scholarly journals Interpretation of Youth from the Thinking of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi (Pengertian “Belia” dalam konteks Pemikiran Badiuzzaman Said Nursi)

Alizaman D. Gamon ◽  
Maulana Akbar Shah @ U Tun Aung ◽  
Mohammed Farid Ali ◽  
Mariam Saidona Tagoranao

Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders. As such, there is a huge responsibility on the elders of the Ummah to mould and nurture young minds in the true Islamic spirit and identity. In order to achieve that, the youth need to be inculcated in the best possible manner so that they are physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally developed into an integrated Islamic personality. It is believed that when the young Muslim minds are developed in accordance with the Islamic philosophy of education; peace, prosperity and happiness will prevail not only in the Muslim world, but the world at large. The idealism that calls for the development of the young Muslim mind is also embedded in the thoughts of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. As one of the well-known Muslim reformers of his time, Nursi has called for the Muslims, particularly the youth, to return to the Qur’anic mode of thinking. Among the ethical values stated in the Qur’an are moderation, fairness and justice in the way of thinking and actions. In line with that, this paper highlights the importance of thinking, ethics and morality that have been stated in Nursi’s “Risal-e-Noor.” Due emphasis is given to analyze Nursi’s ideas with regard to youth and how to prepare them to be the next echelon of leaders. Relevant data to the research were collected from the print and internet sources followed by analysis using textual and content-analysis methodology. Keywords: Youth, Spiritual Life, Character Development, Managing Wealth, Success. Abstrak Pemuda hari ini adalah pemimpin hari esok. Disebabkan itu,  adalah menjadi tanggungjawab  golongan tua dalam Ummah untuk membentuk dan memupuk minda anak muda dengan semangat dan jati diri Islam yang sebenar. Untuk mencapainya, para pemuda perlu disemai dengan akhlak murni sebaik mungkin agar fizikal, intelek, sosial dan emosi mereka berkembang mengikut keperibadian Islam yang padu. Telah dipercayai bahawa apabila pemikiran belia Muslim dibentuk sesuai dengan falsafah pendidikan Islam; kedamaian, kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan akan terhasil bukan hanya di dunia Islam, tetapi di seluruh dunia. Idealisme yang memerlukan pengembangan pemikiran belia Muslim juga terdapat dalam pemikiran Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. Sebagai salah seorang Mujaddid Muslim yang terkenal pada zamannya, Nursi telah meminta agar umat Islam, khususnya para pemuda, kembali ke cara pemikiran Al-Qur'an. Di antara nilai-nilai etika yang dinyatakan dalam Al-Quran adalah kesederhanaan dan keadilan dalam berfikir dan bertindak. Sejajar dengan itu, makalah ini menyoroti pentingnya pemikiran, etika dan moral yang telah diketengahkan Nursi dalam "Risel-a-Noor". Para penyilidik akan memberi penekanan yang sewajarnya  dalam menganalisis idea-idea Nursi mengenai belia dan bagaimana mempersiapkan mereka untuk menjadi pemimpin pelapis di masa hadapan. Data yang relevan dengan penyelidikan ini akan dikumpulkan dari sumber cetak dan internet. Dalam proses menganalisis data, para penyelidik akan menggunakan kaedah analisis teks dan kandungan yang berada di bawah domain penyelidikan kualitatif. Kata Kunci: Belia, Kehidupan Rohani, Perkembangan Watak, Mengurus Kekayaan, Kejayaan.

Hendrianto Hendrianto ◽  
Juhaya S. Praja ◽  

This study aims to reveal the relationship between Islamic philosophy and Islamic economic philosophy, both in terms of foundation, operation, and objectives. This library research (Library Research) uses documentation data collection techniques with data analysis, namely content analysis. The results showed that the relationship between sharia philosophy and sharia economic philosophy is that there is a philosophical foundation based on al-qur'am, hadith, ijma 'and qiyas, as well as operational principles, observations are made, take generalization conclusions and serve as theory, while the goal is both want to get happiness in the world and the hereafter, but what distinguishes the two lies in the broader study of sharia philosophy and complexity, while Islamic economic philosophy specializes in sharia economic studies. But for sharia economic philosophy discusses tauhid, caliphate, tazkiyah, and masuliyya. Operational principles, observing, drawing conclusions and making theory. The goal of obtaining falah, namely survival, freedom of desire, and strength and honor.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-79
Norsaleha Mohd Salleh ◽  
Phayilah Yama @ Fadilah Zakaria ◽  
Noor Hafizah Mohd. Haridi

