scholarly journals Influence of organic manures and biofertilizers on the yield of Amaranthus dubius

ES Abhilash ◽  
AS Aswathi ◽  
Sheeja P Parayil

The maximum productivity was shown by vermicompost (T1) treated plants. The next higher productivity was exhibited by Pseudomonas treated plants (T2). After 30 th day vermicompost treated plants had higher growth rate compared to pseudomonas treated plants. The leaves of vermicompost treated plants are large and more greenish in colour. The stem is more swollen and hard. Pseudomonas also showed comparatively greater vegetative growth to Amaranth plants. DOI: Pacific Journal of Environment Ecology and Sustainable Development 2013; 1: 26-28

1970 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 11-20
M. Z. Rozainah ◽  
U. R. Sinniah

A study of an acaulescent palm, Johannesteijsmannia  lanceolata J. Dransfield was carried out in Angsi Forest Reserve Negeri Sembilan Malaysia for a period of 19 months A total of 32 adults, 24 juveniles and 32 seedlings from 3 different plots were censused every two weeks. The results showed that the average numbers of new leaves entering the crown with in the study period (19months) were: 3.3, 2.6 and 1.3 for 2.1, 1.6 and 0.8 leaves per year for adult juvenile and seedling, respectively. From the calculation it was discovered that the time spent by each leaf in the crown before it died was 8.8 years for adult and 8.4 years for juvenile. Key words: Johannesteijsmannia; Growth rate; Vegetative phenology; Arecaceae doi: 10.3126/eco.v12i0.3190 Ecoprint: An International Journal of Ecology 12: 11-20, 2005

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (15) ◽  
pp. 6184 ◽  
Olexandr Yemelyanov ◽  
Tetyana Petrushka ◽  
Anastasiya Symak ◽  
Olena Trevoho ◽  
Anatolii Turylo ◽  

The purpose of the study was to assess the efficiency and accessibility of microcredits for small Ukrainian enterprises and to justify the feasibility of strengthening government contributions in lending to ensure the sustainable development of small businesses. Indicators for evaluating the efficiency and accessibility of microcredits are systematized. Methodological approaches to assessing the efficiency of lending for the creation and development of microenterprises have been improved. A model for evaluating the efficiency of microcredits aimed at the survival of microenterprises in a deteriorating environment was developed. It has been revealed that the level of efficiency of microcredit creation for firms in some time intervals depends quadratically on the share of microcredits in the total amount of funds directed to the creation of firms. A linear relationship between the relative amount of credit received and the growth rate of firms’ assets has also been established. However, there is no significant impact of the microcredit’s amount on labor productivity. A method has been developed for evaluating the budgetary efficiency of microcredits when such a lending is carried out using funds from state or local budgets. It was found that improving these lending conditions through budget financing can significantly increase its attractiveness for microenterprises without significantly reducing the budgetary efficiency of microcredits. This article substantiates the need to strengthen state support for microcrediting of small Ukrainian enterprises in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (5) ◽  
Luan Peroni Venancio ◽  
José Francisco Teixeira Do Amaral ◽  
Paulo Cezar Cavatte ◽  
Cynthia Teixeira Vargas ◽  
Edvaldo Fialho Dos Reis ◽  

