scholarly journals Expressive Speech Acts of Politeness in The Counselling Process

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 212
Tri Budiarta ◽  
Joko Nurkamto ◽  
Sumarlam Sumarlam ◽  
Dwi Purnanto

This study discusses the expressive speech acts of politeness in the counseling process. The study attempts to 1) identify the sub-types of expressive speech acts and their functions in the counseling process and (2) explain the realization of expressive speech act of politeness strategies in the counseling process. Data for the study were collected using passive participation observation and recording with closed-circuit television (CCTV). Data in this study were analyzed following the goal, heuristic method, and contextual methods. The findings of this study are associated with the stages of the counseling process. First, Building Relationships consists of sub-speech acts; Second, the Problem Identification Stage consists of sub-speech acts; Third, Facilitating Therapeutic Change consists of sub-actions speech act. Based on the findings of the study, praising is the most dominant utterance that always appears in every stage of the counseling process. It shows that the communication that happened in the counseling process is in a close, familial, warm, and comfortable atmosphere. This study demonstrates that language plays a critical role in the process of resolving human problems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 226 ◽  
Azweed Mohamad ◽  
Radzuwan Ab Rashid ◽  
Kamariah Yunus ◽  
Shireena Basree Abdul Rahman ◽  
Saadiyah Darus ◽  

This paper discusses the speech acts in Facebook Status Updates posted by an apostate of Islam. The Facebook Timeline was observed for a duration of two years (January 2015 to December 2016). More than 4000 postings were made in the data collection period. However, only 648 postings are related to apostasy. The data were classified according to the types of speech acts. Expressive speech act is the most frequent speech act (33%, n=215), followed by the directive (27%, n=177), assertive (22%, n=141), and commissive (18%, n=115), respectively. Based on the speech acts used, it is discernible that the apostate attempts to engage other Facebook users and persuade them into accepting her ideology while gaining their support. This paper is novel in the sense that it puts forth the social actions of an apostate which is very scarce in literature. It is also methodologically innovative as it uses social media postings as a tool to explore the apostate’s social actions in an online space.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Maria Miwita Rosari

Through conversation ones establish relationship with others and keep channels open for further relationships. Politeness strategies and issues have been the focus of a number of studies. The way ones request for something to others depends on some factors such as the context they are in and the interlocutors they talk to. This article aims at developing the latest discussion on politeness phenomena by paying attention to the specifics of Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) settings specifically an online discussion forum. This article attempts to identify how speech act of request is performed in Top Law School (TLS) online discussion forum. The data were analyzed to observe the forms of speech act of request and the types of speech act of request performed in the online discussion forum. The findings of this paper revealed that the forms of speech act of request are expressed by declarative, interrogative, and imperative sentence. Moreover, the types of speech act of request employed by the users are directive, indirective, and literal speech acts. The writer believes that the study will be beneficial and a good reference for future researchers in conducting research on pragmatics under the same topic. Hopefully, it will enrich readers’ knowledge and understanding of the speech act of request and the politeness in CMC.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Fajar Indah Nuraini ◽  
Dwi Santoso ◽  
Novi Sri Rahmi ◽  
Rosa Oktavia Kaptania

The objectives of this research are to find out the types of expressive speech act and the forms of expressive speech act in Mata NajwaTalkshow: Lakon Politik Republik Episode. It is interesting to analyze expressive speech since all the human beings are given a feeling by God and they tend to express their psychological feeling. Feeling is strictly related to expressive speech act. Kreidler and Frank’s theory about expressive speech act was used in this research .This research belongs to qualitative. Furthermore, the data of this research are the utterances containing expressive speech act in Mata Najwa Talkshow: Lakon Politik Republik Episode. In collecting the data, the researchers decide to use documentation technique.  The four researchers analyze the data by identifyingand classifying the data into types and forms of expressive speech act.  The results are 13 types of expressive speech act and 2 forms of expressive speech act are found in this research. The types are thanking, regretting, apologizing, praising, liking, disliking, approving, disapproving, condoling, criticizing, boasting, lamenting, blaming. The forms of expressive speech act found by the researchers are declarative and interrogative.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Widdya Syafitri

<p>This research is conducted based on two purposes; they are to identify the types of expressive speech act found in the statuses of the Facebook users, and to explain the modes of expressive utterance used in the statuses. Therefore, the data source is the social network that is Facebook and the data are the statuses of the Facebook users. The data are collected by using observational method, followed by non-participant observational technique and taking-note technique. The data analysis is based on pragmatic identity method proposed by Sudaryanto (2015) which is also supported by the theory of the types of expressive speech act by Ronan (2015), and theory about the modes of utterance from Alwi, et al (2000). The analysis result shows that there are fourteen types of expressive speech act in the statuses. They are the expression of agreement, disagreement, apology, gratitude, sorrow (sadness), exclamation (complaint), volition (hope), anger, disappointment, encouragement, satire, annoyance, pride, and congratulation. Meanwhile, the modes of expressive speech act that are used consist of declarative mode, interrogative mode, and exclamative mode. The importance of this research is to reveal or show that there is something else the Facebook users want to say behind their statuses. Sometimes, they do not really state what they mean in their statuses. They use indirect way and there lies the use of expressive speech act which can be stated in different way.</p>

