scholarly journals Maternal Perception about Neonatal Jaundice in Eastern Nepal: A Qualitative Study

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Dinesh Dharel ◽  
Asmita Bhattarai

Background: Jaundice is a common problem in newborn babies and mothers have different misconceptions about it in Nepal. This study was conducted to explore mother’s perception about the causes, recognition, management and outcome of neonatal jaundice.Methodology: In-depth interviews were conducted with 32 mothers of infants under six months of age with a history of jaundice in the neonatal period attending the outpatient department of Ilam District Hospital. Audio-taped data were transcribed and analyzed thematically.Results: Most of the mothers recognized jaundice in babies from yellow skin but some noticed it after being alerted by health workers or other people. They perceived jaundice in neonates as a serious condition. However, they were unclear about the cause and attributed it to breach in food restrictions, lack of hygiene or effect of evil spirits. Foods consumed by mothers during and after pregnancy were of concern, not only as a cause but also a remedial measure of jaundice. They usually resorted to traditional measures of avoiding certain foods and reported that health workers did not offer specific remedies and that some health workers even approved such practices. The perceptions of mothers were greatly influenced by family and societal beliefs and practices such as applying oil, sunbathing or avoiding various foods by mothers, often irrespective of advice from health workers. Mother-in-law and the health worker have had the prominent influence in mother’s perception.Conclusion: The perceptions of mothers regarding recognition, seriousness, causes and treatment of jaundice in their newborn babies were mostly guided by their own misconceptions and experiences. However, the family and societal beliefs apparently had a big influence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (01) ◽  
pp. 20
Yanti .

ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Preeklampsia merupakan salah satu penyebab tingginya angka kematian ibu (AKI) di Indonesia. Angka kejadian preeklampsia di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2018 sebesar 8%, Boyolali merupakan salah satu dari sepuluh wilayah penyumbang AKI teringgi di Jawa Tengah, dengan kejadian preeklampsia sebanyak 33,4% (5 kasus), hal ini menyebabkan preeklampsi menempati urutan pertama penyebab kematian ibu. Faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian preeklampsia adalah usia, paritas, riwayat preeklampsia, riwayat hipertensi, pengetahuan, dan persepsi Ibu, kebiasaan dan dukungan dari keluarga. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui fenomena faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian preeklampsia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ampel Boyolali Jawa tengah. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif fenomenologi. Informan penelitian terdiri dari informan utama yaitu ibu yang mengalami preeklampsia selama kehamilannya sebanyak 5 orang dan informan pendukung yang terdiri dari 5 tenaga kesehatan, 2 kader kesehatan dan 8 anggota keluarga dari informan utama. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan teknik Miles dan Hubberman (1992) dengan analisis tematik. Hasil dan pembahasan: Ada 4 tema sebagai hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian preeklampsia, terdiri dari usia ibu, paritas, Riwayat Kesehatan dan kebiasaan ibu. Simpulan: Ibu yang mengalami preeklampsia mayoritas memiliki karakteristik (usia, paritas), riwayat kesehatan dan kebiasaan yang beresiko. Dengan melakukan pendampingan selama masa kehamilan kepada ibu hamil yang beresiko diharapkan dapat menghindari komplikasi yang dapat terjadi akibat keterlambatan penanganan serta mengoptimalkan pemberian edukasi tentang preeklampsia untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu. Kata kunci: Preeklamsia, Fenomenologi. PHENOMENOLOGY STUDY OF THE RISK FACTOR THAT RELATED WITH PREECLAMPSIA ABSTRACTIntroduction : Preeclampsia is one of the causes of the highly maternal mortality (MMR) in Indonesia. The incidence of preeclampsia in the Central java in 2018 was 8%. Boyolali which was one of the ten highest contributor to MMR in Central Java, the incidence of preeclampsia was 33,4% (5 cases), this led to preeclampsia being the first cause of maternal death. Factors that can influence the incidence of preeclampsia are age, parity, history of preeclampsia, history of hypertension, knowledge, and mother's perception, habits and support from the family. This research was to describe the phenomenon of the risk factor related with preeclampsia in the work area of Ampel Public Health Center, Boyoali, Central Java. Research method: This is a qualitative research with a descriptive phenomenological approach. The informants of the study consisted of the main informants, namely mothers who had preeclampsia during their pregnancy as many as 5 people and supporting informants consisting of 5 health workers, 2 health cadres and 8 family members from the main informants. Data collection techniques were carried out by in-depth interviews and documentation studies. The analysis of this study uses the techniques of Miles and Hubberman (1992) with thematic analysis.Result and discussion: The results of the study were identified 4 themes namely factors that influence the incidence of preeclampsia, women’s age, parity, history of health, and women,s daily activity. Conclusion: Mothers who experience preeclampsia have the majority characteristics (women age, parity), history of health and risky habits. By providing assistance during pregnancy for pregnant women who are at risk wish to avoid complications that can occur due to delays in handling and optimizing the provision of education about preeclampsia to improve maternal knowledge. Keywords: Preeclampsia, Phenomenology