The growing in shaded systems is one of the strategies adopted to mitigate the impacts of climate change on coffee trees. However, there are few studies about the effect of shading on the growth and production of clones of robusta coffee (Coffea canephora). Besides that, exist a paradigm  in Brazil of that the shading in coffee robusta is synonymous of less yield. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate whether C. canephora genotypes subjected to shading increase their yield and growth vegetative under field conditions. The study was performed between September 2013 and July 2017 (four harvests) in Alegre, Espírito Santo state, Brazil. Three genotypes of cultivar Conilon Vitória - Incaper 8142 were evaluated (03V, 06V, and 12V) and four levels of shade: full sunlight (witness) and, low, moderate and, high shade, with 38, 48 and, 68% of real capacity of shade, respectively. The shade was performed using black polyolefin screens; plants growing in full sunlight were only fenced. The tested shade levels affected the growth rate and yield of Robusta coffee plants. The shading caused a greater leaf expansion as compared to the full sunlight, as well as greater etiolation of the plagiotropic and orthotropic branches. The genotype 06V was shown to be responsive to shading, with a statistically equal production independently of shade level. The low, moderate, and high shade levels affected negatively the yield of genotypes 03V and 12V. The shading can improve the yield of Robusta coffee, in this case, of the genotype 06V of the cultivar Conilon Vitória - Incaper 8142. The success of shaded plantations depends the choice of the shade responsive genotypes and appropriate shading level.