Ngasini Ngasini ◽  
Senowarsito Senowarsito ◽  
Dyah Nugrahani

This research aims to identify types of expressive speech acts, to describe the realization and the actual condition used in Billie Eilish interview's in Ellen show. The researcher used descriptive qualitative. The data of this study collected from the interview script. In this research, the data are taken from the dialogue among the Interviewer and Interviewee; this research used document analysis for analyzing the data. The finding showed there were 16 utterances of expressive speech acts, which consisted of 1 expression of apologizing (6,2 %), 1 expression of thanking (6,2 %), 6 expression of congratulating (37,5),1 expression of greeting (6,2%), 1 expression of wishing (6,2%), 5 expression of attitudes (31,2%). The result showed the expressive of congratulating are the most dominant expressive speech act he expressive of congratulating are the most dominant expressive speech act.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Samaila Yakubu

Speech act analysis is an act of investigating how utterances not only disseminate information but perform actions as well.  Dialogues in Henshaw’s This Is Our Chance are not only employed to exchange information about animosity between the people of Koloro Village and the people of Udura Village but to take actions on matters that involved the two neighbouring villages.  The present paper seeks to explore the dialogues in the above mentioned text to see how they have been used.  The paper adopts speech act theory of J. L. Austin which was later developed by J. R. Searle.  The data for the study were analysed based on speech act theory. Components of directive speech act such as commands and questions are used extensively in the text while those like requests, advice, directives and warnings are used insignificantly; constituents of representative speech act, namely, statements and reports run throughout the text; elements of expressive speech act such as complaints and appreciations are found in the text; declaration speech acts, and constituent of commissive speech act such as promise are used scantly in the text.  The study concludes that speech act theory is the most appropriate instrument for handling civil conflict.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Mardikayah Rusma Noortyani

AbstractSpeech Act of Doctor and Patient in Puskesmas Gambut of Banjar District. Speech actis an act of speech when the speaker issued. In the process of physician services topatients are speech acts. This study discusses the speech act clinicians and patients atthe health center Peat Banjar district by gender and age. This study aims to determinewhat kind of speech act that doctors use when serving patients. The approach used inthis study is a qualitative approach, with descriptive methods. The data in this study inthe form of speech that diujarkan by physicians and patients in the health center. Sourcedata obtained from physicians and patients in the form of speech recordings andinterviews. Research instruments such as observation sheets, questionnaires, and fieldnotes, with tools tape recorder, cassette recorders, mobile phones, and other stationery.Data was collected using observation techniques (see) and interviews (competent). Dataanalysis was performed from data collection, the analysis activities include: 1) datareduction, 2) data presentation, and 3) the verification / inference. The results of thisstudy indicate an action can be delivered using a variety of forms of speech. The formsof speech that exist in substitutions at the health center between doctor and patientrepresentative form of speech, commissive, directive, and expressive. Doctors use morerepresentative speech, commissive, and directive, while patients use more representativeand expressive speech. Representative speech acts used by doctors in the form ofprovision of information, shows, and asserted, while the representative speech spokenby patients of different sex and age in the form of acts of grumbling along with anexplanation to elicit responses from physicians. Directive speech spoken male doctor isdifferent from speech female doctors to patients of different gender and age. Maledoctor at a different rule for patient sex and age, using direct speech and short, whilethe speech of women doctors to patients of different sex and age at the time of directspeech and the rule using the term. Commissive speech spoken male physicians andwomen to different patient sex and age in the form of follow-promise and make suggestionsto the patient. Expressive speech spoken form of patient follow-up thank-you to thedoctor.Keywords: speech acts, physicians, patientsAbstrakTindak Tutur Dokter dan Pasien di Puskesmas Gambut Kabupaten Banjar. Tindaktutur merupakan suatu tindakan ketika penutur mengeluarkan ujaran. Dalam prosespelayanan dokter terhadap pasien terdapat tindak tutur. Penelitian ini membahas tentangtindak tutur dokter dan pasien di Puskesmas Gambut Kabupaten Banjar berdasarkanperbedaan jenis kelamin dan usia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tindak80tutur seperti apa yang digunakan dokter ketika melayani pasien. Pendekatan yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode deskriptif.Data dalam penelitian ini berupa tuturan yang diujarkan oleh dokter dan pasien diPuskesmas. Sumber data diperoleh dari tuturan dokter dan pasien berupa rekamandan hasil wawancara. Instrumen peneliti berupa lembar observasi, daftar pertanyaan,dan catatan lapangan, dengan alat bantu tape recorder, kaset perekam, handphone,dan alat-alat tulis lainnya. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi(simak) dan wawancara (cakap). Analisis data dilakukan sejak pengumpulan data,dengan aktivitas analisis meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi/penyimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan suatu tindakan dapat disampaikandengan menggunakan berbagai bentuk tuturan. Bentuk-bentuk tuturan yang ada padapertuturan di Puskesmas antara dokter dan pasien berupa tuturan representatif, komisif,direktif, dan ekspresif. Dokter lebih banyak menggunakan tuturan representatif, komisif,dan direktif, sedangkan pasien lebih banyak menggunakan tuturan representatif danekspresif. Tuturan representatif yang digunakan dokter berupa tindak pemberianinformasi, menunjukkan, dan menegaskan, sedangkan tuturan representatif yangdituturkan oleh pasien yang berbeda jenis kelamin dan usia berupa tindak pengeluhanbeserta penjelasan untuk memperoleh respon dari dokter. Tuturan direktif yangdituturkan dokter laki-laki berbeda dengan tuturan dokter perempuan terhadap pasienyang berbeda jenis kelamin dan usia. Dokter laki-laki pada saat memerintah terhadappasien yang berbeda jenis kelamin dan usia, menggunakan tuturan langsung danpendek, sedangkan tuturan dokter perempuan terhadap pasien yang berbeda jeniskelamin dan usia pada saat memerintah menggunakan tuturan langsung dan panjang.Tuturan komisif yang dituturkan dokter laki-laki dan perempuan terhadap pasien yangberbeda jenis kelamin dan usia berupa tindak berjanji dan memberikan usulan terhadappasien. Tuturan ekspresif yang dituturkan pasien berupa tindak ucapan terima kasihterhadap dokter.Kata-kata kunci: tindak tutur, dokter, pasien

