scholarly journals Pengelolaan Lubuk Larangan sebagai Upaya Konservasi Perairan di Desa Rantau Pandan Kabupaten Bungo, Jambi

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Diana Sari ◽  
Indra Junaidi Zakaria ◽  
Wilson Novarino

Abstrak: This study aims to analyze governance and harvest fish Lubuk Larangan Rantau Pandan Village Bungo Resindence. This research is carried in March-August 2015 in a river of Rantau Pandan Village Bungo Residence, Jambi. The metod that is used is survey method. Then using SWOT analysis with regard to Lubuk Larangan with assesses each internal and external factors. Based on the observation efforts made by communities around the bottom of the prohibition only covers the preservation of fish species alone and the lack of cooperation between the government and the surrounding community. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 96
Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara ◽  
Nanang Febrianto ◽  
Poespitasari Hazanah Ndaru

This research conducted in PT. Tunas Jaya Raya Abadi Nganjuk. The objectives of this research were obtain a better understandin internal as well as exsternal environmental condition, secondly trying to covering the formulate the marketing strategi. Method that used in this research was a survey method, it contains observation, interview, and documentation. The data analyzed by SWOT analysis. The result showed internal strategy factors matrix give positive value where it strengths were stronger than it weakness (S = 2,29>W = 0,71). External strategy factors’ matrix also give positive value where it opportunities values were bigger than it threats values (O = 1,84 > T = 0,70). From the result, we know that environmental condition in PT. Tunas Jaya Raya Abadi was very good, and gave good prospect for its progress in the future. It known from total score of strength and opportunities factors (SO = 4.13). From SWOT analysis, strategy that will be taken was in the first quadrant where internal and external factors were positive. In general terms, it means that the environmental condition of PT. Tunas Jaya Raya Abadi, relatively has bigger opportunity than its weaknesses. The decision that made by PT. Tunas Jaya Raya Abadi for marketing strategy was rapid strategy by which all opportunity could be captured as marketing consideration.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Muhammad Nursan ◽  
Aeko Fria Utama FR

One of the efforts to develop village economic in West Sumbawa Regency is to establish and develop Village Owned Enterprise (Bumdes) based on agriculture. The purpose of this research is to find out internal and external factors of Bumdes based on agriculture; and formulating strategies for developing Bumdes based on agriculture in West Sumbawa Regency. This research was conducted in West Sumbawa Regency. 40 respondents were selected by purposive sampling. This research method is survey method. The instrument validity test was carried out with the Pearson Product Moment correlation technique, and for the reliability test with the Cronbach Alpha formula. Data collected were analysed using SWOT analysis. The results show that internal factors in the form of the main strength of Bumdes based on agriculture is the business managed by Bumdes serving the basic needs of community, while the main weakness is the capacity of managers managing Bumdes still lacking, and the absence of marketing networks. For external factors, the main opportunities of Bumdes based on agriculture are the support of local and central government regulations, the area and potential of agriculture can be developed optimally as well as the development and expansion of agricultural businesse, while the main threats of Bumdes are the lack of community participation in Bumdes activities. Results of  SWOT analysis, the strategy Bumdes based on agriculture in West Sumbawa Regency can be done using the W-O (Weakness-opportunity) strategy, which is a strategy that minimizes the weaknesses that are owned to seize opportunities. Keywords: Analysis. SWOT, Agriculture, Development Strategy, Village Owned Enterprise, West Sumbawa Regency


Marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan, integrated, and unified in the field of marketing, which is obtained from the identification of internal and external factors. The aims of this research were to identify the internal and external factors and to find the alternative of marketing strategy of salak pondoh in Padang Pengrapat Village Tanah Grogot Subdistrict Paser District. Research was held from August to October 2017. The sampling method was census with 30 respondents. Data was analyzed by using SWOT analysis. The main strength is the capital and the main opportunity is the ability to enter the market. The best alternative strategy is Strength Opportunities (SO). The strategies are maintain the quality of salak pondoh fruit to be able to retain customers and develop the market, products innovation by utilizing the existing technology, request the government assistance to increase productivity through intensification of salak pondoh field. Identification of internal factors are capital structure, land area, fruit quality, product innovation of planning type, production capacity, planning capability, human resource quality, transportation, and promotion facilities. External factors are market entry ability, technology utilization, customer, government policy, policy of environmental, economic and political, customer, competitor, product substitution, and influence of fuel price increase. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 127
Yoseph ., Reressy ◽  
Leonardus R. Rengkung ◽  
Theodora M. Katiandagho

The objective of the study is: Analyzing a good strategy in the development of the Fisheries Resources in West Southeast Maluku District, so as to provide a decent income for communities and regions. This research is done by using the method of SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) by looking at internal and external factors that exist. The research results indicate that internal factors, which become the strengths in the management of the fishery sector are the potential of Natural Resources, the availability of a reliable workforce, the potential of the sea in West Southeast Maluku District, improving the management of natural resources in the field of fisheries, and policies of the Government of the district in managing fishery sector. While the weakness of the internal factors are quality of human resources that are still relatively low, lack of education for the workers, the availability of infrastructure, lack of good understanding in technology, and lack of support from formal and informal institutions. External factors which become opportunity are regional autonomy, national policy for marine, support from the central government, and market potential. While the threats of external factors are the condition of the natural, social and cultural, illegal fishing, the limited supply of energy, and the price of the product which is not stable. In short, to improve the good management of the fishery sector in West Southeast Maluku District, then through a SWOT analysis, all elements of society in the district, especially the local government should optimize its strengths and opportunities that exist, as well as seeking alternative policies to reduce its weaknesses and threats which exist.


Marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan, integrated, and unified in the field of marketing, which is obtained from the identification of internal and external factors. The aims of this research were to identify the internal and external factors and to find the alternative of marketing strategy of salak pondoh in Padang Pengrapat Village Tanah Grogot Subdistrict Paser District. Research was held from August to October 2017. The sampling method was census with 30 respondents. Data was analyzed by using SWOT analysis. The main strength is the capital and the main opportunity is the ability to enter the market. The best alternative strategy is Strength Opportunities (SO). The strategies are maintain the quality of salak pondoh fruit to be able to retain customers and develop the market, products innovation by utilizing the existing technology, request the government assistance to increase productivity through intensification of salak pondoh field. Identification of internal factors are capital structure, land area, fruit quality, product innovation of planning type, production capacity, planning capability, human resource quality, transportation, and promotion facilities. External factors are market entry ability, technology utilization, customer, government policy, policy of environmental, economic and political, customer, competitor, product substitution, and influence of fuel price increase. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Asminar Asminar ◽  
Ayu Alda Vera ◽  
Asnawati Is