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
Ítala Paris de Souza ◽  
Roseney Bellato ◽  
Laura Filomena Santos de Araújo ◽  
Karla Beatriz Barros de Almeida

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to understand family organization in care nucleus and supporting networks for families of young patients who experienced childhood kidney disease and adolescent cancer. It is a situational study using the history of life by means of in-depth interviews and observation. A genogram and an eco-map were used as analytical tools for data organization and analysis. The genogram showed family composition and the relationships established among its members and the care nucleus, strengthening the continuing and prolonged care required by the youth. The eco-map contrasted the punctual and unlinked work of the supporting network with the implicated, affective, and continuing work from the base network participation in the illness experienced by the youth. These tools allow health professionals to know the family organization in care, and the resources and networks with which they count on for support through the experience of a chronic illness.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-17 ◽  
Benjamin Kaneka ◽  
Akim J. Mturi

Abstract The aim of the study was to examine the perceptions of young married women on meanings and motivations of partner opposition to their contraceptive use. Qualitative data was collected from focus group discussions and individual in-depth interviews with young married women and key informant interviews with health workers and traditional leaders in the districts of Ntcheu, Mangochi and Zomba in Malawi. Thematic data analysis was done using ATLAS ti software version 7. The results show that partners’ opposition to young married women’s use of contraceptives was perceived to be principally motivated by their husbands’ quest to control the sexual and reproductive lives of their spouses. Related to this aspect are the fears and misconceptions that use of modern contraceptives would relieve young married women of the fear of engaging in extra marital affairs as they would no longer be afraid of being discovered through pregnancy. Hence, the opposition was perceived to safeguard their marriages from instability and dissolution. The paper asserts that there should be a shift in the family planning programme delivery in the country aimed at reducing or eliminating partner opposition to young married women’s contraceptive use through involvement and inclusion of partners in the designing and implementation of contraceptive information and service provision interventions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Dewi mayang sari, Alida nihaya

Latar Belakang: Berdasarka hasil survey pada bulan Agustus 2016 di Sambiroto didapat jumlah 132 bayi,55% tidak diberikan ASI eksklusif,hal tersebut dikarenakan sebagian besar ibu bekerja. Tinjaun Teori: Persepsi merupakan kemampuan berfikir individu terhadap sesuatu yang dipersepsikan. ASI eksklusif adalah pemberian ASI saja dari 0-6 bulan tanpa diberikan makanan atau minuman apapun. Hambatan ketika menyusui dibedakan menjadi dua faktor, yakni faktor internal dan eksternal. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengeksplorasi persepsi ibu yang bekerja terhadap kegagalan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam. Jumlah partisipan 3 orang ibu yang bekerja, memiliki bayi dan dadal dalam pemberian ASI eksklusif di Sambiroto Semarang.Hasil: Wawancara mendalam pada partisipan didapatkan informasi tentang kegagalan pemberian ASI eksklusif dikarenakan adanya hambatan yang dialami ibu yakni berupa keterbatasan waktu dengan anak dan produksi ASI yang sedikit serta tidak didukungnya fasilitas berupa Ruang Laktasi  untuk memerah di saat ibu bekerja. Rendahnya kesadaran ibu dalam pemberian ASI semakin membuat terjadinya kegagalan ASI eksklusif, meskipun pihak keluarga, lingkungan, tenaga kesehatan telah memeberikan dukungan penuh.Saran: Ibu bekerja hendaknya memberikan ASI secara ekslusif, meskipun kondisi ibu yang bekerja. Perusahaan hendaknya memberikan ruang laktasi yang memadai. Kata Kunci : Persepsi;Ibu Bekerja;Kegagalan ASI Eksklusif PERCEIVED FAILURE TO WOMEN WHO WORK IN EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING BABY IN THE SAMBIROTO SEMARANG 2017 Abstract Background : Based upon the results of its survey in August 2016 in Sambiroto be tallied 132 infants, 55% were not given exclusive breast feeding, it is because the majority of working mothers. Overview Theory: Perception is the ability of an individual to think of something perceived. Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding course of 0-6 months without given any food or drinks. Barriers when breastfeeding is divided into two factors, namely internal and external factors Research objective : To explore the perception of mother who work against the failure of exclusive breast feeding in infants. Method : This study used qualitative methods with the approach of phenomenology. Data collection techniques with in-depth interviews. The number of participants three working mothers, babies or toddlers and failed in exclusive breast feeding in Sambiroto Semarang. Result : In-depth interviews in participants obtained information about the failure of exclusive breast feeding because of the constraints experienced by the mother in the form of limited time with the child and a little milk production and not supported facilities such as lactation room for milking when the mother works. Low awareness in breast feeding mothers are increasingly making a failure of exclusive breast feeding, although the family, the environment, health workers have given full support. Suggestion : Mother should be able to provide breast milk exclusively thought the condition of mothers are working. Companis should provide adequate lactation room. Keywords : Perception; Working Mother; The failure of exclusive breast feeding.

