daruz Zahro, Tarim, Ḥaḍramawt. After graduating from Daruz Zahro Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus went back to Indonesia in 2002 and married in the same year. After her marriage, she start her da’wa to some pondok pesantren in East Java. Since then, she has become very active in da’wa not only in Jakarta, but also in other parts of Indonesia and abroad. Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus developing Ahbabuzzahro, that was opened in 2004, to share the expertise with the younger generation, which she and her juniors in Daruz Zahro are mentors, as part of her responsibility to equip young muslimāt with religious knowledge and to bring them closer to their religion. Her talent and achievement in becoming students of Habib Umar bin Hafiz have made them authoritative voices both locally and transnationally. The case of Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus demonstrates not only the new visibility of such women in Indonesian public Islam, but also illuminates the significant role played by female Indonesian preachers in the global Muslim world.

2020 ◽  
Adib Rifqi Setiawan

Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus was born in Indramayu, West Java on 2 April 1979 as 5th of 6 children of Usman Alaydrus and Nur Assegaf. She acquired her religious knowledge from some well-known NU (Nahdlatul ‘Ulama) pondok pesantren (Islamic boarding schools or Islamic seminary): Darullughagh Wadda’wah in Bangil-Pasuruan, East Java; Pondok Pesantren at-Tauhidiyah in Tegal, Central Java; and Pondok Pesantren al-Anwar in Rembang, Central Java; then continued her study in Daruz Zahro, Tarim, Ḥaḍramawt. After graduating from Daruz Zahro Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus went back to Indonesia in 2002 and married in the same year. After her marriage, she start her da’wa to some pondok pesantren in East Java. Since then, she has become very active in da’wa not only in Jakarta, but also in other parts of Indonesia and abroad. Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus developing Ahbabuzzahro, that was opened in 2004, to share the expertise with the younger generation, which she and her juniors in Daruz Zahro are mentors, as part of her responsibility to equip young muslimāt with religious knowledge and to bring them closer to their religion. Her talent and achievement in becoming students of Habib Umar bin Hafiz have made them authoritative voices both locally and transnationally. The case of Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus demonstrates not only the new visibility of such women in Indonesian public Islam, but also illuminates the significant role played by female Indonesian preachers in the global Muslim world.

2014 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 468-491 ◽  

AbstractTablighi Jama’at is one of the most popular Islamic purist movements in the world. Although it has a growing presence in Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim country, little research has thus far been done on its activities in that country. To gain access to Indonesian society, the Tablighi Jama’at has been particularly original in choosing a uniquely Indonesian institution as its entry point: the pesantren (Islamic boarding schools). The role of pesantren for the Tablighis in Indonesia is not confined to spreading Islamic knowledge, they also serve as a hub of Tablighi activities. This paper focuses on examining the role of the Tablighi pesantren in shaping and transmitting religious knowledge to its Indonesian followers, and in particular to female followers, as there is to date no scholarship on this topic. It analyses the life experiences of female Tablighis inside and outside the pesantren and their passion to belong to a global imagined Tablighi community. Transnational travel of female Tablighis from diverse neighbouring countries is a central part of the pesantren experience. For Indonesian Tablighi women, the presence of these female guests and foreign students who are enrolled in the pesantren play a significant role in strengthening their passionate desire to be part of the global Tablighi Jama’at umma.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-345
Yani'ah Wardhani