ABSTRAK             Jamur tiram putih merupakan salah satu jenis jamur yang banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 10 Desember  2018 sampai 10 Januari 2019 dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor internal dan eksternal dalam mengembangkan usaha keripik jamur tiram putih serta mengetahui strategi pengembangan keripik jamur tiram putih di Desa Rimbo Mulyo Kecamatan Rimbo Bujang Kabupaten Tebo.            Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survey, yaitu pada Home Industry Keripik Jamur Tiram Putih Fiisa Group di Desa Rimbo Mulyo Kecamatan Rimbo Bujang Kabupaten Tebo. Penelitian ini menggunakan Analisis SWOT.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Faktor internal (kekuatan dan kelemahan) yang dimiliki oleh Home Industry Keripik Jamur Tiram Putih Fiisa Group di Desa Rimbo Mulyo Kecamatan Rimbo Bujang Kabupaten Tebo adalah kekuatan berupa sumber modal sendiri, tenaga kerja sangat mudah ditemukan dan modal awal terjangkau dan kelemahannya berupa tidak adanya investasi dari pihak lain, produksi tidak menentu, dan oembukuan dilakukan setiap tahun. Sedangkan faktor eksternal adalah peluang berupa bahan baku yang tersedia, belum adanya pesaing dari produk yang sama, keiutsertaan dalam pameran dan ancamannya berupa pesaing dari produk lain, kurangnya kegiatan promosi/iklan, kurangnya mesin/alat yang digunakan, dan image jamur tiram putih yang masih asing. Strategi pengembangan pada Home Industry Keripik Jamur Tiram Putih Fiisa Group adalah Peningkatan  modal dengan cara penambahan investasi atau pinjaman dari pihak lain, memperluas daerah pemasaran, pelatihan manajemen kepada pemilik usaha yang dilakukan secara berkelanjutan agar usaha berkembang, memanfaatkan modal yang ada untuk menambah produksi untuk menguasai pasar ketika belum adanya pesaing dari produk yang sama, menciptakan varian rasa baru keripik jamur tiram putih, memperluas pangsa pasar, mempertahankan kualitas produk, meningkatkan iklan/promosi, mengadakan kerjasama dengan pedagang lain dalam hingga luar wilayah, pengoptimalan penggunaan mesin/alat teknologi.Kata Kunci :      Analisis SWOT, Home Industry, Keripik Jamur Tiram Putih.    ABSTRACT             White oyster mushroom is a type of mushroom that is widely consumed by the public. This research was conducted on December 10, 2018 to January 10, 2019 with the aim of knowing internal and external factors in developing white oyster mushroom chips business and knowing the development strategy of white oyster mushroom chips in Rimbo Mulyo Village, Rimbo Bujang District, Tebo Regency.            The research method used is a survey method, namely the Home Industry Fiisa Group White Oyster Mushroom Chips in Rimbo Mulyo Village, Rimbo Bujang District, Tebo Regency. This study uses a SWOT analysis.            The results showed that the internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) possessed by the Fiisa Group's White Oyster Mushroom Chips Home Industry in Rimbo Mulyo Village, Rimbo Bujang District, Tebo Regency are strengths in the form of their own source of capital, labor is very easy to find and affordable initial capital and weaknesses are there is no investment from other parties, production is uncertain, and bookkeeping is carried out annually. While external factors are opportunities in the form of available raw materials, the absence of competitors from the same product, participation in exhibitions and threats in the form of competitors from other products, lack of promotional / advertising activities, lack of machines / tools used, and the image of white oyster mushrooms that are still foreign. The development strategy for the Fiisa Group's White Oyster Mushroom Chips Home Industry is increasing capital by increasing investment or loans from other parties, expanding the marketing area, training management for business owners that are carried out in a sustainable manner so that businesses develop, utilizing existing capital to increase production to control market when there are no competitors of the same product, creating new flavors of white oyster mushroom chips, expanding market share, maintaining product quality, increasing advertising / promotion, establishing cooperation with other traders within and outside the region, optimizing the use of technology machines / tools. Keywords: SWOT analysis, Home Industry, White Oyster Mushroom Chips