This study explains the historiography of liberal thinking. It dated back to the Rome and progressed until the renaissance and the post-modern era. This study also describes the implication of the changes of Bibles, the feudalist autonomy and church domination in the formation of liberalism amongst the Western society. The development of liberalism in the Western culture emphasises human as the central axis of decision making. Thinking pattern that rejects religion and its rules in the decision making and evaluation process of certain actions. The Western society accepts liberalism as an idea of progress that must be preserved. Liberalism frees those who want to be prosperous and progressive in dominating the world from the ties and rules of religion, which it sees them as the opium of the society. The rejection of faith in life is the fundamental idea that underlies the construction of the modern Western civilisation. The study used content analysis methodology in obtaining the data and facts from books and documents about liberalism. This study showed that liberalism that has been the mantra of the Western society had become the choice among a small number of Muslim in Malaysia. This development is marked by the emergence of the view that rejects the role of Shariah rulings in life such as hijab, men as the imam (leader) for prayers and marital guardian, inheritance, etc. The adaptation of Western liberalism by the Muslim society is inappropriate as Islam is the religion that liberates humans from human slavery and places good values onto the personality and humanity itself. ABSTRAK Kajian ini menerangkan tentang sejarah atau historiografi pemikiran liberal. Ia bermula semenjak zaman Yunani, Rom sehinggalah era renaissance dan pasca moden. Kajian ini juga menerangkan implikasi kepada perubahan Kitab Bible, penguasaan golongan feudal dan dominasi gereja dalam membentuk liberalisme dalam masyarakat Barat. Perkembangan liberalisme dalam masyarakat Barat menekankan manusia sebagai objek kepada paksi membuat keputusan. Pemikiran yang menolak campur tangan dan peraturan agama dalam menentukan keputusan dan penilaian kepada sesuatu tindakan. Masyarakat Barat menerima liberalisme sebagai satu idea kemajuan yang perlu dipertahankan. Mereka yang mahu berjaya dan maju ke hadapan menguasai dunia mesti bebas dari ikatan dan peraturan agama yang dianggap sebagai candu masyarakat. Penolakan peranan agama dalam kehidupan merupakan gagasan besar yang membina tamadun Barat moden. Metodologi penulisan kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan terhadap data dan fakta yang diperoleh daripada buku-buku dan dokumen yang berkaitan liberalisme. Kajian menunjukkan pemikiran liberal yang menjadi anutan masyarakat Barat menjadi pilihan sebahagian kecil masyarakat Islam di Malaysia. Muncul pandangan yang menolak dominasi syariat dalam kehidupan seperti kewajipan memakai hijab, lelaki sebagai imam solat dan wali perkahwinan, pewarisan harta pusaka dan lain-lain. Adaptasi pemikiran liberal Barat kepada masyarakat Islam adalah suatu yang tidak wajar kerana Islam adalah agama yang memerdekakan manusia daripada penghambaan sesama manusia dan meletakkan nilai mulia kepada peribadi dan kemanusiaan itu sendiri.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-129
Abdel Samie Al Anis

This study aims at scrutinizing the hadith of Habiba bt. Sahl al-Ansariyya as recorded in classical hadith collections through an analysis of the circumstances that has surrounded the incident. This study employs inductive, comparative as well as content analysis methodology to highlight the prophetic wisdom and his approach in dealing with the marriage problems. The diversification of prophetic approaches related to emotional aspect or religious and health aspects are admirable and give insight for solving the marital issues. Overall, the findings from this qualitative study of Habiba’s hadith highlighted that the hadith is authentic and was the first practical application of the khul’ (a woman can divorce her husband) but the hadith shall not be considered as the asbab al-nuzul (circumstances of revelation). Later, this hadith is accepted as a general legislation in the Muslim world. The hadith also provides a proof of legitimacy for the husband to request khul’ from his wife in the event of nushuz (disobedience). However, the legitimacy is subject to condition with restrain of seizing the wealth of her wife. This study also recommends a serious thought in the application of khul’ in order to preserve the family institution from disruption and destruction.