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 994-1013
Gayane Rubenovna Vlasyan ◽  
Irina Vladimirovna Kozhukhova

Invitation is a speech act which is perceived differently across cultures. Understanding the pragmatics of invitation requires knowledge of the notion of politeness and politeness strategies which comprise culture specific elements. Politeness is realized in various discourses, social contexts and speech acts. The purpose of the study is to identify politeness strategies in Russian invitation in formal and informal contexts in three age groups and see how they correspond to the understanding of politeness in Russian communicative culture. The empirical data for the study were obtained through discourse completion tests with 101 participants (issuers of the invitation) of different age and social status as well as through ethnographic observation. The research is based on Discourse Analysis and Politeness Theory (Brown & Levinson 1987; Larina2009, 2015; Locher 2006, 2013; Leech 2014; Mills 2003, 2017; Sifianou 1992; Terkourafi &Kadar 2017; Watts 2003, among others). We used discourse analysis to analyze the impact of the social and cultural context on the performance of invitation, the descriptive method which was used to analyze the pragmatic functions of invitation, as well as contextual interpretation of this speech act and the method of quantitative data processing. The study revealed some differences between a formal and informal invitation concerning politeness strategies and linguistic means of its expression. It also showed that in Russian culture issuing an invitation is not perceived as a face threatening speech act; in the analysed social contexts the preference is given to direct invitation, and the inviter’s imposition, as a rule, is perceived positively. The results contribute to a better understanding of Russian politeness and communicative style and can be implemented in intercultural pragmatics, intercultural communication and SL teaching.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Reisti Shintiana Putri ◽  
Veronica Veronica ◽  
Ressty Putri Ariyati ◽  
Rego Yasendalika ◽  
Ike Revita

This study aims to describe the  forms of expressive speech act uttered by adults in TPI in Pesisir Selatan Regency, Sumatera Barat. This  is a descriptive qualitative research. The data are any  utterances which contain expressive speech acts of adult in TPI Pesisir Selatan.  The analysis is done by using speech acts theory proposed by Searle. Data source of this research is Adult in TPI. In this research, the researcher used observational method because the data are in the form of spoken language that obtained in a Adult in TPI. Thus this research used notetaking technique in collecting expressive speech act. The research findings show that there are ten kinds of expressive speech act in adults in TPI, namely apology, thanks, sympathy, attitudes, expressing greeting, wishing, expressing joy, expressing pain, expressing like, and expressing dislikes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Hendi Pratama

Insya Allah has been part of the Indonesian language and culture for a long time. However, there were very few linguistics studies on the use of Insya Allah. This study aimed to analyse the use of Insya Allah in the Indonesian context using the pragmatic approach. A total of 100 utterances spoken by various speakers at various situations were collected. The study focused on identifying the types of speech acts performed by Insya Allah using Searle’s speech act taxonomy (Searle, 1979). At the second stage, the pragmatic functions of Insya Allah were identified using a combination of classifications used by Pishghadam and Kermananshahi (2012), Nazzal (2005), Ibrahim, Shah, and Armia (2013), and Mohamed Ali (2014). The findings showed that Insya Allah was a reliable marker for commissive and expressive speech acts. This study also found two additional pragmatic functions of Insya Allah which have not been identified in previous studies.

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