Putinur Putinur ◽  
Randi B.S Salampessy ◽  
Achmad Poernomo

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi pengembangan industri patin dan menentukan strategi prioritas untuk pengembangan industri patin diProvinsi Jambi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Bulan November 2018 hingga April 2019 bertempat di Provinsi Jambi (studi kasus di Kabupaten  Muaro Jambi), dilakukan dengan metode SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) dan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi survei, observasi dan wawancara. Cakupan dalam penelitian ini mulai dari sektor budi daya, sektor pengolahan hingga pemasaran. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaku usaha, pembuat kebijakan (pemerintah daerah dan pusat), serta pakar (akademisi dan peneliti). Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi pengembangan industri patin pada aspek budi daya diantaranya status kepemilikan lahan, ketersediaan modal, tersedianya tenaga penyuluh perikanan, tingginya  minat usaha, akses pemasaran, dukungan dan kebijakan dari pemerintah, dan kontinuitas bahan baku pakan. Pada aspek pengolahan, faktor yang mempengaruhi diantaranya lokasi unit pengolahan, ketersediaan bahan baku, tenaga kerja, akses pemasaran, dukungan pemerintah, serta persaingan. Analisis SWOT menghasilkan 8 alternatif strategi untuk budi daya dan 6 alternatif strategi di sektor pengolahan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis AHP, prioritas utama dalam pengembangan patin di Provinsi Jambi adalah meningkatkan pendampingan dan pembinaan kepada pembudi daya (sektor budi daya) dan mengembangkan usaha, diversifikasi dan inovasi produk (sektor pengolahan).Title: Strategies for Pangasius Industry Development in Jambi ProvinceThe aims of this research were to identify internal and external factors and to formulate the alternative strategies in developing the pangasius industry, in Jambi Province. This research was held in November 2018 until April 2019 in Jambi Province (case study in Muaro Jambi district), applied SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) methods, while the data were obtained through survey, observation and interviews, covering aquaculture, processing and marketing sectors. Respondents in this research were businessmen, policy makers (local and centralgovernments), and experts (academics and researchers). The results indicate that internal and external factors that influence the development of the pangasius industry in the aquaculture were land ownership,capital availability, availability of fisheries extension workers, high business interest, marketing access, support and policy from the government, and continuity of feed raw materials. Whereas in the processing include the location of processing units, the availability of raw materials, labor, marketing access, government support, and competition. SWOT analysis resulted in 8 alternative strategies for the aquaculture sector and 6 alternative strategies for processing sector. Based on AHP analysis, the main priorities for  the development of pangasius industry in Jambi Province were to strengthen assistance and guidance for farmers (aquaculture sector) and business development, diversification and product innovation (processing sector).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-100
Salma A. Kaisang ◽  
Nuraeni Nuraeni ◽  
St Subaedah

People forest  in North Luwu regency has a large enough potential but has not been managed intensively. The purpose of this research : reviewing people forest management in North Luwu regency, identifying internal and external factors in people forest management and formulate people forest management strategies in North Luwu regency. This research was conducted in North Luwu regency with a survey method in three dictricts, the sample was taken randomly with a total of 47 respondents. Data analysis was performed using descriptive methods and SWOT analysis. The result of the analyses indicated that the strategy could be best applied was strength-opportunity (SO) strategy, namely by (1) land optimization by developing agroforestry systems to increase land productivity by planting MPTS ( Multipurpose Tree Species) plants and the same time minimizing erosion, (2) increase the  institutional capacity of forest farmer groups (KTH), and (3) inventory of existing potential to regulate planting and production in order to ensure the sustainability of people forest.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 348-357
Hima Desy Lestari ◽  
Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo ◽  
Frida Purwanti