Н.В. Тхань ◽  
А.В. Жигунов ◽  
А.С. Бондаренко

Изучение роста и продуктивности гевеи бразильской проводилось на про- мышленных плантациях в районе Тхонг Нхат (провинция Донг Най, Вьетнам). Плантации закладывались привитыми саженцами пяти клонов – GT1, PB260, PB235, RRIC121, VM515 на площадях, имеющих уклон менее 3. В качестве подвоя использовали сеянцы гевеи бразильской, выращенные в полиэтиленовых тубах. Посадка проводилась в ямки, подготовленные вручную. Перед посадкой в ямку вносился комплекс органических и минеральных удобрений. Перед посад- кой снималась пленка с корнезакрывающего кома, растения помещались в ямку и заделывались почвой, смешанной с органическими и минеральными удобре- ниями. Первоначальная густота посадки на всех вариантах исследования состав- ляла 560 шт./га. Уход за посадками заключался в многократном удалении травя- нистых растений вокруг посаженного растения. Диаметр обрабатываемой площади увеличивался до размера проекции кроны. После достижения расте- ниями высоты 3 м начинали постепенную обрезку нижних ветвей, доводя высо- ту ствола без нижних ветвей до 2,5–3,3 м. Для определения хода роста заклады- вались постоянные пробные площади на плантациях гевеи бразильской в возрасте 1, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 лет размером 25  25 м, на которых проводился учет биометрических показателей всех деревьев. Определение продуктивности латекса проводили на трех деревьях на тех же постоянных пробных площадях в течение 30 дней по каждому клону в возрасте 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 лет. Сбор ла- текса производился ежедневно. Массу латекса определяли взвешиванием каждой пробы по отдельному дереву в г/дер./сут. На плантациях все клоны имеют высо- кую приживаемость и сохранность, стабильно высокий прирост по высоте и диаметру ствола и высокую продуктивность млечного сока. Клон RRIC121 пока- зывает более высокие темпы роста уже с пятилетнего возраста и это преимуще- ство сохраняется до конца эксплуатации плантаций в 30-летнем возрасте как по биометрическим показателям, так и по продуктивности млечного сока. Биомет- рические параметры и динамика запаса древесины у клонов GT1, PB235 и VM515 не имеют достоверных отличий друг от друга, но несколько ниже, чем у клона RRIC121. Запас древесины у клона PB260 уже в 10-летнем возрасте ниже, чем у остальных клонов, и остается таковым на протяжении всего срока наблю- дений. Хотя промышленная заготовка млечного сока на плантация гевеи бра- зильской во Вьетнаме проводится с 7 и до 30-летнего возраста, наибольшая про- дуктивность у всех изучаемых клонов наступает с 10 и до 25-летнего возраста, а максимальная продуктивность – в 15–20-летнем возрасте. Лидирующие позиции по продуктивности млечного сока в период максимальной продуктивности име- ет клон RRIC121, несколько ниже продуктивность у клонов PB235 и VM515. Самая низкая продуктивность отмечена у клонов GT1 и PB235. Наиболее высо- кая корреляция между продуктивностью млечного сока и биометрическими по- казателями гевеи бразильской отмечена для диаметра у корневой шейки, протя- женности кроны и объема ствола отдельных деревьев. На увеличение этих показателей отдельных деревьев должны быть направлены агротехнические ме- роприятия при создании и эксплуатации плантаций гевеи бразильской. The growth and productivity of Brazilian Hevea (Hevea brasiliensis) on commer- cial plantations in the Thong Nhat district, Dong Nai province, Vietnam, are studied and analyzed. The plantations were established with the grafted seedlings of five clones: GT1, PB260, PB235, RRIC121, and VM515, in the areas with a ground surface slope of less than 30°. The Brazilian Hevea seedlings grown in polyethylene tubes were used as rootstock. The seedlings were planted into pits prepared manually. Be- fore planting, a complex of organic and mineral fertilizers was introduced into the pits. The polyfilm was removed from the rootballs, and then the plants were placed into pits and embedded with soil mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers. The initial planting density was 560 plants per ha for all variants in this research. Tending consisted in re- peated weeding of herbaceous plants in the vicinity of the seedlings. The diameter of the cultivated area was increased to the size of the crown projection. After the trees reached 3 meters in height, lower branches were successively pruned so that the trees could not have any branches up to 2.5–3.3 m in height. To determine the growth rate, permanent trial plots were established on the Brazilian Hevea plantations at the age of 1, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30, each 25 x 25 m, on which the biometric parameters of all trees were measured. Latex productivity was determined for 3 trees on the same permanent trial plots during 30 days for each clone at the age of 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30. Latex was collected every day. The latex mass was determined by weighing each sample from a separate tree in grams every day. On the plantations, all clones show high survival and safety, stable high growth in height and diameter, and a high produc- tivity of latex. Clone RRIC121 has been showing a higher growth rate since the age of five and this advantage shows itself until the end of the plantation exploitation at the age of 30 both in biometric parameters and latex productivity. Biometric parameters and dynamics of wood stock in clones GT1, PB235 and VM515 have no significant differences from each other, but they are somewhat lower than those of clone RRIC121. Already at the age of 10, the wood stock of clone PB260 was smaller as compared with that of the other clones and it has not changed over the entire observa- tion period. Although on the Brazilian Hevea plantations in Vietnam, latex is collected in production quantities from the trees aged from 7 to 30, the highest productivity of all the clones under study is shown by the trees within the age period from 10 to 25, and the maximum productivity, at the age from 15 to 20. Clone RRIC121 has the lead- ing positions in latex productivity in the maximum productivity period; somewhat lower productivity is shown by clones PB235 and VM515. Clones GT1 and PB235 have the lowest productivity. The highest relationship between the lateх productivity and the biometric indicators of Brazilian Hevea is recorded for the root neck diameter, the crown length, and the trunk volume of individual trees. Special agrotechnical measures should be developed and applied during the establishment and management of Brazilian Hevea plantations in order to improve these parameters.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 6097-6100
D M Donovan ◽  
M P Remington ◽  
D A Stewart ◽  
J C Crouse ◽  
D J Miles ◽  

Ribosomal protein genes RP28 and S16A (RP55) are closely linked. Another set of this pair of genes exists in the genome (copy 2), genetically unlinked to copy 1. By using gene replacement techniques, we have shown that RP28 from copy 1 is required for vegetative growth and that the cells need S16A from copy 2 to achieve maximum growth rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 70-74
Cristina-Maria Lumînare ◽  
Daniel Nicolae Cojanu ◽  
Mihaela-Monica Dinu ◽  
Ana-Cristina Fătu

"The effect of temperature on the mycelial growth of two isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metch.) Sorok. (Hypocreales, Clavicipitaceae) was evaluated in vitro on PDA growth medium, by measuring the diameter of the fungal colonies, at the following temperature values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 °C, over 14 days under constant conditions. The data obtained were used for the calculation of the growth rate (mm/day) using linear regression. The representation of the values corresponding to the minimum, optimal and maximum temperature of vegetative growth was made by a curve described by a mathematical function, a modified beta (ß) function. The lowest temperatures at which growth occurs are 7 and 10°C, the highest is 35.7°C; temperature at which the most growth occurs, as indicated by the measurements, was distributed over a range of temperatures from 22.9 to 31°C."