2015 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 205
Fauzan Saleh

As early as tenth century, Abū Bakr al-Rāzī (d. 925), a notable figure in Islamic philosophy, claimed that prophethood is entirely superfluous, since God imparted the gift of reason to humankind, and reason is enough to guide them. Al-Rāzī’s skeptical view sounds provocative, and thus worthy of further study. However, some other philosophers, like al-Farābī, Ibn Sīnā and Ibn Maskawaih, acknowledge the necessity of prophethood for the guidance of human life. Their idea, though formulated in different reasoning from the one held by Muslim theologians, indicates their acceptance of the authority of divine revelation. On the other hand, Said Nursi, one of the greatest Muslim reformers in the modern time, maintains that since “divine power does not leave the ant without leader, or bees without a queen, it surely would not leave mankind without prophet or code of law.” After all, the order of the world necessitates the existence of the prophets to preserve its solidity. This article will scrutinize more critically Nursi’s idea on the necessity of divine revelation that would enlighten human path to truth, to be compared with some ideas held by Muslim philosophers in discussing the relationship between reason and revelation, and its corollaries.[Filsuf besar dari abad ke-10, Abū Bakr al-Rāzī (w. 925), menyatakan bahwa diutusnya seorang nabi sebenarnya tidak perlu lagi, karena Tuhan telah menganugerahkan akal pada manusia yang akan mampu membimbing mereka. Pandangan skeptis dari al-Rāzī ini terdengar provokatif dan perlu dieksplorasi lebih lanjut. Namun, beberapa filsuf seperti al-Farabi, Ibnu Sina, dan Ibn Maskawaih mengakui perlunya nabi untuk membimbing manusia. Pandangan para filsuf ini, meski dengan nalar yang berbeda dengan para ahli teologi, mengindikasikan penerimaan terhadap otoritas wahyu ketuhanan. Di sisi lain, Said Nursi, seorang pemikir-reformis modern, menyatakan bahwa karena “kuasa Tuhan tidak pernah membiarkan sekawanan semut tanpa pemimpin, atau sekelompok lebah tanpa ratunya, maka pastilah manusia juga tidak akan dibiarkan tanpa seorang nabi atau syariat.” Lebih dari itu, tata dunia juga memerlukan kehadiran seorang nabi untuk menjaga soliditasnya. Tulisan ini akan melihat secara lebih dalam dan kritis mengenai pemikiran Said Nursi tentang pentingnya wahyu ketuhanan untuk menerangi langkah manusia menemukan kebenaran; kemudian dibandingkan dengan pandangan filsuf-filsuf muslim lainnya dalam membincang keterkaitan nalar dan wahyu dengan segala konsekuensinya.]

Natalia S. Zhirtueva

The phenomenon of mysticism is one of the most controversial issues in modern humanities. We still lack generally accepted typology for mystical traditions of the world. The paper studies the issue of correlation between material and ideal beings, which constituted the basis of the most common typology of mystical doctrines. The research of mystical traditions, formed in Christianity, Islam and Buddhism is carried out on the basis of the comparative analysis methodology. The author comes to the conclusion that one may trace two stages in the mysticism’s development. The first one, ascetic, which favors the conflict-based opposition of spirit and matter, calls for renouncing the material and caring for it. At a later stage, the need to overcome the dualism of the spiritual and the material matures within the mystical teachings. There are two possible ways of development depending on the perception of the Absolute reality. Only the path of unification of “created” and “uncreated being” is possible in Christianity and Islam, which are based on the idea of the transcendental Absolute. In Christianity, it is achieved through the concepts of “deification of the flesh” (Orthodox Hesychasm) and “unity in Christ” (Catholic mysticism of love), and in Islam with the help of the “doctrine of love” (Sufism). Therefore integrative mystical traditions arise in transcendental and immanent mysticism. The basis of Buddhism is the idea of an immanent Absolute, which embodies the Integrity of being. In this way the holistic mystical traditions of Mahayana and Vajrayana are developed in the immanent mysticism. Thus, the mystical phenomenon has a historical measurement and its development must be considered in the context of evolution of a spiritual life of mankind.

