2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1(31)) ◽  
pp. 25-32
Shevchenko Yuliia

The article deals with the peculiarities of the teacher’s professional activity in the system of training future teachers for the spiritual and moral development of primary pupils in the cross-cultural space. There are shows the role and influence the contest of education during process of professional training.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (191) ◽  
pp. 41-43
Snizhana Bohomaz-Nazarova ◽  

The article considers issues related to the concept of creativity, creative potential, creative abilities, creative process, recommendations for the development of creative potential of the future teacher of technology using methods, techniques and tools that generate new ideas for creativity. The analysis of methods of professional training of the modern specialist of educational branch is carried out. The necessity of using the competence approach which is aimed at training future teachers and consists in the acquisition and development of students during training a set of key, general and subject competencies that determine his successful professional activity. It is determined that in order to teach students creativity, the teacher must have a sufficient level of creative potential. Students majoring in "Technology", to a greater extent, have certain creative talents and abilities, motivation to learn new techniques and tools, and experience of creative activity, so the role of the teacher in practical classes to show new methods, techniques and means of creative activity, to expand the horizons of imagination and the limits of application of these methods in further professional activity, to prove to students the necessity and feasibility of developing their creative potential. In the educational field "Technology" (labor training) the use of the project method contributes to the formation of students' foundations of technological literacy, work culture, creative approach to solving tasks, learning different ways of processing materials and information. It is the use of non-standard methods of generating new ideas for creativity and activity at the first and especially the second stage (design) will give the greatest effect in the development of creative potential of future teachers of technological education. It is substantiated that the levels of creative preparation should not be used to assess the creative potential of students, but to take into account the teacher's opportunities for creative promotion of each student and a differentiated approach to using existing methods and techniques of involving students in the creative process.

Nadiia Gramatik

The success of modern transformational changes in public life depends crucially on the quality of professional training of future professionals. In this view, under conditions of reforming the Ukrainian society, a social significance of a competent specialist is extremely growing. An important area of transformational changes is the training of future teachers on a competence basis, which is conditioned by qualitative features of the competence-based paradigm in the context of modern socio-economic and spiritual development of society, changes in the nature and content of work, complexity as well as increasing requirements to performance results, on the one hand; and on the other hand – by the need to more quickly overcome the negative phenomena occurring in the system of training future professionals. The modern labour market, above all, provides for the presence of a professionally competent worker who is fluent in the profession-centred assignments and well-oriented in related fields, ready for continuous personal growth, social and professional mobility. These requirements can be fully applied to the training intended for the future teachers. At the same time, since the future specialist of any profession begins with the school, namely "the school stands for their teacher", the solution of these complicated problems depends entirely on the teacher, the quality of his / her training. As the teacher’s professional activity under conditions of the New Ukrainian school is filled with qualitatively new content, conditioned by the new demands of the society, the professional requirements to the training of the future teacher are significantly strengthened. This outlines a radical change in approaches to the process of professional training intended for future teachers. This is the general pedagogical core of this training that is important, because it deals with the equipping of students with knowledge of the basics of pedagogical theory and school practice, the development of professional thinking, the developed pedagogical skills and abilities to implement social functions alongside the subject component of the professional development aimed at mastering the logic of deploying the specifics of the content. Based on the understanding that each subject, including Biology in particular, is a means of developing the student's personality; the problem of forming future Natural Science teachers’ subject competence in Biology is becoming extremely important. This also requires the expansion of scientific knowledge about the structure of originality, in particular the subject competence in Biology under conditions of the bachelor courses, where basic higher education is obtained.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16589
Valentyna Bilyk ◽  
Artem Tkachov ◽  
Ivanna Tkach

The society's need for competitive specialists capable of solving urgent issues requires focusing efforts on solving the most pressing problems in education in today's pandemic conditions. The psychological and pedagogical literature has repeatedly emphasized the need for self-improvement as a component of self-education of a person in general and a teacher in particular. One of the most important factors in the success of further professional activity is the formation of students' readiness for professional self-improvement. The issues of training future teachers remain topical, because both the intellectual, moral and spiritual development of children and youth, the socio-economic well-being of the country depend on their activities. Since the attention of specialists is focused on the personal potential of a person, the urgent is the problem of the formation of future teachers' readiness for self-improvement in the process of individualization of professional training pedagogical science. For this, the methods of theoretical research of profile sources were used, and also theoretical and ascertaining experiments were carried out. It is proved that the training of a future teacher  should be focused on the personality, the recognition of a person as the highest value in society, and providing conditions for personal self-improvement of the future teacher is one of the priority areas in the educational process of the university