Pantai Boom merupakan bekas pelabuhan Internasional pada zaman Kerajaan Majapahit yang dimanfaatkan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban untuk menjadi obyek wisata pantai. Adanya aspek historis tersebut menjadikan potensi sosial, ekonomi dan ekologi sangat berpengaruh terhadap potensi wisata. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi sosial, ekonomi, ekologi, kelembagaan dan posisi nilai faktor internal dan eksternal, serta menyusun strategi pengembangan obyek wisata. Metode penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitis, dimana data dikumpulkan dengan survei dan wawancara terhadap 100 responden pengunjung, 30 penyedia jasa dan 4 pengelola. Data diolah secara deskriptif menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan matriks IFAS dan EFAS, juga dengan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan potensi sosial terbesar berada pada kondisi sarana informasi sejarah, potensi ekonomi berada pada biaya wisata, potensi ekologi berada pada kondisi air bersih dan potensi kelembagaan berada pada upaya pengembangan obyek wisata yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah/pengelola; Nilai faktor internal dan eksternal berada pada posisi mendukung strategi ofensif, yaitu memanfaatkan potensi dan peluang yang ada untuk pengembangan obyek wisata, selisih nilai untuk faktor internal adalah  0,3;1,29;1,12, dan untuk faktor eksternal adalah 1,45;0,8;1,8, dengan kekuatan dan ancaman terbesar berada pada aspek ekonomi, sedangkan kelemahan dan peluang berada pada aspek ekologi. Strategi pengembangan obyek wisata dilakukan dengan menjalin kerjasama antara Pemerintah Daerah dengn paguyuban penyedia jasa untuk mengadakan kegiatan pengembangan penyedia jasa; meningkatkan peran aktif pengelola obyek wisata terhadap keberadaan penyedia jasa dengan menyediakan toko/kios dan meningkatkan upaya perlindungan sumberdaya alam di lokasi wisata. Boom Beach is formaly an International port at the Majapahit Kingdom which used by the government of Tuban Regency to become coastal tourism attractions. The existence of these historical aspects make the social, economic and ecological potential influence tourism potential. The study aims to identify potency of economy, ecological, institutional and to evaluate value position  of  internal and external factors, and to arrange tourism development strategy. The research method is analytical descriptive, in which data were collected by survey and interview to 100 respondents, 30 service providers and 4 staff. Data were analysed using qualitative and quantitative through IFAS and EFAS matrix as well as SWOT analysis. The results showed that the largest social potency is the condition of historical information facilities, the economic potency  is the cost of tourism, and the ecological potentcy is the cleaness water conditions and the institutional potency is the development efforts of tourism that has been done by the government/manager; The values of internal and external factors are in a position to support offensive strategy, that is utilizing the potential and opportunities that exist for the development of tourism object, in sequence the different value of internal factors are 0.3;1.29;1.12, while the external factors are 1.45;0.8;1.8, with the greatest strength and threat being on the economic aspect, while the weaknesses and opportunities on the ecological aspect. Tourism development strategy are done by establishing cooperation between local government with service provider association conduct development activities of service provider; enhancing the active role of tourism managers to the existence of service providers by providing shops/kiosks and increasing the effort to protect the natural resources at tourisn sites.

2019 ◽  
Onsardi Onsardi

The title of this study is the Strategy of Increasing Consumer Food Loyalty in CurupCity, Rejang Lebong Regency (Case Study in "Henvian" Typical Food Industry). Thisresearch is based on the importance of strategies in increasing business and consumerloyalty to products sold.Strategies to increase business and consumer loyalty can bedone with a SWOT analysis. Place of this research is the "Henvian" shop that sellstypical Rejang lebong food. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative.Informants in this study were people who were considered to know for certain about theHENVIAN Specialty Food Store in Curup City, Rejang Lebong Regency. The dataanalysis technique used in this study is a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a typical Rejang Lebong food business.By using SWOT analysis techniques that consist of strengths (weakness), weaknesses(weakness), opportunities (opportnity) and threats (threath). The results of this studycan be concluded that the internal factors that are the strength of the marketing strategyare the quality of the product that is good at a price affordable to the public andtourists, service that is friendly and responsive to consumer needs, as well astechnological advancements that facilitate the promotion of business. Internal factorsthat are a weakness are often lack of stock, there are some products that do not meet thestandard packaging, the product shelf life is short, employees do not use uniforms.External factors that become opportunities are a fairly high economic community,abundant raw materials while external factors that are a threat are the manycompetitors, an unstable economy, the price of basic needs increases. Based on theresults of the SWOT analysis of internal and external factors, the strategy used is toimprove product quality by improving the appearance of packaging and quality ofcontent and quality of service by providing uniforms to employees and providingstandards of service to consumers. .Keywords: Strategy, Consumer Loyalty, SWOT

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