1996 ◽  
pp. 56-61
I. Mozgovyy

The unceasing approximation of the remarkable 2000th anniversary of the coming to the world of Christ highlights the need for further analysis of those processes that took place in the spiritual life of the ancient peoples and laid the foundations of modern civilization with its universal human norms and values.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-81
Azrul Azlan Iskandar Mirza ◽  
Asmaddy Haris ◽  
Ainulashikin Marzuki ◽  
Ummi Salwa Ahmad Bustamam ◽  
Hamdi Hakiem Mudasir ◽  

The soaring housing prices in Malaysia is not a recent issue. It is a global phenomenon especially in developing and developed countries, driven by factors including land price, location, construction materials cost, demand, and speculation. This issue demands immediate attention as it affects the younger generation, most of whom could not afford to buy their own house. The government has taken many initiatives and introduced regulations to ensure that housing prices are within the affordable range. This article aims to introduce a housing price control element from the Shariah perspective, as an alternative solution for all parties involved in this issue. It adopts content analysis methodology on policy from Shariah approved sources.

Anwar Ibrahim

This study deals with Universal Values and Muslim Democracy. This essay draws upon speeches that he gave at the New York Democ- racy Forum in December 2005 and the Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy in Istanbul in April 2006. The emergence of Muslim democracies is something significant and worthy of our attention. Yet with the clear exceptions of Indonesia and Turkey, the Muslim world today is a place where autocracies and dictatorships of various shades and degrees continue their parasitic hold on the people, gnawing away at their newfound freedoms. It concludes that the human desire to be free and to lead a dignified life is universal. So is the abhorrence of despotism and oppression. These are passions that motivate not only Muslims but people from all civilizations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 216-226
Guaracy Carlos Da Silveira ◽  
Fernando Augusto Carvalho Dineli Da Costa ◽  

: This paper considers Relationship Marketing as a business strategic tool and seeks to verify the existence of Benefit Clubs and their structure offered by the major insurance companies in Brazil, analyzing the presence and formatting of the programs. Through the content analysis methodology, we seek to infer its uses for the strengthening of the positioning of these companies. At the end of the paper we compare the best practices identified. The result of the analysis considers the differential obtained by the employment of programs that seek to create brand value and loyalty.

1984 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-99
Assad N. Busool

Reform movements are important religious phenomena which haveoccurred throughout Islamic history. Medieval times saw theappearance of religious reformers, such as al-Ghazali, Ibn Taimiyah,Ibn Qayim al-Jawziyah and others; however, these reform activitiesdiffered significantly from the modern reform movement. The medievalreformers worked within Muslim society; it was not necessary to dealwith the external challenge presented by Europe as it was for themodern Muslim reformers after the world of Islam lost its independenceand fell under European rule. The powers of Europe believed that Islamwas the only force that impeded them in their quest for world dominanceand, relying on the strength of their physical presence in Muslimcountries, tried to convince the Muslim peoples tgat Islam was ahindrance to their progress and development.Another problem, no less serious than the first, faced by the modernMuslim reformers was the shocking ignorance of the Muslim peoples oftheir religion and their history. For more than four centuries,scholarship in all areas had been in an unabated state of decline. Thosereligious studies which were produced veered far from the spirit ofIslam, and they were so blurred and burdened with myths and legends,that they served only to confuse the masses.The ‘Ulama were worst of all: strictly rejecting change, they still hadthe mentality of their medieval forebearers against whom al-Ghazali,Ibn Taimiyah and others had fought. Hundreds of years behind thetimes, their central concern was tuqlid (the imitation of that which hadpreceeded them through the ages). For centuries, no one had dared toquestion this heritage or point out the religious innovations it impaired.In conjunction with their questioning of the tuqlid, the modernreformers strove to revive the concept of ijtihad (indmendentjudgement) in religious matters, an idea which had been disallowedsince the tenth century. The first to raiseanew the banner of $tihad inthe Arab Muslim world was Sayyid Jamal al-Din al-Afghani; after himSheikh Muhammad ‘Abduh in Egypt, and after him, his friend and ...

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