1956 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-79
Samuel Livingston ◽  
Don Petersen ◽  
John L. Peck

S. K., a 26-month-old white male, was admitted to the hospital because of several generalized convulsions in the preceding hour. The mother had tuberculous pleurisy with effusion in 1938. The father had pulmonary tuberculosis with cavitation in 1933 for which pneumothorax was induced from 1934 to 1939 and a lobectomy performed in 1940. Since 1942 neither parent showed signs of active tuberculosis. The patient was one of twins born 3 weeks prematurely by breech presentation. Birth weight was 1,955 gm. He breathed and cried spontaneously. The neonatal period was eventful, development was entirely normal and there were no serious illnesses or convulsions. Because of the family history of tuberculosis, the patient and 3 siblings were vaccinated on June 18, 1954 with 1/16 ml. of Rosenthal's B.C.G. vaccine (dry freeze), intradermally. Tuberculin tests preceding vaccination were negative and became positive by September 11, 1954. Because the patient had a continuously draining ulcer at the site of vaccination and a large, tender, fluctuant axillary lymph node, treatment was started with streptomycin sulfate 250 mg. twice weekly and 50 mg. of isoniazid t.i.d. on August 4. On September 11, the streptomycin sulfate was reduced to 125 mg. twice weekly, but the isoniazid was continued at the original dosage. This regimen of therapy was maintained until admission to the hospital on November 1. About 1 hour before admission, the patient vomited several times while riding in the car with his mother. Shortly after this, the mother noted that ho seemed less alert and responsive than usual. He then had 3 generalized clonic convulsions in rapid succession, following which he became unconscious. He was brought immediately to the hospital.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 451-458
Nastiti Dyah Prastiwi ◽  
Dinda Pratiwi ◽  
Muhamad Rizky ◽  
Munaya Fauziah ◽  
Nanda Afina Riyadhu Ilma

The high birth rate in Indonesia is still a major problem in the population. One of the programs to suppress population growth is through the family planning program. Perceptions of couples of childbearing age regarding family planning have a strong enough influence to determine the use of contraceptives by their wives. This study aims to explore how the wife's perception of contraception. The research method used is qualitative with in-depth interviews. Informants who will conduct in-depth interviews are 4 informants who are wives and currently using contraceptives. The results showed that the informants first found out information on the use of contraceptives, namely by health workers. Informants feel that family and self-support affect the use of contraceptives. Informants use contraceptives to control the population, limit birth rates, and regulating birth spacing, informants will feel different discomforts when using contraceptives. informants have the view that Islam does not prohibit the use of contraceptives. Based on this, we can say that the perception of wives in using contraceptives is influenced by several aspects of the information, family support as well as the perception of a wife against contraceptives cheap and tangka it is a benchmark for the wife in the use of contraception other than required by the state. To regulate the distance between pregnancies, the wife also believes in terms of health and religious beliefs that using contraceptives does not violate the norms and beliefs they currently hold.

1985 ◽  
Vol 54 (04) ◽  
pp. 744-745 ◽  
R Vikydal ◽  
C Korninger ◽  
P A Kyrle ◽  
H Niessner ◽  
I Pabinger ◽  

SummaryAntithrombin-III activity was determined in 752 patients with a history of venous thrombosis and/or pulmonary embolism. 54 patients (7.18%) had an antithrombin-III activity below the normal range. Among these were 13 patients (1.73%) with proven hereditary deficiency. 14 patients were judged to have probable hereditary antithrombin-III deficiency, because they had a positive family history, but antithrombin-III deficiency could not be verified in other members of the family. In the 27 remaining patients (most of them with only slight deficiency) hereditary antithrombin-III deficiency was unlikely. The prevalence of hereditary antithrombin-III deficiency was higher in patients with recurrent venous thrombosis.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Brett Kahr

Few books in the burgeoning field of couple psychoanalysis have garnered as much admiration as James Fisher's The Uninvited Guest: Emerging from Narcissism towards Marriage. In this memorial essay, the author pays tribute to the late Dr Fisher and to his perennial book which explores the ways in which pathological narcissism, among other factors, inhibit the development of spousal intimacy, often destroying partnerships entirely. The author describes the creative way in which Fisher drew upon great works of literature, most notably William Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale, and T. S. Eliot's The Cocktail Party, as well as long-forgotten clinical material from Fisher's predecessors at the Family Discussion Bureau (forerunner of the Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships), in order to understand the ways in which marital partners struggle with false self couplings. The author assesses the importance of Fisher's contribution in the context of the history of couple psychoanalysis.

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