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 357 ◽  
Yunchen Wang ◽  
Chunlin Huang ◽  
Yaya Feng ◽  
Minyan Zhao ◽  
Juan Gu

Urban sustainable development has attracted widespread attention worldwide as it is closely linked with human survival. However, the growth of urban areas is frequently disproportionate in relation to population growth in developing countries; this discrepancy cannot be monitored solely using statistics. In this study, we integrated earth observation (EO) and statistical data monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 11.3.1: “The ratio of land consumption rate to the population growth rate (LCRPGR)”. Using the EO data (including China’s Land-Use/Cover Datasets (CLUDs) and the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program/Operational Linescan System (DMSP/OLS) nighttime light data) and census, we extracted the percentage of built-up area, disaggregated the population using the geographically weighted regression (GWR) model, and depicted the spatial heterogeneity and dynamic tendency of urban expansion and population growth by a 1 km × 1 km grid at city and national levels in mainland China from 1990 to 2010. Then, the built-up area and population density datasets were compared with other products and statistics using the relative error and standard deviation in our research area. Major findings are as follows: (1) more than 95% of cities experienced growth in urban built-up areas, especially in the megacities with populations of 5–10 million; (2) the number of grids with a declined proportion of the population ranged from 47% in 1990–2000 to 54% in 2000–2010; (3) China’s LCRPGR value increased from 1.69 in 1990–2000 to 1.78 in 2000–2010, and the land consumption rate was 1.8 times higher than the population growth rate from 1990 to 2010; and (4) the number of cities experiencing uncoordinated development (i.e., where urban expansion is not synchronized with population growth) increased from 93 (27%) in 1990–2000 to 186 (54%) in 2000–2010. Using EO has the potential for monitoring the official SDGs on large and fine scales; the processes provide an example of the localization of SDG 11.3.1 in China.

2012 ◽  
Vol 424-425 ◽  
pp. 1318-1321 ◽  
Zhi Ping Guo ◽  
Qing An Li ◽  
Qing Long Liu ◽  
Yan Fei Wang

China is the largest developing country with the annual growth rate of 9.8% and the second largest energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions and CO2 emissions in the world. Wind energy helps decreasing import dependency, diversifying sources of production, and contributes to a sustainable development in many countries. This article explores the importance of global wind turbine development in 2010. And then introduced the use of wind power annual development condition and the distribution characteristics of wind resources in China. Finally the existing problems were pointed out in the wind power industry of China, and have a guiding significance for the development of the future of China's wind power career.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Abubakar Yakubu Abbani

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a time-bound global development agenda with 17 goals which targets 169 social, economic, and environmental indicators agreed upon in 2015 by UN member states to be achieved by year 2030. The SDGs includes many targets and references to eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, improved health for women and children, enhance universal access to quality education, and gender equality, among others. This study utilised the reports of Nigeria Demographic and Health Surveys from 1990 to 2018 and the 2006 national population census results to understand and analyse Nigeria’s demographic trends (age structure, fertility and mortality rates) with the intention to understand how they may affect the country’s efforts towards realising the set targets of the SDGs relating to eradication of poverty and hunger, ensuring health of the people, providing quality education and empowering women and girls. Findings showed that Nigeria’s demographic trends is characterised by slowly declining mortality and fertility rates with high population growth rate, and a dismal performance in the SDGs targets relating to poverty, hunger, health, education and women empowerment. The country will have to slow down its population growth rate and invest heavily in education, healthcare and job creation to be able to achieve the targets of the SDGs by 2030.

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