Da’wa that done by Da’i in Indonesia can not be detached from the efectivity of rethorical use. By shape the form of narration, choosing the nuances of the exact word meaning, also choosing the linguistic and interested word, will help da’i to get the interesting programmatic, so that can made and influence audiences to listen. The research method of this writing is descriptive qualitative analyziz. The data that used is a form of rethoric in the programmatic of oral da’wa of all da’i in Jakarta, West Java, and central Java. The research sources are the programmatic of oral da’wa that located in the published book and also recording. The collective data method are; reading, and repeatedly listening into the da’wa subject of da’i. Analyziz data technic are; understanding and interpretation. The result of this research is that in generally, the da’i used the literature linguistic style in delivering the subject of da’wa in shaping the proverb (amsal) and hikmah, whether came from Arabic or Indonesia. The linguistic that used by da’i, came from Al-Qur’an, Al-Hadist, wise word and from qaol Ulama dan Hukama.  The style of rethorical that used by KH.Zaenuddin MZ is to change belief, and in this term the da’i can change the attitude of audience. In a rethorical that used by Aa Gym is to inform, because many educational information that been accepted by aim to explain the things that has not known before. Meanwhile, the rethorical of UJE (Jefry alBukhory) has the unique style from other, because supported by his good voice while chanting the verse of Al-qur’an. Also, the rethorical style that used by Ahmad al Habsyi and Wijayanto that has similarity from the subject point, that used the beautiful style of locution by amtsal and hikmah---Dakwah yang dilakukan oleh para da’i di Indonesia tidak dapat terlepas dari efektifitas pemanfaatan retorika. Dengan menata bentuk-bentuk tuturan, memilih nuansa makna kata yang tepat serta memilih gaya bahasa dan kata mutiara  yang menarik akan lebih sempurna  bagi penutur untuk mendapatkan wacana yang menarik sehingga mampu mempengaruhi pendengar.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif analisis. Data yang digunakan berupa bentuk retorika dalam wacana dakwah lisan para da’i di  DKI, Jawa Barat, dan Jawa tengah. Sumber data penelitian  berupa wacana dakwah lisan yang terdapat dalam buku-buku yang telah diterbitkan dan rekaman. Teknik pengumpulan data, meliputi: membaca dan mendengarkan secara berulang-ulang materi  dakwah para da’i. Teknik analisis data, meliputi: pemahaman,dan  interpretasi. Hasil temuan, bahwa secara umum para dai menggunakan gaya bahasa sastra  dalam menyampaikan materi dakwahnya dalam bentuk peribahasa (amsal) dan kata mutiara (hikmah) baik berasal dari bahasa Arab maupun bahasa Indonesia. Gaya bahasa yang digunakan oleh para dai mayoritas bersumber dari Al Qur’an, Al-Hadist, kata-kata bijak dari qaol Ulama dan Hukama.  Bentuk retorika yang sering digunakan oleh KH. Zaenuddin MZ adalah to change belief, dan dalam hal ini penceramah mampu mengubah sikap.  Sedangkan bentuk retorika yang digunakan oleh Aa Gym adalah to inform (pendidikan) karena banyak informasi pendidikan  yang diterima dengan bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hal- hal yang belum diketahui sebelumnya.  Retorika UJE memiliki gaya khas dari yang lainnya, karena didukung  suaranya yang merdu menjadi pengikat hati ketika melantunkan cinta Allah dan Rasulnya. Demikian juga bentuk retorika yang digunakan oleh Ahmad  al Habsyi dan ustadz Wijayanto ada kesamaan dari sisi materi, yaitu menggunakan style gaya bahasanya yang indah dengan amtsal dan Hikmah

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 224-231
Abdul Aziz

The mosque is a building or an environment surrounded by a fence, especially built for the worship of God Almighty and most commendable. The mosque will function and will be very meaningful if there is proper management and good. Mainly using management science, and one of them is religious propaganda management. It is one of the Islamization of education all because it is a kenyatan that education and development as a process of intensive, to make someone to be able to optimize the physical and non physical aspects. Purpose writing  this is to describe the management of the mosque and its application to ensure that drug abuse does not occur in the younger generation. Today, this problem becomes a reality in cities and villages almost become a culture, as we all know that genersi youth as part of the religion, country and product of the nation if it was not in physical condition is good and fit will take them on social action, crime such as theft, drug abuse. One solution is the mosque's activities. Based on these problems, the authors really want to know the role of propaganda bagimana done to address the drug problem in the younger generation. Writing is supported by literature and field research. And the authors get the data through observation, interviews and documentation. Then analyze the data from a reduction, to see the data and conclusions. While the subject of research is the mosque of Abu Bakr As-Sidiqdesa Grujugan Kemranjen districts Banyumas in Central Java province of Indonesia. Based on the results there are: (1) Masjid Abu Bakar As-Sidiq using good management on the physical plane and function. (2) Management of religious proselytizing by DKM and Ikrima to ensure to prevent drug abuse in rural districts Grujugan Kemranjen Banyumas regency, Central Java Province using religious activities such as youth activities in the field of sports, the call of young people or youth build character.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Asep Saefullah