М. В. Роганова ◽  
O. I. Чайка ◽  
С. С. Рашидова

The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the problem of forming the research competence of future teachers of higher education, which is associated with the transition to a unified European education system and the renewal of the educational process of higher education with an orientation towards the formation and development of the personality of a competent teacher-researcher who owns the technology of scientific and pedagogical activity. The necessity of the development of the intellectual consciousness of the future teacher of higher education, which determines the style of scientific thinking, is substantiated by the main indicators of consistency, dynamism, problematicity, categoricality, reflexivity, evidence, predictability, projectivity, search ability, creativity. The authors have revealed the structure and the content of the research competence of the future teachers of higher education. The structural components of the research competence of future teachers of higher education are highlighted: cognitive, diagnostic, project constructive, technological, reflective, communicative. The pedagogical conditions for the formation of research competence of the future teacher of higher education are scientifically substantiated: motivational and value, creating needs and determining the persistent positive motivation of the future teacher of higher education in mastering research qualities; meaningful and constructive, which combine the individual and technological capabilities of scientific and pedagogical activity and the requirements of the forthcoming professional activity of a teacher of higher education; organizational and pedagogical, determining the establishment and retention of pedagogically expedient relationships between teachers and students, based on cooperation and mutual interest in research; reflexive-corrective, contributing to the analysis, accounting and correction of the process and the result of the formation of research competence in future teachers of higher education.

Iryna Prokopenko

The article clarifies the essence of the concepts of «сompetence» and «professional competence», determines the components of teacher’s professional competence: motivational (interest and motivation for future professional activity), cognitive (formed knowledge), operational (acquired skills and abilities) and personal-reflexive (ability to self-esteem, self-development and self- improvement). The author, on the basis of comparative analysis, shows the experience of forming the future teacher’s professional competence in leading countries such as: Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, France and others. The article outlines the peculiarities of the formation of the future teacher’s professional competence in determined countries. The interesting aspect in the formation of the future teacher’s professional competence in Germany is its information component, whose high level of evaluation is facilitated by the introduction of modern multimedia technologies in the educational process. The peculiarity of the Danish system of the future teachers’ professional competence formation is the availability of an additional vocational guidance level. So while forming the professional competence of a future teacher in the UK, considerable attention is paid to student’s research activities built on the humanization and democratization of the educational process in this country. The specificity of the future teachers’ professional competence formation in universities of France is that its most important component is the information and communication component. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the positive experience of the future teachers’ professional competence formation abroad is generalized; the recommendations on its introduction into the system of professional training in higher education institutions of Ukraine are worked out. The conclusion is made that the formation of the future teacher’s professional competence abroad will contribute to: the introduction of professional selection of applicants for teaching professions; exploiting the potential of non-formal education; an increase in the duration of teaching practice and the introduction of a mentoring system; inclusion of academic disciplines, that provide inclusive education, into the educational process; providing benefits to active teaching methods based on an interdisciplinary and problem-based approach; creating conditions for the exchange of experience of higher educational institutions with foreign educational institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (190) ◽  
pp. 151-155
Igor Ulychnyj ◽  

The aim of the article is to study reflection as a mechanism of professional training of future teachers. The psychological nature of reflection as a universal mechanism of self – regulation and self – development of the personality is considered. In the scientific community there are various approaches to understanding pedagogical reflection. It is interpreted as: activity; component of pedagogical abilities of the teacher; mental neoplasm of the student's personality. The reflection of the future specialist, as his inner mental activity, is aimed at self-knowledge and understanding of their own actions and states, interpersonal relationships and communication with others, because self-knowledge is the initial stage of self-improvement. The teacher's ability to reflect is a mechanism for rethinking stereotypes of consciousness, behavior, communication, thinking, awareness of the bases, means, stereotypes of activity, their critical and heuristic rethinking, generating innovations in various aspects of professional activity. The development of reflexive-project skills allows the teacher not only to realize his professional activity, but also to make the transition from the position of «response» to the position of «self-organization». The teacher learns to teach himself to define the limits of his knowledge (ignorance) and independently find the conditions to overcome their own limitations, thereby increasing their professional competence. An experienced teacher's process of reflection is permanent, depending on: individual and personal characteristics; personal maturity; practical experience; professional erudition; level of general culture. The model of development of reflective skills of future teachers includes a set of different methods and tools, as well as various forms of organization of the educational process, such as lectures, seminars and practical classes, trainings, independent and self-educational work, individual and group consultations. Internships are a key component of each course (compulsory and optional). The key to students' professional development is to encourage continuous growth through critical theoretical understanding, practical application and experimental learning, both inside and outside the university. The ability to reflect is an important factor in the readiness of teachers to innovate, the desire for self- improvement, the introduction of educational innovative products in the educational process.