This paper discusses the biography of K.H. Abdul Halim, a cleric, educator, political activist, a national hero, who was born in Jatiwangi, Majalengka, West Java on June 26, 1887 and died on May 7, 1962, in a peaceful and quiet place, Santi Asromo, Majalengka. The title of the National Hero from the Government of Indonesia was granted on the basis of his important roles in education, economics and politics. Among his legacy are the religious educational institutions, namely Santi Asromo Pesantren, the religious organization of the Islamic Ummah Union (PUI), and several books such as the Kitab Petunjuk bagi Sekalian Manusia (Manual for Man), Ekonomi dan Koperasi dalam Islam (Economics and Cooperative in Islam), dan Ketetapan Pengajaran di Sekolah Ibtidaiyah Persyarikatan Ulama (The Teaching Decrees at Ibtidaiyah Persyarikatan Ulama School). His biography is a manifestation of appreciation for his services and works, his struggle and his devotion to science and people, as well as his role and contribution in building the nation of Indonesia with noble character and dignity. Another milestone of his is the value of the struggle and at the same time his Islamic scholarship can be an example for the younger generation in particular and for anyone who aspires to build a nation of Indonesia which is based on the Belief in One God, fair and civilized, united in the context of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Keywords: Kiai, Education, Pesantren, Majalengka, West Java Tulisan ini mengangkat biografi K.H. Abdul Halim dan gagasannya tentang pendidikan ekonomi di pesantren. Ia memiliki nama kecil Otong Syatori, dikenal sebagai ulama pejuang, pendidik, dan aktivis politik. Ia dilahirkan di Desa Ciborelang, Kecamatan Jatiwangi, Majalengka, Jawa Barat, pada 26 Juni 1887, dan wafat dalam usia 75 tahun pada 7 Mei 1962, di Santi Asromo, Majalengka. Ia mendapat gelar Pahlawan Nasional dari Pemerintah RI tahun 2008. Perjuangannya meliputi pendidikan, ekonomi, dan politik. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah deskriptif-analitis dengan perspektif historis. Adapun fokusnya, selain biog¬rafi singkat K.H. Abdul Halim, juga tentang konsep pendidikan eko¬no¬mi berbasis pesantren. Dari hasil pembahasan ditemukan bahwa ia telah melakukan pembaharuan di bidang pendidikan agama dan sekaligus memberikan keterampilan kewirausahaan bagi santri dan lulusannya. Awalnya gagasan tersebut berasal dari konsep pembaharuannya yang disebut Iṣlāḥ as-Ṡamāniyyah, yaitu: perbaikan akidah, ibadah, pendidikan, keluarga, kebiasaan (adat), masyarakat, ekonomi, dan hubungan umat dan tolong-menolong. Di bidang pendidikan, ia memadukan sistem pesantren dengan sistem sekolah, ilmu-ilmu agama dengan ilmu-ilmu umum, serta memberkali para santrinya dengan berbagai keterampilan tangan dan keahlian teknik. Di bidang ekonomi, disebutnya dengan Iṣlāḥ al-Iqtiṣād, untuk menanggulangi ketimpangan ekonomi di masyarakat, yaitu dengan menanamkan kesadaran kepada kaum muslimin agar berusaha memperbai¬ki dan meningkatkan kehidupan ekonominya dan berjuang secara bersama-sama melalui wadah koperasi. Kata kunci: Abdul Halim, Santi Asromo, pendidikan ekonomi, Iṣlāḥ as-Ṡamāniyyah, Iṣlāḥ al-Iqtiṣād

Suhendar I Sachoemar ◽  
Suhendar I Sachoemar ◽  
Tetsuo Yanagi ◽  
Tetsuo Yanagi ◽  
Mitsutaku Makino ◽  

The development of sustainable model of aquaculture by applying Sato Umi concept within coastal area of Indonesia has expanded from the center of first experiment in the northern coastal area of west Java to central Java (western Indonesia) and Bantaeng in the South Sulawesi of central Indonesia. The similar program has also been proposed for Maluku Province in the eastern part of Indonesia. In the next 5 years, Indonesia is developing the Techno Parks Program in some areas, in which aquaculture and fisheries activities development on the base of Sato Umi concept in the coastal area are involves in this program. The development of Techno Parks are directed as a center application of technology to stimulate the economy in the regency, and a place of training, apprenticeship, technology dissemination center, and center business advocacy for the public. Hopely, Sato Umi concept that has a similar spirit with Techno Park can be applied to support the implementation of Techno Park program in Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-92
Muhammad Mahsun ◽  
Misbah Zulfa Elizabeth ◽  
Solkhah Mufrikhah

This article analyses the factors leading to the success of women candidates in the 2019 elections in Central Java. Recent scholarship on women’s representation in Indonesia has highlighted the role that dynastic ties and relationships with local political elites play in getting women elected in an environment increasingly dominated by money politics and clientelism. Our case study of women candidates in Central Java belonging to the elite of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)-affiliated women’s religious organisations Muslimat and Fatayat shows that strong women candidates with grassroots support can nonetheless win office. Using the concepts of social capital and gender issue ownership, and clientelism, we argue that women candidates can gain a strategic advantage when they “run as women.” By harnessing women’s networks and focusing on gender issues to target women voters, they are able to overcome cultural, institutional, and structural barriers to achieve electoral success even though they lack resources and political connections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 236-250
Fawwaz Arif Aljabar ◽  
Purbayu Budi Santosa

Ulama have an important and influential role to the Muslim societies in Indonesia. Ulama are Muslim scientists who master and well-understand of religious knowledge in Islam. At the present, Ulama also as an important figure who drives economic growth in the community in this case related to Islamic banking which conducts business activities based on sharia principles. The aim of the research is to explore the perception of Ulama towards the implementation of Islamic banking and to analyse the factors that influence the perception of Ulama in Semarang city. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method. Qualitative data is collected by interviewing 3 representatives of Indonesian Muslim organization including Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah and Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) in Semarang city. The data validity technique used is to use the triangulation method and the data collected are analysed by adopting the Miles and Huberman analysis model, which consists of three processes namely data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results showed that the Kiai and Ulama in Semarang city which could be classified from the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) revealed that their perceptions were limited to theories through the Qur’an and Hadits. Different from Muhammadiyah who better understand the implementation of Islamic banking because the representatives from the MUI and Muhammadiyah themselves act as Sharia Supervisory Board.

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