Li Zhuhua

Our country's aspirations for joining the European educational space, acquiring institutions of the national education system, including establishments of general education, competitiveness in the world educational services market actualize the need for its modernization and quality improvement. Modern state documents that provide the legal normative framework for national education are aimed at the above mentioned. The purpose of the article is to highlight and substantiate the structure of the methodological culture of the future teachers specialised in Musical Arts. The article describes the essence of the phenomenon "methodical culture of the future teachers of Musical Arts". The use of the systematic approach as a unity of ideas, baselines, starting points made it possible to consider the identified phenomenon as a system containing specific constituents which determine its peculiarities. These components are the structural components of the phenomenon under study. The analysis, generalization and interpretation of scientific sources and practices of professional training targeted to the future teachers of Musical Arts allowed us to identify and characterize the structural components of their methodological culture as a personal formation: epistemological (as a set of acquired knowledge necessary for the future teacher of Musical Arts; axiological (as a system of values and orientations of the future teacher of Music Arts which determines the cultural orientation of his / her musical and professional activities and personal attitude to the solving of methodical problems); praxeological (characterized by the presence of methodological-pedagogical and special skills, the totality of which ensures the cultural correspondence of the future professional and the quasi-professional activity of the future teacher of Musical Arts); personal (implies an emotionally positive attitude of the future Music teacher to the need to master and qualitatively carry out methodological and pedagogical activities on the basis of emotional flexibility, ability to evaluate and self-evaluate its progress as well as those methodical products, the use of which contributed to the achievement of the tasks.

L. Lymarenko

The article is devoted to one of the topical problems of higher education, namely, the usage of the student theater in the system of professional training of future teachers on the basis of personal and action approach. The author considers for the first time that the student theater as a form of artistic and pedagogical activity is focused on personal development, improvement of creative abilities of future teachers, formation of professional self-sufficiency by means of multilevel artistic and pedagogical communication in the system of higher pedagogical education. The article substantiates the expediency of using the fundamental personal and action approach in the functioning of the student theater in the professional training of future teachers. The paper suggests the description of psychological and pedagogical components within above-mentioned conceptual personal and action approach. This article deals with personal and action approach that provides the most effective organization of artistic and creative activity of the future teacher with its transfer to the position of the subject of self-knowledge. Within personal and action approach, the structure of self-development of the individual is formed, in which the main elements are the subject and the nature of the artistic and pedagogical interaction. It is established that successful activity of the student theater on the basis of personal and action approach is provided by the corresponding organizational and pedagogical conditions that have an influence on the goals of teaching, methods, forms and means of organizing the educational process, as well as mutuality with the educational, artistic and creative activities of the teacher-supervisor and students of theater. The author's position is that the functionality of certain organizational and pedagogical conditions is focused on: creation of the appropriate educational artistic and creative environment; dominance and active usage of theater training technologies in the educational process of the student theater; subject-to-subject interaction within multilevel communication of student theater; sequence of activity of the student theater in the professional training of the future teacher. It is proved that abidance of mentioned organizational and pedagogical conditions contributes to the professional formation of a specialist in the process of acquirement of the multilevel artistic and pedagogical communication of the theater on the basis of subject-to-subject interaction, during which the future teacher becomes a creator in a vital and professional activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (195) ◽  
pp. 145-149
Olena Shevtsova ◽  

The article substantiates the pedagogical conditions determined by the essence and content of musical performance activity of the future teachers of musical art. The effective pedagogical condition is the creation of art-creative environment, which integrates competence and personality oriented scientific approaches and is based on the principle of art-pedagogical dialogue. The scientific analysis of the investigated problem allowed determining the pedagogical conditions, which are determined by the essence and content of professional training, peculiarities of art education and allow effectively building the process of formation of musical and performing competence of future teachers of musical art. Such pedagogical condition is determined by the creation of art-creative environment on the basis of competence, personality-oriented and developing learning as pedagogically organized environment, which is conditioned by the specificity of professional activity of a future music art teacher characterized by the systemic interconnection of its objects, integrity, art and aesthetic functionality, provides the use of a set of pedagogical influences, which in turn contribute to the development of professionally significant personal qualities, the formation of artistic and communicative skills, the ability to communicate in a dialogue, creative activity, and to create opportunities for creative self-expression and self-realisation. Dialogue in music pedagogy is the essential basis of music education process, its methodological principle, as the music itself is an act of interpersonal communication. The art-pedagogical dialogue presupposes subject-subject interaction of all the participants of the art communication process, provides its spiritual and emotional richness, contributes to the formation of interpreting skills, development of creative activity of every student. Creating an artistic and creative environment is an effective pedagogical condition based on interdependent scientific approaches to learning, in particular, competence and personality-oriented. Dialogue principles of interaction between teacher and student involve the creation of a new type of communication – artistic and pedagogical dialogue, based on mutual understanding, exchange of views and judgments, evaluative approaches to artistic creativity. The result of such joint activities is the organization of independent creative and exploratory activities of students, knowledge, assimilation and acquisition of creative and executive experience, ability to independent creative activity, self-regulation, self-development, self-expression and self-realization in further professional and life activities.

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